This Saturday at California Institute of Human Science, in Encinitas for this Revolutionary Class on the Brain!

Please join me at a class on creating everything you want in your lfie, ACCESS more money , fun and activity than you have now.

Please join me THIS Saturday at a class on creating everything you want in your life from a place of ease joy and glory. ACCESS more money , fun and activity than you have now. Access more joy, more peace, calm and gratitude . Watch everything you always wanted drop into your lap with ease.  SEE you there,  Blessings, Angelica

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Advanced Integrative Therapy and PTSD

Victoria Danzig and Advanced Integrative Therapy

I was at an open house at CIHS for the winter term, when the academic dean of the college, Dr. Hope Umansky asked me if I would volunteer to do a demonstration for Dr. Victoria Danzig in the therapy called AIT. I agreed.  If someone as prominent as Victoria Danzig would do a session for me, this would be revolutionary to my world, and to my work. It did not matter that it was in a public arena where it seemed the whole world was watching.

My question was about losing my speaking voice. While I was in Canada I began public speaking about my books, and moved to New York City to begin my career as an author in 2000. Nothing I did in New York with publishing amounted to very much. I was starving, and so ended up doing research for a stock research firm on Wall Street and working in commercial real estate for a large developer. Neither of these careers were my passion but they kept me in NYC, until the walls came tumbling down in 9/11.

I went to see an EMDR shrink and some of the PTSD passed, not all. As I left the building that day, a cop caught my hand and told me, “Don’t look up and don’t look back. I did both. “It did not serve me.”  I knew that EMDR was not enough to solve this trauma, because my energy was totally stuck regarding my life work, and stayed stuck these many years since 9.11.

Here is an excerpt to explain EMDR from Huff Post written by Dr.Hyla Cass:

In his 2010 “Rapid Treatment of PTSD” article in Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, psychologist David Feinstein speculates that adding acupressure point stimulation to psychological exposure is unusually effective in its speed and power because signals are sent directly to the emotional core of the brain known as the amygdala, responsible for the processing and memory of emotional reactions, resulting in rapid reduction of maladaptive fear. The more we learn about brain function, electromagnetic energies, and neurochemistry, the more evidence there is to support this explanation.

Another possibility is that energy psychology techniques share certain characteristics with EMDR, hypnosis and other therapies that use highly-focused patterns of treatment. First, the client is asked to pick a specific difficult memory, and then rate how distressing it is with a SUDs (Subjective Units of Distress) number between 0-10. They follow this with a therapeutic operation such as tapping on meridian points (related to acupuncture points), bilateral stimulation (tapping alternate knees, or moving their eyes back and forth), or the use of imagery. The client is then asked to report on his/her experience as well as the current SUDs level. If the SUDs are zero, the therapy is essentially done for this target issue. If it is not zero, whatever remains becomes the new target of the intervention. The therapeutic operation is performed again, and a new SUDs assessment is taken. This continues until the SUDs are zero or close to zero.

I told Victoria my symptoms: They included panicking when someone in a grocery store came up behind me with their cart, or when someone in a crowd came up quickly behind me or towards me. I literally fainted.  I stopped speaking publicly. I stopped writing. It also included anything that required me to use my voice, like speaking as a guest on radio. This seriously sabotaged my work as an author. Victoria told me it was PTSD.  I was at 11 with SUDS, my fear base.

We began treatment in front of 65 people in the audience, I cared not.  She said, “The way we work in AIT is to hold the body’s energy centers while thinking of a negative thought or experience. AIT has the ability to transform traumas, traumatic patterns, and negative beliefs and install healthy positive beliefs.” So, we went through one round of finding the places where the energy was stuck.

Initially it was my base chakra. She had me say, “Even though I am filled with shame and humiliation because I cannot look up, I completely accept myself. I tapped my face, under my eyes, under my nose, on my chin, on my collar bones, under my left breast at pancreatic reflex point. On the second round, the energy got stuck in my heart.  Why was the heart chakra in such deep pain? I had not felt this deep pain in my heart before, around this issue. Later someone in the audience told me he also felt the very deep pain in my heart. It was so profound, the energy transferred to the audience. Tears began to fall from my face.  Many people in the audience were also crying due to the deep communal grief on this day.

As she had me tap my face, under my eyes, under my nose and on my chin I also noticed that I felt ashamed because my chiropractic friends were at ground zero as first responders, and I could not go to ground zero with them,  because I had no training as a first responder. The police were only allowing those with training to work with the victims at ground zero.  Sucked! “But here was progress; I was now at 7 for feeling trauma.

I started weeping as the pain of the memories came up. “What else came up for you, just now? “She asked.  “I could no longer look up after that day. I felt no real relationship with God. I could not shout to ask anyone to come to help me. I knew no one who could help me. I had no voice.”

Again she held the space and moved her hand through the chakras that led back to the base chakra. This time she included the creases of my hips. I am a trained energy practitioner, I knew what this indicated. As women, the creases of our hips hold our tension, harbor lymph nodes, and hold our reproductive organs.  This area also holds the ability to create money, and increased financial success. These areas hold grounding, creation of all life forms, including books and art.

Feinstein goes on to say in this article: “A recent randomized controlled trial (soon to be published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease) has shown EFT to significantly lower the stress hormone, cortisol, and self-reported psychological symptoms after a single treatment session. It’s exciting to see more robust research validating years of anecdotal positive results with EP — many of which, as in the case of the Rwandan orphan study or the rapid relief of PTSD symptoms experienced by U.S. combat veterans treated with EFT, have seemed unbelievable from a talk therapy perspective. While more sophisticated (and more expensive) studies need to be done, the data continues to stack up in favor of EP.

Despite my own psychoanalytic/psychodynamic training (i.e., talk therapy), once I introduced EMDR then EFT into my practice some years ago, I was able to help patients overcome their fears and traumas more easily, quickly and completely. I still use EP in my practice or refer patients to EP practitioners while I focus on the more physiological aspects (diet, nutritional supplements, hormonal balancing, etc.). I find the combination to be extremely useful: The brain functions well when it is biochemically balanced (and this works both ways, of course).

Victoria Danzig continued with EFT in her treatment of my presenting symptoms. On the third round, I continued to say, “Even though I am filled with shame and humiliation because I can’t look up, I completely accept myself. I was now at a 2.  Tap, tap, and tap. EFT tapping was discovered by Roger Callahan, PHD. Victoria Danzig trained with Roger Callahan PHD.

The next round we talked about was caused by the fear of using my voice. The energy was stuck in my throat. As she held her energy on my throat chakra, I felt the fear subside. I knew where the points were, pancreatic reflex and I knew what this meant. Lack of sweetness in my life was the underpinning of this fear in my life stemming from fear of my abandonment of my mother.  My mother chose one sickness or another, all her life to abandon us and died at a very young age. DID I really believe my financial success would cause my mother to leave me emotionally?  It no longer mattered. I felt her spirit with me daily.

Once I saw the source, I was at zero. Done, PTSD is gone. It took 25 minutes all in. Whew, and I chose to live with the symptoms of this trauma for 13 years. Really?  Hand over the mike.

Feinstein also said, “The client is then asked to report on his/her experience as well as the current SUDs level. If the SUDs are zero, the therapy is essentially done for this target issue. If it is not zero, whatever remains becomes the new target of the intervention. The therapeutic operation is performed again, and a new SUDs assessment is taken. This continues until the SUDs are zero or close to zero.”

Victoria Danzig was trained by Roger Callahan himself. He quotes psychological reversal as his most important discovery in his lifetime, on his website. Interestingly enough he has a voice therapy for people like me.

‘When applied to problems TFT addresses their fundamental causes, providing information in the form of a healing code, balancing the body’s energy system and allowing you to eliminate most negative emotions within minutes and promote the body’s own healing ability.”

These are the same principles that the Bodytalk protocols are based on, there are healing codes in the body. Once they are cracked, we can continue to live long productive lives anchored in purpose, not fear. “Our web sites, training programs and newsletter, The Thought Field, promote public awareness, acceptance and understanding of the Callahan Techniques® Thought Field Therapy as an important, safe and effective self-help tool.

Dr. Roger Callahan, our founder and developer, has a personal mission to achieve worldwide recognition, acceptance and use of Thought Field Therapy. Together, we continually strive to accomplish this mission through trainings, advertising, marketing, public relations and international charitable assistance.

We truly believe we can have a significant impact on the decrease of human suffering if everyone has these tools at their disposal.

My suffering was significantly decreased by using these tools which Victoria Danzig showed me. There have been a few circumstances where I felt fear, shame or humiliation, since the treatment I received with her expertise. When I use these tools, the negative feelings go away. I can choose again in a way that is more honoring to the wisdom I have now.

What is my message?  How do I give it? Where do I give it? Spirit keeps asking me to be clear. I gave my first radio interview after 6 years, one week after this treatment.  It went very well. I have two major speaking engagements booked when I go to Toronto in May to study with Dr. John Veltheim on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Plowing ahead, the new fearless me.

Thanks so much, Victoria Danzig. You are terrific! I want to learn more for my own private practice. Please check her out at It will change your life!

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Meridians, Their Energy And YOUR Organs

Meridians of Energy through the Organs, and Their Emotional Links

On a physiological level one of the main reasons that organs malfunction and become diseased is because they are poorly synchronized with other parts of the body. The functioning of an organ is not an isolated case unto itself. The organs are like the musicians of a symphony working together to create an incredible musical inspiration through synchronization with the other systems. In the medical perspective these organs can be regarded physiologically or they can be associated with the 12 main meridians in the Chinese system. Each of these meridians has a function through their accompanying specific organ that runs through the body, and each of the specific emotions we feel as a human being is expressed through these meridians into the immune system.  The Chinese clock is synchronized by the sun, therefor it moves between longitudes.  The meridians also move within latitudes and longitudes of the body. ( Mod 3 Veltheim/ Pilipovich Pg. 56)

This is the work of psycho-neuroimmunology and the most recent fascination of my life. “The brain has only recently been recognized as the most crucial organ involved in creating an exit strategy to disease. The overdue recognition of the role of the nervous system in regulating immunity stemmed from the very technologies that permitted the advances in understanding how the rest of the process works.”  (Pg.53 the Balance Within, Sternberg, Esther). The hypothesis of this paper is view the connection of our emotions through the organs in the meridian system, thereby predicting the future tension of disease in the body.  In the case of the immune system, it took many more decades before science developed tools to measure the functions of immune cells and track these changes over time. I believe the meridians show us the way very quickly, in a subtle way as ancient Chinese medicine shows us, if we follow the QI.

“Beginning in the early 1908’s Pert (1997) and others at the National Health Institute reported the receptors for neurotransmitters and neuropeptides were discovered on cells in the immune system. Gallo (1999) concurred with Diamond (1985) that most problems begin with the energy level.  (1) Both authors referenced the use of acupuncture or the art of rebalancing the life energy. The Chinese refer to this life energy as CHI, or Qi and believed that this energy was electro- magnetic. This energy is believed to flow through the body in specific meridians.” (2) (pg. 45. Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy: Karnac)

“Kaptchuk (1983) states that the meridians make up an invisible network that serves as a means to link together all fundamental substances and organs. The meridians serve to connect the interior of the body with the exterior of the body. Gallo and Sheets agreed with Kaptchuk that this energy system is comprised of specific pathways or meridians through which the energy flows, many of the meridians are identified by the name of the bodily organ through which the meridian has passed, twelve primaries and two collector meridians employed in energy psychology. (3)

According to Sheets (1997) as the negative emotion is eliminated at the energy field of the body, the client may notice changes in other levels such as chemical (the person is less depressed), or neurological (the person is less confused) or cognitive (the person thinks with more objectivity and confidence). “ (4)
“Sheets (1997) indicated that Energy Psychology, based on the work of Robert Becker and Nordstrom (1983) both of whom worked to demonstrate the existence of acupuncture meridians in the human body and the overall concept of kinesiology which is incorporated into Energy Psychology.” (Pg. 45. Psychoanalytic energy Therapy, Karnac.)   (5) Dr. Veltheim, the founder of Bodytalk used kinesiology, acupuncture, Eastern medicine and Energy psychology to create the Bodytalk system, which I believe is the most comprehensive system to healing humanity today.

Phil Mollon stated in his abstract, “ ( Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy, Pg. 7) that the soma-sensory stimulation of tapping creates bodily and brain state that is conducive of plasticity in hitherto inflexible and entrenched cognitive emotional patterns.”  (6)  This is the reason for this paper. I have many times tapped an enlarged organ, sometimes for as long as five minutes or as little as a minute or two, such as a liver or a spleen, and the person lying on the table is stunned at the relaxation of the organ upon tapping and later touch. It is the attempt of this paper to discuss both the movement and flow of Qi as well as the connection to the emotions linked to the organ which have crated the imbalance.

“When I began using my new cure, I wasn’t sure that it would work. I certainly was not prepared for its spectacular effect. I was amazed. More amazed possibly than my patients. “Callahan, 1985) (7) this is exactly my sentiment in doing my daily work. I am continually amazed at the instant results, and find myself scrambling for patients constantly because of the speed with which Energy Psychology works, especially through the emotions related to the organs and the meridians.

“Qi travels through the body flowing in and out of the physical organs and up and down the head, trunk arms and legs.   A network of pathways provides the routes along which the Qi energy flows. In the early years of the practice of acupuncture in the west, English speaking acupuncturists called these pathways, “meridians”, thinking the lines encircled the globe.  However, since Qi has a depth dimension as well as a linearity dimension, it is suggested the term” Channel” and vessel have gained acceptance recently. The terms meridians, channels and vessels all describe the pathways that direct Qi. “   (Pg. 57. The Basics of Chinese Medicine, Dr. Gary F. Fleishman)

What is the connection between the Channels and the Organs?

The twelve channels are known by the names of the twelve organs through which they pass to receive Qi energy from the Source. Each channel either begins or ends at a finger or a toe. The organ’s Qi rides this pathway. As the organs are coupled in yin and yang pairs, the channels connecting them are paired also, allowing this Qi energy to flow in a circular movement between the paired organs.

The organs follow a distinct side to side pattern in the body; the meridians also follow a north to south pattern as well as east to west direction of the body.  That is how the meridians run through the organs and the lymphatic system, as well. Balancing the negative emotions that accompany the functioning of the actual organ can be viewed as self-preservation of relaxing future tension in an organ and mitigating disease, thereby allowing the body-mind to utilize all its resources in a coordinated manner.

This system of organ energy channels is as complex as the physical systems of nerves and blood vessels known to Western medicine. In addition to the twelve organ channels that connect to one another, there are eight extra meridians that we inherited from our parents at birth, as well as special pathways that lead to muscles and tendons. There are also micro-sets of vessels that interact with acupuncture systems. This system has 356 basic points and over 2000 micro points.

For people suffering from illness and symptoms, the time of day and the intensity of their pain and symptoms are linked. Symptoms happening at the same time every day are an indicator of a Chinese clock problem. The kidneys are at their strongest between 5pm and 7pm so it means they are at their weakest between 5 and 7 am.   And so, the emotions of fear need to be addressed in that time of day.

“Thought field therapy proposes to deliver immediate, lasting healing to those who are treated with this technique. Thought field therapy sessions supposes to affect the body’s energy field theorized to hold the essence of the problem or disturbance, such as a specific phobia or trauma. The negative energy from these emotions is stuck in a specific meridian location. (pg. 45. Psychoanalytic Energy Psychology, Karnac. ) (8)

“Diamond conducted an extensive study of the body’s acupuncture system in relation to achieving emotional balance. Using kinesiology, or muscle testing, Diamond identified many of the acupuncture sites associated with the specific emotions. These centers have been identified as “tap sites” of thought energy procedures. (Pratt & Lambton 2000).” (pg. 47 Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy, Karnac). (10)

What is the relationship between Qi energy and disease?

“Qi energy flows smoothly everywhere in a healthy person’s body. When qi energy ceases to flow by becoming stagnant because it is blocked or depleted, or when it is stirred up or afflicted with excesses, disease occurs. “(Pg. 57. The Basics of Chinese Medicine, Gary F. Fleishman), If the energy flow is blocked from one two hour period to the next, then the meridian energy will be compromised and disease will set it in. Qi can get stuck in transition and cause excess where it is stuck. Then all aspects of the meridians on the other side will be in excess. A common place for qi to get stuck is within the meridian when it is switching over from its yin aspect to its yang aspect.   Another place for Qi to get stuck is when one meridian flows into another or when a person is also in transition between their houses. This would cause blockage or restriction of the expression of their houses as well.

“When the client stimulates the associated meridian while focused on the thought field associated with it, the stimulation eliminated the emotion. “ (Mollon, Phil, Pg.46 Psychoanalytic Energy Psychology,)As Bodytalk practitioners, when we tap the organ associated with the discomfort or disease, the emotion also leaves.”

As Body talk practitioners we look to the Innate as the organizing principle of life force. When we tap out a link or formula we are highlighting issues to the innate wisdom of the client. The heart center gives us access to the information in the collective consciousness and the secrets that reside there. In individuation of the heart, we discover who we truly are. It is the process of asking “who am I?’”, we are also asking the organs to discuss who they are and what they do.  How many people do you know who speak to their heart?

Individuation refers to the process of becoming an individual. This process begins in the heart. Anchoring healing to the individuation of the heart helps us to see the world from our heart and see the world as we are connected to it, not separated from it. Those of us who have a greater understanding of neuroanatomical functions therefore also get very specific links in the formulas that link the brain to the heart. In quantum physics, there is no energy or matter, just the potential for energy or matter. So our thoughts, caused by our emotions, are paired to our organs, and when the immune system fails due to overload, it then creates disease when not observed by our consciousness.  Most people are just interested in getting through the days traffic jams never mind looking at the process of individuation of their heart, or their

or their own consciousness when it comes to their personal creation of disease.

Disease does not happen to you. It flows from you, just like the energy of the meridians do. It is created by you as a life lesson from the school house, this planet Earth. It does not happen because you have sinned or did something “bad” to yourself or someone else, it happens because the body has internalized small traumas time after time and finally come to overwhelming threshold. Nothing is determined or exists until it is observed by the consciousness. That is why the function of Body talk Practitioners is so vital to health care on this planet in this time and space, because we (as an organization and a body) observe consciousness in the human body. In bringing this valuable information to an unconscious disease ridden society, we can heal the planet of creation of disease, and the false, unconscious western beliefs that have not withstood the test of Eastern ancient wisdom and thousands of years of time.

“According to Lambrou and Pratt (2000, the subtle energy systems of the body termed by Albert Einstein due to their difficulty to detect and measure are based on the understanding of Eastern meridians systems of the body. Energy systems or thought field therapies use the same concepts as acupuncture. “(Mollon, Phil, Energy Psychology, Pg. 41) (11)

The discovery of the receptor cells on the white blood cells revealed the brain receptors cells. Scientists began to understand that the brain does not merely send impulses in straight lines down the axons or trunks of the neurons, rather, researchers are now beginning to understand that these impulses freely circulate as intelligence throughout the body.

This important discovery raises the question about how and where memoires are stored and whether or not the entire body has the capability of memory function. I believe that it does. “Pert (1997, 1985) indicated that a person’s emotional state requires the production of neuron peptides and neuron transmitters in the within the brain cells. If in fact, these cells are carried to parts of the body other than the brain, then the immune cells might have a corresponding emotions such as happy, sad, lonely, and excited.  The idea of intelligent cells take son new meaning and purpose. “(Mollon, Phil, Psychoanalytic Energy Psychology. Pg.41) (11)

“Foss (1999) thought that this research and the corresponding contextual analysis may provide the missing link, connecting messages of the mind to physiological responses in the body. Block (1999) suggested that the inter relationships between the behavioral  as well as psychological factors plays a role in understanding the dynamics of physical illness and its treatment.  The neuropeptide is not a thought, it moves with a thought, serving as a point of transformation. (Pg. 42 Mollon, Psychoanalytic Energy Psychology)  (12).

That is why linking one organ to another encouraging the movement of Qi from say the Bladder meridian of yang energy to the Kidney meridian of yin energy by linking the times of the Chinese clock from 4-5pm to 5-6 pm. and balancing the emotions of being “annoyed,” or “pissed off”, fear, lack of ancestral support, clears the meridian and the point of transformation into healing.

The Lung Meridian (Yin)

I am discussing the pathological consciousness of each of the organs and how the internal tensions of disease presents over time. In western medicine, we only observe the physiology of the organs. For example, in western medicine, the function of the lungs is to allow oxygen to enter the blood and carbon dioxide to leave the blood. Gas exchange is essential to maintain the ability to generate energy within the cells. Health and vitality is essential due to the health of our lungs.

“In Chinese medicine, the lungs are observed to also distribute QI into the body. Emotionally the lungs generate grief to allow us to dissolve attachments to people, animals and life circumstances that are no longer a part of our lives. Because the consciousness of our lungs is surrender, because we have to release our attainment to the past as we let go of life in every breath. When we hold onto our breath, it becomes shallow. We become suffocated and unable to grow. (Sixth Edition, Mod.3 “, Veltheim /Pilipovich, Pg. 45).  We also cannot grow spiritually or financially in our lives without the power of breath.  Between 3-5 am is a good time to do Qi Gong exercises and working with the breath.

When we can’t grieve, we cry into our lungs. How many of us have suffered with asthma, and secreted infection into our lungs? How have we also created pneumonia with no observable infection due to deep grief of a threshold trauma of loss or loss of a loved one?

The job of the lungs is to allow us to breathe in life and accept life. The key job of the lungs is to surrender our attachments to people as we make graceful life transitions, such as death of a relationship or a person. The key emotions for the lungs include: letting go, vitality, acceptance, reactiveness, responsiveness, grief, release, surrender, courage, holding, taking in life fully, being in the past, and being out of control, depression.

When we have a person presenting with grief or depression, we must observe the lung meridian. The lungs balance between 3-5 am. Between 3-5 am is a good time to do Qi Gong exercises and working with the breath.

People waking up at this time, are grieving emotionally. This is frequently time that small children wake up with nightmares, or people who create innovative ideas wake up at this time. People in fear wake up at this time. Waking up at this time is an indicator of deep grief and loss. Sleeping through the night at this time is indicative of surrender to the current circumstances. What do you choose to be unconscious of in your lung meridian? The lung meridian is the Yin; the large intestine is the Yan. Energy can be stuck as it passes form one meridian to another.

The Large Intestine (Colon) Meridian (Yang)

The large intestine meridian heals between 5-7 am. This is also a good time for elimination. People showing distress at this time have issues with the consciousness of letting go, choosing repetition rather than creativity, and possessiveness of objects, people and circumstances.

The consciousness of the large intestine meridian is to HOLD on to the crap of the past. Those suffering with digestive issues, IBD, lack of proper daily elimination are deliberately holding on to circumstances, events or problems that no longer serve them. If you can bring these events to consciousness by Active Memory (Body talk) as to the time and date of the occurrence, you can cure a sluggish large intestine, easily. Women, who come to me with fertility issues, usually have large intestine problems. On one hand, we need a clear colon so that the ovaries are not impeded to produce fertile eggs. Women having clogged colons, and bellies that stick out due to colon enlargement, usually resort to investor fertilization to have a baby. On the other hand we also need to balance the pineal gland with the pituitary gland to create beautiful round fertile eggs. Not only is it not honoring to the body to have sex in a patria dish, it is also not honoring to the soul that wants to create a “life form” or “baby” of joy.

I have seen four pregnancies in my clinic this year outside of invitro fertilization, due to following my protocol. Clearing the colon emotionally, then physically, then balancing the pineal and pituitary glands, and VOILA, the ovaries want to produce round beautiful fertile eggs. Pregnancy is very easy for women over 40 using these protocols.  The consciousness of this organ is also harmony and order, affection, the need for social activity, fear of solitude, and desires. When we create the environment for harmony, order, and affection, pregnancy/ creation results. You can also use this protocol to produce other life forms such as music, art or films.

“In western physiology the large intestine reabsorbs water that is absorbed in the digestive system to facilitate digestion. This maintains proper fluid balance in the body.   Waste products are eliminated from the body.”

“In Chinese medicine the large intestine also eliminates impure thoughts and emotions. Our liver synthesizes new wisdom from life experiences and directs the emotional fiber and roughage, the large intestine is paired with the lungs and so the large intestine also generates grief to help us let go and move on. The desire to be in control of every situation leads to surrender yesterday’s emotions, which we call constipation. When this desire for control is strong enough we become compulsive and unable to let go of dysfunctional behavior. The primary function of the large intestine is to release the past and enter each day with an open mind.” (Page 46. Sixth edition, Mod 3 Consciousness, Veltheim/ Pilipovich).

The sense to which this meridian is connected is the nose. Words associated with pathological consciousness of the nose, are clarity, sensitivity, sexuality, and acceptance. In Chinese medicine good circulation is the key to good health and a large percentage of illnesses are attributed to the flow of vital blood and energy to critical parts of the body. That is why I began to examine my blood and its contents as a regular part of my own health regimen.

It only took one active blood smear that showed me all the green fat cells in my red blood cells to convince me to drop all fatty foods out of my diet and examine what I eat and when.  With that one blood smear, I decided to drop 35 lbs. in 6 weeks.  I have since maintained a regular examination of a blood smear to see my general internal health and health of my blood cells including the lymph.

The element ruling these organs is metal. If the body feels the harshness of anger, metal cannot be in harmony in these organs, it cuts the next element which it controls in the body, wood. Wood is the symbol, for growth. All life forms are connected in growth in Chinese medicine.

The Stomach (Yang)

The stomach heals between 7-9 am every morning therefore it is a good time for eating. That is why the ancient mystics advise that you eat should breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. It is not the way that Western civilization enjoys food.  In western physiology the stomach receives food and liquids and begins digestion by breaking these substances down to smaller pieces.  It also allows the gag reflex.

In Chinese medicine, the stomach is responsible for allowing thoughts to enter the mind and is associated with the conscious mind.  The stomach helps us to digest and assimilate our food and or lives. When we worry, we upset the stomach, trying to digest these conscious thoughts.

The words associated with the pathological consciousness of the stomach include conscious mind, digestion of life, and assimilation of life events into coherent form, rejection of reality, intolerance worry or thinking.

We all remember when we have been upset about an event or life circumstance or perhaps a speaking engagement where we want to lose our lunch. When the worries of our conscious mind are overwhelming we choose not to eat or to overeat. Often when we have digestive issues we must first ask the question, “What is eating you?”

Spleen   (Yin)

The spleen repairs between 9-11 am.  This is the time busy mothers are running out the door to get kids to school and themselves to work. Or fathers are stuck in traffic or on the subway heading to the office. This is the time of day, morning papers are being read, and we are rushing around. Or we are at the office up to our necks in work.

With women, the power of the spleen, governs the rhythms of the body including the menstrual cycle. In western physiology the spleen is responsible for cleansing and purifying both the lymph and the blood. Mentally the spleen gives us the ability to clear out old and stagnant thoughts from the mind. These old and stagnant thoughts cause the spleen to be imbalanced in worry. When the body is imbalanced, worry resides in the spleen and it becomes enlarged.

When the spleen is in threshold trauma, the immune system organizes depletion of itself and viruses or disease enters the body. The spleen becomes enlarged and you can actually feel the size of it on the outside of your body. When a person comes in with immune issues, frequent pneumonia, frequent viruses, leukemia, I always ask them to run their hand down the left side of their body. (While they are lying down on a massage table) Is there an enlargement there? Always, YES!

The spleen also houses the negative active memories of our lives, so an overdose of negative occurrences and the spleen will become supersized.  The spleen generates worry to give us the energy to think.  It is this thinking that causes more worry, and hence more spleen enlargement: a vicious never ending cycle.

The sense to which the spleen and stomach are connected to is the mouth, giving us communication, sensitivity, acceptance, and gullibility. The element that the spleen and stomach are linked to be the earth element.

The Heart Meridian (Yin)

The heart meridian balances and heals between 11 am and 1 pm. In western physiology the heart is just considered to be a pump, one that we can go in, repair a few arteries or replace the entire organ, like you would a watch battery. New research from the Institute of Heart Math shows us that the heart also has an electrical function and it produces hormones that govern the brain. “The key function of the heart seems to be a seat for the personality.” (As we can see when heart transplants take place.)

In Chinese medicine however, the heart houses the mind and is the center of perception in the body. This is where a center of connection to our universe takes place. The heart center provides us with awareness of our world, our families and our nature. When the earth is in balance it feels a connection to acceptance of the SELF and others as well as self-love, love of others and self-respect. Because the earth can only generate two emotions, joy and sadness, a person with depression would represent a weakness in the ability to generate joy in their lives. Due to the economic situation of the country, cases of depression have more than doubled in the last two years and are expected to double again in the next two years. Adding antidepressant drugs only exacerbates the situation making it worse. All those anti- depressants are really depressants that depress the body and mind.

It is also the job of the heart chakra to maintain the balance of the chakras, upper to lower, also balancing and harmonizing the mind. People receiving heart attacks have closed the door to their hearts or are steeped in rage and anger. When the heart attacks itself, it is because that person has chosen to ignore their own self-love and self-acceptance. The primary job of the heart is to provide acceptance of ourselves, our personality and our environment so that we can be present in the moment.

“Chinese medicine recommends cultivating love and compassion to counter balance excessive heat energy and calm the resulting disturbances of the spirit; this is a basic tenet of the Taoist science of longevity, believing that the human body is highly regenerative. By providing it with the right nutritional foundation and supporting glandular functions any and all natural substances including hormones can be restored naturally. (Pg. 197.  Second Spring, Dr. Maoshing, Ni)

Key words of the heart are, awareness, acceptance, centeredness, self-love, love of others, respect, joy/sadness, depression, harmony, peace, protection and balance.  The heart also houses the desire for creativity, procreation, social activity and blesses our “inner child” to go out to play.

“In China chili peppers are used to reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and decrease fibrin (which forms blood clots) thus lowering the rate of heart attack and stroke. Another benefit of eating chili peppers is that” thermogenesis “, the action of producing all that heat can promote weight loss. “ (Pg. 215, Second Spring, Dr. Maoshing, Ni). By staying physically active and engaging in weight bearing, impact exercises regularly we stimulate bone health and exercise our hearts.


Small Intestine (Yan)

The small intestine heals itself from 1 pm to 3 pm. Have you ever craved a chocolate bar at 3 pm or a cup of coffee? That is your small intestine feeling overwhelmed with the tasks you asked it to do today. How many decisions did you ask your brain to do today, that the small intestine must process?

In western physiology the job of the small intestine is to separate the nutrients and waste products from our food. This is critical to our digestion. This process is the same process that the intellectual mind uses to discern useful information of what we read and what we hear.  When this consciousness is balanced we are able to recognize the activities, work and people that balance and nurture us.  When this organ is in imbalance we absorb everything and become poisoned by our own thoughts.

“In Chinese medicine the link between good discernment in the intestine and good discernment in the mind is explicit. Both the small intestine and the heart are of the Fire element; therefore the intellect should be of service to the wisdom of the heart. Because the small intestine is a part of the fire element, it also helps to generate joy and sadness.

The primary job of the small intestine is to discern food and knowledge and helps us to discern appropriate behavior in each moment so that we are less reliant on coping mechanisms.” (Pg. 48. Sixth Edition Mod 3, Veltheim/ Pilipovich).

Digestive conditions including fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, IBD, are all affected by the function of the small intestine.  Key words affecting the small intestine are intellect, discernment, separation, self -poisoning, nourishment from food and environment, overwhelm, clarity, and the emotions of joy/sadness that do not allow us to process food.

The sense that is processed by the heart and the small intestine is the tongue which provides us with both nourishment and taste. The element that the heart and small intestine are associated with is fire or passion.

The Bladder (Yang)

In western physiology the bladder stores urine. Every told one of your friends that you were “pissed off.” This is the organ associated with the feeling. In eastern medicine the bladder releases emotional waste products along with anger. When we are unwilling or unable to release our anger, this turns into resentment and the feeling that you are “pissed off!”  You feel that you may have a urinary tract infection, without the bacterial component.

The bladder represents the active part of our sensuality and influences our sexuality. Frequently anger that we are afraid to express in our sexual relationships lead to the resentment that causes painful or urgent urination for men and women.

The primary job of the bladder is to express healthy sexuality and release of emotions, especially anger. Key words for bladder are willpower, fear, resentment, release, sexuality and control. The bladder heals between 3-5 pm. Again, finishing off at work, rushing home through traffic, picking up kids, a myriad of things that must be done in a very short time.

“Venus is the ruler of the bladder so that harmony and order, affection, need for social interaction, fear of being alone and desires are all aspects of the bladder. The sense associated with the bladder are the ears; afraid of hearing the truth, afraid of listening, tuning into the current surroundings and understanding of the NOW.” (Sixth edition, Mod 3, Veltheim/ Pilipovich.)

Influence of water in Chinese elements and season of winter, (cold).

The Kidneys (Yin)

The kidney is singled out from all the other organs because it is the primary source of Qi in the body. The other organs depend on the kidneys on one way or another. Everything including the heart is affected by the power of the kidney. It regulates the heart, takes Qi from the lungs, invigorates the spleen and nourishes the liver.  In western medical science sexuality encompasses reproduction, gender differences and the gratification of sexual desires. In Chinese thought these energies are also associated with personal growth. It was Napoleon Hill who called the suppression of sexual desires “Transmutation of Sex”, whereby the person’s energy is directed to the creation of business rather than just having mindless sex. He said that men particularly in their 40’s who subjugated their sexual prowess into their businesses became fabulously wealthy in their later life.

“The kidney generates the will to live and meet challenges. The kidneys generate fear that keeps us surviving. When the focus in your life is on separation, and you need more control, the willpower is distorted and so is the personality. When we are so concerned with control that we let our weaknesses show, and coping become too important this is a time where the kidneys prove their worth.

The primary job of the kidneys is to generate enough fear to keep us out of danger. The kidneys give us the control to take on new big projects without being attached to the outcome or being afraid of being judged.  The kidneys also preserve our family lines in the genealogy of reproduction. “(Pg. 53 Sixth edition Mod 3, Veltheim /Pilipovich)

“According to acupuncture, general vitality sexual energy , reproduction and the potentiality for self- development all dwell in the essence of a person, which is the special life giving substance that the kidney stores.  Therefore the kidney takes charge of sexuality reproduction vitality and personal growth. The kidney’s role is to direct the action of the organ while motivating the essence of the person.

Key words for the bladder are willpower, release, sexuality, control, resentment and fear. Also included here are bone marrow, stability, fear, ancestors, coping depression, and wisdom. Have you ever been afraid of an outcome and needed to go to the bathroom right away? This is your kidney proving to you that it is in charge of the big events of your life!

The Pericardium

The pericardium protects the earth systems of your heart. This meridian causes distress in the Qi between 7-9 pm. The pericardium is the first indicator that something may be amiss with the heart. Take a look at the disturbances of the day within the key words of spirituality, heart protection, sleep and psyche interaction. What happens at 7pm. Kids go to bed, the day winds down, maybe a class, maybe exercise. What does the end of your day look like?  When people come to me with sweaty hands and palms I look to see if the pericardium is in balance. According to Chinese medicine the cause so diabetic coma, hormonal imbalance, blood pressure, temperature and respiration al have their origin in the pericardium, as does hot and cold mucus and blockages.

“The governing vessel located two thirds of the way between the groove of the nasal septum and the upper lip below the nose, is a special channel that ascends the back and goes over the head and the brain. This point can be used to treat allergic reactions, collapse, coma, debilitated breathing, fainting, heat exhaustion, epilepsy, motion sickness and seizures.

Pericardium 6 is the pressure point two thumbs width back from the furthest wrist crease that will treat all heart related dysfunction including chest pain, heart. This is a good point to know for children as well as the elderly.” (Pg. 119, 120, 122 Acupuncture, Dr. Gary F. Fleishman)


The Triple Heater

The triple heater or Triple burner is not a single Organ but represents Qi energy on three functional areas, the upper, middle and lower portions of the back, moving up into the cerebellum. When these areas are out of balance, I also check the spine in T2-T5 to see if the alignment of the bones structurally is in place. Usually they are not.  The triple heater balances between 9 pm to 11 pm.   When heart meridian comes up, one should ask the body if this is imbalance is connected to pericardium or triple heater also.

In Chinese medicine if heat drops into the pericardium or cold mucus can mist the heart openings so that the heart does not function to capacity. Since the heart controls the blood vessels. Blood circulation and bleeding, it also shelters the mind; we can see states between bleeding and emotional states. As protector of the heart and circulatory of Kidney Yang Qi, the pericardium pushes energy to every part of the body. Someone with fire in their back in the upper middle or low back needs to have this heat dispersed. I usually recommend icing the pericardium, clearing the brain, calming the Spirit, eliminating Phlegm and strengthening the heart through yoga poses, such as camel and rabbit.

“Hot phlegm agitates the heart and can yield to brain inflammation and stroke, once consciousness is restored. The integration of both acupuncture and Body talk in emergency rooms could save many lives.” (Pg. 120, Acupuncture, Fleishman, Gary F) words associated with the triple heater are balance, impotence, frigidity, fascia and transition. The triple heater provides yang energy of movement to the body connects to the season of summer and is the fire element for passion.

Gallbladder (Yang)

The gall bladder stores, concentrates and releases bile into the body in western physiology. This gives us the energy to digest out lives and get things done. The gall bladder serves as a catalyst to send plans and instructions for completion to the liver.   The gall bladder restores between 11 pm and 1 am. That is why people should be in bed at that time to allow the gall bladder to renew and restore.

I had my gall bladder removed when I was 24, right after the birth of my first child. Giving birth was a piece of cake compared to the pain of a gall bladder attack.  It is interesting to me that “birth “is associated with the liver, as in giving birth. And that the liver and gall bladder are connected as pairs in their yin and yang energies. I never wanted to experience a gall bladder attack again. I am convinced that the Demerol I took for the pain during that time was a major contributor to the hole in the heart my first born daughter was born with.

So when people come to see me at my clinic and they say they have no anger or resentment issues in their body, I usually just poke my hands deep into their gall bladder. They jump about three feet off the table, mission accomplished. Quickly, they remember who they are mad at and why.  In Chinese medicine the gall bladder also releases anger along with bile to keep us moving and determines our ability to make decisions. It also regulates the strength and flexibility of our tendons, to allow us to get physical work done and implement the plans and organization of the liver.  The primary job of the gall bladder is to give us courage and confidence in our decisions. The gall bladder also assimilates external input from our environment.

Words associated with the gallbladder are hinge, Wei chi, discernment, filters. Fluidity, synthesizing.  Other more clarifying words are anger, decisions, motivation courage, catalyst, release and mobility. The element associated with the gall bladder is wood, a time for growth. The season associated with the gall bladder is spring. (Pg. 50, Sixth edition Mod 3, Veltheim/ Pilipovich)

Wow, when I read this, it surprised me. No wonder I as such a wimp in conquering my life all these years. I needed the energy of that angry gall bladder that was removed to get things done!

Liver (YIN)

In western physiology, the liver synthesizes and is responsible for breaking down of nutrients essential for life from the micro-nutrients that are absorbed from our intestines. The liver also manages blood sugar and stores its reserves for the future.  These actions of the liver correlates with our ability to process life and synthesize wisdom from our experiences organize our lives and plan our days. The physical reality of the liver is that it brings blood to the heart.

I wonder how much alcohol you would drink if you knew that tiny little fact?  All the blood cleaned up in the liver returns to the heart. In Chinese medicine, the primary job of the liver is to guide the evolution of our soul. It stores all experiences in the connective tissue or fascia so that we can remember our lessons already learned and continue to grow. It helps to strengthen and tone our muscles to help in providing protection to the body. It also generates anger to alert us to an invasion of our boundaries. Anger is a healthy emotion that keeps us moving forward in our lives. Only when anger is denied its expression, does it lead to pathological results. How many times do you choose to  choke your voice about an issue or sweep it under the rug?

The liver helps us to see our path in life and move forward with our destiny. In Chinese medicine it is believed that the liver is the mother of the heart, and takes care of the heart to give it fresh blood. Key words for liver are planning, organizing, processing, synthesizing, vision, anger, resentment, muscle strength, protection, Wei, chi. Storage in fascia and the seat of the soul.  The liver also helps us to adapt our activity so that it is more honoring to the soul and our lives.

The liver is associated with the element of wood, and its season is spring. Its positive emotion is assertiveness and courage.  When masks are destroyed the person can fully integrate the energy of the liver to live life fully.

Here are some facts I got about alcoholism that may shed some light on the real damage this disease creates in our society.  I got this clinical study from the medical files at the library.
Source Citation: “Alcoholism.” Katherine E. Nelson, N.D. and David Edward
Newton, Ended. The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Ed. Laurie
Fundukian. 3rd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2009. 4 vols.

Alcoholism is the layman’s term for alcohol dependence and alcohol abuse. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association and commonly called DSM-IV, the essential feature of substance abuse (in this instance, alcohol
abuse) is maladaptive use of the substance with recurrent and significant adverse consequences related to its repeated use. Dependence is a physical addiction with psychological, social, and genetic components. Despite damage to health, finances, reputations, and relationships, the alcohol dependent
person continues to drink unless successful intervention occurs. Abuse is distinguished from dependence by the individual’s retaining some control over the use of alcohol. Nevertheless both conditions result in many of the same consequences over time, and abuse increases risk of dependence.

In the 2000s, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence are often associated with abuse of, or dependence on, other substances, including nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, sedatives, and anxiolytics (anti-anxiety drugs). Alcoholism is more common in males than in females, with an estimated
male-to-female ratio as high as five-to-one. A U.S. study conducted between 1990 and 1991, using DSM standards, found that 14% of the adult population (ages 15-54) had, at some time, met the criteria for alcohol dependence; and 7% had been alcohol-dependent in the past year. An earlier, similar
study showed that about 5% of Americans qualified for a diagnosis of alcohol abuse at some point during their life. In 2006, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reported that 18.2 million Americans over the age of 12 met the criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence in
the preceding year. Although it is difficult to develop accurate statistics worldwide, experts know that the incidence of what is called alcoholism has been steadily rising around the globe for several years.  

The effects of alcoholism are quite far-reaching. Alcoholism affects everybody system, causing a wide range of drinking-related health problems, Including lower testosterone, shrinking gonads, erectile dysfunction, interference with reproductive fertility, weak bones, memory disorders, difficulty with
balance and walking, liver disease (including cirrhosis and hepatitis),high blood pressure, weakness of muscles (including the heart), disturbances of heart rhythm, anemia, clotting disorders, weak immunity to infections, inflammation and irritation of the entire gastrointestinal system, acute and chronic problems with the pancreas, low blood sugar, high blood fat content, and poor nutrition.

The mental health implications of alcoholism include marital and other relationship difficulties, depression, unemployment, poor performance at school or work, spouse and child abuse, and general family dysfunction. Alcoholism causes or contributes to a variety of severe social problems, such as homelessness, murder, suicide, injury, and violent crime. Alcohol is a contributing factor in half of all deaths from motor vehicle accidents. In fact, 50% of the 100,000 deaths that occur each year due to the effects of alcohol are due to injuries of some sort. By some estimates, alcohol-related problems cost the United States over [dollar] 150 billion yearly in lost productivity and alcohol-related medical expense.   Causes and symptoms a physical dependence on alcohol develops insidiously, over time. The body is a magnificent adaptor; therefore, with persistent use, many adaptations occur physically and psychologically, resulting in both a higher tolerance to and increased need for alcohol. The physical adaptation to alcohol involves changing levels and altered balances of neurotransmitters, chemicals in the brain which not only affect physical abilities such as muscle coordination, but also an individual’s mood.

The abuse of alcohol is associated with desire to feel better and to avoid feeling poorly. Initially a stimulant, it eventually acts as a central nervous system (CNS) depressant and issued in a majority of societies or cultures in the world as an accepted part of dealing with life events, except where religious opposition bans, discourages, or prohibits its use, as in most Muslim communities. It is included in celebrations and, ironically, its use is perceived as an appropriate response to sadness and loss, such as at wakes. No single known factor causes some people to be alcohol-dependent and others not. Some genetic studies have demonstrated that close biological relatives of an alcoholic are four times as likely to become alcoholics themselves. Furthermore, this risk holds true even for children who were adopted away from their biological families at birth and raised in non-alcoholic homes, without knowledge of their biological family’s difficulties with alcohol. Factors that increase the risk of experiencing problems with alcohol include: being male; being the child of an alcoholic parent or parents; having an extended family history and being of Irish (Celtic), Scandinavian, German, Polish, Russian, or Native American ancestry; beginning drinking as a teenager; and being depressed or highly anxious. Further research may determine if genetic factors are accountable, in part, for differences in alcohol metabolism and increase the risk of an individual’s becoming an alcoholic. Other factors contributing to the development of alcoholism include high levels of stress and turmoil or pain, and having drinking friends, drinking partners, and enablers–people who facilitate a drinker’s habits and denial mechanisms. Ample advertising that makes drinking appear to be sexy or the basis of good time also contributes. For example, numerous televised sporting events are sponsored heavily by alcohol-related companies.

In conclusion, it is conceivable that as Body talk practitioners, we will be taken to the cellular level of healing an organ to help with its consciousness or cellular repair. The more specific the balancing, synthesizing and communication the faster the person will get better.   There is also balancing of a sugar allergy that goes along with the balancing of the liver in alcoholism cases.  Mental work with changing the neuron pathways of the disease is also required.

I would also like to refer to the attitude and orientation of the therapy, its basic assumptions and attitude toward suffering, healing and human potential.  Vaughan (1979) maintained that holding a transpersonal context for therapy rather than just specific techniques. I would like to close with the quote from Boor stein (2000). (13)

“Foremost is the spiritual context within which I hold all of my patients. To convey to my patients that you see in him or her a piece of the Divine, is incredibly powerful a beginning to counter a life- long view of worthlessness. “

This is the root cause of disease, it is linked to a” feeling of worthlessness “caused by words, or actions onto the Divine soul of the human being.  Show the human, the touch of the Divine, and the disease leaves.

References: Books

Body talk:  The Body talk System, Fundamentals, Dr. John Veltheim/ Sylvia Muiznieks

Bodytalk:  The Bodytalk System Module Three, 6th edition, Dr. John Veltheim, Kami Pilipovich

Bodytalk:  The Bodytalk System Module Six, 5th edition, Dr. John Veltheim/ Sylvia Muiznieks

Acupuncture: “Everything you ever wanted to know, “Fleishman, G.

Balance Within: “The Science of connecting Health with Emotions”, Sternberg, Esther

Medical Journals:

Source Citation: “Alcoholism.” Katherine E. Nelson, N.D. and David Edward
Newton, Ended. The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Ed. Laurie
Fundukian. 3rd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2009. 4 vols.

“Rationale for Psychoanalytic Energy Psychology”, Mollon, P

“Reality Therapy and the Human Energy Field”, Schoo, A.


“Transpersonal Integrative Approach”: Lukoff, D. and Lu, F.

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Rethinking Yoga and Its Application in Modern Medicine

Rethinking Yoga and the Its Applications in Modern Medicine

Alejandro Chaul and Lorenzo Cohen

There are many things that puzzle me in today’s society. The acceptance of yoga as a form of mind-body energy healing is one of them. As more and more cancer patients come in for help in my practice, I refer more and more of them to a hot yoga practice.  Why would a Christian woman do such a heinous thing?

Simply this, no bad cells can exist at 105 degrees in the human body.  It is a fact of science. So why isn’t this common knowledge in the days where heart disease and cancer are rampant? Why aren’t the yoga studios flooded with new practitioners seeking a new experience for their lives?  I doubt I will ever fully understand the ignorance of society or the pathological consciousness of BIG pharma that keep us in enslavement to drugs. Most yoga principles argue that “Most of our fundamental attitudes in life have their physical counterparts in the body.” (Iyengar & Meuhin, 1995). What does this say about a judgmental sick society?

About 3 and half years ago, I began my yoga practice. Simply this, after two sessions of yoga, the instructor Carolyn mentioned thoughts may come up while we adopt these weird poses.  I took up yoga at that time purely in the hope that “someday “, the drooping belly I accrued after 6 pregnancies would stop falling on my face when I did a shoulder stand. I also remembered that my mother had adopted these strange positions while she was still alive and could hold these positions until she was at least 58 years of age. Soon after that, she was diagnosed with cancer and died.

As I struggled to do “crow”, “toppling tree,” “eagle arms”, “wheel” which my mother performed effortlessly, as well as head stand, I knew there was something my mother understood that I failed to embrace while she still lived. The instructors of yoga at Core Power still talk about my abrupt journey to become a yoga teacher after only two classes in Aliso Viejo, Ca.  I became the victim of bullying and gossip at my church, when I began this journey. I remember the whispers. “Does she think she is a Hindu? Why is she here? ““I think she is a witch, how do we get rid of her? “” She is supposed to be clairvoyant, I think she has demons.  Get her out of this church. “Hearing those comments caused me to cancel all volunteer programs I had engaged in, 30 hours per week in total for the church. Ignorance is bliss, I kept telling myself.

These are two very different schools of thought here, and both were incorrect about yoga and my journey to the mat. I knew after two sessions of yoga what the scientists had discovered, that yoga modulates brain to breath activity, quiets the conscious mind, activates the subconscious mind and diminishes the biological effects of stress. Yoga drew me closer to my Christian God because I used the mat as a place to pray and subjugate my will for Divine will. Churches today have little room for humility before GOD.  Yoga became a place of daily discipline for me, for my body to the impossibly difficult postures at 105 degrees, for my mind to accept the discomfort, and my spirit to give me the answers that only the discomfort could provide.  I was humbled in every class. Every time I went back, some young beautiful yoga teacher’s spirit and voice of truth humbled me ever more.

How can my body be comfortable in this position? How can my breath accept this position? At the same time how can my spirit embrace the discomfort of it, the edge of it, the impatience of it, and be still.  Shut up mind, be quiet, and listen to GOD. Shut up spirit and learn how you can soar. These daily disciplines inherent in yoga practice have helped me in my journey of “process. “

We are not about “process” as a society; we are about adding water, instant coffee, instant lunch in the microwave, and instant results. NO, life is process, yoga is process, and results are seen IN PROCESS, sometimes 40 years or one generation, later. My mother did not live to see what her mother did not live to see; her daughter, granddaughter and great granddaughter all following in the tradition of the last 4 generations of intuitive healers.  Results are seen in the next generations. What we are thinking in society as the quick fix, some of us have yelled to an unwelcoming world audience as mothers for 40 years or more and STILL not been heard.

Not much has changed in the world of alternative health care, these days, except that we have hundreds of studies.  Get out your glasses and read, that’s all the good it will do for your body.

Neither does yoga fall into the category of transcendental meditation for me.  There are 3500 gods in Hinduism; I have trouble praying regularly to one Christian GOD. Buddhists teach that suffering mirrors the human self as an exact replica of the macro-cause, and that all disease found in the body is also found on a larger scale on the planet. I agree with this concept,  perhaps that is why the “Tibetan Yoga’s believe that the releasing of physical, energetic and mental disease and obstacles allows the vital breath currents to flow better throughout and nurture the organism of the mind on body, mind and spirit” ( Pg. 146 Crosscurrents.)  Is so accurate.

This is one of the reasons that I find Body talk effective; it utilizes the breath to reach the subconscious mind. That is why the protocols and codes seem so miraculous. The body reveals its subconscious mind and trauma in codes are accessed through breath. The yogis knew the power of breath years ago. The “yoga sutras, “ written by Pantajali, 4000-6000 years ago are instructions on understanding life more fully, including the use of the body, breath and meditation for attaining deeper wisdom,  and these have been a deep source of inspiration to me.

The memories stored in the subconscious brain release themselves through “vital breath currents” in order to unblock interruptions or obstacles.  That is why the body cannot lie, why talk therapy is an inconclusive waste of time, and transference in Body talk does not exist. “Yoga based meditation techniques are used in mainstream wellness stress reduction programs, heart disease recovery programs created by Dean Ornish”,  whom I met in NYC (1992-1995). “The deeper psycho therapeutic benefits of a yoga based practices are now finding widespread acceptance, and follow the premises of:

  1. 1.       All people have within them the capacity for their own healing.
  2. 2.       There is an inner knowledge and wisdom that is available beyond what is accessed by the conscious mind alone.
  3. 3.       Healing and growth are supported by expanding awareness on all levels, spiritual, emotional mental and physical.
  4. 4.       Acceptance without judgment supports the healing process, especially if integrated into people’s day to day lives. 
  5. 5.       The physical body is a useful tool for accessing awareness on all levels of being. This is an achieved by the process of “attunement”,   the act of paying attention to one’s own experience. (pg. 207. Michael Lee, Phoenix Rising Yoga)”

Once I began yoga practice, I became more inwardly aware, rather than separating and rejecting my body, separating and rejecting my Spirit, to embracing and “affecting the body”  “as a temple of the Spirit”. (Pg. 148 Crosscurrents) I could no longer drink coffee and had trouble with even small amounts of red wine.  The acid from the coffee ran out through my eyes with the sweat of every yoga pose. The body /brain /breath changes  with every breath in yoga. Staying in the moment, choice happens.

Also of interest in this article was the research into depression and stress as the cause of increased risk of cancer, and suppression of the cell mediated community (Irwin, et al 1990, Rabin 1999).” Studies in cancer patients have linked to immune function, including NK cell function, and T lymphocyte production. The clinical significance of stress related immune function and endocrine changes and changes in the tumor micro- environment has not been widely studied. “(Pg. 148 Crosscurrents)

I believe we need to widely study this and prove beyond disbelief with funding. The recent study done by the Institute of Medicine reports that “Cancer care today often provides state of the art science biomedical treatment, but fails to address the psychological and social problems associated with the illness. These problems including anxiety, depression, suffering, weaken the adherence to prescribed treatments and threatens’ patients return to health.” (Alejandro Chou and Lorenzo Cohen Pg. 149).

I frequently comment to women’s groups that Western medicine may instruct you to cut off your breasts, but only your brain will keep you in the enslavement of cancer. The current medical term “Bilateral mastectomy” is still bilateral disease, leaving you with the thoughts that caused the cells to disease in the first place. Pick one. Thoughts or disease. Pick one. As I write these words, I can hear the gossip mongering already.” You can’t mean that?”  Yes, I do.  Cut off your breasts, grow your disease somewhere else in your body and  prove me wrong. You need to be right so much,  you can’t give up your disease as your badge of honor.

“Yet, the Meta analysis of 116 studies in mind-body therapies to reduce anxiety, depression and mood disturbance in cancer patients and assist in their coping skills” (Devine and Westlake 1995), and that MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston created a Tibetan meditation class for complimentary and integrative medicine. This class was called “Connecting with your Heart, “and this technique helped cancer families calm their minds and use their breath to connect with the inner home of their heart.  Fatigue and sleep disturbances are common problems for cancer patients and are also the causes of neuro-imune function causing this disease. “It was found that there was significant post correlation between intrusive thoughts one month post radiation and finding meaning.”

Really? We are told it is safe to believe in calming the brain and the body” post radiation”. Let me see this formula:  “One part radiation, two parts chemotherapy, rinse and repeat. “ Yet, as a society, we cannot choose to accept yoga as a practice of daily discipline in body, mind and unity of spirit to heal these cells before chemotherapy.  What kind of a sick society thinks this is OK?  What kind of a pharmaceutical empire creates billions in revenues with these values? What kind of a western church sees eastern body mind practices as “demonic voodoo”?

Finally I am in agreement with the closing argument, “As more evidence accumulates, the day will come when body-mind practices are a  form of medical treatment prescribed as a part of standard medical treatment around the world. “ (Pg. 160 Crosscurrents). How many more people must die until we accept integrative medicine, “the unity of body, mind, and spirit “as real?

My only question remains, “Will this take place in my life time or take yet another two generations, to see these results?”

Essential Concepts in Qi Gong study in Chinese Medicine

Jessica Kingsley

I enjoyed reading about the Three Adjustments, Body, Breath and Mind as a unity. The beautiful words,

“I have mastered that in remote antiquity there are “perfected people” (Zhen, Ran) who mastered heaven and Earth and controlled Yin and Yang. They breathed the refined Qi, preserved their spirit independently and their muscles and flesh were integrated unity. This, they were able to achieve the longevity of Heaven and Earth, for which there is no end. All of this because they lived in accord with the DAO.  “ Shang GU Tian Zhen Lun, “ Treatise on Natural Truth in Remote Antiquity. “

This sentence says it all about Qi Gong.  If we choose to insert the word, GOD for DAO, it should say enough for Western thought. The ancients in Traditional Chinese Medicine have much to teach us, and I am thrilled to learn some of this from Dr. Veltheim in Toronto this May.  I took one class in Tai Chi, with Veronika, and her friends and the beautiful forms, movement through time and space inspired me to make some major changes. I do not think I would have made and accepted these changes as immediately necessary without this class.


Basic yoga class for heart opening, forgotten was “Rabbit pose,” which opens up the back of the physiological heart. Easy class, yet Camel post still a challenge for me. I want to puke every time I do it, and it is this pose that curbs my appetite if I am tempted to eat 3 hours before yoga class.

Thank you for this journal, I vented many thoughts that had been brewing in my mind for several years.

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The Biophysical Mind Conference with Dr. James Oshman and Dr. John Velteim

James Oshman Ph.D & Dr. John Veltheim

The Biophysical Mind

– Explore the nature, biology and universal connections of the unconscious mind.

The rumours are true! We would like to announce an exciting collaboration. John Veltheim and James Oschman will be presenting a post conference course together at the 2013 IBA Members Conference in Malta!

Course Overview

The coherent mind embodies current thinking in physics and biology, the nature of consciousness and the unconscious mind, as well as biophysics, neuroscience and cosmology. The coherent mind is a special state of consciousness in which the holographic organism couples to the intelligent universal hologram, the actual fabric of space and time. The result is the creation of an intentional space in which all health issues can be addressed at their source: the cellular and tissue phenomena that are upstream from all normal physiology and structure. The workshop will detail these remarkable concepts and their significance for BodyTalk.
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Applications of Mindscape from Dr. John Velthiem , Founder of Bodtyalk

Saturday, February 16, 2013

One of the KEY elements of fascination for me in this article from Dr. Veltheim are his notes on elapsed time and REAL time in the work. Please note these are extremely advanced concepts written for the benefit of instruction to the senior practitioners in our matrix.

To book an appointment with me ( Angelica Wagner) please call: 949.500.2630

A Simple Application of MindScape

There will be times when the patient’s treatment needs to be layered and sequential. You may need to run a formula covering superficial problems that will then, once resolved, reveal underlying issues that need to be addressed. This original formula is therefore a clarification leading to exposing the key changes that need to be made at the deeper levels.
One approach is to allow this formula to run and bring about changes over a day or so, and then bring the patient back to look at the second deeper stage of pathology that needs addressing. This can have weaknesses, because in the intervening time the stressful factors can once again confuse the clarity of the deeper picture that needs to be addressed.
In this case the use of accelerated time can be very useful.
This can be done using Finding Health 2 applications. However, those practitioners who have developed the ability to use MindScape also have a great tool for doing this.  Your MindScape workshop enables this to happen because we are well aware that we can do 20 min. of activity within a workshop even though in the “external” time, according to the watch on our wrist, only two minutes have passed.
The MindScape technique is to bring the patient on the table in front of you into your workshop, and run your initial program for 20 to 30 min. of “MindScape” time. From the perspective of the patient on the table only a few minutes will have elapsed. The changes in the body will be significant.
This then gives you the opportunity to immediately reassess the balances in the patient and formulate the next appropriate treatment routine that will work at the appropriate deeper level.
This and other great applications for BodyTalk are taught in the Advanced MindScape courses.

Posted by at 10:00 AM

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Today at CorePower Yoga Aliso Viejo, 26711 Aliso Creek Rd. AV, 92656

I am at Core Power yoga from 10:30 to 6 p, for Bodytalk sessions. If you would like to try a twenty minute session for $20. Please come see me. We can do amazing things in 20 minutes, like change your life!  Sign in sheet at front desk! (949) 831-9642

26711 Aliso Creek Rd, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

What is Body talk?

1)    What does Body talk do?

It is a system of unique healthcare because it integrates the body in a truly integrative and holistic way.  What do you mean by that?

The Practitioner recognizes that the body mind complex functions in synchronicity and NOT as a bundle of autonomous or separate functioning body parts. This understanding recognizes the idea that poor health is simply an imbalance, or a lack of synchronization in the body.

2)    Why this show is called the Cracking Your Health Code?

3)    It is called “Cracking your health code” because as a holistic practitioner, we see disease as merely unlocking a number of codes in the body. Time after time once these codes are unlocked or even just observed, the body becomes balanced and the disease goes away.    So, it further supposes, if your body created the disease in an attempt to heal you, once you have learned the lessons from it, you can destroy and uncreated the imbalance that caused the disease. The practice is to bring your body into alignment with your state of health. There is no medication, no diagnosis, no invasion into the body. The brain does the healing.

4)    Where do these codes come from? They show up as a system of biofeedback from the client to the practitioner. It is the consciousness of the unity of body, mind and spirit between the practitioner and the client that unlocks the codes AND also the consciousness of the disease. All the information for disease is in the larger field, whether consciously expressed or not.

5)    Consciousness is the ground substance of all reality; the philosophy and science that Body talk is founded upon are blended together in a holistic picture of the Body talk system which is a consciousness based form of health care. This is the cutting edge of the practice of medicine of the future and for today.

6)    The International Body talk association was formed in 2000 and is head quartered in Sarasota, Florida and this is the official governing organization for the Body talk Association. This is the place where the public’s best interests are served with regard to the Body talk system and its family of practitioners.

You are probably asking yourself:

**ON what scientific principles is a consciousness based health care system based? **

How does it differ from an allopathic or energy medical system? ****

To discuss this we need to discuss the allopathic approach vs. the energy model of healing.  In the allopathic model, it’s like a watch repair. A watch is comprised of smaller pieces that make up the whole and ALL the moving parts are very predictable in their behavior. So if the watch does not work you would take it apart, and find the piece that is malfunctioning and either fix it or replace it.

Then you put the timepiece back together and its movement works again. In the Cartesian or Newtonian model of health care, it is the same, you find the piece that is not working properly in the body, you find the part that is diseased and either treat it with a drug or surgery or replace it with artificial part  based on the physics of the original model.

The assumption goes that when you are finished treating the part, and stitch up the sick person again, that the body should be good as new.   As we all know this is rarely the case. It does not work, because the body is a hologram.

The only difference in the Body talk  model is that the body is ALSO viewed as consisting of non- physical parts that need to be fixed or replaced and this movement is based on energy. If it was acupuncture, the specific series of acupuncture points are fixed to free up the flow of QI or imbalances in energy are replaced with that derived from foods or herbs.

Let’s take for example: chiropractic care, also a holistic model, this makes an assessment of which vertebrae is compressing a nerve and then fixes it by making the appropriate adjustment. The body’s state of health is determined by the parts of the spine that are being aligned properly so that energy can freely flow through the nerves once again be in homeostasis.

Therefore, in this paradigm of healthcare that both western and alternative modalities are based on, the focus is finding out what is wrong with the person and attempting to decrease or eliminate those symptoms, creating a diagnosis.

Also inherent in that world view are two other perspectives as to why the person created these symptoms:

The western model approaches medicine as the following:

1) The body and mind are separate and therefore can be treated separately. There is no connection to how disease is connected to the person’s emotional state, moods, beliefs and approach to life in general.

2) The world and its realities are independent of the human observer. There is no effect that consciousness has on what actually occurs in the world.

The techniques and procedures that form the basis of the body talk system are structured from the Dynamic systems model perspective. Every single atom, cell organ and system was seen to be in constant communication with every other atom, cell organ and system within the body mind complex at all times.

This includes communication through the nervous system, as well as the other subtle energy systems such as the meridians, chakras, and electromagnetic frequencies that are produced by the body through its own functioning.

How does it get better than this? This is an amazing system of health care, noninvasive, non-meditative, and non-diagnostic, yet serving as a bridge between the microcosm and the macrocosm of the body.

So on this SHOW we will not only talk about health, we will talk about wealth, we will talk about integration, energy in all its form including music and its vibrational frequencies, stress,  as well global issues that affect our spirit.

Stress experienced in daily life is seen to cause the circuits of the body to become compromised, weakening or disrupting the communication between the body and the mind.

Body talk helps to reestablish these energetic circuits and efficient communication by finding these elements of the body mind which were involved and linking them together again. This allows the body to very quickly recover and catch up in the healing process. Hence Body talk is a very effective form of energy medicine.

So how do we explain this energy medicine?

The body mind follows a holographic principle. For example, every person has the same DNA in every cell of the body; this means that every cell contains the same aspects of that body mind even though each cell is a part of a different aspect of the body.

The significance of this type of hologram is that when something happens to the cells of organs due to some negative emotions, it then results in epigenetic changes that actually alter all the functioning of the whole DNA.

At the same time the DNA in all the cells of the body reflect those changes energetically because they are connected holographic ally. Now the whole body is holding the same information and is aware at some level that there is some part of the body that is not functioning properly.

Your whole body knows it, if you have stubbed your toe, or you have a tooth ache, doesn’t it?

Of course the reverse is also true, if the factors controlling the DNA of malfunctioning cells are targeted and healed, this change is also reflected throughout the whole body at an energetic level through the holographic principle.  We are currently involved in studies observing the effects of Body talk on DNA and cancer cells.

We are beginning to see that when Body talk is used, the entire body, mind, and spirit are healed simultaneously.

This holographic principle therefore supposes that every microscopic part of our body knows exactly what every other part is doing and is therefore responding accordingly. And since the body with its own innate wisdom or consciousness is part of a universal web, it is constantly in touch with and responding to the wisdom of all that is or the universal consciousness of the world.

Therefore, if on a global level, if one part of the globe is experiencing war, the entire planet will feel the pain of this war.  If one part is experiencing JOY the entire planet can feel the joy.

This is an extremely important connection to make. It is one of the most important discoveries coming from quantum physics which impacts the direction that medicine must take NOW!

The most startling conclusions that quantum physics has come up with so far is the consciousness or act of observing affects the outcomes of any research study, what is observed, therefore exists!   Or in other words, consciousness is required to collapse all the waves of possibilities and probabilities that exist into one form, therefore consciousness become our reality.

So, as we learn to observe the body and what creates disease in the body, thereby unlocking these codes, disease goes away. The disease goes away because we are conscious of what created it in the first place. We have gone to the source; we have pulled out the root.  AND, the cut and paste of western medicine will seem rather primitive now.

Please do not misunderstand, the diagnostics and measurement fields of western medicine serves a purpose, but today’s society can and will take more advanced means of healing through Body talk  and clearing the limitations of the brain through Access consciousness than any other method on the planet.

That is why mothers who bring me their ADHD children see immediate results, and CEO’s who come for performance in business enhancement see immediate wealth. That is why addiction clients no longer can tolerate the taste of alcohol, or the taste of pot. The need for the addiction has gone away because we have observed the root cause. AND now the person can move forward within their own power, creativity and create money in their lives where before it was JUST not possible.

In the universal consciousness the observer collapses all the possibilities that infuse and animate each creation of thought. In body talk we call this level of consciousness within the individual body mind as innate wisdom.

Innate wisdom always KNOWS what the root cause of the disease is; therefore, it is the work of the individual WITH the practitioner that creates these profound results.

Since creative energies work downward, the western modalities will have limited, if any effect of the causes coming downward from other levels of the body.

When this society understands that the vital body is a phantom, a mere template form of the body. The real body is based on very subtle energies, so the modalities that are based on energy medicine will have amazing results with any imbalances on this level. Since energy moves form the vital body down to the physical body, it will also have visible effects on the physical body.

So as we discuss the mental body, the mind, the imagination, the belief systems and other mental possibilities, we open our entire world to new life! ON this broadcast we will talk about the brain, the mental body and belief systems, thought emotions that are created by the mind.

What is the mental body?

The mental body consists of the egoistic mind and the belief systems, attitudes, thoughts and emotions that are created by that mind. Advanced psychotherapeutic approaches such as Jungian psychotherapy, and Access Consciousness BRAIN also affects and shifts the vital and physical bodies.

The super mental body is defined by the intuitive, higher aspect of consciousness. In the second modality that I practice,, Access Consciousness Brain discusses and heals,  the 32 points of the brain that are accessed and touched removing all limitations from the brain and allowing the body to access the higher forms of intuitive knowing. Therefore all things in life can now be achieved with ease, joy and glory.

Modalities that use tools that access this level of mind/body will be working with the big picture and the effects will flow down to the other three levels. Body talk practitioners who work form a place of total non-attachment to outcomes, no agenda, and utilize their intuition.

As a Body talk practitioner I practice consciousness based health care. I am  aware of the downwards causation of illnesses, conditions and symptoms from consciousness and work form this understanding of the root cause.

It may seem that the practitioner is addressing the vital parts of the body, and as we tap it out, the effects of the session trickle down through all levels including mental, vital and physical.

That is why there is so much emphasis in all the techniques on showing the connection between what the approach is addressing and how CONSCIOUSNESS is actually the root of the issue. So it is necessary for the practitioner to address consciousness of the issue and how it affects all levels of the person’s reality.

Before this, Consciousness was considered a realm of philosophy. Now with the new understanding coming from the field of quantum physics, consciousness is being redefined as applied quantum physics. The two fields of study are NO longer separate. And the Body talk system can be viewed as the bridge between quantum physics and applied quantum physics as the NEW model for advanced health care globally.

Body talk is a revolutionary consciousness based health care system that is founded in Quantum Physics; a new understanding of the universe and everything in it contains the information of the whole. Everything is dynamically interconnected. All systems, c ells and subatomic particles within a body mind are in communication with every other system, cell and subatomic particle.

Each body mind is also interconnected with everything and everyone in their environment as well as everything else in their universe. That is why we are as a society profoundly impacted by the picture of a hungry child on television, or war  in another country.

This growing understanding of quantum physics and that the knowledge that the observer merely by observing can change an experiment by collapsing all the waves of probabilities, has changed the way we view reality and hence the role of practitioner/ client in a healing relationship.

So that we have moved beyond viewing the body as separate and each one of us as separate.  Body talk has moved beyond the idea that improving health merely involves finding symptoms, into an infinite field of possibilities within the concept of healing.

What else is possible in this session?   What else is possible in your life? What else is possible in your city, country, or world? With this new understanding we can now appreciate the validity and power of distant healing and how immediate, dynamic and permanent changes in one’s health are possible.

Who does Body talk?  Where is it practiced?

7)    There are 3000 practitioners worldwide who do this type of healing.  People all over the globe receive body talk including the current president and first lady of this country.

How does the session work?

Well the person is fully clothed, lying face up on a table, and the practitioner begins a line of silent questioning through the protocol.

She acknowledges that the BODY”S own innate wisdom and asks it what it needs  to heal and to maintain synchronicity within the body or what is need of enhancing or balancing.

To this end, the Body talk practitioner consults the body’s innate wisdom by means of biofeedback. Innate then gives the practitioner an indication of its priorities in the healing process. By means of this technique of biofeedback, the practitioner is able to determine which aspects of the body are poorly linked and under communicating with each other. Also by means of biofeedback, the body’s innate wisdom indicates the priorities in bringing about enhanced communication within the body mind complex.

The practitioner then addresses these links through touch or by asking the client to touch the links. While the link is being held, the practitioner taps gently on the head and over the heart complex.

The act of tapping on the head enables the innate to register the links to the brain which enhances the overall integral functioning and intercommunication within the body. The act of tapping over the heart complex enables innate to store the memory of the links through the heart complex.

In this way the innate wisdom and healing function already inherent in the body is enhanced on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

We know the following:

  1. The body has the inborn, innate ability to heal itself on all levels.
  2. The key factor in maintaining health in the body is to reestablish communication between all systems and body parts. In this way the body can synchronize its activities to adapt to the stressors of life, and heal itself.
  3. An important consideration in the healing process is the specific sequence in which the body is stimulated to balance and heal its systems and parts. With many other modalities one of the main factors that slows down the healing process is the projection of the bias and agenda of the practitioner. As each case is new, we work to stay neutral in the process of balancing each link within the process.
  4. We also recognize that the health of each unique body mind needs to be addressed at the level most suited to the particular needs and level of understanding of the client.

HERE ARE the basic principles of BODYTALK;

  1. Establish the imbalance within the body mind.
  2. Linking is the key factor in the new paradigm of health care. The practitioner determines which parts are in poor communication and reestablishes the communication to enhance the body’s innate healing ability through the links that are not communicating well with each other.
  3. The tapping process on the head and the sternum (energetic heart complex) facilitates the linking to the body parts and stores the memory of the change.

What is INNATE wisdom?

The body has the innate (inborn) ability to heal itself. When we tap into this process of wisdom, we can use it in the healing process. So how do we tap into this process? This process occurs at all levels of healing… physical, emotional, and mental. Many Western systems of healing do not give full credence to how wonderful the human mechanism really is. They also fail to understand its potential.

We choose instead to make of our diagnosis and tell our body how to heal it based our supposed superior self- knowledge of the healing process. The body however, only seems to be failing in its job when its communication systems have been severely compromised through the stresses of life, and interferences.

Once communication is reestablished between the various parts of the body, it can and will heal these parts on its own.

Synchronization versus Intervention

The focus of most of the communication system inherent within the body mind. The focus has been on repairing the parts that appear to be problems and hoping that the body can get those parts to synchronize.

Body talk enhances the body’s’ natural synchronization to enable it to repair its own parts more rapidly. The resultant energy configuration allows the body parts to quickly return to the normal synchronization of the body mind complex and its environment. This inner synchronization of the body mind will then quite naturally be reflected in a more harmonious interaction in the environment.

Because of our vast accumulation of knowledge of the anatomical and physiological processes of the body, we have a tendency to overestimate our abilities. In recent years it has been increasingly obvious that our knowledge about the workings of our body is still extremely deficient.

Every day as we receive more and more evidence of how intricate the body mind complex is and learn to realize the immense number of  inter relationships between the components of the body mind at  the physical level, within the energy systems and the mental and emotional components. These create a complex symphony of relationships about which we are only beginning to scratch the surface of understanding.

The joke is that we think we have the knowledge to tell the body how to do its job, when it has been doing its job successfully for millions of years.  There are times when the body fails to do its job and needs help. But in most cases the type of help it is getting is not necessarily what it really wants or really needs.

The real problem is our life styles cultures and technology have interfered with its natural processes, compromising the communication networks that enable it to coordinate the billions of synchronized activities  per second necessary to maintain optimum health.

The Body talk paradigm for the future of integrative health care is one where we once again start respecting the body’s awesome innate knowledge of its own workings and learn to utilize that knowledge by working with it, rather than imposing our own limited knowledge upon it. This program will be based in education so that we all gain clarity about the innate knowledge of the body to heal itself once the  DIS-ease is observed.

 So how do we Gain Clarity???

Throughout history mankind has been aware of the power of intuition. Where the society is predominantly left brain oriented logic, the power of intuition has been largely undermined.

Einstein said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. “

Because the intuited knowledge is not received from an outer source,  a rationally understood source, it is often interpreted as irrational information, the source of which is dubious. Due to this criticisms and cynicism, we have spent so much of our time dividing our world up into parts, and analyzing it from an intellectual scientific perspective so that we have lost touch with our own right brain function.

The innate or inborn wisdom that enables the body to heal itself is reflected in the mind when left and right brain functions interface healthily. For this reason the inner conflict most westerners experience between the left brain logic and right brain intuited understanding is reflected to a large degree in poor physical health as well as emotional and mental imbalance.

The fact that we heal in normal circumstances, shows us that the innate wisdom of the body mind is still there doing its job, to some degree even with the limited circumstances of its functioning.

By acknowledging the body’s innate wisdom, the modality I practice, “THE BODYTALK SYSTEM,” can communicate with the wisdom to ask for clarity on what is really wrong with the body, what links need to be reestablished and most importantly at what causal level.

We also know that every person is unique. There are no labels in disease; each person’s route to disease or to wellness is their own. Each experience different genetic makeups, personalities, belief systems and environmental influences. Therefore such blanket diagnosis, such as AIDS, heart disease, cancer or tumors is not found in THEBODYTALK SYSTEM.

When we are working with someone, the danger lies in trying to influence their health in a way that conforms to our own personal judgment of what normal is or should be.

We assess the behavior of a majority.  If you accept these rigid patterns, and try to balance the client’s health to fit into the social norms where health is concerned, you will be misinformed.Only innate wisdom knows the right balance of that particular body mind.

Therefore it stands to reason that we should be consulting that wisdom before we can do anything to effect change in the balance of the body mind.

The yes’s and no’s that are received through biofeedback are enough information for the body to heal itself with just that information.  An intuited felt sense of being in the zone takes over.  The technique of body talk allows the body to heal itself very easily with NO drugs, interference, or invasion into the body.

What makes Body talk so effective is that it allows the body to heal itself.

The practitioner is only an intermediary or facilitator of the BRAIN in the process. The practitioners’ skill and knowledge in the linking process are necessary to facilitate communication within the body mind complex.

The capacity of the practitioner to draw on their own innate ability and clarity of mental feedback form the client’s body is a direct reflection from the inner wisdom of the practitioner’s innate mental clarity. This dynamic mirroring takes place in some way between the client and the practitioner.  This mirroring cracks the code to the disease.

Therefore, the practitioner that comes to the table with an open mind and field always finds the path to health for the client.

The balancing of the right brain and the left brain enhance the mental clarity that will result in what is referred to as the practitioners innate.

It is important for the client to know that they have a unique body mind and an innate intelligence that knows what is right for them. If you are determining from their body what is right for them, they will begin the process of constructive change that enables them to be well.

They can find a more enhanced balance for their life: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  They can synchronize the body’s activities, adapt to the stressors of life and begin to heal.

As the quantum energy field was discovered, and in the book, “The Web of Life” Physicist Fritjof Capra summarizes the view of the famous quantum physicist Geoffrey Chew who developed the “bootstrap theory” to explain the observed phenomena of subatomic particles. This theory becomes relevant that it is our natural inclination to use simple left brain logic to explain a world that despite evidence to the contrary, there is no logical or ultimate explanation the world is linear and therefore being seen as a dynamic interrelated web of interrelated events.

Everything from this perspective exists only as within each part that reflects the whole.   The consistency of their interrelatedness determines the structure of the web. This further enforces the concept of synchronicity. Everything within the body mind is in a dynamic synchronized interactive and totally interdependent state.

IN other words ALL Distant events are interconnected and interdependent. This means that every microscopic cell in our bodies must know exactly what itself has to do at any given moment. It also implies that every atom in the universe is in touch with all that is. The key factor in maintaining health in the body is to reestablish communication between all the systems and body parts.

All branches of alternative medicine have the potential of developing solid, theoretical framework for working with the body as an energy system.  The diverse and controversial findings and observations of the human energy systems are finally explainable in relative terms.

Therefore the integration of the concepts from physics, with the concept of a dynamic biological system, emphasize dynamic, interactive communicative conscious relationships within systems and between systems. This becomes important when we study:

  1. The relationship of the brain to the rest of the body
  2. The relationship of the heart to the rest of the body
  3. All other combinations within the body

Some branches of physics have studied the body mind as a closed system with simple linear relationships to other structures. With the Dynamic systems approach it sees these systems as they are; interactive, complex information processors, that develop their own memory, consciousness, and innate wisdom of awareness. This approach assumes that the systems are fluctuating and are always open systems interacting with all the other systems around them to varying degrees over time.

Therefore every microscopic part of our body is therefore connected to the wisdom of the whole.  We are therefore tapping into the Jungian wisdom of the entire body in all space and time.

The bootstrap theory of declares that we must abandon the idea of fundamental building blocks of matter. There are no fundamental building blocks of matter, any constants, laws or equations. The universe is seen as a dynamic web of interrelated events; all parts follow the properties of any part of this web.  This further reinforces the concept of synchronicity. Concordant with everything that the body mined is in a dynamic synchronized interactive web of events.

Science has declared that the body mind is simply energy interacting with energy in a multitude of forms. We need to recognize that all interrelationships are being synchronized and coordinated by an innate wisdom infinitely greater in intelligence than even our most sophisticated computers.

Like a symphony orchestra that has 75 finely tuned instruments and no conductor to synchronize the playing of the instruments, this will result in a noise not a symphony. In the Body talk System we determine what the body mind requires to establish all the communication necessary for it to do its job.

In future an increasing number of healthcare modalities wills are looking at linking the entire spectrum of systems (physical and energetic) and recognize the system as a part of a dynamic interactive whole.

That is why the practitioner asks what the body sees as a priority that needs balancing. This is very different than asking whether something is a “problem.”

We are not diagnosing problems for treatment we are ascertaining priorities of communication breakdowns in the body that require balancing. We then allow the body to heal itself utilizing this improved communication system.

Sequencing of Healing

We must remember that Body talk is a total holistic system that involves billions of interrelationships and linkages of cells. Some of those linkages are quite obscure and involve a dynamic that is way beyond the comprehension of the practitioner.

*Sequences and links are determined by the innate wisdom of the individual body mind.

*Frequency of sessions is also dependent on innate wisdom

In many cases the symptoms are not located near the cause of disease. This is when the disease is the tip of the iceberg. A disease is merely a collection of symptoms to which we give a fancy name. The true causes are a combination of underlying factors.  Only the innate wisdom of the body is capable of such a prodigious task of understanding these interrelationships.

For effective healing at the deepest level we must acknowledge this amazing tool that we have at our disposal, listen to it and follow its instructions. Because the body is always at work trying to reestablish and maintain balance within the body mind complex, this remains that every seeming imbalance is a paradoxical form of balance.

By working with the body minds innate wisdom, the practitioner allows it to dictate its own priorities for balancing. By means of neuromuscular feedback, the practitioner relies on the body to communicate its present state of balance. Once this has been established, the practitioner then proceeds to ask the body how its present dynamic self -healing can best be enhanced and accelerated if that is necessary or possible.

The practitioner’s ONLY role is to provide a secondary input. This is done by holding the link as a priority to the body, and tapping the head and sternum to reestablish communication between the components of the link.

This premise signifies a revolutionary shift in health care, and BODYTALK SYSTEM will form the backbone of integrative health care as we progress into the new millennium.

Respecting Innate Wisdom

The more we respect the innate wisdom of the body, the clearer the guidance that it provides. In the BODYTALK YSTEM we have chosen the term innate as a means of defining the basic principle behind this technique. In other health care modalities where the term innate is used it has connotations of: higher self, witness, source, awareness, etc. These vary according to the area, cultural or academic explanations of the practitioner.

We define innate as the body’s inherent wisdom to know what it needs. The role of the practitioner is explained as that of an intermediary who ascertains the body’s needs and facilitates its own healing abilities. The practitioner does this by respecting the body’s own priorities, rather than adhering to his or her agendas.

Innate is the state of awareness of the body and this appears to be held in the heart complex of the chest. Just as some people have a tendency to be more aware, follow their intuition more, heal faster and have an intuitive understanding of what is best for their body.

When a client goes through a series of Body talk sessions their awareness grows very quickly. At some level the balancing puts the client more in touch with their own body, thereby making them more responsive to future sessions.

One of the most common side effects is that the client starts experiencing stronger harmonious relationships with their body mind, and innate wisdom is better able to maintain optimum health in future.

In energy medicine we see every day that if the clarity or perspective within the body mind complex of the client improves, their health improves in direct proportion to the shift in their perspective.

When we ask the BODYMIND for the appropriate links, we are really asking for clarity a perspective on why this particular body mind is so seemingly out of balance with itself or to the environment. Once we establish this clarity, we then reinforce it by tapping the cortices to wake them up to this imbalance so that the brain can set about doing the physical energetic corrections that are necessary.

Then we tap the sternum to imprint these changes into the heart complex and ego blueprint. The effectiveness of this procedure is dependent upon the degree of clarity that is present in the practitioners mind at the time of asking the questions.

When the practitioner is in the zone, the “YOU” is forgotten and all there is, is the “ZONE. “Practitioners who regularly have this experience are addicted to their work because it is the only place they experience total peace.  Living in the zone all the time is how life is potentially experienced when the mind is functioning in a more balanced way and living in the zone our daily lives can be accomplished with ease joy and glory!

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Psychoanalytic Theory and Regression Theory through Hypnosis: The Soul Contract


Although I know that therapists have used hypnosis in on- going therapy, for several hundreds of years, this is NOT a tool that I wish to add to my tool box in clinical therapy resolution.  Not only do I think it is very hokey, as no one cannot predict, measure or tabulate the outcomes, but it is also much too risky a practice to consider or become a protocol in my very science- based, results oriented practice. This is the major limitation for me in using hypnotherapy in practice.

“The lack of conscious control is largely dependent on an amnesic barrier or process that relegates ideas, imaginings and fantasies to the unconsciousness.  Diminished executive control in turn is responsible for the subjective impression of no volition that typically accompanies hypnotic responses. “( Contemporary theories and Research” .Pg. 19)  The empirical roots of the neoassociation theory can be traced to Hilgard’s introduction of the metaphor of the hidden observer to describe this phenomenon by which a person registers and stores information in memory, without being aware that the information had been processed.

Hilgard and his associate’s initial research on the hidden observer phenomenon involved experimental studies on pain and hearing. Behavior of the hidden observer depends on cues given in the instructions used to illicit the phenomenon. (Contemporary Theories and Research, Pg. 19). When I read this passage I wondered if it was the hidden observer that speaks so clearly when the subconscious mind is accessed with a Body-talk active memory protocol which recalls these memories locked in the body that can carry the codes of the presenting disease, often memories that the person cannot access in the conscious world.

From 2004-2008 one of my mentors, Robert Allen had a hypnotherapist attend his seminars to assist in training, and educating the audience on what is possible in hypnosis.   It was all great fun, when by autosuggestion, people rode imaginary horses up and down the aisles, cheered, “ Hi Hoa Silver, “ ran around the room shouting  off color phrases, raised their arms being held up by imaginary balloons, and fell asleep at certain commands.” Your hand is getting lighter and lighter:  it will soon rise by itself,” was a frequent command. Marshall Silver was the hypnotist and created several hundreds of thousands in income for himself in his Las Vegas performances pulling off his mesmerizing stunts.   For fun, for audience entertainment, sure.

For therapy, I personally would not use this technique even after being trained and I take a wide berth of hypnotherapists who approach me with the self- serving comment,  “ HI, I am a hypnotherapist, we do similar work “ . I think NOT!  “For TX Barber (1985), many suggestions, relaxation, guided imagery and imagery rehearsal that are commonly used in clinical practice do not require special hypnotic ability. “These suggestions are the language to which I speak.

The lesson in the Robert Allen training was really not about hypnosis, it was about the power of influence, his influence and training throughout the world.  The great psychologist, Cialldini, PHD wrote the book, “The Power of Influence.”  From which Robert Allen frequently quoted. In this book he cites the ways that audiences are swayed to purchase mass quantities of products from a speaker or TV presenter through the power of autosuggestion and influence.  There are people who made billions selling their products on HSN.

As manipulative as this may sound, many top selling speakers took lessons from Marshall Silver and bought Cialldini’s book to learn how to sell more products or sell their services from the platform.  Millions of dollars in sales resulted for Michael Gerber, “The E Myth”, Robert Kyosacky and many famous authors. The mansion in Rancho Santé Fe, California where Robert Allen lives and teaches his international students was built on these principles of persuasion.   His beautiful estate of 12 million dollars was built on the power of persuading others to give him money in exchange for learning what Allen knows in real estate and in business.  Mitt Romney was one of these, trainees.

“Response expectations are anticipations of automatic subjective and behavioral responses to particular situational cues and may elicit automatic responses in the forms of self- fulfilling prophecy. “ (Pg. 25 Contemporary Theories and Research) Coca-Cola as a corporation elicits the response of salivation every time it airs a person drinking a Coke. Very manipulative and direct way of creating a response in the human body. Coca Cola houses a secret ingredient.  Coca Cola is not patented by the way, as this would require giving away their secret ingredient.  How many millions of Cokes are sold daily, just from the sound of a bottle cap opening?

So persuasion is one technique, autosuggestion is another that was espoused by Napoleon Hill, and the Mindscape course by Body talk is yet another off shoot of the Silva Mind course.  In Mindscape, you create an imaginary office, with an imaginary phone and have imaginary conversations with people who call you to create your business. One of my daughters is a senior instructor for Body talk in this modality. She has recently created a new course for corporations using Mindscape techniques. I know how successful she has been in her own career using these suggestion techniques.

Although I wish to differentiate these techniques of autosuggestion, mind control and imagination in relationship to hypnosis, I would use ALL of them before using hypnosis as a technique in therapy, as I have negative subjective views towards hypnosis.  “Trusting the determinants of hypnotic responding as well as trusting the accuracy of the memories that surface in an age regression are all red flags to treatments that have no control mechanisms for either therapist or client.  ‘(Theories in Contemporary Theory and Research, pg.29). If you have no control mechanisms in treatment and cannot measure result, why do this?

I use the techniques of Access Consciousness which moves the neuron pathways of the clients and we see permanent change in one session. The clients are not riding imaginary horses around my office like 6 year old children. I am doubtful these results happen so quickly  with hypnosis. I like to see people get on their way and be successful, or well in a few sessions, not over several years using hypnosis.

The changes I had in my conceptions about hypnosis were that it does have its usefulness in autosuggestion, especially in resulting outcomes. I found the Silva mind self-  hypnosis exercise very helpful and quite interesting. I will do it again. I was persuaded by the level of relaxation and ease in the exercise.

For uses and applications, I see the following benefits:  group relaxation exercises, mediation and clearing negative energy exercises  before a training or business application, or  guiding the individual client to imagine new and exciting possibilities rather than their current “ Story” , hearing the outcomes of a new job, marriage or relationship change through autosuggestion and imagination as is done in Mindscape. As received in the Silva mind control exercise, I believe very much in the control of the mind to produce new and exciting outcomes.

One of the best, briefest conversations I ever had with Robert Allen showed up in a dream once. He asked me, “How did you get all this? “  I invented something, “ I responded.  For almost two years I asked my brain every night before I went to sleep, “What did you invent? “

I found the statement, “In the mind’s eye virtually anything is possible, and what can be imagined can at least some of the time, be realized into actuality.” (Pg. 29 Contemporary Theories and Research.) The opportunity to create the formulas finally showed up about six months ago. I have been organizing my life around this principle ever since. Was I hypnotized? No. Was my subconscious mind influenced, excited and woken up? Yes. “How?”,  I still do not know. I doubt I will ever know except to observe the outcomes and results of my dreams creating my new home, my new door and my new way of life.

Beyond past Lives and into Soul Memories between Lives: Application of Hypnosis

This was an interesting article. “Memories obtained through past life regression are not infallible, but such cases cannot seem to prove that they cannot be dismissed en masse. The client study of past life regression was very interesting showing the client the need for spiritual guides in this life to achieve her goals and recognizing her spirit guides as real. Meeting of the soul group or what I call “base camp “in this life is paramount in achieving the goals of the present or current life.

Of interest to me also was the comment” Many traditional religions report that in afterlife we face judgment from various Gods or angels. But inner life regression shows that there is no judgment from on high, only assistance and compassion. (European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 2006, volumes 7 issue 2, Pg. 22)  “The job of the guides was to assist the person with the review process of their lives to stop these souls from being too hard on them.”

It is this constant judgment, and negative contrast of the client’s deeper commitment to live out their soul contract and purpose of being in this universe at this time, against the wishes of both family and friends where I see more of the soul’s anguish than any other cause of disease.

The work we do as therapists is sacred. It overlaps spiritually to help people believe in the on-goingness of life, dissolving the fear of death, and work left undone in this lifetime. In understanding our inner spiritual world we lose the grip of materialism and link these states of awareness to Divine Will creating true and real harmony. That is why doing this work on this planet, at this time,  is priceless for me, and most divinely, my soul contract, but HYPNOSIS will have little or nothing to do with it.

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Neurobiology of Chakras and Prayer

Neurobiology of Chakras and Prayer by Richard Maxwell

This is one of the most interesting discussions on chakras I have ever read. The detail on the gap junction mechanisms of the body and the creation of embryological development completely fascinates me. “ This essay builds on the work of intercellular-gap junction connections provide a physiological mechanism underlying subtle energy systems providing a scientific rationale for previously unexplained details of the chakra theory. “

As a matter of fact the entire neurobiology of these gap junctions may have answers to many questions held in science today. Further statements holding fascination for me included”. “Yoga uses concepts different from those of western science to explain its function. Yoga includes the spiritual anatomy of the non- physical control over these functions and the influence of the particular glandular secretions, thereby controlling all aspects of mental function.” Hello? No one has ever said this to me. I have had a physical yoga practice for 3 years now with 200 hours instruction at the teaching level, and find myself “on the mat “at least four times a week. I do not know how many hundreds of hours I spend in prayer and meditation while face down or on my knees.

If chakras exist, they can influence physiological activity, some aspect must be accessible to objective analysis. Chakras are associated with the embryological organizing centers of the central nervous system. “Also the research of chakras as “psycho-energetic vortices forming the major organs of the body composed of “prana”, life force energy as a point of connection between the physical body and the etheric body was as surprising analogy.( Leadbeater1927, 1994, 2-3 ) The distinction between the between location at which mental focus may stimulate the chakras and the actual site of the chakras within the central nervous system ( Feuerstein, 1997) while also stating “the chakras are vertically aligned along the spine as a major nerve plexus, components in the CNS , the ANS and the endocrine system in the etheric force field. (Chernin 2002, 1977). This was very big news to me.

The demonstration of how the nonphysical interacts with the physical” is the challenge framed by Gotswami ( 1980, 1999, 14-20) ” The further explanation of the chakras through the gap junctions of the cytoplasm of the cells and adjacent cells was amazing to me. When we do cellular repair in Body talk this protocol must by definition act on the connexin related genes to enhance the gating properties penetrating through the two lipid layers. Accessing these hexagonal arrays of connexin proteins (Sohl, Maxeiner, and Willecke 2005) linking the membranes which form the hydrophilic passages of the cells must be the work of the cellular repair that Body talk does through the brain in the protocol called Cellular Repair. In cellular repair healthy cells migrate to the site of the diseased cells and there through gap junctions link with these healthy cells and genes to create new and vibrant healthy cells, throughout the DNA.

Further to this hypothesis, figs# 3, Pg. 814 Formation of the neural tube cells destined to become the CNS become segregated from the other electro-dermal cells to form a gate. When the fold joins, the neural crest cells migrate to from the region of the dorsal neural tube across the ANS to the neurons and glia of the enteric nervous system (Le Dourain and Kalcheim 1999). Because neural crest cells also form bones and cartilage in the face and parts of the head my question remains do these cells also migrate through gap junctions? (Huang et all 1998, Bannerman2000). And since bones which produce blood cells, both red and white are highly influenced by the base chakra, can we change the DNA of those people whose base chakra is affected by familial disruption, work matrixes and environmental factors to create new and healthy bones and blood cells?

“ The gap junction links between the autonomic cells and CNS cells , are peculiar due to the bone generating function of the neural crest cells. “ If the chakra activity at base chakra affects the secretory activity in the related endocrine system (Muladhara) at the base of the spine, how are the sacral bone, pelvic nerves and coccygeal plexus affected? And, how can this system in the state of disease be the basis of blood diseases like leukemia that I see on the table? How the thymus (heart protector gland) is in the heart system be affected by glial and neural crest cells in the heart region?

The essay further supposes that as the yogi modifies “activity through chemical synaptic functions, the functions of the organs is also affected by shifts in autonomic control consistent with a relaxation response.” As the yogi becomes more adept in practice, subtler system can change the energetic states in groups of cells, including opening connections in glial cells. Yogic practices such as meditation and prayer “could also stimulate the number of gap junction connections. “(pg. 816 Maxwell). Hello?

This is the first time in my entire life where someone actually gave me the scientific answers to the physiological reasons why prayer works, by modifying limbic and subcortical activity into a functional magnetic resonance.” Yoga training provides access to these subtle electrical circuits and functions. “

(See explanation of glial cells below.)

“Meditation (and prayer) functions to increase the prevalence of gap junctions and integrate compartments within the glial network, ultimately allowing the full unification of the spine and the brain. “ “The broader aspects of the shushumna are a product of the glial syncyticum extending through the whole volume of the brain and the spine, allowing full electrical unification of the spine and the brain. The location of the sahasrara chakra or crown chakra is located in the dorsal thalamus, in particular the epithalmus supporting the association with the pineal gland or master gland of the endocrines located in the brain. “(Pg. 818 Maxwell).

When addiction comes up in the PA RAMA protocol of Body talk, it is found in the thalamus #5 area of the brain where the pineal gland has shut down the frontal and medial brain function. Mediation or relationship with the DIVINE by using “addiction to escape,” instead of relationship with GOD to heal has also shut down. Coincidence?

Explanation of Glial cells

“The central nervous system consists of neurons and glial cells. Neurons constitute about half the volume of the CNS and glial cells make up the rest. Glial cells provide support and protection for neurons. They are thus known as the “supporting cells” of the nervous system. The four main functions of glial cells are: to surround neurons and hold them in place, to supply nutrients and oxygen to neurons, to insulate one neuron from another, and to destroy and remove the carcasses of dead neurons (clean up). The three types of CNS supporting cells are Astrocytes, Oligodendrocytes, and Microglia. The supporting cells of the PNS are known as Schwann Cells.” By Meredith Sofka

From the Scientific American and Interview

LEHRER: Your new book, The Root of Thought, is all about the power of glial cells, which actually make up nearly 90 percent of cells in the brain. What do glial cells do? And why do we have so many inside our head?

KOOB: In the late 18th century, scientists discovered the electrical properties of the neuron in the spine of frogs. Neurons have long tethers that are easy to study called ‘axons’ that extend from the cell body from the brain into the spine and the spine out to the limbs and body. Similarly, neurons in the senses were linked to the neurons in the brain. This is where the notion of neurons as the base of our thoughts took root. In the mid-19th century, glia were just being discovered, and researchers figured the glial cells simply held the neurons together (glia is Greek for glue). What I find sort of hilarious is that scientists stumbled upon very numerous cells in the brain, an organ responsible for our thoughts and personality, but they were so focused on neurons that they concluded the new cell was worthless. In the late 19th century a staining method was developed to look at cells more effectively in the brain. A brilliant researcher from Spain, Santiago Ramon y Cajal, took it upon himself to study the brain from the perspective of neurons. He meticulously mapped out a scheme for how they process information and are connected, which led to “The Neuron Doctrine.” (“The Neuron Doctrine” is a belief that neurons are responsible for our thoughts.) However, Cajal seemed inconvenienced by glial cells. They were very numerous and obviously hanging out all over the cortex. Meanwhile, his brother Pedro, who was also a scientist, developed the theory that glial cells were ‘support cells’ that insulated neuron electrical properties. Cajal decided to back his brother’s theory. And since 1906 when he won the Nobel Prize, this has been the dogma.

The correlation of this hypothesis became clear in the abstract “Reality Therapy and Human Energy Field “by Adrian Schoo whereby the hypothesis of Chopra (2000) and Gerber (1988) linked bioenergetics to the realities of the body. Linking the meridian systems of the etheric body to the physical body, and linking the etheric body with the endocrine system. (pg. 17).

“Human existence is not defined by the physical reality alone but resonates with the quantum reality and beyond (the virtual reality or causal from). To distinguish body, mind and spirit is not new. “In Body talk when we ask permission to begin a balancing session, I always ask the body is “permission of the Spirit given? “ This permission is the number one resonating factor before beginning any session. If spirit permission is not given, we will not proceed.

I also found support evidence of Level One, the first chakra relating to our foundations, the values, the tribal beliefs and systems from parents, family and our community (Myss, 1997). Of note was the further comment in these notes, “Since bone marrow plays a role in the production of white and red blood cells, first chakra dysfunction (through trauma) can be implicated in anemia and immune deficiency problems. Glasser also links autoimmune disease with physiology (the dense energy which resonates with the first chakra), creativity, and the mind body relationship where he writes that these diseases are the result of destructive creative physiology similar to what the individual does when it hallucinates. (pg.184)

Since the first chakra resonates with matters of physical safety, common fears and insecurities (Myss and Shealy 1999), include perceptions of (1) being completely by oneself with no support from others, (2) not belonging anywhere in the world and not having a place that one can call home (3) not being able to stand up for oneself and (4) not being able to provide for oneself and one dependents with the essentials of life.

What is the state of our economy that people are homeless? What is the state of our families that they are in jeopardy? What is the state of jobs that people are unemployed and unanchored for long periods of time because there are no jobs in work in their field? What is the mental state of those falling into addiction with first chakra trauma? We cannot judge this economy or how we got here. Staying centered in Divine will, being in compassion with all beings and praying for a brighter tomorrow filled with harmony and bounty will bring us just that. . I support in this economy, with the findings of Pedro Cajal, a scientist who developed the theory that glial cells were ‘support cells’ that insulated neuron electrical properties in the brain. Above all we need support in this economy and within our bodies’ immune function.

Finally, “Journey Back Home” by Ravindra Kumar, PHD cites wiping off the five negative forces: lust, anger, attachment, greed and ego” in identifying with “one’s own home” (Base chakra) reside in the potential state. Buddhists say that attachment and desire are the only two repetitive sins. If these seven negative forces affecting the Spirit could be altered or wiped out, “What a world it would be? “  At this stage, the individual achieves pure intellect, which is free of selfish desires. The individual wakes up from the dream of his life (or nightmare) and understands clearly the relationship of cause and effect. “(Pg. 209.)

The reasons for centering the base, feelings of not belonging, no support, and non- provision have largely influenced me to create six new formulas including a neuro-immune formulation to heal a ravaged humanity at this time in society.

Yahoo on the Doreen Virtue clearing video exercise, such a combination sea salt and air, angels, virtues. “Your heart is your connection to heaven. The magical world of the open heart, speaking the truth. What do you desire?” WOW, loved it, angels guard and protect your heart!

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Wellness Fair @ The Studio, Melt Hot Yoga Ladera Ranch Grand Opening

 Hello dear Ones:
Excited for tomorrow’s event!
The Studio:
27742 Antonio Parkway Suite K3 & 4
Ladera Ranch, CA 92694

What is Body talk?

1)    What does Body talk do?

It is a system of unique healthcare because it integrates the body in a truly integrative and holistic way.  What do you mean by that?

The Practitioner recognizes that the body mind complex functions in synchronicity and NOT as a bundle of autonomous or separate functioning body parts. This understanding recognizes the idea that poor health is simply an imbalance, or a lack of synchronization in the body.

2)    Why this show is called the Cracking Your Health Code?

3)    It is called “Cracking your health code” because as a holistic practitioner, we see disease as merely unlocking a number of codes in the body. Time after time once these codes are unlocked or even just observed, the body becomes balanced and the disease goes away.    So, it further supposes, if your body created the disease in an attempt to heal you, once you have learned the lessons from it, you can destroy and uncreated the imbalance that caused the disease. The practice is to bring your body into alignment with your state of health. There is no medication, no diagnosis, no invasion into the body. The brain does the healing.

4)    Where do these codes come from? They show up as a system of biofeedback from the client to the practitioner. It is the consciousness of the unity of body, mind and spirit between the practitioner and the client that unlocks the codes AND also the consciousness of the disease. All the information for disease is in the larger field, whether consciously expressed or not.

5)    Consciousness is the ground substance of all reality; the philosophy and science that Body talk is founded upon are blended together in a holistic picture of the Body talk system which is a consciousness based form of health care. This is the cutting edge of the practice of medicine of the future and for today.

6)    The International Body talk association was formed in 2000 and is head quartered in Sarasota, Florida and this is the official governing organization for the Body talk Association. This is the place where the public’s best interests are served with regard to the Body talk system and its family of practitioners.

You are probably asking yourself:

**ON what scientific principles is a consciousness based health care system based? **

How does it differ from an allopathic or energy medical system? ****

To discuss this we need to discuss the allopathic approach vs. the energy model of healing.  In the allopathic model, it’s like a watch repair. A watch is comprised of smaller pieces that make up the whole and ALL the moving parts are very predictable in their behavior. So if the watch does not work you would take it apart, and find the piece that is malfunctioning and either fix it or replace it.

Then you put the timepiece back together and its movement works again. In the Cartesian or Newtonian model of health care, it is the same, you find the piece that is not working properly in the body, you find the part that is diseased and either treat it with a drug or surgery or replace it with artificial part  based on the physics of the original model.

The assumption goes that when you are finished treating the part, and stitch up the sick person again, that the body should be good as new.   As we all know this is rarely the case. It does not work, because the body is a hologram.

The only difference in the Body talk  model is that the body is ALSO viewed as consisting of non- physical parts that need to be fixed or replaced and this movement is based on energy. If it was acupuncture, the specific series of acupuncture points are fixed to free up the flow of QI or imbalances in energy are replaced with that derived from foods or herbs.

Let’s take for example: chiropractic care, also a holistic model, this makes an assessment of which vertebrae is compressing a nerve and then fixes it by making the appropriate adjustment. The body’s state of health is determined by the parts of the spine that are being aligned properly so that energy can freely flow through the nerves once again be in homeostasis.

Therefore, in this paradigm of healthcare that both western and alternative modalities are based on, the focus is finding out what is wrong with the person and attempting to decrease or eliminate those symptoms, creating a diagnosis.

Also inherent in that world view are two other perspectives as to why the person created these symptoms:

The western model approaches medicine as the following:

1) The body and mind are separate and therefore can be treated separately. There is no connection to how disease is connected to the person’s emotional state, moods, beliefs and approach to life in general.

2) The world and its realities are independent of the human observer. There is no effect that consciousness has on what actually occurs in the world.

The techniques and procedures that form the basis of the body talk system are structured from the Dynamic systems model perspective. Every single atom, cell organ and system was seen to be in constant communication with every other atom, cell organ and system within the body mind complex at all times.

This includes communication through the nervous system, as well as the other subtle energy systems such as the meridians, chakras, and electromagnetic frequencies that are produced by the body through its own functioning.

How does it get better than this? This is an amazing system of health care, noninvasive, non-meditative, and non-diagnostic, yet serving as a bridge between the microcosm and the macrocosm of the body.

So on this SHOW we will not only talk about health, we will talk about wealth, we will talk about integration, energy in all its form including music and its vibrational frequencies, stress,  as well global issues that affect our spirit.

Stress experienced in daily life is seen to cause the circuits of the body to become compromised, weakening or disrupting the communication between the body and the mind.

Body talk helps to reestablish these energetic circuits and efficient communication by finding these elements of the body mind which were involved and linking them together again. This allows the body to very quickly recover and catch up in the healing process. Hence Body talk is a very effective form of energy medicine.

So how do we explain this energy medicine?

The body mind follows a holographic principle. For example, every person has the same DNA in every cell of the body; this means that every cell contains the same aspects of that body mind even though each cell is a part of a different aspect of the body.

The significance of this type of hologram is that when something happens to the cells of organs due to some negative emotions, it then results in epigenetic changes that actually alter all the functioning of the whole DNA.

At the same time the DNA in all the cells of the body reflect those changes energetically because they are connected holographic ally. Now the whole body is holding the same information and is aware at some level that there is some part of the body that is not functioning properly.

Your whole body knows it, if you have stubbed your toe, or you have a tooth ache, doesn’t it?

Of course the reverse is also true, if the factors controlling the DNA of malfunctioning cells are targeted and healed, this change is also reflected throughout the whole body at an energetic level through the holographic principle.  We are currently involved in studies observing the effects of Body talk on DNA and cancer cells.

We are beginning to see that when Body talk is used, the entire body, mind, and spirit are healed simultaneously.

This holographic principle therefore supposes that every microscopic part of our body knows exactly what every other part is doing and is therefore responding accordingly. And since the body with its own innate wisdom or consciousness is part of a universal web, it is constantly in touch with and responding to the wisdom of all that is or the universal consciousness of the world.

Therefore, if on a global level, if one part of the globe is experiencing war, the entire planet will feel the pain of this war.  If one part is experiencing JOY the entire planet can feel the joy.

This is an extremely important connection to make. It is one of the most important discoveries coming from quantum physics which impacts the direction that medicine must take NOW!

The most startling conclusions that quantum physics has come up with so far is the consciousness or act of observing affects the outcomes of any research study, what is observed, therefore exists!   Or in other words, consciousness is required to collapse all the waves of possibilities and probabilities that exist into one form, therefore consciousness become our reality.

So, as we learn to observe the body and what creates disease in the body, thereby unlocking these codes, disease goes away. The disease goes away because we are conscious of what created it in the first place. We have gone to the source; we have pulled out the root.  AND, the cut and paste of western medicine will seem rather primitive now.

Please do not misunderstand, the diagnostics and measurement fields of western medicine serves a purpose, but today’s society can and will take more advanced means of healing through Body talk  and clearing the limitations of the brain through Access consciousness than any other method on the planet.

That is why mothers who bring me their ADHD children see immediate results, and CEO’s who come for performance in business enhancement see immediate wealth. That is why addiction clients no longer can tolerate the taste of alcohol, or the taste of pot. The need for the addiction has gone away because we have observed the root cause. AND now the person can move forward within their own power, creativity and create money in their lives where before it was JUST not possible.

In the universal consciousness the observer collapses all the possibilities that infuse and animate each creation of thought. In body talk we call this level of consciousness within the individual body mind as innate wisdom.

Innate wisdom always KNOWS what the root cause of the disease is; therefore, it is the work of the individual WITH the practitioner that creates these profound results.

Since creative energies work downward, the western modalities will have limited, if any effect of the causes coming downward from other levels of the body.

When this society understands that the vital body is a phantom, a mere template form of the body. The real body is based on very subtle energies, so the modalities that are based on energy medicine will have amazing results with any imbalances on this level. Since energy moves form the vital body down to the physical body, it will also have visible effects on the physical body.

So as we discuss the mental body, the mind, the imagination, the belief systems and other mental possibilities, we open our entire world to new life! ON this broadcast we will talk about the brain, the mental body and belief systems, thought emotions that are created by the mind.

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Are SSRI drugs killing our kids? Facts on drugs that KILL. Is your child using these drugs and is he violent?

I am shocked to hear recently that a very well paid psychiatrist  prescribed SSRI drug so powerful that heart medication was  also prescribed.  The child was under 18 years of age, and he weighed less than 125 lbs.

Are you kidding me?

Prozac is NOT the answer , changing the neuron pathways of the brain manually, may be.  Click right to read a database of 4800 stories citing antidepressants as sources of aggression, suicide, and murders believed to be caused by SSRI drugs.


GRANDMOTHERS  USED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TO FEED KIDS and their beautiful brains. WE ARE feeding the next generation who will support this country with their work, DRUGS THAT KILL their beautiful brains. What a great legacy~!

SSRI Stories
Antidepressant Nightmares

“We Speak for the Dead to Protect the Living”

Click For Sortable Database of 4,800+ Media Articles Naming Antidepressants
WARNING! Withdrawal can often be more dangerous than continuing on a medication.  It is important to withdraw extremely slowly from these drugs, usually over a period of a year or more, under the supervision of a qualified specialist.  Withdrawal is sometimes more severe than the original
symptoms or problems.  

This website is a collection of 4,800+ news stories with the full media article available, mainly criminal in nature, that have appeared in the media (newspapers, TV, scientific journals)  or that were part of FDA testimony in either 1991, 2004 or 2006, in which antidepressants are mentioned. 
This web site focuses on the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), of which Prozac (fluoxetine) was the first.  Other SSRIs are Zoloft (sertraline), Paxil (paroxetine) (known in the UK as Seroxat), Celexa (citalopam),  Lexapro (escitalopram), and Luvox (fluvoxamine).  Other newer antidepressants included in this list are Remeron (mirtazapine), Anafranil (clomipramine) and the SNRIs Effexor (venlafaxine), Cymbalta (duloxetine) and Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) as well as the dopamine reuptake inhibitor antidepressant Wellbutrin (bupropion) (also marketed as Zyban).Although SSRI Stories only features cases which have appeared in the media, starting March 2012 there will be a Website: which will allow personal stories to appear in a different Website from SSRI Stories.  This is the work of Dr. David Healy

As Dr. David Healy notes in his article “Welcome to Data Based Medicine”,  ‘Third: This site will in due course have a category of posts for people who have been through the system, people who have had partners, parents, children or friends injured by treatments and who have found themselves trapped in a Kafkaesque world when they have sought help from doctors, regulators or others who seem to be there to help us.  These stories are aimed at highlighting the lunacy of the current system but also showing how someone who is determined can change everything. These stories will likely migrate to: when it is up and running.’  Sign up now and be prepared to tell your story.

On December 15, 2010, PLoS Medicine released a study which showed that, in regard to prescription medications and violence, the FDA had received the most reports of violence from the SSRI & SNRI antidepressants (except for Chantix, the smoking cessation drug.)  The study listed Prozac as the number 2 drug for violence, and Paxil as number 3.

Antidepressants have been recognized as potential inducers of mania and psychosis since their introduction in the 1950s.  Klein and Fink1 described psychosis as an adverse effect of the older tricyclic antidepressant imipramine. Since the introduction of Prozac in December, 1987, there has been a massive increase in the number of people taking antidepressants. Preda and Bowers2 reported that over 200,000 people a year in the U.S. enter a hospital with antidepressant-associated mania and/or psychosis. The subsequent harm from this prescribing can be seen in these 4,800+ stories.

Before the introduction of Prozac in Dec. 1987, less than one percent of the population in the U.S. was diagnosed with bipolar disorder – also known as manic depression.  Now, with the widespread prescribing of antidepressants, the percent of the population in the United States that is diagnosed with bipolar disorder (swing from depression to mania or vice versa) has risen to 4.4%3.  This is almost one out of every 23 people in the U.S.

The Physicians’ Desk Reference
The Physicians’ Desk Reference lists the following adverse reactions (side effects) to antidepressants among a host of other physical and neuropsychiatric effects.  None of these adverse reactions (side effects) is listed as Rare.  They are all listed as either Frequent or as Infrequent:

  • Manic Reaction (Mania, e.g., Kleptomania, Pyromania, Dipsomania, Nymphomania)
  • Hypomania (e.g., poor judgment, over spending, impulsivity, etc.)
  • Abnormal Thinking
  • Hallucinations
  • Personality Disorder
  • Amnesia
  • Agitation
  • Psychosis
  • Abnormal Dreams
  • Emotional Lability (Or Instability)
  • Alcohol Abuse and/or Craving
  • Hostility
  • Paranoid Reactions
  • Confusion
  • Delusions
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Akathisia (Severe Inner Restlessness)
  • Discontinuation (Withdrawal) Syndrome
  • Impulsivity

Adverse reactions are most likely to occur when starting or discontinuing the drug, increasing or lowering the dose or when switching from one SSRI to another.  Adverse reactions are often diagnosed as bipolar disorder when the symptoms may be entirely iatrogenic (treatment induced). 
Withdrawal, especially abrupt withdrawal, from any of these medications can cause severe neuropsychiatric and physical symptoms. It is important to withdraw extremely slowly from these drugs, often over a period of a year or more, under the supervision of a qualified and experienced specialist, if available. 
Withdrawal is sometimes more severe than the original symptoms or problems.

66 School Shootings/Incidents Involving SSRIs
Most of the stories on this site describe events that occurred after the year 2000.  The increase in online news material and the efficiency of search engines has greatly increased the ability to track stories.  Even these 4,800+ documented stories only represent the tip of an iceberg since most stories do not make it into the media. There are 115 cases of bizarre behavior, 66 school shootings/incidents, 68 road rage tragedies, 19 air rage incidents, 101 arson cases, 70 postpartum depression cases, over 1,000 murders (homicides) or murder attempts, over 300 murder-suicides (30% committed by women) and other acts of violence including workplace violence on this site.  There are also over 100 Journal Articles and FDA reports listed in the Index.  They are at the top of the Index immediately below the 66 school shootings/incidents and the 29 “won” criminal cases.

FDA Public Health Advisory

  • On March 22, 2004 the FDA published a Public Health Advisory  that reiterates several of these side effects and states (in part)  “Anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, impulsivity, akathisia (severe restlessness), hypomania, and mania have been reported in adult and pediatric patients being treated with antidepressants for major depressive disorder as well as for other indications, both psychiatric and non-psychiatric.”  (Click Links button at bottom of this page for a direct link to this FDA Warning.)

  • On September 14, 2004 the FDA added a Black Box Warning in regard to antidepressants & suicidality in those under age 18. 

  • On September 14, 2004 the FDA mandated that pharmacies provide to all parents or guardians for those younger than 18 an Antidepressant Patient Medication Guide.  This guide reads (in part) “Call healthcare provider right away if you or your family member has any of the following symptoms: Acting aggressive, being angry, or violent & acting on dangerous impulses.”  This Antidepressant Patient Medication Guide also states “Never stop an antidepressant medicine without first talking to a healthcare provider.  Stopping an antidepressant medicine suddenly can cause other symptoms.” (Click Links button at bottom of this page for a direct link to this FDA Antidepressant Guide.)

  • On December 13, 2006, the Black Box Warning for suicidality was updated to include those under age 25. The Black Box Warning is included in the insert to the drugs and in the Physicians’ Desk reference.

An Absence of Controlled Scientific Evidence

In the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 14, Number 1, Spring 2009, there is a journal article by Joel M. Kauffman, Ph.D., which is titled:  Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) Drugs:  More Risk Than Benefits?”   In reference to, Dr. Kaufmann made the following statement:  “Since no clinical trial involving multiple homicides is ever likely to be run, no firmer evidence is likely to be found.  Healy noted that much of the evidence for suicide and murder came from the efforts of journalists and lawyers”.

To read the full article go to the Links page on this site (click the button at the bottom of this page).

Japanese Warning on Violence

The Ministry of Health,  Labor and Welfare in Japan has investigated reports where people on antidepressants have committed sudden acts of violence against others. The agency has decided torevise the warnings on the medication guide to  read, “There are cases where we cannot rule out a causal relationship with the medication.”

A Public Health Problem of Epidemic Proportions

There is a grave concern among advocates that adverse reactions are greatly underestimated by the public, the medical profession, and the regulatory authorities. Each of these stories in our list can be interpreted as an adverse reaction and in most cases we have highlighted the portion of the article that refers to evidence of bizarre behavioral change consistent with drug reaction. In some stories causation is acknowledged and the juxtaposition of these stories with those where it goes unrecognized as well as the repetition of themes and circumstances is chilling. If indeed medications played a significant role in all these tragedies, then this is a public health problem of epidemic proportions on a global scale.

How to Use This Web Site

To enter the site, click on the button below. This will bring up the site index. The index contains 5 columns, each with its own column header displayed in red. Clicking on the column header will re-sort the index according to that heading. A link to the complete media article or testimony, often with a summary heading, is available by clicking on the “What” column entry displayed in blue.

There are 2 flags set in the index which have special meaning as follows:

  1. If the first character of the “Additional” column is a special character sequence (*,**,+,++), then the moderators of SSRIStories consider that story to be of special interest.

    • ** Indicates a school shooting or school incident.

    • * Indicates a legal case won using SSRI defense.

    • ++ Indicates an important journal article.

    • + Indicates a highly publicized case.

  2. If the last character of the “Drug” column is an asterisk, it indicates some expert has indicated the drug contributed to the events documented in the story.

1  Klein DF, Fink M.  Psychiatric Reaction Patterns to Imipramine.  Am Journal Psychiatry 1962; 119: 432-438

2 Preda and Bowers. Antidepressant-Associated Mania and Psychosis Resulting in Psychiatric Admissions . Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2001: 62: 30-33

3 National Institute of Mental Health:  Health Magazine 2010

Thomas J. Moore, Joseph Glenmullen, Curt D. FurbergPrescription Drugs Associated With Reports of Violence Toward Others.   PLoS Medicine: December 15, 2010

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Resolving Conflicted Parts Using Subtle Energy Sequences

Subtle Energy Studies, Conflict of Parts, Trauma Resolution

Deatsman’s comments this week really spoke to me. “The most common way that we inadvertently create energy blockages is by creating walls to keep other people and the world away. We build the walls because we believe the world to be unsafe and we have a fear of failure, success, and intimacy, anything that comes close. The energetic wall becomes thickened and fortified to the point that healthy exchange is cut off.”

I have seen many men with recurring heart failure in my practice. This one thought form of the energetic wall becoming thickened is like the thickening of the arterial walls over time, physiologically cutting down the availability of blood through the veins or arteries and the exchange of the lymph, blood and nerve fluids throughout the cardio vascular system to the heart chambers. Frequently left heart comes up, active oxygen exchange, active work on new ideas, new blood, new information to move forward. The outward stagnation is mirrored by the inward disease, where energetic walls are formed when healthy exchange is cut off. How do we learn that the body does talk?

“When the energy fields are torn or weak from stress, struggle, wounding or trauma, the repressing or piggy backing of energies uses up more and more personal energy thereby debilitating the symptoms into disease. “ I see these torn energy fields or holes in the Wei Chi increasing every time an addict of any kind tries to clear their energy by reaching for the addiction rather than acknowledging the pain and asking the pain what it will take to heal it. Taking responsibility for pain is not something this society does willingly. Most people do not take enough responsibility to balance their own check books.

“Conflicts of parts hold people back; they cannot progress.  For example, a person may want to graduate from college, but also wants not to, or a person may want to get married, but also wants not to.  This protocol is to ensure that all parts are in harmony.” This is what my mentor Robert Allen used to call having your foot on the brakes as well as the gas at the same time.  You go no- where.  I have had three cases of this in the last week, and used NLP on all of them.  One woman was deciding if she should marry the father of her child. Finally after 3 rounds of NLP she decided “YES.” There was no conflict of parts. I did not realize she came to see me because she was getting married the next day.  Now, she could say her vows and enter her marriage at a level 10, rather than a level 2 energetically. She was smiling so big we had to take a picture when she left.  I was reminded of Deatsman’s word of how “emotional repression damns up energy and ties energy on knots.” Imagine going into a wedding having your energy tied in knots?

I liked the HBLU techniques very much as they were differentiating priority. The use of pathological consciousness in Body talk Module 3 (Veltheim/ Muzniecks) on the organs, endocrines and body parts is extremely revealing with the parts that are in conflict with each other. Asking each part what it has to say about the situation was a new format for me.  I also like the differentiation of the loss vs. trauma protocols and will put these in my binder at the clinic.

I also realized that I have been dull and overcast by allowing the energy of others to interfere with my own happiness and am on a quest to have only like- minded souls around me at “my own base camp”.  I have used several of Deatsman’s techniques to clear blocked or knotted energy after the readings. I loved the rainbow waterfall external, and rainbow waterfall internal. I tried both of these with the result of much joy.

The reading of “Saying Yes when you mean NO” was extremely insightful. I did not see the comparisons of the seduction theory as it related to energy in such a subtle manner. This was truly eye opening.

Elimination of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Other Psychiatric Symptoms in a Disabled Vietnam Veteran with Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) in Just Six Sessions Using Healing from the Body Level Up™ Methodology, an Energy Psychology Approach

I really enjoyed this article the most, as I have a PTSD client right now, and we muscle tested for AIT as the protocol for his traumas. After three rounds, we were at zero trauma residual in the body. This article by Dr. Swack inspired me with the possibilities of healing at the HBLU level of PTSD, including the serious brain surgeries and traumas cause by them. This was an amazing article. One of the reasons I am so fascinated by this work is that healing that occurs from the body level to the soul level. Recently I also have been testing for spirit, and heart in the protocol.

The exercise to the statement, “I do not speak my truth in order to expose others who tell false stories about me,” yielded a threshold trauma. It began in 1994 and was active to present time. I realized when I changed the landscape of my base camp, my stress became significantly diminished. I became calmer. In order to accomplish this task, I decided to set some firm boundaries, speak up and end several destructive relationships. The chakras in play was “throat chakra and heart chakra”.

I used UFO holding technique on occiput/ frontal lobe while deep breathing using yoga breath. This was also a new experience for me.  It worked in two minutes.  And I chose to live with this threshold trauma in my throat and pain in my heart since 1994? Really?

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Can An Eagle be Happy Forced to be a Turtle?

Today is Super Bowl Sunday . If we asked the football players on the field, warriors marching forward into battle,  to dazzle us with their ballerina moves, or show us a “crow” in yoga, they would look at us like we were crazy, and they would be right.  You cannot ask an eagle to be a turtle. In most of our conscious lives, this is exactly what happens.  We ask the eagle to be a turtle to get along, get a job, fit in, don’t be yourself. When it does not work, we wonder why these people try to commit suicide, fail at marriage or sabotage themselves in many career ways.

That is because much of success is invisible. Actually 90% of what we know, do, see, be and believe cannot be seen. It is either in the subconscious mind, the conscious mind or the etheric field,  but still remains invisible to the naked eye. Many of the people who show up on my table for business performance coaching, fall into this category.  Many are eagles who forgot how to fly. I get to be the brain surgeon who invisibly cuts away these engrained, false conscious or false subconscious beliefs, provides a safe space, so that their wings grow back, they see the edge of the cliff, move past what they see, and let the wind carry them forward into flight.

” I used to be rich, in the flow of things, now I’m broke and don’t know why. ” The reality is is that  someone did move the cheese. Today we are operating more and more on flows of energetic reality, rather than actuality of action. Have you ever walked into a room and felt that someone there did not like you, even if they did not speak to you?  Have you ever come into someone’s home for a party, and had an immediate embrace, even though you were not family?  The energy projected in both circumstances is the energy you feel, even thousands of miles away. Telepathic healing is not encumbered by the physical obstacle of distance. How is this possible? Let me illustrate for you with two case studies:

George came to see me at the referral of a friend. He presented with severe tightness in his  chest, and I asked him ” Why is your heart breaking?”  NO answer. When we began to explore the Bodytalk protocol, the first link that presented was active memory. As I muscle tested for time and space of the active memory, the trauma came up at age 11. Again asking him, ” What do you remember about a trauma that happened to you at age 11? ” He said, “Nothing happened.”

I questioned further, leaning on the accuracy of my protocol, no matter what presented itself on a conscious level I knew that there was more here that met the eye, ” Is there something that your family could remember  that happened to you , when you were 11 years old? ”  We completed the rest of the session and I worked on removing the limitations of his brain with money issues through pressure points of Access Consciousness. About 20 minutes after his session, he called me very excited.  This man was 50 years old.

“My mother could not believe that  I could not remember. ” “Why, what happened? ” Well it seems, I was put in to the net as a goalie for the team. I hated that position, but the regular goalie was sick. It was last quarter, overtime.  There were three penalty kicks, I saved the day, and my team won. ” ” Ok, I said, what was wrong with that? ”

Well, the story did not end there. Apparently a team member from the opposing team, came up to him, running full throttle, kicked George in the chest full on frontal attack with his cleats.  George stood there with totality of this impact, fell to his knees, and finally passed out in pain with the physical impact of the blow. He had to be revived from unconsciousness by the medics and  the team doctor.

He went from Hero to ZERO in the same day. His body recorded it. His mind recorded it, and shut it out. What trauma does your body know about that you have divorced as not being real? We  began a list of where he went from HERO to ZERO throughout his life. George cracked his code.

Enter Diane, a beautiful 47  year old Israeli woman. Constant conflict with her husband brought her into therapy. As we explored the Bodytalk protocol active memory age three came up. I asked her, ” What happened to you at age three? Would you know or remember?” ” Yes, she said, I had a tonsillectomy. Something went wrong and my mother told me I did not breathe for a long time. ”  I went into PA RAMA protocol and discovered Diane did not have conscious access to the frontal lobes of her brain. Either these lobes of planning, organizing, doing were non- existent to her or had been damaged at the time of the surgery, so that she could no longer access the functions they perform. This had been the case since age three. Diane had severe problems going to school completing tasks. She was told she was ADHD, and was dyslexic. She completed a course in accounting because her teacher had a dyslexic child and knew what to do. All her life she felt weird, stupid and out of place when she did the tasks the world asked of her.

Her husband was going ballistic on an hourly level. He was trying to launch a new scientific product that he had created , and his wife was too stupid or lazy to complete any of the administrative tasks he asked her to do to help him. The truth was she could not. She had no capacity in her brain to string the tasks together for completion of anything that he needed.  When I explained this to her husband, he initially said, ” Can’t you fix her? I do not want to be married to a retarded person. ” Really, shall we teach an eagle to be a turtle?” And we wonder why there is divorce, when couples are killing each other psychically.

There was concurrently another reality.  Diane is also a brilliant artist of modern art. She paints pictures that are spiritual, divinely inspired and stunning in their colors. She paints with her heart rather than with her hands. So I decided to show Dianne this reality. I  took Diane to La Jolla to  find a gallery to sell her art. On the drive down, there for over an hour, she filled the car with her negative thoughts others had projected into her mind, into  horrible words that others had said about her. She was not only the victim, she lived this lie for 43 years, until the reality of the truth of her brain began to sink in. The stink of those mean words was so bad, I was ready to drop her off by the side of the road or send her home by bus before we got there.

The truth was that I could not do this, because of the simple fact that she had also told me if she did not get relief from this horrific life she was living she would kill herself. I believed her.

As we approached La Jolla, she started to panic in advance of the anticipated rejection. She drank both a coffee and ate a price of tierimisu cake. Coffee AND alcohol in the middle of the day, I cannot do this. She had  not presented any work, but was already freaking out that someone would reject her, yet AGAIN.  I did not take this approach.

We walked from gallery to gallery energetically asking where her modern art would best find a home. When we finally found the gallery, the manager was gracious, kind and welcoming. Diane felt comfortable and poured her heart out to Susan about the spirituality behind her art. Turns out the gallery was also looking for new artists for a show on February 14th. Could Diane feel comfortable doing a one woman show of her work?

When we returned home, Diane’s husband asked her when she was coming back to do the administrative work he planned for her that day. She said, ” A famous artist paints. ” How many times has invisible pain of your unconscious memories been killing your spirit, when you know something is not right. You force the turtle to fly, you force the eagle to crawl. Neither honors the spirit of the creature God created as whole and perfect.

Angelica Wagner, PA RAMA CBP, Access Consciousness Facilitatotor

Family Therapy, Addiction

Naficy Medical Clinic

27512 Calle Arroyo #A,

San Juan Capistrano, 92675

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Practical Applications for Energy Work, Ethics of Energy Healing ,Energy Protections and Methods of Healing Recurring Traumamc

Practical Applications for Energy Work, Ethics of Energy Healing, Energy Protection and Healing Trauma

This week’s subjects were amazing.  I just loved every piece of reading and the further explanations of applications of energy work which were made clear and relevant by these readings.  As a Certified Body talk Practitioner at Pa Rama level, there are about 50 of us globally, and the focus of work that presents itself varies from client to client on a minute to minute basis, every day in practice.

I could see anything from an attempted teenage suicide intervention to corporate business coaching, to a fertility issues due to HPV in the uterus, to several ADHD kids all in the same afternoon. All of these issues are considered to be Energy Psychology issues. Yet how many other psychologists, alternative health care professionals or conversely whole western medical teams and hospitals using x-rays, MRIs and other diagnostics would it generally take if this was a western medicine facility only?

Further to this question how much time and energy is wasted in unnecessary surgery, radical misdiagnosis, harmful drug use and years of “ Talk Therapy” that are rationalized in monetary gain, social acceptance, and medical governmental support, yet still do not address the issues that Energy Psychology resolves in an just an hour. Thousands and thousands of medical dollars, loss of productive time working and in some cases years of repressed trauma and we are still in the closet! Nor do we get governmental financial support in alternative programs that still do not exist as health care options.

My question continually repeats, “How does one quantify the value of this work in money saved, time saved and efficacy of returning the Self to the whole being and solving the presenting issue?”  I have seen even the most severe addiction cases resolved in three to five sessions, ADHD cases bringing our beautiful and brilliant little Indigo children back to life as stars of their classroom in two or three sessions.  And yet as therapists many of us are shunned, living in near poverty, fear and shame, still in the closet with the efficacy of our calling. Really? I am too old for these games.

Yes there are still so many misconceptions about the work we do, and the resulting “miracles” and even more strict guidelines on how we can present these findings to the public. What we see on the table must and should be called “miracles” It cannot be. Medical model cannot begin to compete with the efficacy of energy psychology. Those of us who discussed these possibilities were laughed at and called crazy 25 years ago. The pioneers get the arrows, and my own personal amazement is what happens, EVERY TIME. It is not an accident. Hundreds of hours of study, hundreds of patients and these daily miracles are an accident? I think not.

I cannot count the times I have been verbally abused, scorned and derided by people who are not conscious calling me” a witch doctor.”  Twenty five years ago, it was called “voo doo.”  Today it is known far and wide as “Applied quantum physics. “ If this is the case, why are women still cutting off their breasts to save themselves from breast cancer when the removal of these beautiful gorgeous orbs from God will never change the thoughts that created their cancer in the first place? We beg for cures, when the brain, the innate wisdom of healing in the body and the spirit has them all along.

I was inspired by the introductory remarks and rationale for the psychoanalytic energy psychology by Karnac Books which began with the quote, “When I began using my new cure, I wasn’t sure it would work. I certainly was not prepared for its spectacular effect. I was amazed. More amazed possibly, than my patients.  Roger Callahan, 1985, Pg. 36.” This is my experience with this work. My friends tell me that I am addicted to miracles. Yes. I see them in minutes and seconds with the brilliant protocols of Body talk, and still I need to study more, learn more, get more techniques for the toolbox so I am ready no matter what presents on the table. There is always a deeper respect, a deeper fascination of WHY it works. I no longer question HOW. I do not know how and I do not pretend to guess.

Today I saw 10 people in half a day at a wellness fair. Three presented with cellular repair. One woman had just found out there were abnormal cells in her uterus two days ago. HOW can an energy psychologist see this possibility in less than 10 seconds, with no x-ray? I only knew her name, when I asked permission to balance. When I did a cellular repair on those cells, checked for retention, she felt healed immediately. How does this happen? An unwed woman found out she was pregnant, and was thrilled to discover this at three weeks pregnancy. A pilot traumatized by 9/11 and a scene at an accident with recurring terrifying nightmares, needed a cellular repair to his brain to stop a brain tumor emerging. The heat from the brain trauma through my hands frightened me. He was calmed to peace in fifteen minutes.   I do not understand “HOW”. I will never understand HOW and I do not care, because it is not relevant.

Yoda said, “Do or not do. There is no try “.  When you finally get that it is ALL only energy, you stop following the stuck energy. This is how I feel about Energy Psychology. A further key was Freud’s (1920) “discernment about the malignant traces of the “ death instinct”  in states of severe depression, trauma, perversion and negative therapeutic reactions in the realm of energy psychology, we detect psychological; and energetic reversal wherein a person’s system becomes oriented towards illness, hopelessness or self -sabotage. “” Dr. Callahan regards psychological reversal as one of his most important discoveries. “When those of us called to this work, save a life which would have been lost due to depression, addiction or drugs, we should disrespect the energy psychologist by calling her/ him a “witch doctor” or crazy?  I still do not understand, “HOW?” Return to sender with consciousness your comments; my address is unknown to your idiocy. And so the conventional talk therapy in relationship to trauma, makes people worse, and relates them to self-harm as the outcomes. Why are our kids cutting themselves? Is it child hood trauma or is it the drugs administered by psychiatrists? Why are our kids killing other kids at school? Is it the drugs administered or violent video games? These are questions society is not asking, “HOW?”

A further point of clarity (Callahan and Callahan, 2003) which was startling. “Quiet often the seemingly psychological states of anxiety and depression are caused or exacerbated by non- psychological factors of energy toxins found in food or chemical substances which cause havoc in the individual’s energy system. “ With diabetes, pancreatic cancer, obesity, heart disease and other food related diseases on a 40 % increase and beginning to present in small children our society, “HOW” will we cope with these outcomes long term? Given this time and space in society and its current manner of treatment for these diseases, we are in very deep trouble. “HOW can this change?

“One of the features of energy psychology approaches is that they are not fundamentally based on theory, but on an observation of reality. “ (Karnac Books, pg. 23)Yet, we believe it is right and just to continue hacking off breasts with no reality at all about the mind that created the disease in the first place to save us.

I loved the article, “Energy Protection for Highly sensitive People. “

Negative emotions signal that something is going awry inside your mind. It is your thoughts that are messed up, not anything outside you.

When you have negative emotions, it’s a signal that you are telling yourself faulty ideas. You’re thinking in the wrong direction. You’re thinking you are separate from the Divine, an isolated individual, a human who is alive now and can die.

Take command of your thoughts.

Transform thoughts and beliefs that make you feel less happy for ones that make you feel happier.

This obviously means that repressing your emotions, stuffing them down inside you is not going to help. All that does is bury the problem. It’s like disguising an infected finger by wearing gloves.

Not only does the problem escalate, when it’s shoved into the subconscious, but you also deny yourself one of the best tools the Divine has ever given you!

It is our separation from God and separation from us that causes disease. Get that point, heal the world. As Wayne Dyer says, “Some people exude negative energy because of their lifestyle, friends and thinking habits. They could be sending it out all the time or just part of the time. To the degree that you are sensitive and porous, being around these people will actually make you sick.I get out of harm’s way fast with this one.

The older I get the more conscious I am about where I give my energy, which I spend my time with, how I spend my time in what relationship.  I love working at my new clinic. I have the most beautiful facility, staff and physical surroundings I could ever have asked for. I am grateful for every hour that I spend there. I recharge my energy field by doing yoga at least 5 times a week, and it gives me a beautiful flexible body.  I meet with other Access Consciousness practitioners and have my own brain defragged at least every ten days.  I read at least an hour a day and stay in perfect silence, and I have an active relationship with the Divine.

The article on protection from negative energies really spoke to me due to some issues that presented this week. Doing the following · “As you breathe in the energy from the divine, image the light is growing so much that it pushes through the confines of your body. Imagine the light growing to encompass your physical body about 2 feet in diameter. See the last aspects of the unwanted energy floating out into the universe where it too can be dissipated and no longer do harm to anyone.

  • · Say a prayer asking your guides and teachers to come to you and to help with the purpose of this protection. State your intention clearly and ask The Great Spirits or God to help you with your purpose. Don’t forget to say thank you.”

I had an experience this week where I really had to ask for Divine Protection from some people I hardly knew, but who had decided to judge me from their very limited point of consciousness and world view. I learned a new technique to see the energy as a Chrystal bell that you place over your body. In the 1800’s, women wore corsets to have trimmer waists, and often beautiful gowns were draped over these rather constricting corsets. As I began to see a complete Chrystal bell dress, as a beautiful garment of protection, where I projected light out, and nothing dark could penetrate back to cause me constriction of energy, I imagined the rainbow of light cascading from the dress, out into the field.

This and returning their energy to the sender, protected me. I also had my brain defragged, Reiki, and a yoga class to bring me back to balance. The highest and deepest wisdom in me finally chose to do more healing and save lives at a wellness fair, where I was loved and appreciated.

“You are a rock star. “ Ash yes, Lady Gaga of healing…….. “

I spent hours at the ACEP site, guidelines for practice, and will become a member. WOW more people who do this work globally? WOW.

I also appreciated all the audios and videos on the site for our training.
This call was conducted by Maryam Webster after Hurricane Katrina, for survivors of that disaster and other trauma victims. All people facing trauma can benefit from EFT, regardless of age or familiarity with these techniques. There is a tutorial on the technique and further information here:

AGAIN, further training in the specifics of trauma with HBLU was incredible and I will have these notes at every session when I practice. .  “In HBLU I we cover loss, violence, physical injury, and threshold trauma.  A threshold trauma is an accumulation of irritating experiences that accumulate over time.  Finally, the upsetting situation occurs one too many times (i.e. the straw that breaks the camel’s back) and the client goes over threshold into a traumatic reaction.  When treating a trauma we find out which structure to use for the healing, either the Loss Trauma Outline or the Violence Trauma Outline

I tested myself for the codes of “loss trauma and violence trauma” and was very surprised to note that my body perceived the incidence as violence threshold trauma with the time sequence indicator that the threshold of overdrive began one and a half years ago, and reached threshold one week ago.  I muscle tested for clearing with EFT for the entire sequences.  The answer was YES, I was at a 9 with my discomfort.

I decided on the one issue I felt was presented in the entire thought sequence with EFT. I began to tap. After I went through one round of sequence, I was at a 2. Then I watched the video and did the sequence again and was at zero.  Interesting observations were the kidney meridians, collar points, points under the eyes, and pancreatic reflex point under the arm.  My Body talk protocols showed me the emotions that brought me to trauma. They were fear, shame, public humiliation and lack of sweetness in my life. This HBLU experiential exercise took my last semester’s teachings up a whole new level when we covered loss, violence, physical injury, and threshold trauma.

“A threshold trauma is an accumulation of irritating experiences that accumulate over time.  Finally, the upsetting situation occurs one too many times (i.e. the straw that breaks the camel’s back) and the client goes over threshold into a traumatic reaction.  When treating a trauma we find out which structure to use for the healing, either the Loss Trauma Outline or the Violence Trauma Outline” Hblu outline Dr. Swack and this was the first time, I did not require the heat and sweat of yoga, the clearing statements of Access Consciousness or the brain applications on my brain to balance the “sorrow points.”  This cleared my one and a half year threshold trauma in 15 minutes, using EFT. Pretty amazing.

What was even more amazing was that, until this exercise, my body did not tell me nor did I perceive that my body was at threshold point at 9 with this recurring trauma, nor had I perceived it as a violence trauma. Thanks, Dr. Dexter.

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Wellness Fair today at Core Power Yoga from 11-3 pm in Huntington Beach, Ca.

I will be doing 20 minute demo- sessions of Body talk and Access Consciousness ( by donation) today at Core Power Yoga in Huntington Beach, 7777 Edinger Ave  Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Please come by and restore, renew and refuel your energy! Get a free week of yoga and see some of the hundreds of new products and services that are here to heal you today.

If you are suffering from sadness,depression, confused mental states, addiction, ADHD, are looking for answers to fertility, unresolved anger, weight issues, come see me today!

What is Body talk?

1)    What does Body talk do?

It is a system of unique healthcare because it integrates the body in a truly integrative and holistic way.  What do you mean by that?

The Practitioner recognizes that the body mind complex functions in synchronicity and NOT as a bundle of autonomous or separate functioning body parts. This understanding recognizes the idea that poor health is simply an imbalance, or a lack of synchronization in the body.

2)    Why this show is called the Cracking Your Health Code?

3)    It is called “Cracking your health code” because as a holistic practitioner, we see disease as merely unlocking a number of codes in the body. Time after time once these codes are unlocked or even just observed, the body becomes balanced and the disease goes away.    So, it further supposes, if your body created the disease in an attempt to heal you, once you have learned the lessons from it, you can destroy and uncreated the imbalance that caused the disease. The practice is to bring your body into alignment with your state of health. There is no medication, no diagnosis, no invasion into the body. The brain does the healing.

4)    Where do these codes come from? They show up as a system of biofeedback from the client to the practitioner. It is the consciousness of the unity of body, mind and spirit between the practitioner and the client that unlocks the codes AND also the consciousness of the disease. All the information for disease is in the larger field, whether consciously expressed or not.

5)    Consciousness is the ground substance of all reality; the philosophy and science that Body talk is founded upon are blended together in a holistic picture of the Body talk system which is a consciousness based form of health care. This is the cutting edge of the practice of medicine of the future and for today.

6)    The International Body talk association was formed in 2000 and is head quartered in Sarasota, Florida and this is the official governing organization for the Body talk Association. This is the place where the public’s best interests are served with regard to the Body talk system and its family of practitioners.

You are probably asking yourself:

**ON what scientific principles is a consciousness based health care system based? **

How does it differ from an allopathic or energy medical system? ****

To discuss this we need to discuss the allopathic approach vs. the energy model of healing.  In the allopathic model, it’s like a watch repair. A watch is comprised of smaller pieces that make up the whole and ALL the moving parts are very predictable in their behavior. So if the watch does not work you would take it apart, and find the piece that is malfunctioning and either fix it or replace it.

Then you put the timepiece back together and its movement works again. In the Cartesian or Newtonian model of health care, it is the same, you find the piece that is not working properly in the body, you find the part that is diseased and either treat it with a drug or surgery or replace it with artificial part  based on the physics of the original model.

The assumption goes that when you are finished treating the part, and stitch up the sick person again, that the body should be good as new.   As we all know this is rarely the case. It does not work, because the body is a hologram.

The only difference in the Body talk  model is that the body is ALSO viewed as consisting of non- physical parts that need to be fixed or replaced and this movement is based on energy. If it was acupuncture, the specific series of acupuncture points are fixed to free up the flow of QI or imbalances in energy are replaced with that derived from foods or herbs.

Let’s take for example: chiropractic care, also a holistic model, this makes an assessment of which vertebrae is compressing a nerve and then fixes it by making the appropriate adjustment. The body’s state of health is determined by the parts of the spine that are being aligned properly so that energy can freely flow through the nerves once again be in homeostasis.

Therefore, in this paradigm of healthcare that both western and alternative modalities are based on, the focus is finding out what is wrong with the person and attempting to decrease or eliminate those symptoms, creating a diagnosis.

Also inherent in that world view are two other perspectives as to why the person created these symptoms:

The western model approaches medicine as the following:

1) The body and mind are separate and therefore can be treated separately. There is no connection to how disease is connected to the person’s emotional state, moods, beliefs and approach to life in general.

2) The world and its realities are independent of the human observer. There is no effect that consciousness has on what actually occurs in the world.

The techniques and procedures that form the basis of the body talk system are structured from the Dynamic systems model perspective. Every single atom, cell organ and system was seen to be in constant communication with every other atom, cell organ and system within the body mind complex at all times.

This includes communication through the nervous system, as well as the other subtle energy systems such as the meridians, chakras, and electromagnetic frequencies that are produced by the body through its own functioning.

How does it get better than this? This is an amazing system of health care, noninvasive, non-meditative, and non-diagnostic, yet serving as a bridge between the microcosm and the macrocosm of the body.

So on this SHOW we will not only talk about health, we will talk about wealth, we will talk about integration, energy in all its form including music and its vibrational frequencies, stress,  as well global issues that affect our spirit.

Stress experienced in daily life is seen to cause the circuits of the body to become compromised, weakening or disrupting the communication between the body and the mind.

Body talk helps to reestablish these energetic circuits and efficient communication by finding these elements of the body mind which were involved and linking them together again. This allows the body to very quickly recover and catch up in the healing process. Hence Body talk is a very effective form of energy medicine.

So how do we explain this energy medicine?

The body mind follows a holographic principle. For example, every person has the same DNA in every cell of the body; this means that every cell contains the same aspects of that body mind even though each cell is a part of a different aspect of the body.

The significance of this type of hologram is that when something happens to the cells of organs due to some negative emotions, it then results in epigenetic changes that actually alter all the functioning of the whole DNA.

At the same time the DNA in all the cells of the body reflect those changes energetically because they are connected holographic ally. Now the whole body is holding the same information and is aware at some level that there is some part of the body that is not functioning properly.

Your whole body knows it, if you have stubbed your toe, or you have a tooth ache, doesn’t it?

Of course the reverse is also true, if the factors controlling the DNA of malfunctioning cells are targeted and healed, this change is also reflected throughout the whole body at an energetic level through the holographic principle.  We are currently involved in studies observing the effects of Body talk on DNA and cancer cells.

We are beginning to see that when Body talk is used, the entire body, mind, and spirit are healed simultaneously.

This holographic principle therefore supposes that every microscopic part of our body knows exactly what every other part is doing and is therefore responding accordingly. And since the body with its own innate wisdom or consciousness is part of a universal web, it is constantly in touch with and responding to the wisdom of all that is or the universal consciousness of the world.

Therefore, if on a global level, if one part of the globe is experiencing war, the entire planet will feel the pain of this war.  If one part is experiencing JOY the entire planet can feel the joy.

This is an extremely important connection to make. It is one of the most important discoveries coming from quantum physics which impacts the direction that medicine must take NOW!

The most startling conclusions that quantum physics has come up with so far is the consciousness or act of observing affects the outcomes of any research study, what is observed, therefore exists!   Or in other words, consciousness is required to collapse all the waves of possibilities and probabilities that exist into one form, therefore consciousness become our reality.

So, as we learn to observe the body and what creates disease in the body, thereby unlocking these codes, disease goes away. The disease goes away because we are conscious of what created it in the first place. We have gone to the source; we have pulled out the root.  AND, the cut and paste of western medicine will seem rather primitive now.

Please do not misunderstand, the diagnostics and measurement fields of western medicine serves a purpose, but today’s society can and will take more advanced means of healing through Body talk  and clearing the limitations of the brain through Access consciousness than any other method on the planet.

That is why mothers who bring me their ADHD children see immediate results, and CEO’s who come for performance in business enhancement see immediate wealth. That is why addiction clients no longer can tolerate the taste of alcohol, or the taste of pot. The need for the addiction has gone away because we have observed the root cause. AND now the person can move forward within their own power, creativity and create money in their lives where before it was JUST not possible.

In the universal consciousness the observer collapses all the possibilities that infuse and animate each creation of thought. In body talk we call this level of consciousness within the individual body mind as innate wisdom.

Innate wisdom always KNOWS what the root cause of the disease is; therefore, it is the work of the individual WITH the practitioner that creates these profound results.

Since creative energies work downward, the western modalities will have limited, if any effect of the causes coming downward from other levels of the body.

When this society understands that the vital body is a phantom, a mere template form of the body. The real body is based on very subtle energies, so the modalities that are based on energy medicine will have amazing results with any imbalances on this level. Since energy moves form the vital body down to the physical body, it will also have visible effects on the physical body.

So as we discuss the mental body, the mind, the imagination, the belief systems and other mental possibilities, we open our entire world to new life! ON this broadcast we will talk about the brain, the mental body and belief systems, thought emotions that are created by the mind.

What is the mental body?

The mental body consists of the egoistic mind and the belief systems, attitudes, thoughts and emotions that are created by that mind. Advanced psychotherapeutic approaches such as Jungian psychotherapy, and Access Consciousness BRAIN also affects and shifts the vital and physical bodies.

The super mental body is defined by the intuitive, higher aspect of consciousness. In the second modality that I practice,, Access Consciousness Brain discusses and heals,  the 32 points of the brain that are accessed and touched removing all limitations from the brain and allowing the body to access the higher forms of intuitive knowing. Therefore all things in life can now be achieved with ease, joy and glory.

Modalities that use tools that access this level of mind/body will be working with the big picture and the effects will flow down to the other three levels. Body talk practitioners who work form a place of total non-attachment to outcomes, no agenda, and utilize their intuition.

As a Body talk practitioner I practice consciousness based health care. I am  aware of the downwards causation of illnesses, conditions and symptoms from consciousness and work form this understanding of the root cause.

It may seem that the practitioner is addressing the vital parts of the body, and as we tap it out, the effects of the session trickle down through all levels including mental, vital and physical.

That is why there is so much emphasis in all the techniques on showing the connection between what the approach is addressing and how CONSCIOUSNESS is actually the root of the issue. So it is necessary for the practitioner to address consciousness of the issue and how it affects all levels of the person’s reality.

Before this, Consciousness was considered a realm of philosophy. Now with the new understanding coming from the field of quantum physics, consciousness is being redefined as applied quantum physics. The two fields of study are NO longer separate. And the Body talk system can be viewed as the bridge between quantum physics and applied quantum physics as the NEW model for advanced health care globally.

Body talk is a revolutionary consciousness based health care system that is founded in Quantum Physics; a new understanding of the universe and everything in it contains the information of the whole. Everything is dynamically interconnected. All systems, c ells and subatomic particles within a body mind are in communication with every other system, cell and subatomic particle.

Each body mind is also interconnected with everything and everyone in their environment as well as everything else in their universe. That is why we are as a society profoundly impacted by the picture of a hungry child on television, or war  in another country.

This growing understanding of quantum physics and that the knowledge that the observer merely by observing can change an experiment by collapsing all the waves of probabilities, has changed the way we view reality and hence the role of practitioner/ client in a healing relationship.

So that we have moved beyond viewing the body as separate and each one of us as separate.  Body talk has moved beyond the idea that improving health merely involves finding symptoms, into an infinite field of possibilities within the concept of healing.

What else is possible in this session?   What else is possible in your life? What else is possible in your city, country, or world? With this new understanding we can now appreciate the validity and power of distant healing and how immediate, dynamic and permanent changes in one’s health are possible.

Who does Body talk?  Where is it practiced?

7)    There are 3000 practitioners worldwide who do this type of healing.  People all over the globe receive body talk including the current president and first lady of this country.

How does the session work?

Well the person is fully clothed, lying face up on a table, and the practitioner begins a line of silent questioning through the protocol.

She acknowledges that the BODY”S own innate wisdom and asks it what it needs  to heal and to maintain synchronicity within the body or what is need of enhancing or balancing.

To this end, the Body talk practitioner consults the body’s innate wisdom by means of biofeedback. Innate then gives the practitioner an indication of its priorities in the healing process. By means of this technique of biofeedback, the practitioner is able to determine which aspects of the body are poorly linked and under communicating with each other. Also by means of biofeedback, the body’s innate wisdom indicates the priorities in bringing about enhanced communication within the body mind complex.

The practitioner then addresses these links through touch or by asking the client to touch the links. While the link is being held, the practitioner taps gently on the head and over the heart complex.

The act of tapping on the head enables the innate to register the links to the brain which enhances the overall integral functioning and intercommunication within the body. The act of tapping over the heart complex enables innate to store the memory of the links through the heart complex.

In this way the innate wisdom and healing function already inherent in the body is enhanced on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

We know the following:

  1. The body has the inborn, innate ability to heal itself on all levels.
  2. The key factor in maintaining health in the body is to reestablish communication between all systems and body parts. In this way the body can synchronize its activities to adapt to the stressors of life, and heal itself.
  3. An important consideration in the healing process is the specific sequence in which the body is stimulated to balance and heal its systems and parts. With many other modalities one of the main factors that slows down the healing process is the projection of the bias and agenda of the practitioner. As each case is new, we work to stay neutral in the process of balancing each link within the process.
  4. We also recognize that the health of each unique body mind needs to be addressed at the level most suited to the particular needs and level of understanding of the client.

HERE ARE the basic principles of BODYTALK;

  1. Establish the imbalance within the body mind.
  2. Linking is the key factor in the new paradigm of health care. The practitioner determines which parts are in poor communication and reestablishes the communication to enhance the body’s innate healing ability through the links that are not communicating well with each other.
  3. The tapping process on the head and the sternum (energetic heart complex) facilitates the linking to the body parts and stores the memory of the change.

What is INNATE wisdom?

The body has the innate (inborn) ability to heal itself. When we tap into this process of wisdom, we can use it in the healing process. So how do we tap into this process? This process occurs at all levels of healing… physical, emotional, and mental. Many Western systems of healing do not give full credence to how wonderful the human mechanism really is. They also fail to understand its potential.

We choose instead to make of our diagnosis and tell our body how to heal it based our supposed superior self- knowledge of the healing process. The body however, only seems to be failing in its job when its communication systems have been severely compromised through the stresses of life, and interferences.

Once communication is reestablished between the various parts of the body, it can and will heal these parts on its own.

Synchronization versus Intervention

The focus of most of the communication system inherent within the body mind. The focus has been on repairing the parts that appear to be problems and hoping that the body can get those parts to synchronize.

Body talk enhances the body’s’ natural synchronization to enable it to repair its own parts more rapidly. The resultant energy configuration allows the body parts to quickly return to the normal synchronization of the body mind complex and its environment. This inner synchronization of the body mind will then quite naturally be reflected in a more harmonious interaction in the environment.

Because of our vast accumulation of knowledge of the anatomical and physiological processes of the body, we have a tendency to overestimate our abilities. In recent years it has been increasingly obvious that our knowledge about the workings of our body is still extremely deficient.

Every day as we receive more and more evidence of how intricate the body mind complex is and learn to realize the immense number of  inter relationships between the components of the body mind at  the physical level, within the energy systems and the mental and emotional components. These create a complex symphony of relationships about which we are only beginning to scratch the surface of understanding.

The joke is that we think we have the knowledge to tell the body how to do its job, when it has been doing its job successfully for millions of years.  There are times when the body fails to do its job and needs help. But in most cases the type of help it is getting is not necessarily what it really wants or really needs.

The real problem is our life styles cultures and technology have interfered with its natural processes, compromising the communication networks that enable it to coordinate the billions of synchronized activities  per second necessary to maintain optimum health.

The Body talk paradigm for the future of integrative health care is one where we once again start respecting the body’s awesome innate knowledge of its own workings and learn to utilize that knowledge by working with it, rather than imposing our own limited knowledge upon it. This program will be based in education so that we all gain clarity about the innate knowledge of the body to heal itself once the  DIS-ease is observed.

 So how do we Gain Clarity???

Throughout history mankind has been aware of the power of intuition. Where the society is predominantly left brain oriented logic, the power of intuition has been largely undermined.

Einstein said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. “

Because the intuited knowledge is not received from an outer source,  a rationally understood source, it is often interpreted as irrational information, the source of which is dubious. Due to this criticisms and cynicism, we have spent so much of our time dividing our world up into parts, and analyzing it from an intellectual scientific perspective so that we have lost touch with our own right brain function.

The innate or inborn wisdom that enables the body to heal itself is reflected in the mind when left and right brain functions interface healthily. For this reason the inner conflict most westerners experience between the left brain logic and right brain intuited understanding is reflected to a large degree in poor physical health as well as emotional and mental imbalance.

The fact that we heal in normal circumstances, shows us that the innate wisdom of the body mind is still there doing its job, to some degree even with the limited circumstances of its functioning.

By acknowledging the body’s innate wisdom, the modality I practice, “THE BODYTALK SYSTEM,” can communicate with the wisdom to ask for clarity on what is really wrong with the body, what links need to be reestablished and most importantly at what causal level.

We also know that every person is unique. There are no labels in disease; each person’s route to disease or to wellness is their own. Each experience different genetic makeups, personalities, belief systems and environmental influences. Therefore such blanket diagnosis, such as AIDS, heart disease, cancer or tumors is not found in THEBODYTALK SYSTEM.

When we are working with someone, the danger lies in trying to influence their health in a way that conforms to our own personal judgment of what normal is or should be.

We assess the behavior of a majority.  If you accept these rigid patterns, and try to balance the client’s health to fit into the social norms where health is concerned, you will be misinformed.Only innate wisdom knows the right balance of that particular body mind.

Therefore it stands to reason that we should be consulting that wisdom before we can do anything to effect change in the balance of the body mind.

The yes’s and no’s that are received through biofeedback are enough information for the body to heal itself with just that information.  An intuited felt sense of being in the zone takes over.  The technique of body talk allows the body to heal itself very easily with NO drugs, interference, or invasion into the body.

What makes Body talk so effective is that it allows the body to heal itself.

The practitioner is only an intermediary or facilitator of the BRAIN in the process. The practitioners’ skill and knowledge in the linking process are necessary to facilitate communication within the body mind complex.

The capacity of the practitioner to draw on their own innate ability and clarity of mental feedback form the client’s body is a direct reflection from the inner wisdom of the practitioner’s innate mental clarity. This dynamic mirroring takes place in some way between the client and the practitioner.  This mirroring cracks the code to the disease.

Therefore, the practitioner that comes to the table with an open mind and field always finds the path to health for the client.

The balancing of the right brain and the left brain enhance the mental clarity that will result in what is referred to as the practitioners innate.

It is important for the client to know that they have a unique body mind and an innate intelligence that knows what is right for them. If you are determining from their body what is right for them, they will begin the process of constructive change that enables them to be well.

They can find a more enhanced balance for their life: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  They can synchronize the body’s activities, adapt to the stressors of life and begin to heal.

As the quantum energy field was discovered, and in the book, “The Web of Life” Physicist Fritjof Capra summarizes the view of the famous quantum physicist Geoffrey Chew who developed the “bootstrap theory” to explain the observed phenomena of subatomic particles. This theory becomes relevant that it is our natural inclination to use simple left brain logic to explain a world that despite evidence to the contrary, there is no logical or ultimate explanation the world is linear and therefore being seen as a dynamic interrelated web of interrelated events.

Everything from this perspective exists only as within each part that reflects the whole.   The consistency of their interrelatedness determines the structure of the web. This further enforces the concept of synchronicity. Everything within the body mind is in a dynamic synchronized interactive and totally interdependent state.

IN other words ALL Distant events are interconnected and interdependent. This means that every microscopic cell in our bodies must know exactly what itself has to do at any given moment. It also implies that every atom in the universe is in touch with all that is. The key factor in maintaining health in the body is to reestablish communication between all the systems and body parts.

All branches of alternative medicine have the potential of developing solid, theoretical framework for working with the body as an energy system.  The diverse and controversial findings and observations of the human energy systems are finally explainable in relative terms.

Therefore the integration of the concepts from physics, with the concept of a dynamic biological system, emphasize dynamic, interactive communicative conscious relationships within systems and between systems. This becomes important when we study:

  1. The relationship of the brain to the rest of the body
  2. The relationship of the heart to the rest of the body
  3. All other combinations within the body

Some branches of physics have studied the body mind as a closed system with simple linear relationships to other structures. With the Dynamic systems approach it sees these systems as they are; interactive, complex information processors, that develop their own memory, consciousness, and innate wisdom of awareness. This approach assumes that the systems are fluctuating and are always open systems interacting with all the other systems around them to varying degrees over time.

Therefore every microscopic part of our body is therefore connected to the wisdom of the whole.  We are therefore tapping into the Jungian wisdom of the entire body in all space and time.

The bootstrap theory of declares that we must abandon the idea of fundamental building blocks of matter. There are no fundamental building blocks of matter, any constants, laws or equations. The universe is seen as a dynamic web of interrelated events; all parts follow the properties of any part of this web.  This further reinforces the concept of synchronicity. Concordant with everything that the body mined is in a dynamic synchronized interactive web of events.

Science has declared that the body mind is simply energy interacting with energy in a multitude of forms. We need to recognize that all interrelationships are being synchronized and coordinated by an innate wisdom infinitely greater in intelligence than even our most sophisticated computers.

Like a symphony orchestra that has 75 finely tuned instruments and no conductor to synchronize the playing of the instruments, this will result in a noise not a symphony. In the Body talk System we determine what the body mind requires to establish all the communication necessary for it to do its job.

In future an increasing number of healthcare modalities wills are looking at linking the entire spectrum of systems (physical and energetic) and recognize the system as a part of a dynamic interactive whole.

That is why the practitioner asks what the body sees as a priority that needs balancing. This is very different than asking whether something is a “problem.”

We are not diagnosing problems for treatment we are ascertaining priorities of communication breakdowns in the body that require balancing. We then allow the body to heal itself utilizing this improved communication system.

Sequencing of Healing

We must remember that Body talk is a total holistic system that involves billions of interrelationships and linkages of cells. Some of those linkages are quite obscure and involve a dynamic that is way beyond the comprehension of the practitioner.

*Sequences and links are determined by the innate wisdom of the individual body mind.

*Frequency of sessions is also dependent on innate wisdom

In many cases the symptoms are not located near the cause of disease. This is when the disease is the tip of the iceberg. A disease is merely a collection of symptoms to which we give a fancy name. The true causes are a combination of underlying factors.  Only the innate wisdom of the body is capable of such a prodigious task of understanding these interrelationships.

For effective healing at the deepest level we must acknowledge this amazing tool that we have at our disposal, listen to it and follow its instructions. Because the body is always at work trying to reestablish and maintain balance within the body mind complex, this remains that every seeming imbalance is a paradoxical form of balance.

By working with the body minds innate wisdom, the practitioner allows it to dictate its own priorities for balancing. By means of neuromuscular feedback, the practitioner relies on the body to communicate its present state of balance. Once this has been established, the practitioner then proceeds to ask the body how its present dynamic self -healing can best be enhanced and accelerated if that is necessary or possible.

The practitioner’s ONLY role is to provide a secondary input. This is done by holding the link as a priority to the body, and tapping the head and sternum to reestablish communication between the components of the link.

This premise signifies a revolutionary shift in health care, and BODYTALK SYSTEM will form the backbone of integrative health care as we progress into the new millennium.

Respecting Innate Wisdom

The more we respect the innate wisdom of the body, the clearer the guidance that it provides. In the BODYTALK YSTEM we have chosen the term innate as a means of defining the basic principle behind this technique. In other health care modalities where the term innate is used it has connotations of: higher self, witness, source, awareness, etc. These vary according to the area, cultural or academic explanations of the practitioner.

We define innate as the body’s inherent wisdom to know what it needs. The role of the practitioner is explained as that of an intermediary who ascertains the body’s needs and facilitates its own healing abilities. The practitioner does this by respecting the body’s own priorities, rather than adhering to his or her agendas.

Innate is the state of awareness of the body and this appears to be held in the heart complex of the chest. Just as some people have a tendency to be more aware, follow their intuition more, heal faster and have an intuitive understanding of what is best for their body.

When a client goes through a series of Body talk sessions their awareness grows very quickly. At some level the balancing puts the client more in touch with their own body, thereby making them more responsive to future sessions.

One of the most common side effects is that the client starts experiencing stronger harmonious relationships with their body mind, and innate wisdom is better able to maintain optimum health in future.

In energy medicine we see every day that if the clarity or perspective within the body mind complex of the client improves, their health improves in direct proportion to the shift in their perspective.

When we ask the BODYMIND for the appropriate links, we are really asking for clarity a perspective on why this particular body mind is so seemingly out of balance with itself or to the environment. Once we establish this clarity, we then reinforce it by tapping the cortices to wake them up to this imbalance so that the brain can set about doing the physical energetic corrections that are necessary.

Then we tap the sternum to imprint these changes into the heart complex and ego blueprint. The effectiveness of this procedure is dependent upon the degree of clarity that is present in the practitioners mind at the time of asking the questions.

When the practitioner is in the zone, the “YOU” is forgotten and all there is, is the “ZONE. “Practitioners who regularly have this experience are addicted to their work because it is the only place they experience total peace.  Living in the zone all the time is how life is potentially experienced when the mind is functioning in a more balanced way and living in the zone our daily lives can be done with all ease joy and glory can be part of our natural human experience.

(714) 889-1279
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The Three state of consciousness according to Wilber, PHD.

Three states of Consciousness

Identification with the three states of consciousness with Wilber’s interview was very insightful and much clearer than the straight reading of last week. I never know how Dr. Dexter gets these amazing people to interview with her.  Wilber shed light on the soul identification of the soul’s ego in the formless state. I had not seen this subtle consequence the last time I read the notes. To see formlessness as emptiness is easy, but seeing the great “I am” therefore, known as “Satori “was a new concept. It was interesting to see how he saw the fields as exterior and interior not merging or spiraling. I see these fields also like the cell, the interior of the cell, monocyte, to the exterior of the cell and cell membrane all permeable to the body fluids, of blood, nerve, lymph and water.

In therapy we remind clients that they are not “their body”. The smallest part of the Self is therefore, the body, being named the “gross state.”  So if that is the case, why does this smallest state create so much disease?  Or is it a result of the other states, dream and formless not being in alignment with the waking state that creates disease?  The most insignificant part of our consciousness causes, according to the medical model, the most trouble. And how can this formless or spiritual part activate itself through all states of life becoming the waking state if we concentrate hard enough? Becoming more permanent trait of living in a complete spiritual state as the waking state, moved through the all levels of consciousness was also fascinating to me with the concept that we could be in the formless state or state of bliss. How can we learn how to see this as the permanent state of our lives? How can we create through formlessness and the real Self,  the reality of our lives and then call spirituality reality? Wow this was an amazing concept. If so, how do I get there?

I understood how the waking state is much more objective in what we notice in objectivity and in nature. I had not considered that the three states of consciousness by Wilber, to be states which were ever present, even with babies, and as they progress, and that these states of consciousness also progress with age.

I had many insights into the dream state being s stunning state and believe that we, humans go to the movies because we want the dream or film to unfold in front of us. According to Wilber, we can wake up from the dream state and lie in the formless state as our reality, and it is this consciousness that co-creates our universe as a spiritual experience in an altered state peak experience.

The deep sleep state,  being the formless state, because it sheds identification with the ego Self which is false and creates formless awareness, but also because this formlessness or Godhead became the cause is fascinating to me. How does something that is nothing ness  become the “being state” of the state where the REAL SELF lives? Yet when we follow the intuition to the formless state of non- local awareness, the field, the etheric field shows you the truth of your life when you choose to be sensitive to it.

Where is this formlessness manifested into something? What if we never meet that formless being or the hero of our lives? If this state is ever present, and we misidentify with the lesser states all our lives rather than the higher states, what does that say about most of the world populations that do not choose to spent time in knowledge, study or contemplation? I loved the statement that every 24 hours, my formless states contacts God. How cool is that? This happens without me even knowing about it?   This consciousness into the invisible actually creates a different conscious reality. WOW. New world here I come. I loved hearing Wilber’s actual voice on the recording and hearing his explanations regarding his theories. This was a very productive exercise.

Ken Wilber:  Towards a Comprehensive Theory of Subtle Energies

The Great Chain was about the unfolding of the Spirit, rather than the understanding of philosophy from Plotinus to Aurobindo. When soul emerges it transcends A+ B+ C+D, this transcends body mind and spirit. Reaching for absolute spirit as the goal was far reaching to me as seeking the Holy Grail.

The next chart of the world religions was very interesting, in that it was amazing to see them all in one place and to identify even some of the characteristics of each religion and be able to compare and contrast them. I had so many questions of cross cultural hierarchy that this chart was by far the most interesting piece of the entire piece. The chart was however, also dualistic in some places and in some places too simplistic. The sedimentation process of involution or emanation made complete sense to me.

However his theory of moving from the Great Chain to postmodernism in three steps was too grand and too far- fetched a theory, and I completely disagreed that “ if Shankar a were alive today his discussion would no doubt  have extensive discussion on the relation of the nadis to the neurotransmitters. “This is false information.  Shankara would have discussed the relevance of the nadis to the chakras, Microcosm to macrocosm, knowledge expounded within the same system not cross-referencing chakra systems to immune or nervous systems, not cross referencing chakra energy system with neuro-immunology. This makes no sense in anatomical reference to the body.   Wilber’s four quadrant theory would take at least a month to figure out.

As Wilber again explained the gross energy, subtle energy and causal energy in regard to the three states, hearing the words and seeing the integral theory of subtle energies was interesting. Also the five levels of energy as they related to the five levels of consciousness held some intrigue. “The energy forms of quarks, photons, atoms and molecules accompanying the gross energy were also rather benign to me. In Body talk we heal at the photon and quark levels frequently and these levels are always linked to the causal form of spirit.  So leaving information hanging in the quantum energy field only without linking it to the anatomical gross field of body or leaving the causal field of energy, spirit  and formlessness unlinked  and outside of the equation was too simplistic for me.

Figure 9 relating to the Holonic matter to gross material form and the associated energy fields were further confusing.  In Body talk healing we always find these fields associated with the limbic brain and the pathological consciousness of the organs , endocrines and body parts, having further collective fields of feelings, awareness and consciousness, whose exterior relates to mass and energy.  Therefore, I was intrigued that quantum potential was not spirit but “prana,” and this expression of prana as healing requires more exploration. It is always the expression of the energy as collected thought matter which creates disease.

Finally the on dualistic spirit of Kundalini  energy in the chakras within  the energy of the chakras was also in error. As Bodytalk practitioners we learn that each of the 7 major chakras has 7 minor chakras within it. This gives us 49 chakras , major and minor rather that wilburs supposition of having 21, 7 chakras with three fields each and three gross, subtle or causal fields.

Finally Wilber’s statement that conventional truth is known by science, absolute truth is known by Satori, is also confusing and a primary surface structure. Satori encompasses all truth. Truth known by science and the truth known by God. Truth understood by the body, and truth manifested into the body in healing by prana.

The Stages of Social Development, Cultural Dynamics that shape Globalization, by Don Edwards Beck

I found his strategies too complex and at the same time too vague to address postmodern and social development in global communities. Using the phrase, “ new wine in old skins “was a heads up” that many of these theories were the incomplete projects of other philosophers and strategists. The color theories did nothing to enhance the ease with which one would learn or use these strategies .

The twelve postulates linking bacteria, viruses, genes and memes in a nonlinear method also made no sense at all within a framework of energy and psychology.  His theory to reframing global issues around value systems, using the example that the cure for AIDS in African men was considered to be having sex with virgins is extremely out dated and archaic. The USA population is rapidly approaching crisis proportion with the spread of HIV/AIDS and there are few,  if any virgins in this country to choose from , with children believing that it is ok to have sex in Grade 5.

The only paragraph that I really identified with was the unification of body, mind and spirit in enriching the human experience, especially in healing. Finally his comment that there should be no prizes for forecasting the rain, but that we should focus on the ark instead, left me cold. Given his twelve outdated postulates to rescue us, we would all drown, as the ark would be built after the flood.

It is time to understand in energy healing that the rain has been falling for several hundreds of years, and if you don’t choose to pick up the hammer  and a few boards to help build the ark, or check out where the medical model has misguided information, the ark will sail without you. But then, we are conditioned to believe we should all die young of some genetic disease, when those who choose to pick up the tools know that already today, in this lifetime,DNA codes can be changed, cancer, heart disease and other Self created diseases can be eradicated, and the rain that is falling on the medical model and BIG pharma as we know it,  is killing us.

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Are Your associations Helping You or hindering You ?

As a conscious part of my own aging process, I am noticing that one of my highest values is the use of my time.  We can always create more money, the value of time is finite and much more precious than any amount of money we can receive or spend.

As consciously as I spend money, I am also increasingly aware and conscious of who I spend this finite time with, where we are, what I can learn, where I can make a contribution and whether both my voice and my time are respected.  The question of the moment is “Am I happy here? ”

I consider very thoughtfully all these resources before I act. There is always more demand for my time, more study, there is always follow up on patients, there is always writing to do, creative projects for humanity, films. Always seemingly more to do , be,  have and see, than there is time for. Invitations are therefore, carefully reviewed before being accepted.

This week I received two verbal invitations and a silent intention. One came early in the week for a small weekend gathering with some people I did  not really know.  The others were to be a guest in two considerably larger gatherings as an audience member, one invitation was sent via email, one was silent and sent via thought mail.

Invitation #1

At the small gathering Saturday night, there were about 20 people. Many were known locally as famous healers, others were people seeking advice on their health issues.   As I entered, there was guest sitting to my right, who looked very ill. He had the green skin color and very small frame of those fighting a dying battle with cancer. It was seconds before my Bodytalk permissions kicked in.  “Excuse me, Sir, do I have permission to ask you what type of cancer that you have ? ” I get right to it.  Asking permission is the first priority in Bodytalk, he looked me straight in the eye as he said, “Yes. ” I knew he came to the group seeking some answers.

I noticed he was not disturbed by the fact that I had asked him ” What type of cancer?” rather than ” Do you have cancer? ” He answered without hesitation, ” Esophagus. ”  Really …. Do I dig deeper here? Clinical research for the masses… do I have further permission to ask? I muscle tested for ” Yes” behind my back. I asked ” Further, More specific? ” Thirty seconds passed.  ” Did you ever spoke pot?”

“Yes, how did you know? ”

” I had another patient with esophageal cancer last month who smoked pot, every thirty minutes,  every day, 4 grams. He did not believe it when I told him,  that he had a hole in his throat with a malignant tumor. Do you happen to have a hole in your throat?

” Yes, ” he said, ” How did you know?

I have an incision of about 8 inches from the top of my throat down my esophagus. I now eat through this timed feeding tube machine that I carry on my back. I am sorry if the noise disturbs you. But the surgeon said that he got all the cancer, and I am completely healed. I used to smoke cigarettes, but was told by a medical doctor that smoking pot would ease my pain.”

Silence on my part. Thinking, I am saying to myself inside my head,” God help me, the medical profession who have taken the Hippocratic oath, ” Do no harm” are now telling people to smoke pot for the good of their health. ” God, what are you asking me to do here? Shall I continue to ask for the truth? Yikes, can I still speak truth here?”

Out loud I ask him, ” Did you control the herbicides in the soil? Did you control the pesticides on the plant? Did you control the soil the pot was grown in ? ”
Silently , while waiting for his answer, I am still thinking, ” How much did you pay for this medical surgery and this radical, desperate lie?  “And finally I am thinking, ” Sure you are totally healed, that’s why you look like Kermit the Frog.  ”

As the evening opened to questions, he asked, ” Why did I do the things I did with my body to receive love? ” Woah.. I glanced at his partner, and knew in a flash, that the partner had AIDS.

Layer Two. The AIDS had nothing to do with cancer of the esophagus. Detach. So I asked again, ” Did you keep any of your own energy for yourself or did you give it all to those you loved?”.   Silence.

” How did you know this? ”

Layer Three: ” Did you know that those men who smoke pot lose their testosterone, and become impotent? ”

” How did you know this ? “More silence on my part.

I have seen over 834 patients on the table. Those with immune function disorder, AIDS, breast cancer, prostrate cancer, molestations, rape cases and also many addictions have many of the same, identical characteristics. They are the following:

1) These people have been disowned physically, emotionally or spiritually from their families, or simply not heard, believed in or validated by their primary family, their family of origin or their most cherished environment or association. This is a first chakra characteristic. When you have no family to protect you, no husband who loves you or you choose to show disloyalty to your family of origin, by being different than they are; you are disowned. Children of alcoholics are told, ” You will never leave, and you never say anything about your family. If you do, we will disown you.”

Thereby as a human, you can and will kill yourself, someway, some how. The outside world will say you got a disease and the disease killed you. This is not true. You killed you. Your spirit died, your immune system left with it. Happiness left the room.

2)In an effort to survive the verbal, physical or emotional abuse in this environment,  the disowned one, will frequently escape to even more dangerous or UNSAFE conditions to feel accepted. Making the situation frequently even more unsafe for their bodies and their souls. This lie also creates yet another similar vibrational matrix of abuse  or neglect, somewhere else.The key point here is the vibrational matrix of fear, anger, doubt,  resentment or blame which follows them. So does the vibrational frequency of the disease. I have studied this energy for over 25 years. Did you know that each disease has a specific hertz frequency? If you match it, you own it.

3) In an effort to be accepted in ANY environment, receive LOVE, they “always” dummy down their genius, take white drugs ( Vicodin, Oxycontin, Valium ), alcohol, pot, or engage in dangerous sexual behavior so that they can verify the judgements of their originating family and make that family “RIGHT”. The one who dares to leave or chose to be different is disowned. They may choose to come out of the closet announcing they are gay, or choose celibacy and the life of quiet introspection. In either case,  they are “different”. Bullied or not, disowned by family of origin is a significant issue.

“These behaviors further separate them from their spirit, separate them from God, push them further from the acceptance of their calling, their gift or their lesson for the universe until the ” disease” or their true “Divine calling” wakes them up.

I gave this gift of observation to this small group seeking healing, and was was thanked profusely by the dying man. God does not make junk. Stop your ridiculous separation from God, and you will not have disease. Stop your ridiculous separation from God and you will be rich. You are more than your body. New choices can be made every 10 seconds. God does not create junk. You are not junk.

What choices can you make today that heal you or harm you? What matrixes, associations, environments can you change so that you feel loved , supported and nurtured without giving away all of yourself ?


Came midweek, late in the day on Wednesday, for a Friday night gathering. Clue #1 “Not respectful of my time, ” I thought. Oh well, I had a tough week, a fun night out with some laughs will be great. So I denied my intuition,  and drove 2 hours into LA, through traffic, anyway.  I went by myself because none of my friends wanted to come along with me. Anther clue? Clue #2 No one greeted me when I arrived.  ” How does it get better than this I mused? ”  Clue # 3, The basket of orchids, the bouquets of roses were sent right on past me to a speaking guest. ” “Do I really belong here?, I mused again?  NO. ” But the group I stood with, and chose to stand outside  in the cold with, for yet another two hours, did not know or belong to , was So much fun and so interesting. Really? Another lie.

And this is enough for your 7 hours of time investment, “NO.” Clue #4 As the evening wore on, the TV host revealed he needed to carry a gun, and was a gun owner, because ” The power of prayer can not stop a bullet. ” Interesting point of view, I thought.  As a grown man over 50, do you really have ANY spiritual maturity? I wondered?

In his book, ” There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, ” Wayne Dyer clearly writes story after story on how rapes, gun point threats and many other dangerous situations have been averted by the power of prayer. The bible tells story after story about the power of prayer and deliverance in our daily lives. I count on the power of ” Angel armies” in my daily visible and invisible life.

Again, this second amendment issue is not a violation of the constitution, it is clearly a matrix issue, ” Birds of a feather flock together. ” There are 300 Million people in the USA, there are also 300 Million guns. Are you kidding?  My children keep asking me why I still live here. If you need to carry a gun, perhaps you could seek the help of a hired body guard? If you need to learn how to shoot a gun, maybe your matrix, environment or family of origin is too dangerous for you to hang out there? Do your public opinions and television commentary make you just too dangerous to be considered “public company”?  Not inspiring.

At the end of the show the host stood up and told his audience, ” You can leave now.” Ok, obviously you don’t want to see me again. I ask myself with amazement, “What the heck was I thinking, and how much have I changed in the last two months since I was here last? Obviously, so much so, that I cannot come back.

What choices can you make in your associations, matrixes, corporate environments and families, every 10 seconds that can heal you or harm you? You have the power to choose every 10 seconds.

I come from Canada. It is not a socialistic country. Nor, do it’s 38 Million citizens feel the need to protect themselves from the government, they hired , to carry 38 million guns. IN that country there are 150 deaths a year caused by guns. There are not 900 deaths in 33 days. In England, there are 35 deaths a year linked to gun violence. Not even ” The Second Amendment for Dummies” or the third or even the 20th amendment to any constitution could ever convince me to learn to carry a gun, shoot a gun or spend any time with anyone who does. This is clearly, not my environment, matrix or association. I could not be comfortable with that kind of a fear invoked environment. Even though ” Oma ” is a pretty good shot at ” Kill the Zombies. ”  I can not be in an audience where there has the potential of shots being fired. I am done, here, no jokes. Nothing is in alignment with my spiritual being.

Invitation #3.

The silent intention, sent by thought mail. I seek wisdom. I contribute wisdom. Almost weekly, when I am in town, I go to Saddleback church for the wisdom I find there. Pastor Rick, is one of the most influential pastors in the world. At the same time, he is so completely humble, so simply human, a humanitarian. There is a deeper wisdom here, not the religiosity of my family of origin’s faith.  I got frequent verbal jabs from my only living relative and family of origin member, my brother, “Don’t send me any more of that BAPTIST PROPOGANDA.”   Ok, millions of people do not see these teachings in this way.

What is different with this association? Here, I was greeted at the door, by a familiar face, an usher with a smile and a hug, asking about my health. Why would this stranger care?  I listened, sang , ” Glory to God, ” and was inspired.

I always sit at the left hand side of the worship center, at the front, and even when I arrive late, there is always a seat waiting there for me.  One of the most influential speakers in the world, came down from the platform, hugged his wife, then turned and hugged those hundreds waiting to greet him. Not only did he know who I was, he thanked me personally for my time, and for just being there.  I had sent “Kay” a living gift over the holidays, which she appreciated, hugged me and thanked me for, also . I so love and admire that woman, What a message from both of them, a power couple!

Where have I been most at HOME? All these events took place in the same 48 hour space of time. Where was my  time and my wisdom most honored? What choices honor the etheric field and therefore the Divine Will of God, and which choices are born of my boredom, of my own stupidity, denying my spirit ?

Learn this lesson regarding your life and your time, “Unless the etheric field rises to greet you, meet you, honor and respect you, your being, your wisdom, your heart, your integrity: please choose differently. Your life depends on it. Your spirit depends on it. Your heart depends on it. Your happiness depends on it.

One of my most beloved Bodytalk teachers, Dr. Janet Galipo had this to say in one of our matrix Bodytalk classes, ” Matrix work is the fastest growing most articulate healing work there is on the planet today. YOU will choose to understand its complexity and relevance or not. You will choose to understand the impact on the mylene sheath, blood, bone, periosteum, chakras of the body that are physically impacted by matrixes, environments, associations and corporations  where your patients work, or your ignorance will allow their death. Now, understand Body-talk is non invasive, no prescriptive, non- diagnostic. It moves tythe efields in the human bio-field and moving the negative energy, removes disease.  we cannot possibly do harm to anyone, if the links are incorrect, nothing happens. Tap, tap , tap. head and heart. If these do not unite, nothing changes. Period. So I found it very strange she would be so dramatic about out associations.

“What stupidity are you using to help your clients kill themselves? ” Really ?

At the time, I thought, “When will I  ever use this work? How will this ever come  up in practice? ”  The very following Monday one of my regular patients came in to see me, telling me he had just had a flash-back memory of being molested by his mother. Are you kidding? What mother does that ? Did it save his life to sever his biological mother from his life?  Do you think a person who has been molested by a family member should sever this association with this family or family member ? ”

There are many fields of consciousness in the biofield. The physical field, the emotional field, the spiritual field, the field of the mind, the etheric field and the arched field of time,  resulting in quantum time are just some of them. Five of these fields are invisible, all except the physical field, and none of the invisible fields show you ANY physical results, immediately. Results only come later, sometimes many years later. Unconditional love is something that spans generations of time.

The physical field  manifests the results of the invisible fields  (your associations, your matrixes, your corporations, your families) which show these results over a long period of time, sometimes only after several generations. You may not see the results of your efforts in the first generation. Sometimes real rewards take as many as four generations to reap the harvests.  Generational disease is nothing more than generational conditioning and food choices. That is it!  The arch of time will either promote you, or prove you to be a fraud.

The older I get, the more precious, honest and true the etheric field becomes to me.  The etheric field has as its core, the secrets of Divine Will. If  our only choice every 10 seconds, to listen intently, internalize, use and encourage the innate wisdom of this Divine Will,  happiness is ALWAYS revealed.

Angelica Wagner

Certified Bodytalk Practitioner, Pa Rama, Master Healing Intuitive

Certified Access Consciousness Teacher, Family Practice, Addiction


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Disgrace at Sandy Hook, We Mourn with those who Mourn.

Besides the deep tragedy of losing so many children and committed teacher adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School this December 14th, I must chime in with the media on this one, where conspiracy theories are stating the event did not happen. This is deeply disgraceful as a society to view and publicize this tragic event as a larger government conspiracy effort to instituting gun control and taking away second amendment rights . We have as much reality of this happening as we do an “alien invasion” in Kansas.

The morning after the shooting I had two mothers in my office, in tears over the Sandy Hook massacre. One mother had a girlfriend whose child has been slain in Newtown , the other knew one of the family members who were victimized. As each one left the clinic, their own children in tow in deep reverence and grief of the incident, none of us could have imagined any of these disgraceful public proceedings in the name of repeal of the second amendment.

There is much speculation on why this happened and how?

1) Each person was shot in the face/head.

2) The killers mother was shot first.

3) The majority of slain children were in the grade one class.

4) Killer shot self.

I am a therapist specializing in ADHD children, children’s issues, addiction, etc. I taught Grade One forty years ago. It is not hard  to see the knots in the string of trauma for the killer’s life. He shot all grade One children in the face. Clue 1: While he was in Grade One , someone either bullied him with their mouth , looked at him weirdly with their eyes, or heard something the killer said and reported it to the principal.

Clue Two: His mother was away, during the week for a couple of days at a RESORT. Who would she have been with ? Was this a relationship becoming  serious with new man? Was this man married? Could he meet mid-week easily, but not weekends? The stuff  of a romance novel, maybe. Was the 20-year-old child becoming a hassle who need to be put somewhere, out-of-the-way?  Perhaps? Were these discussions overheard by the young man?

Clue Three: If all the Grade one kids huddled in a corner, and someone who needed revenge from being bullied, came in and saw them, it only takes a couple of hours to train your fingers to shoot accurately while watching video games on how to aim and shoot. My grand kids made a bet with me over the holidays that I would play ” Kill The Zombies” with them. In 90 minutes, I knew how to aim, point, fire. Imagine if you practiced five or six hours a day as some of our kids do on some of these?

Clue Four: He finally had revenge on a world that deserted him, a mother who had consulted with school authorities on what it would take to have him put into an institution, for whatever her reasons were. Resentment , anger and blame and control of all those children who  bullied him at age 6,  finishing the end of a tragic life where he had no hope.

It was the bullying that cost these lives, unspoken, unseen, unheard. Except by that victim, who was deeply hurt, who needed revenge and contemplated it for many years. Yes, there are questions. Why did a kindergarten teacher have a Glock at home? Strange. But why that young man whose mind was already tortured by abuse would go on a shooting spree?  Easy, to figure that one out. Bullying for being different.

To call this a conspiracy of some unknown faction to repeal the second amendment of gun control by the government, is a disgrace to all the families globally who mourn with those who mourn in Sandy Hook. All our children are affected by this trauma, not just those who went to GOD in Sandy Hook.

Violent Video Games, Blamed For Promoting Violence, May Benefit Brain

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Thanks to all who Supported the Sex Slavery project by Jaimie Hanson!

Because of the efforts of all of you, this is what happened…… A huge congratulations to Jamie Hanson for her global efforts and raising over 21,000 for this cause!

I am overwhelmed with gratitude!!

Thank you to many of you for your very generous support to help me reach my $20,000 goal this year.  I have raised $21,699 to date.  We, at Off the Mat, Into the World are aiming to reach $1 million by tomorrow night.  As of the latest count we are just $25,000 away.  Please take a few minutes to post this link on your FB page (if you have one) and/or a quick email to your friends to help us get these funds.

From the very first donation (thank you Ethan Keswin!!) to the last this has been an amazing journey and it is only the beginning of what I believe will be life changing for me as I will be traveling to India to witness the work being done in each of the partner organizations.  Work that is aimed at changing attitudes toward gender violence, something I am extremely passionate about.
Over the past 11 months, with A LOT of help, here is a brief look at how I was able to raise $20,000+ and awareness of this issue.
  • Over 75 individuals donated to this cause, and many donated multiple times, which made up about half of the $20,000. AMAZING!!!
  • The very first event I held was a yoga mala in Oak Park, IL with help from the OPRF Students for Peace and Justice.  We raised over $500 and they completed 108 sun salutations to bring awareness to this issue.  They showed enormous passion during our campaign.
  • I personally taught 6 donation classes and raised over $2,500. (Thank you to Core Power Yoga River Forest and Park Ridge, Yoga Trek in Oak Park, IL, Asana Fit in San Clemente, CA, Powderhorn Park, and Studio One in Stillwater, MN)
  • Two studios held donation classes on behalf of this cause (Thank you You and the Mat Laguna Niguel and Yoga View Chicago) adding $500 to the total.
  • Two more yoga malas raised an additional $3,000. (Thank you Core Power Yoga Aliso Viejo and LBC Yoga Mala with Kerrie Kauer!)
  • One epic garage sale in Minneapolis raised another $2,000 (Thank you Nate Atkins, Kati Hanson, Steve & Cheryl Hanson, Linda Ward, Mary Joyce Thyren, Judy Peterson, Margo Karow, and many more).
  • Two cocktail parties in Chicago and Minneapolis raised $1,200. (Thank you Mystic Celt and Darby’s).
  • 100 Global Wristbands sold to raise another $1,000 (special thank you to Studio One in Stillwater, MN, Asana Fit in San Clemente, CA and Lola Red PR, and my family for your help)
Most importantly I have to thank my family–mom, dad, Angie, Chris, Kati, and Nate.  Your endless support and enthusiasm was unbelievable.  And to Sergio for standing with me while I obsessed over this very challenging issue and was often overwhelmed with sadness as I learned more about it in my research.
I look forward to updating each of you as I travel to see where this money will be going in Kolkata and Delhi.  Thank you for being a part of this journey.
With gratitude,
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Spirituality in Energy Psychology

Spirituality: The Third Component of Energy Psychology

We are at CIHS to get PHD’s in Integrated Medicine. Quite frankly, I am thrilled that the topic of spirituality in healing is finally finding its way to the main stage.  I have known that spirituality was a component of healing, since I was eight years old. When I was eight years old my mother was diagnosed with a rare form of benign kidney cancer. We did not know what caused this disease; just that she was very, very ill.  I was scared silly to lose my mother so young. I promptly walked myself over to the Basilica to attend Mass, (I was a practicing Catholic then) every morning at 8 am, and on my knees begged God for her life in prayer, every day for three weeks.  That habit of going to God first has been a hallmark of my entire life. She lived of course; another 25 years until her thoughts created a cancer that captured her spirit and took her where her frail body could not, to be with God.

In my lifetime, I developed the habit of prayer in any and all circumstances that were too big for me, and there were many.   IN 1999 I met Dr. Larry Dossey at an event in New York where he was presenting his findings on the effects of prayer on healing and I thought finally someone has some answers to a “felt sense” of healing that I understood to be real. When I moved to California to follow God’s promise for my life, although I did not know where this would lead me, I was again led to join Saddleback Church. My very first ministry there was the prayer ministry where I spent 5-6 hours every week, typing in prayer requests, and praying over those requests as they were being processed by my hands. This very humble act of seeing, writing and praying those hundreds of prayer requests opened my heart to the needs of all these people whose spirits were dying, damaged or in one trauma or another.   They dared to call it “data- entry.” Oh no, to me it was “soul entry. “  This was the true opening of my soul to the work as a holistic practitioner that a life time of prayer had created.

Seeking my own physical healing once when I was in a wheelchair at 33, just before my mother passed away, once again in NYC in 9/11, and finally as my retina decided to leave my eye and explore the world on its own, ( two years ago) I turned to prayer. I learned the Body talk techniques as a practitioner, and followed the permission requests meticulously in every case. The third request for permission after body, then mind, is always spirit. In all most 95 % of new cases, and 70 % of the continuing cases, I see as a holistic energy practitioner, and PDH in Integral Health, it is the spirit that is in distress over something. We cannot  at this point in our evolution as humans, merely use the Cartesian model treating the body like some watch, open it up, take out a part, throw in two measures of chemo, one measure of radiation and put the part back in , wind up the human. It is the spirit that dies, or leaves the body at trauma and this is usually what creates disease.

I loved the goals of transpersonal psychology that stated: “Spirituality presupposes certain qualities of the mind, including compassion, gratitude, and awareness of a transcendent dimension, an appreciation for Life which brings one’s meaning and purpose to existence. (A transpersonal Integrative Approach to spiritually oriented Psychotherapy. Pg. 177.) Spirituality is essentially a subjective experience of the Sacred. “   Every time I request the spirit’s permission to balance a body on the table it is a sacred experience.  “The spiritual context is foremost, “(Hutton, 1994, Boorstein 2000.). To convey to a patient that you see him/her as being a piece of the Divine is incredibly powerful to counter a lifelong view of worthlessness heard from others. This differs from religion where we believe that each person is a creation of the Divine and must be honored in that regard.  Donny Epstein (Inventor of Network chiropractic) wrote in 1998, “It can help patients go beyond complementary therapy and lead to new dimensions of wisdom and wholeness. “

I was surprised by the fact that only a “very small percentage (5%-10%) of the USA population is NOT comfortable with explicit spiritual practices.  “This number totally surprised me. (Koenig, McCullough and Larson 2001.) I also agreed with the study done by Seligman, 1993, that the statistical buffer against depression is a serious commitment to spirituality in the epidemic that is sweeping the USA. Due to these economic times , these depressions will continue to sweep this country in the next four years quadrupling  its effect. (Seligman 2001).

I thoroughly enjoyed rereading the notes on the Introduction of Energy Psychology with the role of the therapist to help the patient process trauma, complex post traumatic and dissociative disorders,  the”  increasing clinical evidence of the interconnectedness of the body and the mind as it pertains to both mental and logistical wellbeing. “((Brown, Scheflin & Hammon, 1998: Chu, Bowman, 2000). I also met Candice Pert in 1999 as she was presenting her clinical findings at the same conference in New York the empirical evidence linking emotions processes to the immune function in humans has become the latest fascination of my life.

As the negative pathological emotions of anger linked to the liver, resentment linked to the gall bladder, sadness or sorrow linked to the heart, deep grief linked to the lungs, fear linked to the kidneys/ bladder, over nurturing linked to the uterus/ breasts, prostrate, lack of self- empowerment linked to the stomach and digestive system, lack of life sweetness with the relationship of the mother, linked to the pancreas. These emotions not only have negative effects on the person feeling them and their body, but also reflect in relationships with other people also. “High levels of the hormones catecholamine’s and corticosteroids, by the endocrine system lead to illness as they excrete into the cardiovascular system. (Pg. 38 Introduction to Energy Psychology).

Candice Pert talked about these levels of hormones then, in 1998, with the facts that the central nervous system is compromised or impaired in some fashion; the immune system is undermined as well. I could never have imagined almost 10 years ago, that I would have seen this reality in 5 out 5 leukemia patients, compromised emotions, compromised digestive failure, compromised bone or structural failure, followed by leukemia. The progression is always there, in exactly the same sequence.

I am currently working with some of the top formulators in the world to create an immune formula for these leukemia and other blood disorder cases. This can be cured, as can heart disease.” As the physiological changes in blood pressure, heart rate, distribution of blood flow, quality of blood flow and purity of blood contents as examined, within the context of the digestive system, these are all factors which can lead us inventors to cures for humanity stuck in illness.

Also I loved the part in this dissertation where it talked about Larry Dossey’s findings on the non- local mind, the mind that is boundless and unlimited and affects not just their body, but another person’s body at a distance. Even if that distant person is not aware of the effort. I have many long distant clients now.  Initially I was totally shocked at the power and efficacy of the treatments long distance although my hands were not there, and the surrogate tapped. This is the power of prayer and the power of global prayer to change climates, change war, change relationships, prayers lead to world peace. “Patients receiving prayer also had fewer side effects to surgery.” (Dossey, 1999) I know first- hand the power of prayer in healing and prayer in turning away many women in New York from abortion clinics, just by standing on the corner in prayer for them, many of these women chose life for their babies. No words were ever spoken.

The thought field therapies focusing on the meridian system is my next avenue of exploration. Access Consciousness works on the meridian systems on the brain, and although the founder of this work never discusses the brain meridian systems, I know they exist because of the speed of the healing that takes place internally and in the person’s life once the hands are applied to the pressure points. Every single person receives a positive result. Over 800 people on the table, and every person has had a positive effect when hands are laid on their brain’s meridian system.

It is the brain receptors on the white blood cell counts, discovered by Candice Pert and the monocytes revealing these white blood cells in the immune system that I am studying and creating formulations for. “Pert indicated that a person’s emotional state (1997, 1998) required the production of neuropeptides and neuron transmitters within brain cells. If, in fact these cells are carried to parts of the body other than the brain, then the corresponding emotions such as happy, sad, and lonely, or excited might also show up. “ I know this research and the contextual analysis of trauma linked to the person’s history creates threads of pathways in the brain as per the teaching of Dr. John Veltheim in Bodytalk Pa Rama training. These neuron pathways may have single or double knots of trauma threads , and the brain continues to forge the same pathways creating the same results over and over again.

Access Consciousness is the tool I use to change these neuron pathways so that new results can be created and new pathways found.  I believe the protocols of Body talk discovering the debilitation and trauma, and the power of the changed neuron pathways through the brain meridians in Access Consciousness permanently changes outcomes in people’s lives. I see it daily.

Others may have chemical addictions; I am blessed to experience the healing of so many souls through the power of the spirit, the changes in brain physiology through neuron anatomy, and the positive choices that follow the release of these trapped , blocking traumas which the body’s codes cells unlock in every session.

I am particularly interested in the ethno integrity of global “tribes and tribal culture”, the patterns of betrayal or exclusion in these tribes and the effects on the brain and the immune system as a result.  Matrixes, such as families, corporations and work cultures are the largest source of diseased populations we can find. These matrixes can foster growth, mental stimulation and allowance of the spirit, or can also be very large “toxic mine “(mind) fields.

I was also very surprised at Wilber’s points of the causal body being formless, yielding exponential opportunities for growth and awareness.  The most surprising point was that” all traditions consider the formless body the causal integer to creation.” I am also interested in the world centered levels of values in culture, illness and the environment. I was incredibly impressed by his model of all people coming together in integration to greater dimensions of being and knowing in an evolutionary unfolding. Ah, yes…. Right time, right place, right studies!  Thank you, God!

Angelica Wagner,

Certified Bodytalk Practitioner, Pa Rama 1

Certified Access Consciousness teacher, Family Practice, Addiction Therapy

949.500.2630 (cell)




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MY cases AGAINST legalization of Marijuana in ANY state!

It was a beautiful Saturday morning at the clinic. Trees in full leaf, sun shining, the horses were frolicking in the pasture behind us. Just glad to be alive and wondering what God would have me do in his Service today. My cell phone rang, it was Meaghan. I treat all four generations of her family, “Could  her boyfriend come in at 10 am?” ” Sure, ” I said, “This is three weeks before Christmas,  is he ready to give up his pot addiction? ”

  I did not know what to expect from Justin. The last time he came in six months earlier, I told him if he did not give up his pot addiction, he would not see his 29th birthday. Too much straight talk, he ran out of my office and told me to ‘f” myself.

So what would today bring?  Justin came in looking gaunt, frail , the hollows of his eyes deeply set, no sleep. As he got on the table I asked him if he was serious to commit this time and get this done?” Yes, ”  he said. I had no conception of what would happen next. The Bodytalk codes are quick and accurate. First code, addiction Thalmus #5, Ok we know that Second code, linked to throat. Why throat? Irritation from pot smoking ?  No . Cellular repair. Cellular repair for addiction of pot? No . Cancer.” Are you kidding me? ”

I checked again. Cellular repair of esophagus? Yes. Cellular repair due to cancer? Check location. I said to Justin, “Can I show you something on your throat?” Pushing hard on the spot, about a dime in size, Justin almost jumped off the table. “What did you do that for?” he demanded. ” Just checking my results,” I said.

“Shall, I tell you the truth, ” I asked?  “Do you want to know? Please get off my table and go see an oncologist. I believe you have throat cancer.” He started laughing. He said, “You are just saying that so I quit smoking pot. “”I do not have to do so, ” I said. “IN 800 patients in 2.6 years I have asked three to go see an oncologist. You are the third. Please get off my table and go now. ”

The laughter soon turned to tears as I turned up the heat on the investigation. How long have you been tired, Justin?  Six months, or longer? How long has this spot hurt you? Years, months, weeks?  Tears were flowing. Truth received. How often do you smoke? “Every thirty minutes when not working at my job. ” “How much do you smoke every thirty minutes? 4 grams.

Run your hand down the left hand side of your body, what do you feel? Run your hand down the right hand side of your body is it flat? Is the left hand side flat or raised? It is raised because that is where your spleen is and your spleen is enlarged from trying to fight the raised white blood cell count.

“Should I stop smoking pot? ” I nearly fell off my chair. “NO why don’t you just keep at it till we can see the hole in your throat on the outside,  Justin. You do not control the soil the pot is grown in, the herbicides sprayed on the pot, the pesticides used on the pot. Why would ANYONE with a brain use pot? ”

The neuron pathways of the brain are forever changed. Depression sets in. Foggy brain is the norm. Smoking pot is the dumbest thing you can do for your brain besides alcohol, which also changes the neuron pathways permanently.

Two cellular repairs later to the esophagus, and the interior legions are less than a quarter as big as they were. Justin has not smoked ANY pot in a month, although he has eaten 3 edible Brownies. Is he out of the woods? Not by a long shot. But he has  hope and that counts for a lot.

Please keep our genius next generation of kids away from pot. It is the most insidious drug because it seems so benign. It is not. It is deadly in small doses, large doses and everything in between. It sets up a fog for the brain so that our kids and adults NEVER reach their full potential. Never get the jobs that pay well or fulfill them. Never finish college. “I only smoke 20 times a year, are you kidding?” That is 20 times too much.

I kept it together while Justin was in the office, but both the chiropractors I work with had to come and comfort my unending sobs after he left. MY mothers’ heart was broken. None of my own kids dared to harm their bodies with drugs, I kept thinking this young man could have been my son.

Pot is not cool now, nor was it cool in the 60’s. 70’s or later. If you are a guy,  it is easier for you to have a castration than live your life smoking pot, because that is what happens to your sex drive, eventually. The prostate is affected, the sexual chakras are affected, the drive from money  is a affected, the drive for success is totally lost, and you live your life like some college kid at 50 , “The local good time Charlie” everybody just loves to party with, who has zero money in the bank and zero results for your life. Your wife is the bread winner, because you zone out whenever there is even the smallest crisis.

The good news is that pot fogginess can be cleared from the brain in three to five Access Consciousness sessions. It costs 9 Billion dollars per year to incarcerate kids just in the state of California . Stopping pot ingestion is the easiest way to keep our youth out of jail, off parole and off the streets. Stopping pot ingestion is the easiest fastest way to get a whole generation contributing to the community instead of living on the dole with food stamps, believing this is o.k in this world. It is NOT ok! not to mention the hole in your throat from the throat cancer.

Help our next generation create their legacy to the world, generate music, art and film : be their best. Stop POT in all 50 states!

Members-only pot club opens in Colorado

The Situation Room|Added on January 1, 2013CNN’s Jim Spellman heads to Club 64, the first members-only marijuana club to open in Denver after voters legalized pot.

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Did you know? That 32 Billion $$$$ from women and children sold into sex slavery ! Can you look away?

Did you know, you can sell the body of a woman or a child over and over again. that is why Sex slavery is the number two largest income after illegal  drug sales. ON Saturday night, at “Core power Yoga” in Aliso Viejo, California,  twelve brave souls, did 108 YOGA sun salutations to honor, these victims and raise money for this amazing cause. Please support Jaimie Hansen in any way that you can.. the link is at the bottom of this post.

She simply requires another $2000 to reach her goal of $20,000 in one year, to complete this amazing fund raising task.  Article below!

Off the Mat, Into the World uses the power of yoga to inspire conscious, sustainable activism and to ignite grass roots social change.

Each year, Off the Mat sponsors an international service project called the Global Seva Challenge.  The goal is to empower participants to raise awareness and significant funds by collaborating with their local communities.  Thank you for joining me as I am nearing the end of this journey.

This year’s challenge aims to raise awareness of the root causes and impact of global sex trafficking, support organizations in India that are providing refuge, rehabilitation, and economic opportunities to survivors AND to empower survivors to lead lives with dignity and respect.

The U.N. estimates that there are 27 million people enslaved today, in 2012.  This is more than any other time in history.  The overwhelming majority of them are women and girl and a large percentage of these women and girls are enslaved as sex workers.  The average age of sex workers worldwide is just 13 years old, some as young as 5 or 6.  There is a belief in many countries that having relations with a virgin will cure STD’s including AIDS so the demand for younger girls is growing.

32 billion dollars—this is the amount of money human trafficking brings to the hands of the traffickers each year, making it the second most profitable form of illegal trafficking just behind drugs.  The difference: a girl’s body can be sold over and over and over again, unlike a gram of cocaine.  It is an extremely lucrative business and is rapidly growing!

This is a global issue of MASS proportions:  Its causes are many.  Including poverty, corruption in the justice system and in my opinion the most prevalent cause is gender inequality and the belief that girls are worth less than boys.

Women are more likely to die or be maimed at the hands of male violence than from cancer, traffic accidents, malaria, and war combined.  This is a largely ignored and unseen issue.  It  is a difficult issue, but it desperately to be seen…as long as sex slavery and abuse of women and children goes on humanity will never be whole.  It has been acknowledged that the oppression of women and children is the unfinished agenda of our time.  So, it’s time we finish it.

In the words of the famous abolitionist William Wilberforce:  “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you didn’t know”.

From what I have read and seen I cannot look away.  I invite you to join me in this fight against the oppression and abuse of women and general and more specifically in brining awareness to the issue of sex trafficking around the world and right here in our community.

The money donated today will directly change the course of life for many girls and young women.  We are supporting Off the Mat, Into the World and their partner organizations in India including: Apne Aap, Sanlaap, Kolkata Sanved and Made By Survivors all of which are run by local women in India, many who are survivors themselves.   It may seem like changing one life from across the world is not enough.  But if you are that one girl that gets rescued and then is allowed to live her life with dignity because of the resources provided by these organizations—it matters!!!

Thank you for being here as a community to participate in this very sacred ritual to send a collective message to each girls trapped in this life that we see you, we hear you, and we will continue to stand up and speak for your freedom.

Collective Intention:  Compassion is the deep awareness of the suffering of others, coupled with a desire to alleviate it.

Donate here to support Jamie Hanson’s Global Seva Challenge efforts:

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Lincoln: Twelve Faces of Corporate Power

California Institute of Human Science: Archetypes: R.J Cavanaugh, written
by Angelica Wagner

This passage to explore Lincoln, using his archetypes journey , the effects of the principals of these archetypes and the timeframes of his planets and houses which changed the history of humanity in his time, changed the vote, the history of this country, the history of millions of African Americans and ultimately……..The HISTORY of the USA. It declared equality and freedom, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all people. This journey is that of an ordinary man, risen up in stature and prominence, turned HERO through his archetypal influences.


Twelve Faces of Unlikely Power: How Archetypes Forecast the Hero Within

The work of the archetypes is deep and ever reaching. The dark and light shadows of the
Archetypes are woven into brilliant colors of the tapestry of life and discovering them amazes me in their accuracy of passage in human nature. This term paper serves to explore these passages into the archetypes by Lincoln, using the effects of the archetypes journey, the timeframes of the planets and planetary houses. This trifold combination of linear factors outside the control of Lincoln, changed the history of the vote, the history of a country, the history of millions of African Americans and ultimately……..The HISTORY of the USA.

“After many thousands of readings, I came to the conclusion that an organizing principle even greater than the interplay of the chakras is shaping the energy in each of us and shaping our lives as it does so. These patterns, often ancient in origin, populate our minds and lives in ways that affect us deeply. Yet we are unaware of them. These patterns of intelligence are archetypes, dynamic forces of energy that are shared in people’s thoughts and emotions, across cultures and countries, ( Myss,C.. Sacred Contracts pg.5-6). I found this statement very true in my own experience as a Doctor in integrated medicine. The more sessions you experience with clients, the more you begin to see patterns in
their behavior. Unlocking these codes the body keeps in memory, is the integrated work of the Body talk modality. The work of archetypes in history, myths and folklore of the 8th chakra frequently appear in sessions. This archetypal work and its effects on human development create breakthrough effects in practice. I found the planetary influences and their energy, as well as the influences in the stages of developmental growth as they were imposed on Lincoln’s life keys to understanding the making of the
Hero complex, and the Presidency.

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Given these factors, I chose to discuss “The Hero”, I see in Lincoln. Lincoln’s core belief was that by accepting, aligning and agreeing with the petty tyrants of his life, he was capable of changing their points of view. He realized he would require powerful arguments and conviction of his own personal values to change history. He remained steadfast in his point of view regarding the injustices, freedom and equality for all people. Change was his HERO. Embracing the differences in policy of the two political parties at the time, voicing the differences found in their values, and collecting rather than shunning radical disagreement which initially created chaos, in order to find peace. Here, within this fiery crucible of a government loathe to changing, Lincoln created a new Nation. His ambition and his oratorical and written skills changed the Southern vs. the northern states, gave slaves the dignity of a human experience, a vote and their physical freedom, “forever more”. (Pg. 52 Lincoln’s Sword)

“The hero’s journey is an initiation into the realities of the Soul journey. The journey requires us to establish and then let go of control over our lives, to put aside the horror in confronting death, pain, loss to the experience life’s wholeness. To do this we must expand the ego’s narrow view. Pearson writes that we “must” let go of sentiment, safety, and predictability and even our concern with physical safety, effectiveness and virtue. In doing so we move out of good/bad, me/you, us/them, right, wrong and into a
world of paradox. (pg. 39 Pearson, C. ”Awakening the Heroes Within”). This journey of exploration creates history in some lives, shines the light of allowance and acceptance of unpredictable synchronicities and unfolding patterns in observation or rationalism, when we let go of EGO.

Some of the qualities I like most about Lincoln were his continued habits of humility, courage and being the eternal student. His habit of being in allowance of the lessons of life for himself, Divine Will, making a difference in the life experiences of others, often through the unpredictable chaos inspired me.

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Chronological Archetypes and Planetary Houses in Lincoln’s Life:

Pgs106-Pgs265, Myss, Sacred Contracts
Archetype Trauma/Event House/ Planet
Child (Orphan): Mother dies of the’ Milk sickness,” Lincoln is age eight. 1st Mars
Innocent Splitting logs to support him and family, love of father 2 nd Venus
Infant’s issues of trust vs. mistrust  Caregiver Attends to needs of family for survival and contribution 3rd Mercury Servant Captain in the military, joins army 4th Moon
Seeker Runs for office, March 15th, 1832, Studies law 5th, Sun
Warrior Elected to Illinois House of Representatives. Aug 4th, 1834 6th Mercury
Lover Rejected by Mary Todd 7th Venus
Saboteur Joins Stuart law firm, Marries Mary Todd
Creator Gettysburg address, November 19th, 1863 8th Mars
Meets Border-states representatives Pluto
Destroyer Assigns Ulysses Grant to command all of union armies 9th , Jupiter
Meets Border-states representatives, Pardons Sioux Indians
Wars, Alliances, Tests of Faith
Ruler Elected for Second term 1864, Second Speech 10th Saturn

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Visionary Lincoln dreams are prophetic about his death 11SaturnUranus
Martyr Lincoln is shot, Evaluation of Thought through the ages 12Neptune

These twelve archetypes of Lincoln, as well as the twelve phases of the Hero’s
journey created the following path.

The ordinary world: Archetypes: Orphan, Innocent, and Caregiver. 1st -3rd Houses the experience of Lincoln as a young child and early into his adulthood was that of a very harsh and plain world. The awareness of this problem reached over into adulthood in the divided nation, its battle over slavery was also a harsh plain world.
The call to adventure: Archetypes: Seeker, Servant, and Warrior: 3-6houses two trips up the river and an awareness of what it meant to be a slave. The awareness of the problem of the divided nation and battle over slavery was also a harsh plain world the increased awareness of the need for change.
Refusal of the Call: Saboteur, Lover: Fear: 4and 5House, What would happen if Lincoln did not address the issues of slavery, greater life issues, and had just worked as a law partner with Stuart, and did not marry Mary Todd?
Meeting with the Mentor: 6th House, Mercury, Over-coming fear: On March 3, 1837 Lincoln entered a protest to the Illinois House of representative with Dan Stone. Lincoln was forced to form coalitions that did not dwell in fear to get the votes he needed for the amendment to pass.
Crossing the threshold: 7th House, Lover, Saboteur, Marriage Submitting to change. His closest advisors were forced to seek compromise with the enemies inside the house and either bribe them or convince them of the cause.
Tests, Allies and enemies: 8th, House, Creator/ Destroyer: Experimenting with new conditions, how do we manage the armies and the intelligence?
Approach: Preparing for major change: 9th House, Jupiter, The Ordeal,
10th House: Ruler, Reward, Road back: Final attempts with last minute dangers, “Lincoln is shot” Saturn,

Resurrection: 11th house, Magician, Saturn, Uranus, Final attempts with last minute dangers, “Lincoln is shot”

10. Return with the Treasure; 12th House, Martyr, Mastery of a Martyr, Change
There are four directions on the planet, four seasons, and four quadrants of time; past, present, future and 8th chakra. The clock is divided into twelve hours. This comprises the twelve hours in each half day. Day and night each has twelve hours. There are twelve zodiac signs as well as twelve houses of each person’s life. Jesus had the twelve apostles to spread his gospel throughout the world. There were also twelve tribes of Israel who made up the entire Jewish nation and the Western spiritual traditions as we know them. Twelve is a mystical number in the universe, and all archetypes move around the wheel of twelve.

The following are four synopses incorporating the wheels of twelve
archetypes, twelve houses of planetary influence and twelve planets that created a hero’s path. I am outlining Lincoln’s journey to becoming the Hero through his passages into archetypes of time, houses and destiny. This midterm paper follows the linear path of progression as outlined in Carol Pearson’s book, “Awakening the Hero Within”, Carolyn Myss’ book, “Twelve Archetypes”, as well as the Body talk study of the planets and their houses with their impact on the body of life: Advanced protocols training, Body talk, Module 6 by Dr. John Veltheim/ S. Muiznieks.

I: The Ordinary World; Childhood Orphan, Innocent and Caregiver, 1st House to 3rd
Houses of Self-development, and the accompanying planets, Mars, Venus and Mercury
If anything, Lincoln was a model of what can be accomplished through ordinary effort by an ordinary human being who had suffered so much before he was 10 years of age. In December 1816, the family travelled from Ohio to Indiana, by horse, foot and ferry across the Ohio River to the mouth of the Anderson River. Then the family trekked through forests of oak, hickory, and hazel with brush so thick they said, “A man could scarcely get through on foot.” (Pg. 10 Lincoln on Lincoln) A few days after his eighth birthday Lincoln was given a rifle and shot a turkey through a crack in the logs of their new log cabin. At age of nine, although he was very young, he was large for his age, and had an axe put into his hands in December 1816. For clearing the underbrush. Splitting of logs and surplus
wood was a great task ahead of Lincoln which work he did to earn a living until he was 23 years of age. By his tenth year Lincoln was kicked in the head by a horse, and although this was not seen at the time as a serious incident, he suffered a concussion and laid unconscious overnight, suggesting  this was a serious injury. More serious was the “ milk sick” epidemic that killed his mother, along with her aunt and uncle. She dies on October 5th 1818, of tremetol poisoning from the milk of cows that had consumed white snakeroot. (Eupatorium urtica-folium) ( Jordan105-110: Warren 51-53; Angle Herndon’s 51). When his mother died in the autumn of 1818, Thomas Lincoln , Abe’s father left ten year old Abe, and twelve year old Sarah his sister, alone for nine months while he courted
Sally Bush Johnston, but the couple could not leave Kentucky until she had satisfied paying off all her debts in December. So the two younger kids were orphans, innocently fending for themselves for almost a year. I believe this independence and hardship that he suffered as a young lad caused him to become compassionate to the hardships of others. This contributed to his frequent bouts of choosing solitude as the Hermit as he grew older, and was accustomed to being alone much of his life without help from anyone. He used these early social skills and masks to survive the hardships of his own life,
witnessing the hardships of others and bearing the internal burden that “ nothing much was amiss.”

In his first three houses of self-development , Lincoln incorporates the energy of Mars, Venus and Mercury. Mars superimposes the survival instinct to self-expression, energy and ego, giving the Self the energy to survive the difficulty of hardships. “The key words of the first house are instinct, survival, energy and expression. The key words of the second house ruled by the planet Venus, are affection, social harmony which creates the need for masks to gain acceptance and love.” Lincoln needed to wear a mask to gain the love of his father. In order keep private his life of intense sorrow and hardship to himself and not involve others, he integrated the life of the orphan and of the innocent. “The key word of the second house is harmony, separateness, self -esteem and security.”
(PG. 45-58 Mod 6. Veltheim / Muzniecks.) In the third house of being a caregiver, he strove to work for the family splitting logs and shooting game. These were the realities of his harsh, young life. Folk lore tells the story that Lincoln helped his father to build his mother’s coffin, and that he himself fashioned the wooden nails for it. The third house of self-development goes through to age twelve where left brain activity occurs as well as communication skills. Normally a child would begin school during these first three houses, and have a need to express himself through some mental activity. Lincoln could not attend school, as he was working to survive. “ Sweeney, Azel and Dorsett believed that the aggregate of his schooling did not amount to one year. (pg. 12-16 , Zall, “Lincoln on
Lincoln”) “Of course when I came of age, I could read, write, and cipher to the rule of three, but that is all.” (pg. 15. Lincoln on Lincoln ). The ruling planet of Mercury in the third house rules left brain expression and communication, and the desire for left brain explanations of order. Lincoln used all of these archetypes of the first three houses and planets to survive his very physically, hard young life and integrates his life experience so that it made sense to him.

II Call to Adventure: Seeker, Servant, Warrior: Army Life, Two Trips up the River,

Election to the House , Houses of Influence 4-6Houses, Self-Expression to Self-
Growth; Planets of Influence Moon, Sun, and Mercury.

Carl Jung describing archetypes and their role in how we interpret our world and behave at a very deep influential level, stated; “ The collective unconscious appears to consist of mythological motifs or primordial images for which reason, the myths of all nations are its real exponents. In fact the whole of mythology could be taken as a sort of projection of the collective unconscious.” (pg. 109. Myss. C, Sacred Contracts). It was this wisdom of collective unconscious that spoke to the soul of Lincoln in joining the army. He moved into the archetype of the Seeker, and the planet of Mercury directed his passion and influence to run for office seeking freedom once he viewed injustice.

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Myss states that “ form a mundane perspective, the servant is associated with money because servants are hired for help. This was the beginning of awakening in Lincoln, as the indentured servant who sees himself bound by conditions of service that are not of his choosing because of his inability to “ buy his own freedom.” Much like the shadow of the slave, the indentured servant must choose his own power. (Pgs. 407, Myss, C, “ Sacred Contracts.”) The choices that Lincoln made with the call to adventure, set up the power of his destiny and invoked his calling as President of the United States. In the spring of 1831 Lincoln cut the trees to build a flat boat which they took down the river to do some trading for an uncle . It was life on this flat boat that turned the tide for Lincoln as he saw the
torture of slavery with those he took along on his journey. When the Black Hawk War of 1832 broke out, Lincoln was elected as captain of his battalion. Although he was now in the fourth house of his life, his subconscious mind began to outline the path of his destiny as he announced in the “Saggamon Journal 15th March, 1832 that he would be running for the legislature. Enlisting for 28 days, his men traversed in muck and mire, clothes torn by briers, stumbling up on scenes of recent massacres a buzz with flies and mosquitoes feasting on severed legs, scalped skulls all festering in the heat.” ( Pg. 23. Lincoln on Lincoln). The Warrior in battle showed up in the injustices he saw on the

In the fourth house, we pause and consolidate the knowledge of our souls to establish our identity. The fourth house represents our home base, where we are comfortable on a mental and emotional level. The extreme hardship of the first quarter of self-expression as a child made the hardships of Lincoln’s young adult life forged a path to adventure. In Lincoln’s fifth house, the call to the adventure of war foretold his future in military and the adventure of running for legislature. As a holistic practitioner, I often see these years in the life span of a person. These active memories of trauma are stored in the subconscious mind, and the deep roots of those values that transform us when
integration and wisdom take place.

The moon in the fourth house plays a role in activating the subconscious mind to highlighting hidden fears and consolidating masks. Moon influences turn these masks into habits and create insecurity that causes us to look for protection from our environmental influences and hide in some form of emotional and physical stability and/ or a mother figure or love interest. ( Mod 6, Pgs.45-58, Veltheim /Muziniecks). Lincoln looked next to ambition and after that to marriage. “ Everyman is said to have his ambition. Whether it is true or not, I can say for one that I have no other as great as that of being truly esteemed of my fellow men, by rendering myself worthy of their esteem. I have no wealthy or popular relations to recommend me. My case is thrown exclusively upon the independent
voters of this country and if they confer their favor upon me, I shall be unremitting in my labor to compensate.” ( Pg. 27, Zall, “Lincoln on Lincoln. “) The servant to the people unremitting in his labor, showed up here. His caregiver nature, seeker and warrior archetypes integrated in his reality gave us the second quarter into the area of self -growth in the next three houses. “When the seeker leads we may resist commitment.” (Pg. 291, Pearson, “Awakening the Hero Within”)
To this end his studies as a lawyer gave Lincoln great comfort and hope. He moved quickly to his fifth house under the influence of the Sun, as he shone in his role in legislature . In the 6th House ruled by planet Mercury, his passionate intellect arose to achieve the reassessment of his life his law practice and in standing for election for the Presidency. Lincoln became of service to his business partners relationships and his constituents fulfilling the archetype of the Planet mercury and its house.

III Refusal of the Call in Search for Stability, the Saboteur, the
Lover, 7th House, Influence Planet of Venus

As Lincoln moved into his 7th house, he refused the call of adventure by choosing love. (Pg.244, Pearson “Awakening the Heroes Within” )“ When the seeker leads we may resist commitment to a partner or to work just to view the options that are in front of us. The seeker emerges and you leave it suddenly all behind. The key word here is “ suddenly “. To the outside world something shifts, and the person you were is no longer there. All obstacles are put aside and you decide to commit and settle down, sometimes in fear of reaching for your own identity. These outward choices shifting to the opposite extreme spectrum indicates fear in following the true life path. “This is the lover energy
that is at odds with our continued questing focus. “ (pg. 244 Pearson, C “ Awakening the Hero Within”)

Here the Hero fears the unknown and tries to move away from the adventure , choosing stability instead , and focusing on his primary relationships with others. I suspect that Lincoln had Saturn in his house at this time. He chose people at his right side, who were responsible both in business and in his private life, rejecting the call to adventure.

“The Saboteur (pg. 405. Myss, C. “ Sacred Contracts”) is made up of fears and issues related to low self-esteem that causes you to make choices in your life that block your own empowerment and success.” This powerful archetype and its energies need to be addressed or you will keep making the same choices and getting the same results over and over again. The Saboteur once channeled causes one’s attentions to situations where you are in danger of being sabotaged or can easily sabotage yourself. Once we heed these warnings, and learn to embrace the lessons of the Saboteur, we can save ourselves from grief. Ignored, the Saboteur will manifest in self –destruction or in a desire to
undermine others in a destructive way. In either manifestation, this archetype can cause you a great deal of grief. “ Here are Lincoln’s “safe choices, ” and some of his letters showing his stubbornness in addressing his own issues.

On April 15his friend Stuart took him into his law practice in partnership. Similarly, Lincoln decided to marry Mary Todd. Mary Todd was a rotund and robust figure, very grounded emotionally, with a first class education and a very wealthy family. By marrying into her family Lincoln would have achieved instant credibility for his career. Here are some of his love letters to Mary. “ Friend Mary, And I go even further and say that if it will add anything to your comfort, peace of mind to do so, it is my sincerest wish that you should tell me. I am even anxious to bind to you faster, if it will in any way contribute to your happiness. Nothing would make me happier than to know you were happy. Your friend Lincoln. “

Venus wanted to be sure that he had a woman of beauty who would bring him harmony and affection. The planetary influence of love, Venus, also wanted him to begin his social relationships. But Mary’s round body was in diametric opposition to Lincoln’s long and lean demeanor. How did he reconcile this?

In response, privately he wrote to Stuart, self-sabotaging his chances of success with these
words, “I tried to imagine she was handsome, which but for her unfortunate “corpulence”, was actually true. Exclusive of this, no woman I have ever seen had a finer face. I have also tried to convince myself that the mind is much more to be valued that the person: and in this she is no inferior, as I could discover to any with whom I have been acquainted. So I mustered up my resolution, and made a proposal directly to her, bur shocking to relate, she answered, ‘ NO.” (Pgs. 4143, “Lincoln on Lincoln”).

When Mary broke off the engagement he was so devastated he wrote in his journal, “I am now the most miserable man living. To remain as I am is impossible. I must die or be better. You said you reasoned yourself into it. Was it not that you found yourself unable to reason yourself out of it? All you then did or could know of her was her personal appearance and deportment, and these, if they impress at all, impress the heart, and not the head. “ (Pg. 53, Zell, “Lincoln on Lincoln” ).

“I can never be satisfied with any-one who would be block headed enough to have me.” Hereby showing his fear of actually receiving this woman as his wife, by his own words. Lincoln wanted a woman who gave him a run for his money, and was not in initially in love with Mary, but felt it was a time in his career where a wife might make a good contribution . Humiliated by her refusals, he continued to persist, until he finally got Mary Todd to agree to marry him. It was his power of conviction and persuasion that won the day.

We can see how the planets organize our lives through projections of images that seem
unconscious to the naked eye. This explains the linear influences of the stars and their houses “These influences are the unconscious introspective perceptions of the collective unconscious that believed that our ancestors projected archetypal patterns into folklore in the same way that the influence of the star is projected by astrologers. “ C.G Jung “( Pg. 109 Campbell, J .”Hero of a Thousand Faces”).

According to Tarnas, “Plato often saw gods and goddesses of Greek tradition as symbols
of humans in the universal patterns of emotions.” The planets often express deep emotions in human nature through their archetypes and energies. The emotions of love, passion, fear, guilt, doubt are all planetary emotions which arise as the planets pass through the orbit of influence in the Hero’s journey. Lincoln had much doubt about his marriage to Ms. Todd yet, when the planet Venus was in alignment to his house of marriage, he found he had no choice in his life but to commit to his law practice and to his new wife. Lincoln also sold all his possessions in order to pay off his debts. Anyone looking in from the outside at his life would not recognize this man as the Lincoln they knew. People “who have not been married all their lives, suddenly become “ready” when the Lover comes into their world, and throw it upside down. When the Seeker and lover merge in later life the person leaves an inauthentic life experience to find who and what they truly love. At this point they may act like teenagers experimenting with life and also act in a way that is in complete disregard to the opinions of others. Carolyn Myss says this “constitutes the veiled essence of things.” ( Pg. 108, Myss. C, Sacred Contracts). It is this “veiled essence of
things” where the chaotic pattern unfolds in the Hero’s journey of accomplishment. It is this larger world view and access that granted Lincoln his fourth and fifth transits of “Meeting with the Mentor “and Crossing the Threshold of his beliefs.

IV, V Meeting with the Mentor and Crossing the Threshold,

Creator, Destroyer, 8and 9Houses of Influence, Planets Mars
and Pluto, Jupiter

Back at work and settled with Mary Todd, he got on board at the Steam Boat trip down to
St Louis. “There was a gentleman who had 12 Negroes from different parts of Kentucky and was taking them to a farm in the south. He had those shackled six and six together, like so many fish on a trot line, going into perpetual slavery where the lash of the master is
proverbially more ruthless and unrelenting than anywhere. “

The site of these slaves wore on Lincoln. He followed this meeting with his mentor Dan
Stone. Lincoln and Stone finally entered a protest against slavery in the House of
Representatives in Illinois. Lincoln wrote the following notes, “ They believe that the
institution of slavery is founded on injustice and bad policy, but the promulgation of the

abolition doctrines tends rather to increase, than abate evils.” They believe that the congress of the United States has no power, under the constitution to interfere with the institution of slavery in different states. They believe that the Congress of the United States has the power under the constitution to abolish slavery in the district of Columbia, but that power ought to be exercised unless at the request of the people.” (Pg.58, Zall, Lincoln on Lincoln). This act of creation brought the abolitionist movement finally to the floor of the house. These circumstances opened the door to a new life for Lincoln. Influenced by the disorder of Mars, Lincoln knew the survival of the slaves depended on his work.

It was this event and the death of his second son on February 12, 1850 , that ushered in
the Destroyer in the life of Lincoln. To make the transit, Lincoln had to learn to make death his ally. “Grief at little Eddies’ death from pulmonary tuberculosis and Mar’s father’s death from cholera deepened with the news that Abraham’s father was dying of heart disease. “ ( pg.86, Zall, ‘Lincoln on Lincoln”) These events changed Lincoln’s pattern of looking at life, “suddenly” life was no longer so permanent. Lincoln, the hero now commits to leaving the Ordinary World and entering a new region or condition with unfamiliar rules. To this end, Lincoln began to create relationships with enemies in order to further his cause. Pluto, represented by the subconscious mind and death (Pg.54 Mod 6, Veltheim/ Muiznieks), created the regeneration inherent in the 8th house that Lincoln needed to begin his real work for history .

In midlife transition the Creator and Destroyer archetypes, help us to let go of the
identities that we have spent half our lives creating. In letting go of who we thought we were, the creator gives us renewed strength to fight on with greater battles and the destroyer find our true identity. “ Whereas the Seeker and Lover” tells us what and who to commit to, the Creator and Destroyer help us to discover how those commitments will be manifest in daily life in a way to evidence our true identities, not predetermined by culture. (pg. 247.Pearson, C. “Awakening the Hero Within”) The destroyer leads strongly and Lincoln gave up many of his past alliances to create his ultimate goals. Refining the Destroyer in your life also means redefining relationships to people, work and institutions so that your life is more fulfilling.
Lincoln knew he had to make many changes and alliances in order to accomplish the
abolition of slavery and the end of the war. There was not much time left. Lee’s armies were dropping soldiers like flies. The Destroyer evidences great pain and gives us the experiences of losses that were heartbreaking, but force us to make changes in our lives.

“In the Hero’s journey, the Destroyer and Creator are evidences in the journey to the
underworld, where the hero encounters death, and the return to the land of the living.”
((pg.229, Pearson C, “Awakening the Hero Within”). In Lincoln’s journey it was not his
physical death that was preeminent, but his death to the core belief that peace and equality
for all people in his lifetime were not a forgotten promise to the people both north and south.

Lincoln woke up to the task of facing his enemies, trying a new approach, transcending
his ordeal and finally summoning the unification of the masses. The planet Pluto is the planet of the underworld representing also death and regeneration that is the hallmark of the 8th house. The 9th House ruled by the planet Jupiter, encourages philosophy, growth and expansion with the development of a higher mind and vision of the leader. “The harsh
experiences and lessons of the eighth and ninth houses have driven us to seek the answers of why and wherefore in the real world. We tend to develop our right brain here, our intuition, so we can grasp a deeper and more meaningful level of life.” (Pg. 54. Mod.6 Veltheim/ Muiznieks) If we have interest in philosophy or religion, these areas are explored. The fire in this house from the planets Mars and Pluto leads to the expansive energy of Jupiter. Lincoln chose leadership as he moved into his next houses where the concept of universal love is found, Lincoln spoke with great eloquence and swayed the masses back to victory as President.

VI, VII VIII: Tests, Allies and Enemies, a New Approach, the
Ordeal, Ruler, the Tenth House, Saturn

On November 27, 1854, Lincoln gave notice that he would resign his seat in Congress to run for the Presidency. He joins those organizing the Republican national convention and is nominated for Presidential nominee. When he publicly debates Douglas, the crowds are inspired by his speech. Suddenly one of the editors of the “Times of New York”, Henry J. Raymond, printed the article in opposition to a letter to enemy Conkling. Lincoln followed by his letter to Mr. Greenly, another editor of the Times who was in opposition to Lincoln. Letters to the newspapers were nationally posted. “We must accept the results of the universal suffrage, and not to try to make it appear that we can only elect fine gentlemen, we shall have coarse men, with a fair chance of worth and manly ability, but not men to please the French or the English. “ (Pg. 195, Biography of Lincoln). It took six years to accomplish this goal. These factors of enlisting the help of allies as well as enlisting his enemies helped Lincoln all the way to the White House. During this time, he engaged the churches to spread his message, the newspapers and his ability to sway the opposition. The larger influences of the crowds at church congregations and the spreading of the media, (newspapers) and granting opposition leader’s places in cabinet, gave Lincoln the victory. This was the influence of the planet Jupiter in the 9th house, that brought in the big crowds and influence of groups. Lincoln did not ever believe that he was worthy of
being the President. It was his greatest fear was that he was not wise enough to rise to the challenge of the Presidency.

Lincoln’s literary ability and its power to produce results that brought in the masses for the vote.On November 6th, 1860 Lincoln was elected President. It was also the time to reflect and lean heavily on God. “ I hold that if there is one thing that can be proved to be the will of God for external forces, without reference to revelation, it is the proposition that whatever a man earns with his hands, and by the sweat of his brow he will enjoy with peace. “ (Pg.106, Zall, Lincoln on Lincoln) Another post from Lincoln “ The purposes of the Almighty are prefect, and must prevail, though we erring mortals may fail to accurate
perceive them in advance. We had hoped for termination of this terrible war before this, but God knows best and has ruled otherwise. “Lincoln believed he was not the captain of the ship that carried him through rough waters. In his writings there were many references to Divine. It was said that Lincoln carried his bible around in moments of solitude, after his inaugural address. This was the moral universe that Lincoln set out in the Declaration of Independence, discovering God’s purposes was inextricably entwined with his developing emancipation policy. (Pg. 263, Wilson D, Lincoln’s Sword).

Following this were many circumstances that propelled Lincoln’s fame. Naming of Henry
Halleck “Old Brains “as general in chief of all US land forces. President signs a bill creating the Congressional Medal of Honor, a national award of valor. Two years later as the Democrats won several seats in the Congress, and as the military situation looked bleak, Lincoln’s critic began to multiply. Greely called Lincoln, “ timid and unduly influences by the Border representative states, and insisted that all attempts to put down the Rebellion and at the same time uphold its inciting cause are preposterous and futile. “ Lincoln refused the bate. “My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not
either to save or destroy slavery.” By 1862 after the Battle of Antietam near Maryland, 26,000 men were dead, wounded or missing. On September 22, 1862, Lincoln revealed his historic Proclamation of Emancipation.

“While the rebel army was driven out of Maryland, I am issuing a proclamation of Emancipation. I made a promise to my maker. ‘Antiam had not completely convinced the international community that the United States could be restored. On October 7 Britain, powerful chancellor of the exchequer, William E. Gladstone, proclaimed that the Confederate leaders had made a nation. “(Pg. . .190. Lincoln an illustrated Biography) While these comments did receive criticism, they showed that Europe had
recognizes and would eventually aid the southern states. Lincoln further retained Democratic commander of the Army at Potomac until the day after the election, also removing Benjamin Butler from the department of the Gulf. Finally relieving also George Mc Cleland of his command and replacing him with General Burnside. In June of that year Lincoln took Hannibal Hamelin into his office and read to him a draft of an executive proclamation that would, when delivered free the salves. Lincoln was also of the
understanding that a military victory was necessary to free the Union. “In giving freedom to the free, we assure freedom to the free. We shall nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope of earth.” (Pg. 223 “Biography of Lincoln”) After Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, he also conferred with Thurlow Reed about raising money from wealthy New Yorkers for the republican party, he approved an act that established a system of national banks and in the growing face of onslaught of job seekers he convened the Senate to consider a long list of executive appointments and promotions. On October 3rd, 1863 Lincoln declares that the 4Thursday of November shall be a family holiday, called Thanksgiving. On October 16, 1860 Lincoln named Ulysses Grant commander of all departments. Lincoln’s greatest fear was that his armies would be
defeated by Lee. In many battles this fear almost came true. When he was almost desperate for a victory,  his words became his greatest sword. Out of his many political and defeats in battle, Lincoln finally saw some light.

In November of 1863, Lincoln was asked to make a few appropriate remarks after the slaughter of Gettysburg. There he started his famous” Four score and seven years ago, our forefathers…”speech. “I believe that “all men are created equal “is the great fundamental principle upon which our free institutions rest.” Lincoln believed that his speech was not well received, because the crowd did not react to it. He spoke two minutes and then sat down. Soon after, the bilateral support that had evaded him previously washed over Lincoln with praise from all his enemies. It took generations of time to pass before the public knew and received the profound wisdom of Lincoln’s two minutes of speaking.

“The ruler has emphasis on governing and leading others, setting a good example for one’s deeds. At best it can be the highest and best it is true altruism with others. The kingdom is a wounded wasteland, and the king/ruler takes full responsibility for the kingdom and its woundedness. Then the kingdom is restored to fertility and harmony. “(Pg. 291, Pearson “Awakening the Hero Within”) Lincoln saw the woundedness of his country and the inequality of his people and sought to change this devastation. Lincoln consulted the advice of his enemies in order to transcend his defeats on the battleground, near
defeats for the Presidency and union of all states on the issue of the abolition of slavery.

The tenth house ruled by Saturn in our late fifties is when we start to express our collective
wisdom and experiences and channel them into our career and outward expressions of ourselves. Saturn emphasizes organization, ambition, realistic expectations, and practical wisdom. Saturn brings out paternal influence. Many men are made generals in this stage of their life. In career, there is outward achievement, recognition authority and responsibility.

IX, X, XI The Reward, the Road Back, the Resurrection, Magician/
Visionary, 11th House, Saturn, Uranus

“The hero takes possession of the treasure won by facing death. In Lincoln’s case,
everyone wondered how he escaped assassination in his first term of presidency. There was celebration of his second term in the white House, there was also great intrepedation due to the atmosphere of violence, and Lincoln hater’s war had stimulated an atmosphere of violence in the White House. Threats of death came in each mail delivery. By Lincoln’s second term he was being advised, “You are in danger! You ought to know your life is sought after, and will be taken unless you and your friends are cautious.”(Pg.334 “Biography of Lincoln”) Privately, Lincoln saved the death threat letters inside his office desk drawer.

He wrote the second inaugural speech in which he said, “With Malice towards none, with
charity for all, with firmness in the right. Let us strive to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nations’ wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan; to achieve a lasting peace among ourselves, and with the nations. “Lincoln was forecasting his own death.

Even more disturbing was a dream that Lincoln had, which he described to his assistant
Lamon. “There was a deathlike stillness about me, and people were weeping. I thought I left my bedroom and wandered downstairs. It was a light in all the rooms; every object was familiar to me. I keep on walking until I came to the East room, which I entered. Before me was a catafalque on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Who is dead in the White House? I demanded of one of the soldiers.” The President was the answer; he was killers by an assassin! Then came a loud burst of grief from the crowd, which woke me.”(Pg. 334 Biography of Lincoln”). Apparently he had the dream before Sumter, Bull Run, Antietam, Gettysburg, Stone River, Vicksburg and Wilmington.

By this time Lincoln had overcome his doubt of success in conquering the North, had
overcome small pox and was healing and transforming himself in his Presidency. Having
enjoyed considerable success answering his critics and winning over the public to his policies through his public writings, he had ventured further afield after Gettysburg, seeking to justify the trials and sacrifices as the cost of seeing deep seated and interrelated ideals as human equality, freedom and the meaning of self-government. “When the probability of a Union victory began to take shape in early 1864, it seems likely that Lincoln was already searching for and effective means of conveying to his Northern constituency, what he considered a necessary message. That the war had been about the violation of those unalienable rights spoken of in the declaration and that complicity in the offense of slavery was not confined to the confederacy, but rather extended to the entire country North and South. “(pg. 262 Wilson, D, Lincoln’s Sword). Apparently he had the dream three times before he spoke about it to his cabinet.

There were several occasions where Lincoln had attended the theater and John Wilkes
Booth, shook his finger at him. One of his aids told Lincoln, “He means that for you.” Three days before Good Friday, Booth and his co-conspirator Lewis Paine listened to Lincoln’s last public speech. Booth did not try to hide his hatred, as he openly urged Paine to take out his revolver and shoot Lincoln right there in the window.
At a mid-day meeting, when asked about news from Sherman, the President remarked “I
had the strange dream again last night and we shall, judging from the past, have great news very son. I think it must be from Sherman.” According to one of his plain clothes guards, William Crook, Lincoln had this dream on three consecutive nights concerning his assassination. ‘I begged him not to go out that night, and asked if I could accompany him, to whom he responded, “No.” “It was then the first and only time he neglected to say good night to me, instead, turning and saying, “Goodbye.”

Booth in the meantime had made careful plans to assassinate the President. “Placing a
small derringer style pistol close the President’s head, he fired. “Booth let from the balcony
catching the spur of his boot on the American flag, and riding off with his new get away horse. The audience thought initially it was a part of the play, and then someone shouted “Booth”. Two days later. Lincoln died at 7:22am with a look of “unspeakable peace on his countenance, while the Secretary of War, Mr. Stanton said, “He now belongs to the ages. The road back to Illinois was on a train with Lincoln’s coffin open to for all people to see.

“The Eleventh house moves us beyond our egos toward security and belonging to groups.
Lincoln belonged to his people, those he fought for, and all who under stood and welcomed equality. In the 11th House we share aspirations with dear friends that reflect our goals and ideals. As Saturn keeps us level headed and tending towards security and groups. Uranus fires us up with individuality, originality, intellectual honesty and creativity.” .( Pg. 56, Mod 6, Veltheim/ Muiznieks) It is the integration of these traits that create group consciousness and change the collective unconscious to collective consciousness.

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The Magician visionary of Lincoln’s life empowered himself and others in the context of
their mutuality. There was national understanding of equality and shared humility of a task soon to be accomplished. The transformative action of the Inaugural Speech changed the nations viewpoints.Lincoln recognized the changing needs in changing times.

“Collectively we transform the world by political action which also involves individual
effort. It is not enough to follow one’s own bliss when so many people in the world are
disempowered by poverty, ignorance, prejudice, or tyranny. It makes sense to support and
engage in political action to extend access to education, jobs, and beyond this life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to all people. “(pg. 277pearson, C. “Awakening the Hero’s Within.”) It is this transformative spirit that Lincoln’s life created for the people of his time. His visionary nature determined the course of history. It forever changed the vote. It forever changed history. Douglass who had been an enemy converted into a staunch supporter said this at the memorial, “Lincoln’s first Inaugural address was to reconcile the rebels to the government by argument and persuasion. The second was recognition of the operation of the inevitable and universal laws. In this he was willing to let justice have its course. (Pg. 277, Wilson, D. “Lincoln’s Sword”)

XII Returning with the Elixir, The Martyr, The Twelfth
House, Neptune and Jupiter

The return of the elixir, was the after-thought of public opinion created when Lincoln
was assassinated. “So great was the shock and so unexpected the void, suddenly the nation
created a sense of itself, enemies were silenced, his critics converted, and the public rushed to  embrace a martyr. The shock of the death of Lincoln was not felt until after the stirring eulogy that Ralph Waldo Emerson delivered four days after Lincoln’s death. Emerson crowned his tribute by acknowledging Lincoln’s writings: “What pregnant definitions; what unerring common sense, what foresight: and on great occasion, what lofty and more than national human tone.”

The twelfth house belongs to the end of the life cycle and concerns our inner world. Here
the destruction of masks and false identities becomes important. Neptune gives us the inspiration and spontaneity that makes us reveal ourselves and sparks the inner desire to disappear because any remaining mask may now be an impediment to our realities. Neptune allows the dreamer to dream and to have deep reflections to take place in our life. Jupiter adds spiritual wisdom required for the individuation process to take place. We languish in a deep tranquility of a life well lived.

George Santayana, a philosopher at Harvard often said, “ Although Americans and many
other people say that thought is for the sake of action, it has inevitably been in high moments when action became incandescent in thought, where we have been most truly alive. “(Pg. 284 Wilson.” Lincoln’s Sword”).

“The great trick to experiencing wholeness is to let go of the illusion that any of us is
either superior or inferior, and to fully allow ourselves to be who we are, our gender, our culture, our individual selves without that preventing us from learning from and incorporating the wisdom of others. “ (Pg. 285, Pearson” Awakening the Hero Within)

Lincoln created history with the emancipation of the slaves as a direct result of working with all the archetypes on this wheel, and all the projections that they brought to the table. In doing family constellation work, the etheric field rises to give the conscious the answers that it seeks form the unconscious mind. It is up to us to decide to receive them. Methods of intuitive guidance are particularly in tune with all cosmic energies, and these energies are interconnected.

Dane Rudyard wrote in “The Rhythm of Wholeness “The rhythm of dynamic Wholeness always deals with “being”; it dismisses as irrelevant the concept of “non-being.” What follows the dissolution of this predominantly objective state of being is a predominantly subjective type of consciousness and activity. However, our existence in the universe is not exclusively objective, nor is what follows our death or that of the cosmos exclusively subjective. Reality, is the unceasing, dynamic interplay of subjectivity and objectivity, of a principle of Unity and a principle of Multiplicity. It is neither Unity nor Multiplicity,
neither spirit nor matter — separately. “I found this to be a very interesting quote and encompassing all we have learned to date in this archetypes course.

These points of being, subjectivity, objectivity, unceasing and dynamic interplay of light, shadow, good and bad create all that matters in the University of Life. Nothing is separate. The planets can and will share their light with our lives. Sometimes it is not what we have done, but the synchronicity of things left undone, that become our own undoing. It is as much what we repel that grates us, as what we embrace that forms our character.

Rudhyar states, “In order to understand clearly the implications of this and what it can
mean in the practice of living, it is necessary for us to grasp the specific meaning of the
ambiguous term “unity.” The concepts of unity and wholeness by his life and life journey, I have to explored in my research paper with Lincoln. How one person’s life journey, with various critical moments of both liberation and destruction wove a tapestry of greatness dark and light, conflict and harmony that changed not only one life, but the lives of millions, and ultimately the lives of an entire nation into a cohesive unity?

“It is also a product of the historical development of a particular society and culture. In addition to producing such frames of reference — which fundamentally orient and even control the collective assumptions and reactions of a people — a society’s historical development also introduces to the people’s consciousness ever changing and more or less new experiences and concepts. In our society, this process of change has accelerated enormously since the Industrial revolution began radically to transform human
existence and the patterns of interpersonal and sociocultural relationships. Hence the need for a new frame of reference within which to interpret new experience and conceptual breakthroughs.”

Rudhyar had not experienced the industrial revolution of technology and social media on which many battles have been won or lost. Gone are the days of bayonets and horses, but here now is the era of instant feedback, instant communication and instant response, “beginning radically to transform human existence and the patterns of interpersonal and sociocultural relationships.” In the most important piece of writing that Lincoln produced in his 100 day interim between his preliminary and final proclamation was his Annual Message to congress on the first day of December, 1861, Lincoln said, “We cannot escape
history. “

“We, even we here, hold the power, and bear the responsibility. In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to be free, honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve. We shall nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope of Earth. Other means may succeed, this could not fail. The way is plain, peaceful, and generous and just, a way which if followed, the world will forever applaud, and God must forever bless. The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. “

I would argue the dogmas of the quiet past are indeed the revolution that has created this stormy present. “Revolution and rebellion in all forms serves the purpose most complete, to reveal to us the paths of peace. “ (A Lincoln, Inaugural Acceptance Speech, 1861).

Thank you for giving us this assignment.
The research and careful consideration of all the archetypes as they referred to the life of Lincoln was very fascinating to me.

“Awakening the Hero Within,” Pearson, C. 1991, Harper Collins, New York, New York
“Lincoln, An illustrated Biography”, Kunhardt Jr. P.B., Kunhardt III, P.B., Kunhardt P.W. 1992,
Alfred A Knopf, New York, New York.
“Lincoln on Lincoln”, Zall, P. 1999, University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

“Lincolns’ Sword” Wilson, D.L, 2006, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, New York
“Sacred Contracts”, Myss, C. 2001 Harmony Books, New York, New York
“With Malice toward None, the Life of Abraham Lincoln”, Oates, S. 1977, Harper & Row,
New York, New York

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Pathological Consciousness of the Organs, Endocrines and BodyParts, with Clinical trials

California Institute for Human Science
Pathological Consciousness of the Organs, Endocrines and Body parts with Case Study and Clinical Study Trials
Subtle Energy Psychology Midterm
Dr. Michelle Dexter
Angelica  Wagner

Pathological Consciousness of the Organs, Endocrines and Body parts With Case Study


Of all the courses I have taken in Body talk, “Consciousness of the Body, “with the

Pathological consciousness relating to disease was by far the most interesting, challenging and fascinating, yet. These consequences of pathology in consciousness show up as applicable daily, the paths to consciousness as we accept them into our lives change and enhance our world view.  Campbell says, “When the heart is concentrated, viewing all things with equal regard, Man beholds himself in all things and all beings in Him. In whatever way he leads his life that one lives in God.”(Campbell, The Hero of a Thousand Faces, pg142) When you are conscious of another person’s’ point of view and stand in allowance of that point of view being valid, no matter what their age, race, color creed or sexual orientations are, and you seek to find congruency, and acceptance of their point of view, without destroying, shaming or negating their point of view, to force it to meet your own, things change radically. Relationships change, marriages are saved and children grow up in secure environments.

My thesis statement is that unexpressed emotions in conflict to the Self and then with others, first seen as negative thoughts then, creates real matter called “disease” in the body. When we observe the pathological consciousness and the negative emotions which are store in the organs, endocrines and body parts and take care to balance this pathological consciousness, disease returns to balance and the body returns to homeostasis. “For instance many EP protocols for treating anxiety disorders have been formulated around these empirical observations, (Feinstein, 2009). By this account (a) evoking anxiety-producing memories or cues while, (b) simultaneously sending deactivating signals to the amygdala via acupoint stimulation, (c)prevents the memory or cue from triggering an anxious response.” In a more expansive but still mechanical explanation for the actions of EP Feinstein and Church (2009) have shown how EP interventions may allow targeted changes in gene expression that in themselves lead to improved physiological functioning.  (Controversies in Energy Psychology, Feinstein, PHD. 2009)

I had seen the pathological consequences of the many body parts, organs, and endocrines through the denial of the expression of the emotions that those organs represent, and disease sets in over a period of years. A body denied and separate, is a body in disease. The fine points expressed here with the intricacies of the miniscule body parts is incredibly accurate in the body, as states in Module Three, Bodytalk, and (J.Veltheim/K.Pilipovich) and created a shift in my clients that was life changing, particularly when linked with their presenting acausal symptoms. In one or two sessions, lives are transformed. On many occasions I include cellular repair for the repair of the pathology in the organ, requiring repair. Then, pathological consciousness of the organ, endocrine and body part reveals the secret codes to the disease, the Shadow Self of the body if you will, links to the synchronicity of the disease in their life experience, and the person gets better.

The events of trauma create a thread in linear progression, and in time, patterns which held the answers and secret codes to their nonlinear life quest.  Over time, traumas which created these patterns, especially neuron patterns in the brain, create knots on the thread of synchronicity of the collective traumas in their life as events in the active memory are revealed. Many of these same patterns of trauma were in fact the seedlings of disease which created neurobiology of the mind/body connection created the disease. As the body parts were lost in unconsciousness, and the traumas observed, released, and balanced, lives were transformed into homeostasis of health by releasing this pathological consciousness inherent in the organ. “The exploratory findings in the Marich study( 2011) suggest that a clinician’s ease with trauma work could be more important than their strict adherence to the traditional Shapiro protocol, and idea that Parnell previously proposed.” ( Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 52( 4) . I completely agree with this supposition as Bodytalk also teaches that every practitioner innately attracts the clients that particular practitioner can help. “The therapist trusts the inner resources of the client and the fact that at a deep core level, he possesses the wisdom that will allow him/her to find the origin of his troubles and manage them; so he assists the client in doing this. He acts as a catalyzer and partner along the path of the client towards better health, authenticity and happiness.” (Vitor Rodriquez, Journal of Transpersonal research, 2010, Vol. 2, 44-61)

Vitor Rodrigues states in his abstract on conscious- modifying psychotherapy,” The therapist working with modification of consciousness quantitative (expanding the perceptual field inwardly and outwardly) and the qualitative (changing the dimensions and depth perception both of the inner and outward world). This in turn allows for deeper and faster restructuring of psychological structures. 2000)”Journal of Transpersonal Research 2010, vol. 44-61”

Jung said about I Ch’ing, “The Chinese mind, as I see it at work in the I Ch’ing, seems to be exclusively preoccupied with the chance aspects of events. What we call co-incidence seems to be the chief concern of this peculiar mind, and what we worship as causality passes almost unnoticed.”

“Psyche and matter are not separated in our inner and outer worlds. In concordance with the synchronicity principle, the psychic events and those happening in the outside world may have an acausal almost simultaneous appearance, as so called co-incidence, and this is a way one can use the ancient method of consulting the oracle to cure disease.  Finally, the ancient Chinese mind contemplates the cosmos in a way comparable to that of the modern physicist, who cannot deny that his model of the world is a decidedly psychophysical structure The micro physical event includes the observer just as much as the reality, underlying the events. The I Ch’ing comprises Subjective, vs. Psychic conditions in the totality of the momentary situation.” (Study Notes R.H.Cavanaugh)

This has been exactly my experience. Matter and psyche of the client have not been separated from the outward manifestation of dis-ease; they are one and the same.  Accepting the transitions into the next gateway which may be subjectively unknown to the psyche creates change and in most circumstances chaos. At the place of chaos and acceptance of change is where healing begins. Where the body/mind/spirit is refusing to change to meet the new outward demands that the universe is ordering, rather than accept the ensuing chaos and disorder, disease takes place.  The synchronicities of trauma show us these paths. Instead of facing our fears and being humble to the voice and going with the “Flow of our lives, “or heeding the call of the etheric universe, we stay stuck in our own will. So transformation of the body has no choice but to show up as a disease. Disease, then takes hold of the body by changing the negative thought patterns found I the brain as thought forms into matter as we refuse to observe our lives and live in consciousness with our body and I relationship to others.  Transformation takes place when we choose to be actively involved in living our Life’s purpose, because doing it OUR OWN EGO WAY, just doesn’t work. Whenever we choose to ignore the body,  mind and spirit connection, something has to give.

The EGO mind chooses instead, the internal warfare of drugs, cut and paste of surgical intervention, severance of destructive relationships so that a linear path to problem solving the body’s complaints cannot occur. “Why do we choose to go back to the same well for more of the same water? “ “Pain and suffering are normal in our experience today; a life of misery is optional.” (“Are You Ready for a Miracle with Angels,” Wagner, Pg.99-106) Pain, is therefore primarily linked to EGO’s need to understand the acausal and linear effects of the unconscious world. In this black versus white area of consciousness and unconsciousness, errors lie. This can never happen. “What we call co-incidence seems to be the chief concern of this peculiar mind, and what we worship as causality passes almost unnoticed.”

CG. Jung wrote that every patient that falls mentally ill has lost sight of that which basic religions teach a sense of emotional healing, and a deep fulfilling sense of being loved. The discovery in Module Three (Veltheim/ Pilipovich) goes further than this thesis by Jung. It tells us that the emotions that we throw under the bus in our lives, that go unnoticed because we deny the I Ch’ing, the life force, the divine will of God in our lives, seeking to control our destiny, through personal manipulation of our universe makes us sick. Our control over our bodies through the conscious mind only, is like telling the planet Jupiter, “I have plans for you!” There is an ancient wisdom, “Tell God that you have plans for your life, and watch Him laugh. “

So how does our body get our attention? The subconscious and the conscious are like apples and oranges. They may grow in the same garden, but they are NOT rooted in the same tree. It is the tree of causality that the conscious mind worships. Yet, the answers to healing our lives lie in the subconscious mind and the neuroscience of emotion. “ More than a century ago, William James (1894) formulated the James- Lang theory of consciousness, which held that changing emotions are the result of perceiving changes in bodily states. In other words, consciousness is fundamentally a product of  the interpretations that the mind attaches to physical sensations accompanying shifts in bodily states. One central finding of contemporary neurosciences, as described by Antonio Damasio (1999), Jaak Panksepp( 1998) and Steven Porges(1995,2000) is that the sensate experience indeed plays a critical role in generating emotional states.” ( Trauma and Physical Sensations, Bessel A. van der Kolk). Do the emotions in pathological consequence have the power to change cells and create disease. I think, “ Yes! “

Also notable are the “traumas that  and the interpretation of the human suffering as the consequence of being alienated from the deeper self, identification with a perishable body and partial desires incapable of satisfying the need for unity and the subtle pleasures of the Soul. Transpersonal psychology is mostly concerned with the study of human consciousness in its many modalities. Transpersonal psychology deals with extraordinary experiences in the sense that they go against our modern, normative view of reality, realizing a nonlinear time, a space that can imply more than three dimensions, and a causality that is not linear. ( Vitor Rodriquez, Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 2010 Vol.44-61)

Disease can be found microscopically in the cells, photons, and quarks of healing. Numerous studies have shown that people with PTSD, when confronted with reminders of the original trauma, have psychophysiological reactions and neuroendocrine responses indicating that they have been conditioned to respond as if they are being exposed to the actual trauma itself. As Kardiner explained in 1941,” their focus of attention narrowed down to the stimuli that related to a threat. “(pg27) these findings are as important as the macrocosm of planetary wisdom. The universal field of our expression or the etheric field presents all the answers to disease.

We can program the subconscious mind to do its worthy work if we trust it. If we choose observation rather than judgment, and if we choose observations of acausal linearity, synchronicity and random chance, when these are married; healing happens every time. There are no accidents or partial successes in this.  When we choose to integrate the context of the presenting disease and recontextualize the experiences and traumas into context that the body, mind, and spirit can understand, the person heals.

“According to the client experience, the quality of the therapeutic alliance between client and clinician is an important mechanism in facilitating meaningful change for clients.( Fosha 2000, Fosha & Slowiaczek 1997, Pearlman & Courtois, 2005) relational issues between the clients and the clinician affect whether the Energy Psychology is effective.  (Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 52(4)). Shapiro suggests truth telling agreements with the client, but I have found that the BODY tells the truth through muscle testing in these areas that the conscious mind in many instances cannot even remember.  “Being studied now is the neurobiology of trauma, through the basic formulations of the way the mind process traumatic events had largely been formulated by the end of the 19th century, and were discovered episodically through- out the 20th century, ( Van der Kolk, et al, 1996). It has only been in the past 20 years that we have gained a real understanding of how the brain mediates these processes.” (Trauma and physical sensations, Bessel Van der Kolk pg. 64). The study of how the body processes trauma through the pathological consciousness and neurobiology of the mind are the over- riding factors of this paper.

The unconscious mind has the answers to the puzzles that the conscious mind can only vaguely comprehend.  Therefore, it is the skill of the clinician and the relationship of the client and the clinician that create a safe environment for the subconscious mind to show up. If all answers were in the conscious mind, we would have no hospitals, wars, poverty, destruction or injury to others because acuasal answers would be present, linear and rational and therefore very solvable by western means. All issues of conflict would be null and void; there would be internal peace in the body, peace in families and global peace on the planet. This is just not the case.  Shapiro states , “One of the major differences between client centered therapy and EMDR is that both rely on the organic flow of a session to facilitate change, EMDR uses eye movements( or other bi-lateral stimulation ), whereas client centered therapy makes use of empathetic responses to stimulate this flow of the information processing. ( Bohart & Greenberg, 2002: Di Giorgio, Arnkoff, Glass, Lyhus& Walter, 2004) Humanistic client centered therapists integrate two approaches.

“If the body can regenerate itself almost completely in three months, don’t we also have the power to regenerate goodness, rather than perpetuate evil? Since every nucleotide arranges itself accurately in each cell as it divides in two, and the exact copy of DNA combinations is passed onto the next cell. As the cells multiply, they multiply exactly time after time with less than a one in a billion chance of an error or that cell mutating or dying. If each micro- organism in our body, each tiny cell knows how to differentiate into blood, bone or organ, why don’t we listen to our cells?  “. (Are You Ready for a Miracle with Angels, Wagner pgs.119-120) I wrote these words in 1994, after a lifetime of observation of energy medicine that I could not explain. I just knew that western medicine did not have the answers.  On a cellular level, we can regenerate and transform the disguise of disease, illness, and poverty or relationship war as a signpost to consult to the I Ch’ing, greater universe, God or a higher power, rather than choosing the stuck place of non- choice and disease. The greater question remains, “Why don’t we?”

Do we deliberately choose self- destruction in our Ego’s need to be right?  The Ego can and will kill us if we choose it.”  It worships the wrong God. “Thus the world will forget Thee, Thy Creator, and falls in love with what Thou hast created instead.”  St Augustine. (“Are you ready for a Miracle with Angels?” Wagner pg. 68-77). Illness can be the chosen ongoing love affair with  causality.

These are the reasons that I found these particular philosophies in Module Three Body talk as transformative to my practice. They were rooted in the science of Eastern, rather than the shadows of the unknown science in the Cartesian model we understand as western medicine. Regarding Transpersonal Psychology, “The royal road to healing implies deep changes in Identity and Identity structures thanks to the transformative experiences through healthy, expansive and modified states of consciousness.” ( Vitor Rodriquez, Journal of Transpersonal Research, 2010 Vol.2, 44-61)  what continues to inspire and fascinate me, are the  basic precepts of the pathological consciousness of the organs, endocrines and body parts:

  1. They shone the light on to the SHADOW self of the organ, endocrine and body part, the parts we chose to dismiss, ignore or send back in consciousness with the instructions that they are wrong. They chose to look at the consciousness of each organ, endocrine and body part as possessing intrinsic knowledge and wisdom that once used can heal.
  2. They identified with the synchronicity of the trauma of the presenting disease, giving revelation to the underlying, real cause of it.

The organs were linked to the five senses as well as to the five elements.

Metal element signifying:

Lungs                                                  Large Intestine                                                Nose

Energy distribution                              Letting Go                                            Clarity

Vitality                                                 Release                                                            Sensitivity

Release/Holding onto                           Self Poisoning                                      Sexuality

Surrender                                             Control                                                            Acceptance

Responsiveness/reactiveness               Compulsiveness

Grief                                                    Grief



Wood Element signifying Movement:

Heart                                                  Small Intestine                                                Tongue

Awareness                                           Intellect                                                Nourishment

Centeredness                                       Discernment                                        Taste

Acceptance                                          Separation

Self-Love                                             Self protecting

Love of Others                                                Nourishment

Respect                                                            Joy/ Sadness





Joy/ Sadness


Water element Signifying Consciousness:

Spleen                                                  Stomach                                  Mouth

Subconscious mind                              Conscious mind                                   Communication

Cleansing                                             Digestion of Life                     Sensitivity

Purification                                          Assimilation                             Acceptance

Rhythm of Life                                                Rejection                                 Gullibility

Worry /Thinking                                  Intolerance


In the Seemorg Matrix Approach, Clinton says that trauma involves a “fracturing of human wholeness.” (2005, p.13)  Trauma cuts the person off from their own personal center and also from the spiritual light of the Divine, resulting in a life lived in darkness, “if they do not accomplish their life purpose. “

“What stops us from achieving all that we consciously believe we seek to achieve?’ What is the nature of the side of us that sabotages our efforts, trips us up as we pursue our hopes and aspirations, and does not want us to be exposed to the light of success?  How do our workplace organizations contribute to undermining the achievement of our goals, rather than helping us to meet them? For many of us, psychological and spiritual compromise, comes about when we throw so much of ourselves into the shadow that we find indeed we have sold our own soul to the “company store.” (“Meeting the Shadow at Work,” Bruce Shackle ton. pg. 105) The individual shadow is inevitably tied up with the collective shadow, particularly when it moves to the work environment, and the linear or non-linear way that profit is achieved and how that profit is dispersed throughout the company. Sometimes the Board of Directors has more to say about CONTROL, than it does about growth and profit.

In my book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” I discussed how excellence is born in corporations. Excellent companies, no matter what their size, always act like small companies. They look at the internal cohesion of the team through:

  • Integration on all levels of thought
  • Integration on all levels of effort
  • Personal vision as to purpose

Factors that determined the capacity of business were the following:

  1. Maintaining positive attitudes no matter what the market is doing.
  2. Encouraging new experiences.
  3. Taking control of your business, not letting your business control you.
  4. Understanding customers, what they need, how you can impress them with your skill and      services.
  5. Being single minded in your purpose and vision
  6. Getting in front of change in your office, not behind it. ( “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind,” Wagner Pgs. 10-12)

The following is a session done for an extremely powerful CEO, a multi-millionaire client with many offices in the USA and a work force of about 5000. He was beginning an international outreach, having perfected his system of business locally, then nationally, now wishing to expand globally. With this new venture in mind, he had much disagreement and disapproval internally with his board of directors and externally with his staff, in his actual place of work. Personally, I found this situation very atypical, since he already had shown to himself, his peers and his team, a whole generation of success (over 40 years) primarily using his methods of acquisition and expertise. The executive’s company was both extremely profitable and extremely joyful, two very opposing divisions in this business. It seemed to make no difference whether this global outreach was initially successful or not, the corporation had more than enough money for any initial potential financial demise or set- backs that such a “perceived risk “ might offer. Yet, there was such deep hierarchical divide in taking on the global venture, that the CEO created a serious illness for himself, was hospitalized and almost died, feeling betrayed by the very organization he created and loved.

These nay- Sayers affected him so deeply that his immune system shut down, allowing a serious virus to run through his brain, nervous system, reproductive system and digestive systems. His arms and hands became numb, and he could not use them to lift or carry anything. It was a physically scary situation, and western medicine had no real answers. “ Today, researchers could argue that the subcortical areas of the brain, the primitive parts that are not under conscious control and have no linguistic interpretation, have a different way of remembering than the higher levels of the brain in the prefrontal cortex. Under normal circumstances these memory systems are harmoniously integrated. Under conditions of intense arousal, such as trauma, the limbic system and brain stem, may produce sensations and emotions that contradict one’s attitudes and beliefs. (Pg.60 Bessel A. van der Volk) contemporary research has shown high levels of arousal interfere with the frontal lobe function. ( Arnsten, 1998, Birnbaum, Gobeske, Auerbach, Taylor and Arnsten, 1999). The links and pathological consciousness that came up in a remote session were extremely accurate and he left hospital with an undiagnosed brain virus, a puzzle unsolved by western medicine, very easily solved with Body talk consciousness protocols through the limbic and frontal lobe functions of the brain. The CEO was back on the platform, speaking his truth and enlisting support to his proposal within three days of a remote session with me.

“An accumulation of this fear weakens the kidneys, the adrenals, the immune system, the reproductive system, the nervous system and digestion is the result of trauma. “Pleasing others”, means making plans to achieve things. The development of intellectual coping mechanisms also leads to shutting out of creating in this moment, in favor of some future goal. The alienation produced by this separation of the Self and others that we love, who do not yet understand our goals, can be excruciating.  As we let our gut feelings keep intellect grounded in the present, metaphorically, we reach for food that creates a sugary high, rather than look with discernment into nutrition that healthier food produces. We work towards goals and make plans, but must also take the time to smell the flowers along the way.” (Mod 3, Veltheim/Pilipovich pgs. 69-71.)

This was just not happening with the CEO. Here are the notes of general context of his session with my recommendations:
The general context of this session is anchored in the individuation of the heart, which is also a familial, generational issue, and so all codes should be viewed in this broader global context. This one is actually coded into your DNA; it is your generational destiny to crack this code in all ways, spiritually, mentally, physically and through all dimensions of time forwards and backwards. You have grandsons, this code of the heart #3 carries through the familiar patriarchal lines.

I saw self- love and protection of the heart in pathology here, particularly as these emotions were anchored in the general consciousness of the brain, where the pathology of sabotage was the active ingredient. He had a history of heart attacks in the familial line. The second link in context was:

Spiritual intolerance of bacteria/ and or fungi in the environmental matrix linked to issues around $$$$$.  This is your spiritual intolerance of the situation. I do not know the context or location of the intolerance, but I believe that someone in the matrix is trying to sabotage your success. You will know the matrix/ department in which the bacteria/fungi lie. Ask God or divine will to show you exactly where it is, if you are not sure. The context is $$$$ and which budget it will come from for this project.  You have no choice but to confront this person or persons, and lead them spiritually to the larger field where the money is. It is their personal poverty consciousness that you are dealing with, not your own. Unless you confront them they will continue to create sabotage in your health and create illness for your body due to identity and individuation of heart issues.

The next link was;

This situation with your health is also linked to the third ventricle of the brain. The third ventricle is in charge of brain fluid circulation, since you have a lack of circulation in your thoughts, stuck in the physical manifestation of your global outreach rather than being the energy of the physical manifestation in creating the twelve new offices.  When you are stuck in the third ventricle BRAIN, you are also stuck in Ego. Ask what you can adapt from the etheric field of wisdom and consciousness of your board of directors so that you can move forward with your plan. Adapt, what works for all of you in a unified field of agreement centering their thoughts of progress in your global vision in order to create the harmony your brain craves. Release any EGO thoughts that come to mind, in conveyance to the larger global vision of the BOARD as it dovetails with your plans. Also:
// (parallel) to this code is another code that is running through your heart’s left atrium. This atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs (where there is very deep grief and past depression) through the pulmonary vein. This atrium is the place where fresh blood enters, physiologically. Pathologically, you require fresh blood within one of the matrixes/departments to help you solve this issue. The person is waiting for you to ask him to take a leadership role. This person has a heart for the project and will be instrumental in the consciousness that is expressed globally with your mission statement.

The next code was:

3) This is the biggest one, judgment of the Self, anchored in individuation of the heart. You judge yourself very harshly, and without mercy. This situation has led to repeated Self crucifixion, physiologically as well as spiritually, rather than reaching for the glory in the externally by others and ALSO in judgment of the self as BEING, “NOT enough”. This is a false belief, which you see as a reality. If you are willing to repeat the words, “Even though I feel not good enough to do this job, I deeply and completely love and accept myself and forgive myself.” Please begin by tapping your head and heart at the same time, and later making a figure eight with the hands in front of the face. It looks a bit foolish, but works.  Then the willingness of the unconscious mind may heal the wounds you have self- inflicted on your heart and mind.
It also speaks to the failure of your allowance of the heart to be your true compass. Generations of your family as CEO’s and executives have denied their hearts desire in fear of condemnation from the public and internal environmental matrixes. Someone else’s EGO is stopping you from creating your heart’s desire. Separate spiritually from these people if you must, but listen to your heart. Your instructions for life are there. The instructions for the global outreach of your business and your success live there, also.

And finally 🙂 The truth is there are 12 cities, 12 new offices, 12 countries. Your arms became numb because it is physically impossible and really not your place” to do” this work or carry these people. Your spinal column is protecting you from over work. Your body is telling you. The virus came down through the medulla in the brain into the PONS, then down the spinal column causing the arms to go numb, so that you would not lift what was not yours.

Like the brain, it is the work of the investigative teams that have gone into the field to do their work to bring you the answers locally that you are seeking. It is simply not your job or your place to control this action.  This project is so big learning to trust others and their parts in it are the source of love and power that is within each for all concerned.

To deliberately put yourself on the cross in crucifixion is not your place. If you interfere in the work of these teams, and take on the entire burden, it does not allow the 12 leaders and those they need to lead, to live their destiny or their purpose. They have a huge role for their own life journey in this.  Your arms are telling you not to pick up their physical burdens, it is not yours, instead ask for the answers to the questions you are seeking, and see them manifest visually. That is all that is required of you.
When you are in pain, this is only due to separation of the Lord’s will in your life and your own separation from yourself due to the individuation of your heart compass trying to find itself. Be guided by pain in this context only.  Release all negative belief systems around this issue. So that your heart is free to express it.

The second session dealt with the shadow issues of the subconscious mind being in control of the immune system. Due to a cleansing and purification of the heart, the stomach and solar plexus or third chakra, created a desire for self-empowerment, rejecting the foods that no longer were needed for his protection and causing weight gain and severe digestive issues, due to changes in consumption. (Sugar on the tongue, putrefied meat in the digestive tract).

I also recommended that he examine the digestion of the major issues of his life, and the foods that were no longer needed for sweetness of life or heavy foods such as meat (pork in particular) that no longer supported the energy level needed for this project. There was an intolerance to worry/ over thinking through the spleen which caused the immune system issues to fail, and a further recommendation to have PSA levels of the prostate examined due to subjugation of power and creativity through the reproductive organs when the illness occurred. This was largely result to the uric acid in all the meat he felt he needed to consume in order to create his power. I also suggested he have a PSA check done. This is the bio field of perception in broadly integrated energy psychotherapy.

The CEO left the hospital three days after I sent these codes via email, and got on with his life. The neurologists never could figure out what the virus was that attacked his brain.  At last reporting he held a big rally of all his staff and received consensus of his board to the global project. “ In addition to the experiences identified as the specific contributors to present symptoms, the ten most disturbing experiences are processed with any others that contained a negative effect. The assimilation of the previously unprocessed early experiences allows comprehensive shifts as their adult perspectives shift. Once this is done, the memoires are reprocessed in chronological order as presented in the body.  (Kitchur, 2000, EMDR Treatment: Overview and Integration).

The CEO’s  heart is joyful ( a positive consciousness), and  now having dealt with the emotional hazards unspoken in his company. The company is moving forward very quickly with this new global outreach and vision. Thousands of people have the privilege of  joining his company in their global outreach.  The pathological consequences of  non-allowance of the individuation of the Self anchored in the heart can be real and devastating. If the world could accept the science of applied quantum physics, the knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and the spiritual insights we use as practitioners, hospitals would be empty.

“Indeed the same resistance to what we might label as “The Divine call” that the prophets felt is the inner voice of intuition. You may want to pause and reflect on the times of coincidences or intuitions that you have had over the years for answers there.  The Divine might be revealed through dreams, extraordinary co-incidences, a transcendent experience of the natural world, or during prayer or meditation. The hallmark of the Divine experience is to get your attention, regardless of the disease. The hallmark of disease is to get your attention.  No matter what form it takes and it leads you to think something extraordinary is happening to you, because it is.”  (Pg. 50, Sacred Contracts, Carolyn Myss)

I believe that our lives well lived are truly a sacred contract.” A Sacred Contract also includes the element of Choice. For all that the Divine provides, you have complete choice about whether to view the provisions as blessings or as burdens. You may choose a delay to meeting the terms, but you can never avoid them altogether. (Myss, “Sacred Contracts” Pg. 50-81.)

“Central to Jung’s understanding of such phenomenon was his observation that the underlying meaning or formal factor that linked the synchronistic inner and outer events , the formal cause, in Aristotelian terms, was Archetypal in nature”. ( Tarnas). “ This the “ connecting principle” of synchronicity, taking the knots of the sequences of traumas into the thread of formal causality, results in the ingression into actuality of the objects that exist outside, but are implicit in, the realm of temporality, spatial extension and material efficient causality. The most important of all, is the Self which is the person’s wholeness. The center is made up of the unity of consciousness and unconsciousness reached through the individuation process. Therefore in a world that accepts formal causation everything can choose to become enchanted or divine.” (RH Cavanaugh.)

“God created miracles of synchronicity in our lives to prove that bettered, tattered and torn lives have as much a right to a miracle as those whose lives seem perfect. By means of synchronicities and miracles, God manifests his authenticity to the world and thereby causes man to be enchanted with Him or NOT. The miracle of enchantment is a sign action that God has chosen to intervene in your life. (Wagner, “Are you ready for a Miracle with Angels?” Pg. 90. )

As we consider the pathological consciousness inherent in the organs, endocrines, and body parts, expressing their wisdom through disease, giving voice to pain in the subconscious mind into our body, this may be an initial outward acuasal action, but this voice also holds answers to the sacred contract that we have chosen for the purpose of our lives where the synchronicities of our traumas lie.

It is the pathological consciousness of the organs, endocrines and body parts that hold the secret codes to the disease, linked to the synchronicity of traumas, the presenting disease holds the answers to a souls’ particular life quest.  “ Neuron-psychology is now familiar with the idea that consciousness changing procedures can produce healthy, therapeutic brain activity, and even brain structures.” (Vitor Rodriquez, Journal of Transpersonal research, 2010, Vol2, 44-61) The practitioner using Energy Psychology, guided by intuitive knowing, physiology and anatomy, pathological consciousness, unlocks these codes, and helps the client remove their masks, so that the client can fulfill and realize their destiny and sacred contract.  Physical, mental, spiritual healing all come from the unification of the consciousness and unconsciousness in the body mind. In understanding that there is also a pathological consciousness of the emotions expressed through these organs, endocrines and body parts, by noticing the  synchronicities of traumas in our lives, we can heal disease.

Are you seeing the synchronicity of your life and its disease as a burden or a blessing? In Body talk, we have a code of ethics. Representing that we are as practitioners” fixing “someone or “healing “someone is seen as an ethical breach of conduct. The practitioner would be viewed as being out of balance and requiring a session to put his/her EGO in its rightful place.  Body talk is therapy of the body, mind and spirit. As practitioners we are held to very high standards of education in physiology and anatomy, applied quantum physics, both Eastern and Western medicine techniques and the spiritual wisdom of all cultures and religions. People who want massive change in their life experience relating to their life purpose and healing choose the translation of their inward disease or pathological consciousness into outward manifestations of power and fulfillment.  Practitioners are required to refer to Western medicine or other modalities when severe cases are presented.  We do not diagnose, prescribe or intervene surgically in any way, although cellular repair does take place through instructions to the brain.

As I have seen tumors melt under my hands, I have also referred these clients to oncologists as required for the safety of the client, moments after my sessions. After a couple of cellular repair sessions, finding the cause of the original trauma, unraveling the knots of the reoccurrences in both disease and trauma, the results of biopsies always came back negative. The innate wisdom of the body knows how to heal itself. As we choose in this society to stand in the awe and reverence of this wisdom of the innate ability to heal itself,  and observe both the acasual linearity of the pathological consequences of the organs, endocrines and body parts speaking their truth while observing the nonlinear synchronistical events of our lives, all disease can be healed.

This has been my life work, my life calling since I was very young, and my life purpose. I am finally able to understand it , better, but not totally, free to express what I know, and respond to the etheric professional field of professionalism at several colleges where I teach, in the corporate world rising to be coached by me. My origins in the four generations of holistic wisdom prove a medical intuitive possibility that were my great, great grandmothers.  I am thrilled to add more to my toolbox of healing with the energy psychology programs here at CIHS and I am thrilled to pass this wisdom onto my daughters and grand-daughters. Our legacy is not passed on in our generation, but in four generations hence.

Thanks for the opportunity.


Campbell, J,   “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” New World Library, 2008

Cavanaugh, RH. “Notes on CGJung” 2004

Dyer, W.  “There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem” Quill, Harper Collins, 2001

Myss, C. “Sacred Contracts” Harmony Books, New York, 2001

Pearson, C. S.  “Awakening the Heroes Within” Harper, San Francisco, 1991

Shack Elton, K “Meeting the Shadow, the Hidden Power of the Dark Side” 1991

Wagner, A. “Are You Ready for a Miracle with Angels”   Dreamakers International 1997

Wagner, A. “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” Inspire Media, 2004

Wilber, “ Integral Psychology”  Shambala , 2000

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Energy Psychology viii NLP : Benefits, “How We Speak to Ourselves is Important”

Energy Psychology viii NLP and its Precepts

Interview with David Snyder was extremely interesting and the best of the interviews by far. I met with Tony Robbins on several occasions when he began using Richard Bandler and Grinders’ work. Although I have known about this work for many years, I did not know about the structure or about the precepts.

As we use a very specific and very linear structure and protocol in Body talk, the use of structure is very familiar and actually very comforting to me now. At the beginning learning 50 protocols was tedious and quite boring.  Once structure is memorized, however, one can always count on protocol (structure) to illuminate the path in the dark night of the client’s soul.

So this technique is very interesting to me because my basic assumption and understanding of NLP was quite different before your interview. I believed that NLP was a linguistic approach only, not an energetic approach, with you as the example it became very clear how he pulled the chakras out of the body examined them, and then out them back into vacant space. This was incredible to me.

IN Body talk the study of structure, of the body and of the brain, is also the model for success. When you change the structure you change the code, when you change the code, you change the results. On a cellular level, I have been aware that negative emotions are stored in the fascia of the body and these can be released through acupuncture as well as meridian releases for many years.  I use these techniques of releasing negative emotions in the muscular-skeletal body daily.

Tony Robbins created his multimillion dollar fortune through the study of what successful business people did right, not what they did wrong. The focus was that the person was right, the timeline was wrong.  I also loved the fact the story of Bandler’s work with the man who thought he was Jesus. This was hysterical.  Bandler did not make the client wrong; he just chose to show him a different point of view. Crucifixion was not an option for the client. He suddenly decided he could not be Jesus any more. Amazing.  When we give up our polarity that creates separation and choose unification, the great unconscious becomes conscious. We use clearing statements and polarities in viewpoints to change results with Access Consciousness.  As you could see this created amazing results in this last election, by focusing largely on n the power of CHOICE, as in the example of a beaten up President.

What outcome can we choose if we use the same formula of creating STATE and doubling or tripling the intensity of it? David’s use of this technique was brilliant and it worked with you!  I enjoyed the presuppositions of NLP and I will use these. “The map is not the territory” was an important concept. The map shows us the alternative route, if we follow our hearts. Also taking responsibility for the outcome in communication was very clear.  Perception is not the memory of the event was also a key point to me. It is the illusion of the past wrapped in fundamental aspect of the experience of it. The past is never the way it actually happened, but our interpretation of it becomes our reality. I found this to be an interesting point of view. There is no such thing as failure, only feedback. I loved this.

If you take out the equation of time, there is never failure, what a gift! The precept of time being equal in past, present and future, and that we have access to all this information anytime we want it is correct. I would also add the value of time in the 8th chakra. I constantly get asked how we can reach time during fetal life, but this information is sometimes a key “map” in the healing process, because the brain tries to make things familiar.

That is why neuron pathways always follow the same paths, whether this work is with multi-millionaires or with cancer patients. Proof that it is possible to change the neuron pathways and thereby change the structure of the brain and the results of the brain, is one of the driving forces of my practice. I already have immediate proof that using points on the brain reverses illness.

The most inspired presupposition in the list was that “You have all the resources to achieve your desired outcomes. “  Every person on the planet needs this presupposition. I was truly inspired by this process and by taking a real look at integrating NLP into my practice. I may take the courses also.

The energy we carry does decode the system. Your amplified state creates your outcome. When I do corporate work, the corporations who are the most profitable always have the most energy and the most congruence on their outcomes. Once you add the responsibility of the outcome to this concept, people will change motivated by money, power or relationship. If you can combine all three, you have success.   People, who work at state of one, get the results of one in effort and $$$.  People, who work at state of ten, create ten  $$$ results.

The exercise was so fascinating to me.  I wrote the book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, “in 2004. It was really about corporate vision, leadership and entrepreneurial skills. Many concepts from my book were stolen right out of my book, concepts were taken by a colleague who made a fortune using my concepts using a copyright law that allows 100% of concepts to be used and 20 % of real words.

Did you know that ? Someone you hardly know can rip off 20% of your words without financial credit to you, and create their own book with your work, using your title? Sound like rape? It was. I have never been able to understand why I could not bring my self to teach these concepts on a corporate level, even with the full knowledge that these were my own concepts.  My false belief was that my work would be ripped off again, and the fears of losing my public voice were never clear to me before this day.

This is amazing and trans-formative class. Thank you. I have incorporate more positive words into my self talk.

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What really happened in the electoral vote on November 6th, 2012 ?

First, I would like to be very clear, that I find the recent dialogue about the minority groups being bought by the President’s gifts quite nauseating. If I had not already lost my lunch with a gastro- intestinal flu over the last 6 days, I would be booking time to “speak with Albert over the big white phone. ” to lose my lunch again. This dialogue is repulsive, condescending and A- typical of a sore loser’s point of view.

With all due integrity, I must say I got an amazing gift personally from the President last week. It was a thank you phone call from the White House directly. Just me and 30,000 other committed volunteers who got a personal thank you for the work we did on the grass roots campaign.

The conversation began with Jeremy Bird Campaign chair in   Chicago. Apparently Jeremy is less than 30 years old. I could not care less if he was 12, he ran an incredible campaign and we all benefited from his genius. Jeremy started by reading the numbers. Because I thought this was insiders information, I did not take notes on all of it. Then, the numbers were so incredible I had to write them down. NO matter what the media thought the volunteers believed differently and we all knew something was different here.

Here are the facts on the greatest electoral campaign in the history of elections in this country:

1) Ten thousand team leaders through out the country

2) One hundred and twenty five million door knocks and phone calls nationally.

3) Because we knew in advance that there would be voter fraud or some irrgularity in the voting machines, we advised the president and the teams to get out the vote early. People  listened and this made all the difference. Over 70% of voters in Colorado voted early, with 166,000 new voters registered.

4) Iowa: 6.5 Million door knocks and phone calls with 43 % early votes.

5) Nevada had 340,000 new voters registered with 17 Million door knocks and calls made.

6) Florida had 360,000 new voters registered with 22 Million door knocks and calls. We had suspected a 2% lead by Saturday before elections, but that was within the margin of error.

7) Ohio had 17M door knocks and 140,000 new voters registered.

8) Virginia had 14M door knocks and phone calls with 130,000 new voters registered.

9) Massachusetts had 115,000 new voters with 5 Million called and door knocked. The 4 electoral votes there were important enough to continue working no matter what.

10) Texas may go blue.

After 15 minutes of hearing Jeremy tell us the great news, the White hose operator came on the lines.”White House operator, ” she said. ” Are we the only ones on the call? ” “NO said, Jeremy, “There are about 30,000 of us here. ” I guessed that was the password because the President of the United States came on the phone right after that.

Just like some of his emails to us, this guy was genuine real and very committed.

here is a copy of one of them: Angelica —

I’m about to go speak to the crowd here in Chicago, but I wanted to thank you first.

I want you to know that this wasn’t fate, and it wasn’t an accident. You made this happen.

You organized yourselves block by block. You took ownership of this campaign five and ten dollars at a time. And when it wasn’t easy, you pressed forward.

I will spend the rest of my presidency honoring your support, and doing what I can to finish what we started.

But I want you to take real pride, as I do, in how we got the chance in the first place.

Today is the clearest proof yet that, against the odds, ordinary Americans can overcome powerful interests.

There’s a lot more work to do.

But for now: Thank you.


I like to say he came bounding onto the phone call like a golden lab running into the room of his family, happy and relaxed.  He thanked us for believing  in him no matter what the conversation of the day was, and even for some of us scolding him to get into action.

He told us the volunteers believed in a win, no matter what the conversation of the day might have been and that we , by our efforts, changed the conversation of the elections in the history of the vote surpassing the 2008 elections in all categories by a landslide. Elections did not have to be like they always had been.

The volunteers changed the conversation by their work and their intentions. The volunteers showed the world what was possible! Yeah.. the President finished his  conversation with us by asking for an opinion poll to be completed to measure our experience on how the grass roots can  improve.. Imagine this?

And finally told us how much he appreciate us and loved us. WOW, happy days all round.

Can your theory of buying an election really hold water, Governor?  Were you wrong on the REAL issues? Guessed wrong on the message? Guessed wrong on the minority support? Guessed wrong on the work force of millions of ground volunteers and how they managed their time? Guessed wrong on the results they could bring in all areas of the country? Guessed wrong on who was listening to the discussion?

Guess what, getting out the vote was exactly that. You were out registered, in every state, out voted , out-door knocked, out Facebooked and out called. You really were out to lunch on every single issue,  even though you tried to buy the vote with your superpac money, control the vote with rigging the voting machines and speak your condescension to millions of minorities who saw a man with heart on their side  vs. a man with a big check book.

Can you get your “dad” to pay for this one? Maybe using other people’s money works in business. There you have zero risk, and zero heart. Just calculations and money get the job done, no wonder you can’t understand your defeat. YOU couldn’t buy it!

We changed the face of the elections in the history of the elections  because millions of volunteers believed in what was possible!

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Energy Psychology vi: Comparative Techniques, EFT, TFT, ESM, BSFF

Energy Psychology vi: Comparative Techniques, EFT, TFT, ESM, BSFF

Paul Welling and Life Force Therapy

This interview was not only difficult to listen in the tone and volume, as well as the nature of this interview was very disturbing. I was not sure what this energy healing modality was or if he (who was the originator) knew what this stuff was. When directly asked, he could not answer any really direct questions about his modality. There were some points that he raised but, the scientist in me wanted to turn him right off. The use of calling a computer technologist a scientist was disturbing. I thought Dr. Dexter did an amazing job, trying to get some questions answered, frequently with little or disappointing results.   Her persistence in trying to get any real answers to the very vague responses left me wanting to turn him off more than once.

Emotional Freedom Technique

I was very surprised that I could not get enough of all the interviews and notes surrounding Dr. Craig in creating this modality. I got started to watch the videos and then got caught up with the interviews, descriptions and reports of the practitioners.  This was actually incredibly inspiring to hear their stories see the videos and watch the methods that they used to lose weight, collapse memories about sexual abuse and addiction. Because I have many of these similar types of clients, I think EFT will be a new tool in the Energy Psychology tool box. The Discovery statement from EFT says, “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy systems”

This has been truth to me in my practice. As negative emotions are dwelled upon, they actually become matter, creating form on the body, in the energy centers or as thought forms which become matter in the pathological consciousness of the organs, endocrines and body parts. This is the creation of disease. Those which are first negative thought forms become matter called disease because of the disruption of energy throughout the body.  Sometimes, the negative energy thought forms of other people create thought forms on our body.  These steps should be considered;

“Let’s first consider how we isolate our target.  In our sessions, if we are to be thorough in our work, we need to target all of the elements in our client’s story.  This means being specific in isolating a) the emotions, b) the physical sensations and c) the sensory information from the event that we are working on.

As EFT practitioners, of course, it is our job to find energy disruptions and so this means checking that the language we use in the setup phrase is actually the language that contains the emotional charge.  Sometimes though, the ‘charged’ language doesn’t show up during the initial tapping and we need to do some more ‘digging’ to check our work thoroughly.

In general, when we combine 1) being specific with the detail of our story (physical sensations, emotions and sensory information) and 2) being specific with the language we use (finding the words that carry the emotional distress), we are targeting energy disruptions more directly and more completely. My observations from my practice are that when we do so, we seem to get better, deeper, longer lasting results all the way around.” (Video from Dr. Craig’s homepage. Three specific videos, also his key note speech were amazing.)

As a practitioner, these are all steps that filled my cup with deeper resonance in understanding the fine points of completely annihilating the traumas that caused the condition. Using the meridians is in my practice, using the definitions and being more specific with language will soon be added directionally. Tapping on the specific meridian points while saying the clearing statements reduced the charge in clients tremendously, I was surprised with this.

Body talk we are specific as to where the energy blockage resides, in Access consciousness we are very specific about the words. Combining the meridian points with specific language, specific sensations of sensory language, specific details of the story, and targeting the energy disruptions  seems a complete package as added insurance that this trauma goes away and stays away in the clients experience of life. I also enjoyed the use of forgiveness in digging deeper to erase the traumas.

Checking the level of tension form 1-10 was a skill I was surprised they asked the client to do also. This step is something I will now use. Working in Body talk, most times the trauma is hidden in the subconscious mind and we have to retrieve it. To find the knots of the threads of trauma, sometimes it takes several active memory retrievals to get the whole thread of the traumas.  I dig deeper unless the body does not allow it. I have not yet asked any of my clients to muscle test themselves. Retrieving the contributing trauma is usually surprising enough to them.

ESM Based on Thought Field Therapy

Again the thought field arena was addressed as the applied quantum energy points on the hand and the eye movements to release the thought field creating the disease.  Gamut 9 techniques brought immediate relief to the thought field stress bringing it down to half of its original. I was very surprised at how many times on different TV stations and how many interviews that Dr. George Pratt had for his marketing. This was very amazing to me, as a business woman and I wondered how he actually did that, besides creating the techniques.

The fact that this energy can be measured and was measured since the 1940’s was extremely surprising to me. Knowledge of the bio-magnetic field was already an active ingredient in the healing modalities I have experienced.  The bio-magnetic field and how it stores the negative energies is the field of research where the gold will be found.  Pratt was measuring Hertz frequencies, for results, but deeper into the question in scientific terms is the realm of the epigenome and how disease or wellness is found in the epigenome is truly the next frontier. There are new studies being done on epigenomes and cancer.

“Secondly, it is theorized that when an individual holds a specific thought in their mind, not only are certain emotions generated as a result (this is the basis of cognitive psychotherapy), but also, that specific thoughts also generate a field of energy. Energy created by the brain can be measured by electroencephalograph equipment. However, it is also believed that in addition to these forms of energy, such as beta, alpha, theta, and delta brain waves, another field of energy is created. Preliminary research conducted by Dr. Pratt and Lambrou has pointed toward a bio-magnetic component to the effects of ESM.” Thoughts and thought field imagery are real things and they create our reality.

“Studies in the 1940s, conducted by biologist, Harold Saxton Burr, Ph.D. at Yale University, and later by surgeon and researcher Robert Becker, M.D. reveal the existence of electrical polarities from the surface of the skin, down to the charges at the ends of damaged nerve cells.

When a person’s electro-magnetic polarity is reversed, it interferes with and blocks attempts to make emotional or behavioral changes. We might call that self-sabotaging. Distressing emotions, negativity, and other painful situations are likely to persist. “I had no idea this work was being studied since 1940.

A correction for this self-sabotage was an interesting point of view , made through tapping a specific acupuncture point while holding a particular thought intention. I was happy to hear Dr. Pratt talk about the gratitude list as a starting point first thing in the morning. Given the tragedies of this week with hurricane Sandy, we have much to be grateful for, and need to focus on our gratitude of life rather than our lack of life.

I was also surprised at Dr. Pratt’s use of dolphin therapy for depression because of the client experienced unconditional love and joy.  The client did not feel helpless anymore. I had been thinking of using Horse Therapy with the horses that live in the pasture behind my clinic for the ADHD and high risk kids, to see what can happen by adding animals to their therapy and then testing for results with muscle testing each client after the session.  Most of my clinic kids are between 6-8 years of age, with varying degrees of ADHD and violence, and this could be very calming to them, after the Access Consciousness brain techniques. Unconditional love and control of a being that is much bigger than them- selves might be very empowering to them.

Free From Fear Forever

This is just old hat again using TFT techniques and tapping on the meridians.  People do use food addictions to fill the emptiness of a loss of love with their mother.  Dr. Durlacher used the K27 points on one of the girls and K1 points on the other to calm their anxiety plus TFT techniques. This was pretty basic and easy stuff to treat.

BSFF Techniques


Most interesting of all the techniques learned this week, and I will definitely use this in my life and treat clients with it. I was inspired by the 11 clearing statements. This work dovetails with the clearing statements made in Access Consciousness.  Although it uses no pressure points anywhere, conditioning the subconscious mind was an amazing technique.

Subconscious programming in the subconscious mind can do anything we tell it to do. Even though we know that the subconscious always does what it is told to do, we rarely command it and direct it.  By using a cue word or very short phrase, we can program our subconscious mind and signal this mind to respond to treat body, mind and spirit of negative beliefs or eliminate or neutralize. It is our subconscious mind that carries out the treatment for us.  This treatment eliminates the emotional roots and belief system by programming the subconscious mind to act on queue to resolve our past issues.

Speaking to the emotional roots or to the unresolved emotions of the past experiences that have not resolved is essential to healing. When the subconscious mind does not get to finish its unfinished business, it gets cluttered up. That is why I do brain defrag techniques called Access Consciousness, so that the brain can use the thoughts it needs to create a new reality.

The conscious mind needs to be right, even though it creates the wrong results and it recreates the same effects over and over again, because of the neuron pathways that remain the same unless we alter them through pressure points. This technique BFFF using the CUE word to stop the action, and establishing this in a very specific way, activates the subconscious mind to carry out its new program.

I would be very interested in doing further study through scans and EEG’s to see if the brain’s neuron pathways are also changed in this treatment.

Crucial also was the belief that forgiveness of the anger of the Self in creating the problem/issues in the first place and forgiving the Self for not dealing with the problem are also key ingredients here.


This week I worked at Core Power Yoga, as part of my community service to those who cannot afford my fees in therapy. I do this twice a month at this yoga studio on a “by donation fee schedule, “and I love it!  IN return I get to do unlimited yoga, in trade. Cynthia and I were in the original teacher training class, three years ago. I went to more advanced training in healing techniques. She continued in advanced training in yoga. We stayed amazing friends, and now she is the manager of the studio. For the last 6 months, she has worked at the business of the studio. Now that it was busy and humming financially again, opportunities were coming up for her to teach again, and she refused to do it.

As I walked in on Tuesday, Cynthia was doing another one of her amazing handstands. Flawless perfection from toes to chin, she kept walking on her hands in what I thought was perfect confidence and cadence. When she was not upside down, she was freaking out. I asked her, “What is going on?”  In walked two other yoga teachers whose classes I frequented, to support Cynthia’s teaching class and I knew something was terribly wrong.

Sweating like an emotional wreck, Cynthia came off the yoga floor and plunked herself right down on my table.  Through Body talk we identified the string of knots of trauma from her childhood as an advanced gymnast, to the time she was competing at age 9 with the 16 year olds, never good enough. Always perfection and fear were the root causes of her issues. Balancing after trauma were the K27 points linked to switching,  under the collar bone, then identifying fear and perfectionism  that had her adrenal glands so tight up around her ears. Using HBLU techniques with highest wisdom of Cynthia and the highest wisdom of myself, we identified the solar plexus chakra s carrying the fear of performance.  She always wanted to puke before class. Most introverts have this fear when performing or speaking to an audience. This is common.

When she asked her body, if she could move this energy from her gut to her heart in wisdom and love of those students who attended her class, her anxiety dropped from a 9 to a 4.  Her limiting belief was that no one would enjoy her classes or that she would forget the commands that she needed to teach. Further tapping on the head and heart, and further asking the energy to move to the heart chakra and visualize green light there, we also made the statements, “Despite my limiting belief that students will not like my class, I deeply and profoundly love and respect myself.  Despite the limiting belief that I will forget the commands, I deeply and profoundly love and respect myself. “

We tested again and her stress was at a 2. When I walked into the studio on Thursday evening, Cynthia was a new woman.  “I had the “I want to puke” feeling for 20 minutes before my first class, when I moved the energy into my heart, it went away. I taught the second class with no stress, and the third class with joy and freedom.  Thank you for coming to help, I sure needed it. “

Now the appointments are booked in advance every 20 minutes, when I bring my table to Core Power Yoga.


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A Woman’s Conflict with Herself, Society and the Critical Voice of her Shadow

There is a young woman in the chair. She is about 16, very slim, fragile almost, Andrea is her name. She wants to yell at me all the time.  I am never good enough, smart enough, I never do enough. It is always about my failings. As she gets up to scream at me again, I move away. I cannot tolerate this screeching abusive voice. Andrea has been in my life all my life in many forms, with many voices.  Andrea has always fought for control over my spirit of play, and my spirit of creativity, my “beingness “, my joy!  Andrea beat me up physically from the time she kicked the sides of my womb ,a not yet born baby, till she emerged from my womb to breathe life in the worst winter storm of the year, a fitting beginning for this very tumultuous lifelong relationship.  Mentally, she re-emerges in all the women who needed to control my life, and have tried to do this for me all my life, including my mother.  I step back.

“You are a child” she says to me, now she has grown into a young woman. Considering I am her mother, these words cut like a knife through my heart, cutting off yet another piece of my soul. The words are said in front of her child who is now 18 months old, and he does not understand, he hears the tone of his mother yelling publicly at his grandmother in a grocery store.   A litany of contempt follows.  I turn and walk away in deep humiliation and pain. Not for myself alone, but for what I see as a revelation of my daughter’s grown woman character.  And I try to be compassionate and understand her pain.

I always turned away to avoid the storm, not fly straight into it, fearing the physical abuse of a husband in female form, not a child, a deva or she devil.

Harville Hendrix says in his essay on the Shadow, “To fill the void, the child creates a false self, a character structure that serves as a double purpose; it camouflaged those parts of his being that he has repressed and protects him from further injury. Eventually he applies this patterned response to all situations. No matter who tries to get close to him, he erects the same barricade. A different child may react in the opposite way, exaggerating his problems in the hope that someone will come to his rescue. Yet another child may become a hoarder, holding on to all his material possessions to decrease the pain of knowing that there is never enough.  Thereby, losing the original, God-given wholeness. “(Meeting the Shadow. Pg. 51.)

The child’s negative traits are not a part of our original nature and were never meant to be there. They are forged, instead out of pain and became a part of our assumed identity after time, an alias that helps us to maneuver in a hostile and sometimes complex world. The negative traits become part of the Disowned Self, the parts of the Self that are too painful to acknowledge, yet the parts that show up least unexpectedly  in ways that are acted out, out of survival of the YOU , you really are.


Hendrix says there are three parts to the Shadow Self, just as we acknowledge three entities in one being.

  1. 1.       Your “lost self” those parts you had to repress to survive or meets the demands of society.
  2. 2.       Your false self, “The façade that you erected in order to fill the void created by this repression and by a lack of nurturing.”
  3. 3.       Your disowned self, the negative parts of your false self that met with disapproval by society and were therefore denied and sent to the other room.  “

Together this complex collage created the you that you are today. To keep all these entities hidden requires a great deal of effort. It is so much easier to face them, merge with them and learn to give them grace and forgiveness as you would a dear friend who loves you warts and all. This is the essence of my work in Body talk and as an Access Consciousness Practitioner. In each session, the work mirrors an extension of these graceful teachings to my patients.  Instead of just talking about change or acceptance as you would in transpersonal therapy, we apply hand acupressure to the brain and the pressure points defragging the brain, and Body talk defrag the wounds of the heart, the memories complexly working against us in the brain, and the light of the Spirit of enlightenment creating wholeness. It becomes a sacred and deeply spiritual work.

To put it another way, there is a deep need for the soul to rid oneself of guilt and fear- provoking elements which offer all possibility of close human connection.  The professional women, who come to speak to me, all carry anger, sometimes the rage of Andrea, especially if they are working mothers. They received education, often higher education and began their careers. Then, they chose to renounce these hard-won victories as a part of the self sacrifice required by motherhood, but were never really able to embrace the total sacrifice required by their jobs.  In most cases their husbands were not able to step up and become equal partners in child rearing and home duties, out of cultural persuasion or selfishness. The mother feels envy toward the daughter who has it all, and she feels resentment for a life unfulfilled.

In her essay, “The Underside of the Mother Daughter Relationship” Kim Cherin shares the following, “As an adult the daughter interprets. She says her mother could no longer accept the limitations of her life. She acknowledges that her mother, resented mother hood bitterly, especially if she was a single mother, constantly on call and earning the living of the household. She feels competition with her mother, when there is none, and finally is deeply emotionally defeated by her mother’s outward seeming ambivalence. “

Meanwhile there are questions that the daughters dare not raise as they try to face their own terrible inner division, trying to assure themselves that their mother was happy with her sacrifice, while at the same time denying that the mother ever had any sacrifice, because she hid her pain so well. Therefore, woman of any age become THE daughter with an eating disorder or addiction, the moment she steps out to seek her own development and pauses a moment in her life to brood on her mother’s life. If we can as a society acknowledge the mothers’ pain, we can set free this social system by liberating anger rationally into society that continuously and unceasingly still seeks to suppress women.

Yes, that is still true today.

The daughters of our time are turning against themselves, through an eating disorder or anorexia to suppress the guilt we feel and the hidden anger we cannot express. For how is a woman to attack if she cannot express her anger toward her mother? Can she not then just express this anger toward herself with an addiction that is forbidden, a disease that is repressed or being a workaholic to relieve her pain as a woman?

“In a stunning act of substitution, the daughter turns her mother rage to her own body. “  The female body is not the answer to violence here. This manifests as the Shadow self in unnecessary abortions, cancers, diabetes, fibromyalgia, unfulfilling relationships based on sex not love, addictions of all sorts, and working against all costs as a single mother trying to raise children to prove their own worth. The other spouse who is absent financially, physically or emotionally unavailable as 47 % of divorced women in America do it all and do it alone.  

Hoping to master her own rage, anxiety and sense of loss at separating from her own female flesh as a mother to herself, “the woman who comes of age today, involves herself in continued and intensified acts of self-destruction. “ (Pg.58 Meeting the Shadow) This cycle continues until a crisis intervenes and integration of the Shadow self becomes a necessary act of a woman’s self –preservation, such as breast, ovarian or uterine cancer. Only true self-love can replace the self hatred of generations of women addicted to anger that becomes generational disease within families. We work a great deal in the generational lines of anger in matrices and families in Body talk.

In reclaiming her lost soul, woman becomes the Wise Fool whose loss of sanity opened up her mind to the great and glorious cosmos. Today’s reality is nothing more than the collective consciousness expressing the joke and irony of life through films, books and television.  When the wise innocent or “the child” survives to live life’s dramas, the “Wise Innocent” knows whatever the details of our life might be, life itself is a gift and our task is to accept it and to also fully enjoy that gift as a blessing from God.

The cosmic perspective on life is often hard to tell from madness, irreverence, and crazy making stunts. In one form or another, the Wise Fool has always been a mad man or woman. I went to hear the lecture of Kevin Dutton, author of “The Wisdom of Psychopaths”. What Saints, Spies and Serial Killers can teach us about Success” yesterday. He flew in from Oxford, England, and spoke at Cal Tech Institute in Pasadena to a standing room only crowd.

Far from believing those psychopaths are incapable of fear as an emotionless void, as most therapists would have us believe, he proposes that they just don’t notice fear or the object that they are afraid of. With most things others would be terrified of, psychopaths do not notice or feel distressful emotions, because they focus on a task that promises immediate reward, they screen everything, “irrelevant” out. Buddhist monks and serial killers have much in common, when focused on a specific task, they become entirely devoid of emotions. Monks focus on the Deity, serial killers on the kill.

“Differences in the brains intentional mechanisms or reward systems neurologically, the more psychopathic the person is, and the more increasingly laser-like his focus to task would be primed for immediate gratification, “Dutton says. That is why many successful CEO’s probably are amazing latent psychopaths.

There is a difference in increase in temperature in the frontal cortex, anterior and superior temporal lobes of the brain as we notice their decision-making tendencies. Of the most offensive psychopaths, the amygdala or circuitry of feeling is highly IN-active.

I would wager that people such as Lance Armstrong, Ann Coulter and T. Harv Ecker can be classified as closet psychopaths, primed for the self- gratification as media whores that cause pain to others through their words and actions, the only purpose of which is immediate, focused gratification and aggrandizement of the Self, sort of public masturbation of the EGO through anger, I’m begging you.  The “banksters” of Wall Street that caused the fraud of 43 Trillion in financial losses of homes in foreclosure are definitely psychopaths that got away with their kill of money. No emotion there, either.  No emotion, just choice. In our sacred work, there is no judgment.

“Psychopathically the population actually evolves to a stable equilibrium when the proportion of people consistently behaving psychopathically actually mirrors the observed incidence of the disorder in life (1-2%). “ (Pgs76-80 Dutton). As players in the game of life start approaching 70%-30% mark, as in the games played on “Shark Tank”, player 2 will go into emotional rejection mode. “After all, there’s a principle at stake here, it’s not just about the money. “  The psychopaths, however, played the game differently, and as a result had more to show for it in their wallets. There is financial worth,” Dutton states, “for taking it on the chin.”

Dutton also engages us in a philosophical view on giving. “If rewarded coöperation with co-operation, and then repeated its collective benefits to both the collective conscious and unconscious. Macroscopic harmony and microscopic individualism were two sides of the same evolutionary coin. The mystics had missed the point. Giving is not better than receiving. Then truth is that giving is receiving. There will always be a need for risk takers in society as well as a need for rule breakers and heart-breakers as well.”

Take note moms. The expression of your love as a mother to your children is the only feedback and gift you get. Do not expect more of your daughters, as you will “feel disappointed.”  There-in is the lesson, the more neutral and focused you can be in all relationships, the more you can stay neutral and non emotional in business, the more wins you will have in the game of life, emotional or financial.

As I look back on the interplay in my life between the Innocent and the Orphan, giving up the Innocent, I chose to be continually betrayed emotionally by my family, and as the Orphan, I chose to be financially betrayed by the men in my life. I chose to become the Seeker in my private life, in search of the mysteries of knowing God, there I found no betrayal. Early on in my journey to perfecting my motherhood in ways that my very ill mother never could, choosing to be the Caregiver to my four children at home and until  they were all educated, the Warrior woman realtor, top producer at work, was still searching for the voice of the Divine in her daily life.

Here were my choices:

  1. Abandon the lost parts of myself to survive: my feminine Self not allowing relationships with men, my equals. I would not allow any man into my life because as a mother, I had no time for any one other than my children and work. I abandoned my sexual life along with my emotional heart.   Either I sold books or I sold the real estate. That was it: focus on survival and making money. My office thought I took drugs because I was always so impoverished. The cycle of never enough continued no matter how hard I worked. I would never desecrate my body, temple of my soul by taking drugs. They gossiped anyway.
  2. My false self, that of always pretending to be capable to do it all. Rise up and support four kids till they were through college became a mammoth job. I resented it, and my children came to resent me because of my resentment mirrored back. I had no freedom. I chose this path.
  3. My disowned self, the negative parts that were sent away, were my love of education, my ability to give as a single woman. I was shunned by my church as a whore and a self proclaimed witch doctor. Neither was true. But married women were threatened, made up stories to serve their own goals, and ostracized me from events in fear that I would throw my self onto the nearest man in the room, their husband.
  4. My voice to the world, and finally my healing gift from God that I have denied almost all my life to survive what society thought I should give it and not be judged as a total loon, quack and crazy woman. I was not.  All my business plans and healing work was 25 years ahead of current thought and is bearing fruit now.

As I accepted to destroy and uncreated,  the Destroyer’s vision of what was not in alignment with God, leaving family, county and a non-honoring life to become the Creator of awareness through my current life work of healing, research in brain therapies and books and films ready for mass consumption, my life changed.

I have the laser focus of any psychopath to create as much information cross culturally, cross media as is humanly possible for a humanity that is truly dying for the answers to real health reform.  The fool in me now laughs at the idiocy of fearing my Shadow.

Yell, all you want, Andrea. Get out of your chair and take a swing. Have at it. For your daughter will do for you what you did for me, give you your soul back on a platter. Thank you. The giving is the receiving. You owe me nothing. I owe you nothing. It is done. Our agreement worked out great!

Jung wrote, “If the human soul is anything, it must be of unimaginable complexity and diversity, so that it cannot possibly be approached through mere psychology of instinct. I can only gaze with wonder and awe at the depths and heights of our psychic nature. Its non-spatial universe conceals an untold abundance of images which have accumulated over millions of years of living development and become fixed in organism. My consciousness is like an eye that fills with nonspatial images. Beside this picture I would like to place the spectacle of the starry heavens at night, for the only equal for the universe within, is the universe without. I reach the world through the medium of my psyche. “

I believe that Mother Theresa, mother to thousands of dying mothers in India who gave it all, said it best when she said, “It was never about you and THEM anyway. It was always about you and GOD.”

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Women need to get out EARLY to Vote in this Election

7 Reasons Why Women need to get out EARLY To Vote This Election

In Access Consciousness, we choose to stay present and in the moment with our clients, understanding that people are at different areas of consciousness in their lives, and so they are all entitled to their own points of view. There is no judgment about a person’s access of their own consciousness. There are also no limitations in your possibilities of experience. Points of view and a world view are largely dependent on your life experience. Shallow life experience creates a shallow world view; larger life experience creates a larger world view. There is no judgment.

Therefore, when I hear the types of comments that come out of the Romney camp yesterday, ostracized 50% of the voting electorate, first I feel sucker punched as a woman, then I feel relieved that this party has finally shown us their true points of view.  One can only pray that women lineup in droves to get out the vote in this election.

All of my children studied in Canada or Europe: they live in Canada. It is a common occurrence for members of my family to work internationally. Quite frankly, they think I am nuts to live in the restrictive US with health care, education and immigration issues as they are, and I am beginning to agree with them after the cycle of news yesterday. If I was not so in love with my studies here, I would have left this country long ago, bearing the difficulties of living within the constraints of this economy.

Here are the 7 reasons that women should get out to vote this election. In my context as an energy practitioner, I will base it on the chakras system, which I just published. The chakras are energy centers in the body that project subtle transmissions of energy. When the chakras are traumatized, the energy flow of the person stops. In women, the energy flow of “personhood” is expected to be completely SHUT DOWN with the election of the Republican Party as President.

Governor Romney may be worth 300 Million, but his emotional IQ is zero on women’s issues.

After conception the earliest stages of embryological development focus on the cerebrospinal system that the body receives its life force.  The seven major chakras are high frequency psychic/energy centers in near to the cerebrospinal system. These energy centers may be linked to the energy centers of the developing organism. As centers of transformation, the chakras step down subtle energies and transform them into nerve, hormonal, and cellular energy within the body.

The 7 reasons to follow the flow of energy of women’s issues in this election:

  1. The survival or root chakra; Situated at the base of the spine, it affects the kidneys and adrenals. The limited expression of this chakras results in insecurity in the material world. Women are the bread winners in this economy. While many high level male dominated jobs have been terminated, women are carrying the burden of the financial future of the family because they are the only ones working now. Many women I know personally hold 2-3 part-time jobs to make ends meet for the family to survive while” dad” looks for a job. A Romney win annihilates the efforts of women in the work force. Our base is not protected. Women will live in fear of what this guy is possible of doing next.   Also, what will happen when Romney takes the debt and sells it to another country? Some other country will own the USA for 3% down. Think about this one and his history of creating an income at Bain Capital.
  2. Sexual chakra; Located in front of the sacrum and below the navel, this is the Sacral or sacred chakra. It is considered sacred as a place of creation for new life. It is associated with the yin aspects of kidneys, ovaries, testes, and prostrate. The limited expression of this chakra results in physical ailments of the reproductive organs due to fear.  If “rape “is considered a Divine Act of God what will happen to the ungodly men we have in our society and the women who become their victims? What will happen to the children born of these unions that are based in terror?  I have seen many cases of rape on my table and this takes years if not a lifetime of healing to change. Many of these women can never conceive children due to trauma. What will happen with the power to change rulings in the Supreme Court with appointment of right winged judges? We seriously need to consider these points of view as heartless and prehistoric. Wrap this in the context of Divine Will, and I now understand why many countries think the bible belt USA version of Christianity is perverse and NUTS!
  3. Solar plexus chakra; Located along the spine behind the stomach area. It is associated with the liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen and pancreas. The emotion it is related to is anger and purpose. The limited expression of this chakra is feeling rejected or criticized. It results in liver disease, cancer, gall stones, indigestion, and blood sugar disorders. I felt sucker punched in this area of my body, yesterday. I could not eat. The entire dismissal of women in this election made me want to puke. When asked how the Romney campaign was handling this latest gaff by Mr. Murdock, the answer was, “Oh it was dealt with quickly, we got on with the bigger issues of jobs and the economy. “ Listen to the language women, your do not exist in this election. Minutes spent on your issues, while only the yang or male aspects of the campaign matter.
  4. Heart chakra: located behind the physical heart. It is associated with the heart lungs and thymus; these are the organs which protect life. Its limited expression is not accepting of the self and others, inability to process emotions, holding onto grudges, heart pain and breathing difficulties. Romney’s point of view is that we need more war. What does it do to a mother’s heart to send her kids into battle? How many more kids need to be slain on behalf of American imperialism to show the world how superior we are as a country?  Millennial kids hold the key to the conscious expression of the unconscious truth in our society today. When we kill off our kids, or divert their focus away from their truth, we kill off the expression and creativity of their contribution in this critical time of our world evolution and the next generation of genius.
  5. Throat chakra; in the throat area around the larynx or voice box. The limited expression of this chakra is speaking from intellectually or emotionally programmed belief systems.  Katherine Fenton was burned the stake for asking a simple question, “When will equality in equal work for equal pay begin in women? “  In the 1970’s, I was a representative at the Canadian conference of Equal Rights in Ottawa and represented the handicapped and children’s issues. The conversation then was about women earning 70% of a man’s income for the same work. Today, according to the latest polls, women earn 2% more. After 40 YEARS of working at this issue. Hello?  And Romney is still asking women to SHUT UP. Are you kidding me?
  6. Brown chakra; In the middle of the brain. This chakra is associated with the pituitary gland, and the hypothalamus. It rules fear, imagination and intuition.  Disease begins here. The limited expression of this chakra is to be fixated on the material world only, with a poor ability to use subtle senses, tunnel vision, close-mindedness, and mental disorders. Every notice how often Romney knits his eyebrows together in an expression of disdain or disgust for Obama?  Anger or close minded views?
  7. Crown chakra; located near top of brain. Controls the pineal gland which is the master regulator of the endocrine system and the master gland in cellular repair. In healthy expression of the Divine in the life experience. In unhealthy expression, limited true connection to the Divine, limitations of wisdom, mental illness and confusion.

Where have we seen this lately?  I rest my case, ladies.  Get out to vote, early and show the government what your vote means! Here are 7 reasons why women should get out to the polls and let your voices be heard loud and clear!

Angelica Wagner

Certified Pa Rama Practitioner, CBP, CACF

Family Therapy, Addiction

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Transpersonal Psychotherapy in Consciousness Affecting the Chakras and Case Studies for Clearing the Chakra Systems

Energy Psychology II iv: Transpersonal Psychotherapy in Consciousness Affecting the Chakras and Case Studies for Clearing Chakra systems

Having just come from an amazing concert of classical music at the Mission Basilica San Juan Capistrano, I am more inspired to write with broader strokes about the nature and function of chakras, than in the cryptic, physiological 600 word essay I previously penned.  The example I choose to use is of the pipe organ that gave us the most wonderful music. Just like the body, the organ dedicated today at the Basilica in San Juan, was played in full splendor for all to hear. The resonance in that beautiful place made each note soar on eagles’ wings in concert with the spiraling ceilings, gorgeous arching arpeggios, fugues and themes played out with the multiple voices of the many pipes forming cadences of joy, unity and harmony.

If here or there something is blocked in our bodies or if one pipe is out of tune, this may be perceptible only to a trained musical ear at first. But if more pipes are out of tune, it becomes very obvious, that dissonance ensues and the result becomes unbearable. As the pipes of an organ are exposed to subjugation of temperature wear and tear, so it is with our bodies. Just as an expert hand must constantly bring the disharmony back to consonance, resonance and unity, so is the role of the practitioner in the subtle music of energy medicine and therapy, releasing the dissonances of the body in order to bring the gifts that humans possess to transform the world.

In all modalities, the practitioner is told, “You must be still. You must in effect just BE, and in that state of being you must listen to what the body, mind and spirit are trying to whisper to you in a language that only you will understand if you allow yourself to tune in.” (Working with the Chakras pg.251).  The deep seated dysfunctional patterns of belief and emotional reaction reside in these broader fields of energy called “chakras” and are viewed as two double spirals moving around a central column like that of the spinal column, through these energy vortexes.” Considered to be vortexes of energy that swirl etheric, astral and mental matter into activity, like a fiery wheel, the chakras from the reflection of the double helix of DNA wrapped around the spinal column. “(Working with the Chakras pg.253). Further to this explanation, the chakras refract the primary energies into secondary energies that flow along the “nadis. “ After the energy has passed along the nadis, the nervous system responds, then the endocrine glands respond in association with the particular chakras.  This is like the flutes responding to the trumpets, and then the oboe chimes in, finally the strings, violas, basses, finally the drums in a symphony in crescendo. This creates energy in the form of a perceptual fiery wheel along the spinal column.   Should one of these energy circles be “out of tune” the entire system can be compromised. The physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the body work together and are inter connected, the chakras are therefore, seats of consciousness through which we express ourselves and our internal human experience.

“Physiologically, the chakras are seen as Nerve ganglia on a biological level, as energy centers governing various aspects of the psyche on a psychological level and as spiritual centers governing the spirit.” (AIT, Semorg Matrix works Pg.). The seven major chakras have specific as many associated functions within the body-mind complex.  Different forms of practice evoke different numbers of chakras. In Body talk protocol, (Mods1&2 Pgs. 211-227, Veltheim/ Muiznieks) we see the chakras as seven major systems each possessing seven minor chakras within in each chakra, resulting in a total of 49 chakras, major and minor. The differentiation of each of these chakras being the determining viewpoint governing the balance. 

As centers of transformation, these chakras step down subtle energies transforming them into nerve, hormonal and cellular energy within the physical body. Correctly functioning chakras are vital to the innate wisdom of the body doing its job in the synchronization of the body mind complex.  When these energy centers are compromised by life traumas, our life expression is also compromised. AIT, also known as the Seemorg Matrix Work focuses on removing blocked traumatic energy and the succession of the traumas that occurred in the person’s lifetime as signposts of blocked energy within the body.

The Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) or Seemorg Matrix Therapy observed the connection between the chakras and these traumas that arose in the person’s life systems as they form a chain, or repetitive traumatic pattern. In Body talk protocol, Pa Rama, Dr. Veltheim teaches that there are threads of traumas that occur in the person’s life cycle. As these threads form a chain, knots of traumatic patterns exist for the person and become, after periods of time, their engrained reality. When these traumatic events are dealt with through the chakras, the originating cause of trauma, linked to the connective incidents of trauma creating these patterns of repetition are cleared, then the pattern disappears. ”

“When a perturbation is deleted from the meridian system, it usually remains gone.” (Pg. 252 Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy).  These patterns can be broken with objective clinical observance of connectivity. We note in Pa Rama work that the person continues to create their negative human experience multiple times over unless, they “ realize and  incorporate their life lessons”, or unless the therapist or practitioner can pull one of the strings of trauma out of the chakra system, unraveling the entire cord, similar to pulling a thread in a crocheted or knitted blanket.  Using Access Consciousness, the effects of acupressure on the larger chakras and smaller meridians of the brain, this technique completely defrags the system, and the incidents never return.  After one or two sessions, the persons’ life experience is radically changed. This happens every time, with no exceptions in my clinic.  Every person is transformed to some form of homeostasis; I no longer question the process, after almost 700 sessions, because it works every time.

I met Candice Pert in 1999, in New York, while speaking at a chiropractic conference discussing her findings of these neuropeptides, the high concentrations of neuropeptides related to the spinal column and the new information on her studies within the chakras. I was particularly interested in her work as it affected the immune system as were the rest of the DC’s in the room. Even then the studies of the immune system were inconclusive, in relationship to leukemia and AIDS, to the effects of clearing the solar plexus chakra in relationship to the assimilation of food and emotions in the digestive system, healthy expression with the self and the environment or feeling rejected or criticized and being out of place with their environment, matrixes or gender. These were all a major source of community and environmental stress. The only ability to deal with this seat of consciousness was to bottle everything up inside like a time bomb, living in a hostile environment that is merely mirroring the turmoil of the inner psyches on the external environment and sooner or later watching this time bomb explode into severe depression, addiction of all sorts or abhorrent sexual behavior.  I must say this fragmented matrix work is the highest calling of addiction, family and corporate practice, as we learn to remove toxicities out of our lives, including toxic people.

Rather than discussing the effects and characteristics of each of the individual chakras, which anyone can read and study, I wish to add several case studies in my clinical practice where balanced relationships between the chakras affected the human experience, thereby unraveling the knots of trauma chords causing “dis-ease”, persistent in the client’s experience and immediately releasing the life- long results of trauma.  “As the human being is conscious of itself and its ongoing experiential process, transpersonal psychotherapy is essential in managing the personal identity. “ (Victor Rodrigues, Journal of Transpersonal Research, 2010, Vole 2. 44)

This has been my life work for the last 40 years. I actually have a name for  it now and understanding of the work I have done all my life in healing, unraveling and unleashing human potential through examination of the systems within the body that are in distress and disease. I am finally “normal” in my own world, having been reconciled to peace in my life experience through a very deep and expansive education in Body talk, Access Consciousness and my amazing clients.

I agree with Clinton who believes that traumas involve a “fracturing of human wholeness” (2005, p13.) “so that the person is no longer present to themselves. Trauma cuts the person off from their own personal center, and also from spiritual light, resulting in a life filled with darkness. As subsequent traumas interact in this complex, a template is formed to mutually confirm each event and entrench the life experience in the belief that this is how things are. The trauma complex then becomes a reality for this person, a grid through which future experiences are selectively taken in.” We choose our sorrow or choose our bliss.

Meet Sarah. The knots of trauma in the chain of Sarah’s’ life happened when she was 5, 10, 20, 38 and 42. These knots were discovered through muscle testing of the emotion of grief for the lungs and sorrow for the heart.  At five years of age, her mother left her, emotionally and physically. In the care of her father with no mother figure to nurture her, Sarah became introverted and scared. This set up a vibrational field of insecurity to the material world, including money and all issues around losing material possessions which were repeated all her life. Her kidneys and adrenal glands were severely affected as well as heart complex. At 10 years of age, her father had a car accident and Sarah went through the windshield of the car, severely damaging her face, teeth and brow chakra. Now being, angry and a victim of life, Sarah began holding onto the grudge of being abandoned by her mother and she developed breathing difficulties (asthma and immune issues). Escaping this loveless life in America she sought comfort in her religious studies in France and there with no surprise, she was ostracized, condemned and persecuted for her faith, again becoming a victim of torment.  At 38 years of age, now married, her mother died, adding to the grief of her losses, and simultaneously her baby son, Kenny developed and was diagnosed with autism.

More grief.  More sorrow.

Also noticed was her marriage of secrecy and deception, because she could not sexually relate to her husband, nor was she lovingly emotionally connected to him, because the care of her autistic child took priority in her life. This brought on another blow to her heart chakra with a link to her sexual chakra.  Finally, this past summer in “complete surprise,” her husband’s company took an” unexpected financial loss”  leaving them homeless with two children under 7 years of age.

On the surface, it looks like a bunch of random unfortunate synchronicities. It is not. Here is the solution to the balance. Since the three upper chakras are considered the feminine chakras and the three lower chakras considered the masculine chakras, these two separate fields must be balanced.   The heart chakra functions to balance the upper and lower yin/yang to create a state of harmony throughout the body mind.   We cannot become spiritual without becoming grounded in the material world and our success in the material world is dependent on how connected we are to our Divine Self through the individuation of the Heart.   As we access the gifts of our heart, we find abundance.” Where your heart is, there shall your treasure be also.”

In balancing Sarah’s sorrow of the main heart chakra, we balanced the second and fifth sub-chakras of the Heart. This balanced the sexual and communication aspects of the heart. Next, we balanced the Solar Plexus chakra, by balancing the first and fourth sub chakra. This balanced the material and survival instincts within the harmony of the heart, all within the solar plexus chakra to enable Sarah to digest those aspects of her life. Finally, we balanced the spiritual and material aspects of money with her Crown and Base chakra to give Sarah the experience of the Divine in her life, her finances and the spiritual aspects of being grounded with money and being able to receive money to help in the support of her family.

Sarah and her family are stable, renting a home and both boys are doing very well at school. Sarah’s husband is working at communicating better with his wife regarding their finances, and Sarah has committed herself to a deeper sexual expression of cherishing her husband without the need of his monetary returns to the family.  She took the role of provider for the family for the time being. The thread was unraveled. A new life began.

Meet Christel.  Christel came in to see me to ask why she was always losing money. It was discovered through muscle testing that at age 12, while she was at camp, funds were stolen from her, and not returned by a room- mate. She did not speak up about it to anyone. This set up a life- long pattern of victimization with money, theft and cheating by people who were close to her in some way, causing huge imbalances, escaping from money and the responsibilities of money. At 17 she was betrayed by a love interest who married some- one else and stole her savings.  This was followed by a string of guys who could never make up their mind to marry her, after they raided her apartments, she left them, and then they promptly proposed. Finally, there were issues with her breathing and diaphragm as well as brow chakra linked to the throat chakra, (self- awareness, and self-empowerment as well as feeling rejected, criticized) and not speaking her truth.

We balanced the fourth sub-chakra of the base chakra to the seventh sub-chakra of the sexual chakra, linking a more harmonious material life to a more spiritual sexual life. We balanced the seventh sub-chakra of the brow chakra to the fourth sub-chakra of the throat chakra creating a more harmonious speaking attitude of life filled with gratitude, love and laughter rather than anger. Christel is now making a great deal of money as a speaker, has completed her third book in 6 months and is too busy loving her new career and traveling to have a boyfriend. She has decided that the “Man was not the plan” and controlling a man sexually in return for money, was not such a great idea. She had been a classic whore in three past  lifetimes. In deciding not to cut off a piece of her heart, her sexual energy was then given to her work and expression to the world, in a kind, funny and loving way.  We laugh as she writes me a check, and I give her a receipt for “business coaching”, not transpersonal therapy. The Divine rewarded her calling with abundance.  The thread was unraveled in three sessions. A new life began.

When the client became conscious of the origination of the trauma through transpersonal therapy, could see and understand the initiating circumstances that led to the continued traumas, and this thread was unraveled by balancing the major and minor chakras, the cycle was broken and the issues magically disappeared. In all cases the relevant connections between the cause (the originating trauma) and the effect (the initiating trauma) was broken, and there is no further disease. To date there has also been no further regression in either case.

The musical resonances of harmony in the body was expanded and amplified as the chakras were cleared. Both clients have lives filled with joy, love and abundance. The harmonic cadences and expressions of love in voice to the world are filled with gratitude in Divine Will expressed through their spirits which soar on eagle’s wings. Even in children a positive relationship between Spirituality and happiness was found as the more spiritual children were happier than less spiritual ones and this created healing in their lives.  (Holder, Coleman &Wallace, 2008).

Transpersonal psychotherapy works in accessing consciousness as it affects the Chakras and these case studies for clearing chakra systems bring conclusive evidence for clearing of energy centers in the body, called chakras.


“Bodytalk Modules 1&2”, Veltheim/ Muiznieks 8th edition, 2012

“Sacred Contracts, Awakening Your Divine Potential,”  Carolyn Myss

Advanced Integrative Therapy ( AIT), Seemorg Matrix, Asha Clinton, MSW, Ph.D.

“On Consciousness – modifying Psychotherapy,”

Vitor Rodrigues, (Journal of Transpersonal Research, 2010 Vol. 2, 44-61 ©)

Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy, Working with the Chakras, Pgs251-272  Mollon. Phil

All rights reserved. ©

Angelica Wagner

Certified Bodytalk Practitioner, Pa Rama

Certified Access Consciousness teacher, Family Therapy Practice, Addiction

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Equal Pay for Women is still the Issue !

Economic Summit Projections for the Last Quarter, and the Fiscal Cliff

It was an optimistic view today at the economic summit, where most of the top leaders in accounting, law and money management gathered in San Diego at the University Club to discuss some trends for the future. Basically, it was an optimistic view no matter which candidate takes the White House.  Even with much discussion about the coming fiscal cliff in 2013, there was common consensus that the can will be kicked up the road, with very little compromise in congress about decisions of the next fiscal year and very small compromises on both sides of the aisle.

Inflation is not expected to rise unless the velocity of money rises. Since money is dependent on the resolution of the fiscal cliff happening between the election and the inauguration, this is very unlikely. There was also very little participation noted in the economy between the bond market and the equity market in the last few years.

There was discussion because of the recession that it was important to understand the cyclical market should be  15 years and not 3-5 years. Money must be used to drive credit enhancements creating positive based markers reducing the causes of inflation. There was common consensus that investing for the long run would give the market a more positive cycle.

It was noted that the cycle of the deflationary bear market would make any next President appear competent. The demographic boom can occur if the debt also was addressed in the coming budgets. As a demographic, it was believed the “Millennials” had the most impact and foresight into the equity markets, and that their predictions may just be exact.

There were four land marks projected for a stabilized economy:

  1. Unemployment to be under 8.5%, realistically the rate is over 8% no matter what stats are posted.
  2. There are 11 Million mortgages still under water, as house prices continue to rise, this situation shall continue to improve.
  3. Banks stocks show us where the economy lives, when bank stocks go up, the economy is recovering.
  4. Europe: Where is Europe in its recovery? The countries the need siestas for lunch every day take the longest to recover.

How do we know the economy is turning around?  Watch for markers that see each of these sectors improving. In a portfolio that is 60% equities and 40 % bonds, the greatest balance and potentially the greatest profit could be achieved.

There was good news in bonds because rates were as low as they could be within the cycle. The advice of “Know what you own.” was wise. With 400 Billion in new offerings to be supplied in 2013, bonds will be important.  These days when China sneezes, the USA catches a cold. When did this happen? Canada used to be in this place, and now the neighbor to the NORTH is nowhere to be found.

In asking the questions of where money should be invested in equities, the following were suggested:

  1. Technology, IPad, IPhone and their subsidiary providers.
  2. Agriculture in foreign investment
  3. Industrial/ Manufacturing
  4. Europe

I asked specific questions about Monsanto, and got no answers. Apparently just because France has a study that reports the genetic predisposition of mutation due to seeds loaded with genetic mutations, the study is inconclusive.

NO one told the investors that genetically mutated seeds, created genetically altered food, causing genetically altered human beings. Just because a company is profitable, does not make them responsible to the wellness of humanity. I left the conference asking the question, “Is Monsanto responsible for telling the truth about their seeds?” “One international study is not conclusive evidence, “was the inane response.  Hello?  You don’t care enough about what our kids eat, so genetically manufactured seeds that create profit in countries that have no corn are, ok?

Also of note was the tone of the conference. One of the presenters, a burly guy in his early 50’s, thanked the women in the audience for coming along to support men at the meeting. I laughed. Refraining from asking him which Stone Age he had just come from and where was his club to take home JANE, I remained seated.

In the elevator ride down from the penthouse restaurant, the very beautiful litigator sitting next to me at lunch made impact wearing the “money green silk shantung” business- suit asked me, “Do you think he is a Romney supporter? What else does he expect from women?”

“Only that we are the arm bracelet of a powerful man. No brain needed,” I responded.  At this point she grabbed her female companion’s arm and smiled.  This was just hysterical. The comment hit home. Pardon me while I grab my apron, run to the kitchen to grab the rolling-pin, roll out the rest of the apple – pie dough for your 6 pm dinner, sir. Shall I wear a French apron and dance while serving your beer in a chilled, tall glass?

“Binders of women”….”constriction, restriction, confinement, enslavement,” Get the picture?

These pictures do not suggest Romney understands the “outsiderness” most women feel in male dominated business like investment, entrepreneurial endeavors and venture capital.  Please remind me again, why we are voting for Governor Romney? The burly guy who thought a 3% return on bonds was stellar should share his views with Governor Romney and all strides in equal pay for women would  evaporate like water on asphalt on a hot  August day.

But heh, the economics of this country would be STABLE, after they each took their own 3%,  as fees.   The new Romney government taking 3% of 16 Trillion as compesation for “Healing the American debt crisis?”. How does it get better than that? Welcome to financial stability and a “New country with a new voice “!  We’re back in the stone age.

Angelica Wagner

Certified Bodytalk Practitioner, Pa Rama 1

Certified Access Consciousness Teacher, Family Therapy, Addiction

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In Search of the Holy Grail, iii

In Search of the Holy Grail (iii)

First of all I wish to discuss the term “in search of”, which means to hunt, explore, examine, pursue, see, or be in the “quest of.” This connotation is symbolic of endless seeking as the beginning of the hero’s journey into the world, but more importantly into his own SOUL.   As he passes through the fields of destruction, derision or condemnation of his Ego, he may choose to explore new paths to his life. “He understands that he will not die, he just learns from each experience.” (Pearson, Pg. 46 Awakening the Heroes Within).

The seeker seeks enlightenment and transformation, but initially his quest is about becoming accomplished, or perfect, and he questions his transcendence into the Self. “The rise of the spirit is up, on, and is a constant challenge for self-improvement. The Seeker in each of us challenges us to explore what we most fear, so that by braving the Unknown, we are destroyed. “And thereby, the Self is realized as Ego is destroyed and recreated.

“All heroes know that we cannot gain the treasure without the willingness to face the dragon. When we face it again, we recognize that the dragon is ourselves, and we gain access to the treasure of our Souls.  (pg. 46 Awakening the Heroes Within,” Carol Pearson).

This confrontation of the dragon is the most feared part of the journey, whether that ends in glory or in self-destruction.

“The self that is not only realized but constantly renewed and renewing, therefore needs all the archetypes. The Ruler might want to express all twelve archetypes and by doing so increase our success and effectiveness in the world, the Sage helps us to see the essential truth and gift to give to the overall health of the we are likely to find ourselves rewrite the story of our kingdom. The Magician focuses on moving any archetype to its more positive manifestation so that it is useful. The Fool wants them all expressed for the glory of it!  The point of the Fool is to express all the archetypes because it feels good to do so, so that we give expression to who we truly are.”

I loved this expression of archetypes and I am beginning to see archetypes anew as those parts of my Self that resonated with changes in my life experience.  Therefore, I choose to be both the Ruler and the Fool to express all twelve of them, just for the glory of it!

  1. My father’s hero was Mahatma Grande, and he spoke often of the quest for non violence of the masses in political conflict. As we sat on the back porch of our house and drank beers and talked politics from the time I was 12. I was raised as the first-born son, so I understand little of being the first-born daughter. To my mother’s supreme disgust, it took me years to learn how to bake and I’d rather be out in the garden taking care of the spinach and tomatoes to get a chance to talk to dad about business and politics.
  2. Winning of a reading contest at age eight, I read 163 books in two months, and fell in love with books (instead of TV).  My first début as a speaker was at the age of twelve. I was asked to recite the poetry of Goethe, twelve stanzas, in my native language of German to an audience of 300. As I grew up, I loved all things poetry and inspiring after that, Blake, Frost, Dickenson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
  3. My thank you gift for being the editor of the year book at high school was the book” Profiles in Courage, “written by President John F. Kennedy (unsigned). I still remember to this day the effect of his assassination on my life. I became politically aware of world views on that day and collected over 4000 books signed to me as a result of this gift given to me by my English teacher in high school.
  4. Influences in the transfiguration of women’s energy or “The Role of the Feminine Mystique “in my life unfolded with Jane Fonda, Helen Gurley Brown and Gloria Steinem. Those were radical times in history with the passage of Roe vs. Wade, the Vietnam War, burning of bras, and “leaving home “for the first time to go to Teacher’s College.  A life dream fulfilled. My mother, a non traditional healer, and seamstress, Christina. A dear life friend, and mentor, Brigitte Von Schwerin, as well as the accumulation of the work of Oprah Winfrey with her grand and glorious contribution of all that is possible on this planet, as a life legacy.
  5. In music:  Mozart, Bach and Beethoven as a daily part of my life and having these composers an ever welcoming presence in my life in voice and instruments. The Beatles, Mick Jagger, The Guess Who, winning the battle of the bands in Winnipeg, Manitoba, before the boys made it big.  Later Madonna, the ingenuity of Lady Gaga with her expression of commitment to her fans through social media and more recently the depth of soul pain and raw passion of Adel. The vocal direction of Dr. Martin Neary through the later composers John Rutter, Hayden, and Bach. In religion, the Song of the Solomon, the Psalms and hymns in voice. I taught vocal choirs in youth and the elderly.  It is a never-ending expression of love and gratitude in my life through music.
  6. In Invention:  Galileo, Thomas Edison who racked up 10,000 failed experiments before he succeeded, Bell, Ford, Napoleon Hill, the discoverer of penicillin, Dr. Louis Pasteur, the courage of Helen Keller and most recently the brilliance of Dr. Louis Ignarro, who won the Noble peace Prize for his discovery of nitric oxide and its effect on blood uptake of oxygen to heal heart disease and hypertension in blood pressure.
  7. In spiritually: Jesus, the apostle Luke, the apostle John, the Course in Miracles, the Bible and St Francis of Assisi, Mother Theresa.  As a speaker, opening for Marianne Williamson to an audience of 2000. Eastern aspects of non violence, non judgment of the Self. The yamas in eastern philosophy, including  Agari gaha: the non attachment, non hoarding, non possession of material things, not limited to  possessions, but also including all limiting and constricting thoughts or beliefs, as well as relationships and asteya, the non stealing of intellectual property , physical property also including the theft of time from the Self and others, in Shinto, “ Love is the receptacle of the Lord.”, In Buddhism, “ Let a man cultivate toward the world a heart of love.” In Judaism, “Thy shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and they neighbor as thyself.” We are one.
  8. In business: The work and education to the masses of Robert G. Allen, Jack Welch, Tom Peters “In Search of Excellence,”  David Linigar founder of Re/Max,  Bill Gates, Steve Jobs & Walt Disney, the books changing character and purpose from the minds of John Maxwell, Pastor Rick Warren, Wayne w. Dyer, Joan Boryshenko, Joel Goldsmith, Nelson Mandela.
  9. In past life:  The inspiration of Joan of Arc bringing thousands of followers to her cause, this time not being burned at the stake for it. Queen Isabella of Spain, the philanthropist who paid for the exploration of new-found lands, such as America. Queen Elizabeth I, the young queen who refused the enslavement of marriage to focus on her life purpose.
  10. In present life:  B.J. Palmer the founder of Chiropractic, the genius of Dr. John Veltheim, founder of Bodytalk incorporating applied quantum physics into healing of  body, mind  and spirit to regenerate DNA;  Gary Douglas, and Dr. Dain Heer, “ Being YOU Changing the World” founders of Access Consciousness as movement to heal the brain in trauma, addiction, and performance, Carlos Montesinos, creator of AS10, a formula that changes the effects of radiation in the body, and the creator of new products for the brain in my healing line.  Dr. Janet Galipo whose kindness, understanding and clarity of generational trauma inspire me daily to be available for the 50,000 patients needing Body talk, coming to me. Dr. Janet Werner whose understanding of the codes of the brain as an MD, and exploration its has changed my life and that of my patients.
  11. The films: Casablanca, The Sound of Music, Dr. Zhivago, The Way We Were, The Birds, The Matrix, Passion of the Christ, Road to Rodanthe, Blair Witch Diaries, Harry Potter, Kung Foo Panda, The Knights Tale, ARGO, just to name a few. Films change millions of people’s lives through telling the stories.
  12. The places:  Munich, Germany, (my country of birth) Winnipeg, Manitoba, (where I grew up and began my real estate career), New York City, New York, (discovery and meaning of big money), Santiago, Spain (The cathedral of St. James the apostle, the chapel of St. Francis of Assisi),   Lourdes in France and the grotto of the Virgin Mary, Fatima, Portugal. ( a place where children were honored) The entire coast line of California, Santa Barbara & San Juan Capistrano (my latest home), The mountains of Santa Barbara and Big Bear, (places of alternative healing ) Burbank (where my films, documentaries and TV are ) CIHS, a safe place of intellectualism, growth, and discovery (where my dreams of receiving a Doctorate in Integrated Health, are coming true), and finally worldwide villages (where Miracle Works Productions tells stories that dwell in the homes of miracles.)

As we express ourselves in the world, having experienced suffering and loss, and having discovered that we do survive them, we are no longer controlled by fear. Because we tapped our creativity and our vocation, we make a genuine contribution to the world; we are likely to be rewarded for our efforts. Because we have learned to love and express love, we also receive love from others. “

“Having experienced miracles on our journeys, we no longer believe that we have to do it all ourselves: indeed if something is truly ours, no one can take it away. The more grounded we are in manifesting our real selves, the less need we have to be happy. We need only work that is our own. We may not need possessions, but choose to really treasure the ones we have because they show something in ourselves.

The cycle of repetitive suffering abates as because of the growing realization that we do not always have to be a unified self to feel whole.  It is being the Fool that leads us to this ecstasy.” (Pearson, Pages 60-61.)

The perversion in society’s self destruction is reflective in the causes for obesity, addiction, the ADHD personality, or in violence, in its never-ending restlessness due to the pursuit of perfection.

When the soul ceases this addiction to seeking,  and chooses to find contentment, there is no need to “Search for the Holy Grail”, or yearning for something in the deepest part of our being, as we have become one with our purpose before the Divine, thereby relaxing into creativity and the power that “ Being you and Changing the World” or the life of the Fool brings .

Jung saw the “opus alchymicum”, the work of alchemy as an unconscious projection of the process of individuation, which starts with the unconscious content (prima material) and ends with the realization of the Self.

As we chose to see the processes of this alchemy on our lives, we begin to check the “tragedies” in our lives, not to wound us, not to destroy us, but to show us a new path to the Divine. The Holy Grail is the essence of God. Unless we choose to become the essence of God in our lives, knowing that we are children of God, and inherit all gifts and abundance, we cannot give our treasure to the world, because we are always on a “seeking quest to perfection”. Understanding the continuity of lifetimes and generational transformation, we have permission to begin our own transformation.

Here we release our soul to see both the golden moments of glory and the darker, richer threads of trauma in our life tapestry. Then and only after a time of reflection and introspection, can we embrace courage, imagination, and our “deepest inner resources and not living disconsolately between the two worlds, one that is dying and one that is waiting to be born.” (Tarnas)

In the film, “A Knight’s Tale, “ Keith Ledger put on the armor of the knighthood  believing he was a knight. Although he was not born into the knighthood, his father recognized in him the soul of a knight, and gave him over in adoption to another man who was a knight. As his father instructed him, “Change your destiny, change your stars.”  This was eventually discovered as deception, but the KING who understood his soul, knighted him in reality. Therefore, we realize that we can put on the armor of the archetypes in our lives as we have the ability to change our stars, our fate, and our destiny, thereby influencing all of life, in this generation and those to come.  The cosmology of the stars will bend to Divine Will, if wish is strong enough.

“From the ancient Greeks on, all major languages within which the western worldview has been articulated have had a masculine orientation. In general, the whole western intellectual tradition has been the tradition of extremely brilliant creative men writing for other men, in a patrilineal tradition. This is the want of men to have power and to keep women less in a central role in shaping their world. The crisis of our time is a masculine crisis. The resolution of this crisis is emerging in our time, in the empowerment of women and the new sense of importance of women as a sensibility of the interconnectedness of all life, the ecological identity that finds itself in the matrix of nature, the planet and the cosmos.”(Tarnas)

This is brilliant thinking. The emergence of the role of feminine evolution in today’s society is not one  of doing it all alone, an introverted male crisis, as those crazy days of the 70’s reflected, rather on the “promise of a larger integral worldview, including the context of a deeper relationship with nature and the planets, producing the cosmology of tomorrow.” (Tarnas) Today’s woman has not only the beauty and mystery of Cleopatra, the more sensual attraction of the mind of Scheherazade, teller of a thousand stories to delight the soul and the senses, the financial acumen of Maria Barteromo, Lady Gaga and Oprah, but the wisdom and love of Lady Diana Spencer, HRH who contributed to the world view in a grand and glorious way, “embracing courage, imagination and deepest inner resources”. (Tarnas)

We create then “unus mundus, one world”, and the physical-psychological, transcendental third thing underlying all existence. (Jung) “As we choose to experience spiritual crisis as well as intellectual crisis, we are able to succeed into profound inner transformation in both areas.  The ecological situation of this planet is critical and we cannot continue to live according to the same assumptions with which we have blithely for the past several hundred years. “(Tarnas) The future of our oceans as well as our own Mother Earth depend on the courage of all men, women and children as well as future generations  in practical change and complete harmony to the urgency of this environmental cause.  Our Mother Earth is a small part of this universe, what we do here on this planet is exponentially expanded out. If we choose to be only male dominated on our planet, this energy will carry out to the planets and other universes in a chain reaction, and the nurturing of Mother Earth and all the planets will suffer.

What this interwoven tapestry reveals, of course, is that the Holy Grail lives within the soul of each of us. It is in the Oneness of Divine Will, the gateway to this place of the Holy Grail, is CHOICE and freedom, giving the soul permission to recreate moments of inborn truth. The more you choose to live your life within this calling, continually and consciously choosing a life of intention, alignment, ease, joy and glory the more the split mind is healed, the etheric field  of community rises to meet you, and the Holy Grail of miracles happen daily. Our outward expression of truth is only a reflection of our internal expansion. “As it is above, so shall it be below.”

“Be one with it, and it will be one with you. “ (Luke Skywalker)


Campbell, Joseph, “The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Return”

Pearson, Carol, “Awakening the Archetypes within Introduction and Chapter One”

Heer, Dr. Dain, “Being You, Changing the World”

Dyer, Wayne. W, “There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem”

Wagner, Angelica, “Are You Ready for a Miracle with Angels?”

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The Transfiguration of Eve

The Transfiguration of EVE, iii

“We come to Earth to see all that we are reflected in creation; and so let’s take the next step on Eve’s journey. “  We know she is scared, having eaten from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, she has been outcast. Strangely, as she walks through the garden, she comes upon a pond. Looking into the pond, she throws a stone into it, and sees how the ripples venture outward back to the shore, and here again she is reminded that all words, the beautiful and the cruel, the intellectual and the simple, the kind and the harsh move outward as they are spoken, back to the reeds and to her, from whence they came.

In speaking on the beauty of the garden, she speaks of tranquility, the beauty and magnificence of God, creating all that is, in the awesomeness of creation and Mother Earth. She dwells for a moment in the transcendence of the eternal. She realizes that tranquility follows beauty, magnificence follows boundlessness.  Still timid about being seen in her nakedness and truth, she decides to discard the harshness, vulgarity of words in order to embrace only the beautiful in her life.

She notices, like a mother choosing to train her child, that loud words can be a pattern interrupt that saves a life. She also notices that foul words, used in wisdom by the Fool as a strategic pattern interrupt, hit their mark, and she laughs. Choosing to notice instead that her voice is heard by Kings, Presidents and Pastors, and she can choose again kind words spoken in quiet tones.

As she moves through the garden, she pauses to talk to the animals. Those with injuries come to her, as they approached her, they knew their stories of pain were safe with her and she would release them from the pain of their captors and their disease. The horses come galloping to a halt, transmitting their stories in silence. As Eve recognizes the truth of their beautiful souls, with the knowledge that God possesses, undamaged and free, she is able to drink in her new life, her purpose and walk forward into the Garden full of joy and ease.

The problems of hate spewed by a power hungry deva (she devil) that she encountered on her way, supports her new understanding. She understands that this is the DEVA’s response to feeling hatred. It is uncommon of a person who feels loved to project hate. So as the minds of the animals are turned toward God as their creator, they feel the flow of energy and love through the hands of EVE, as she quiets them, they are reminded without words, that “God is Love.”

“When we buy into the hatred of others, we feel disconnected from the love of God. Revenge, anger, retaliation, gloom and all things we view as problems, these things become mental constructs, “just as thoughts become things.

“When you make the shift to sowing love in the circumstances of your life where you are encountering hate, something unique happens. First the change is to yourself, then to the energy field of hate that you are currently in. When you can trust love, and recognize that you can be one with love, you remove the energy patterns of hate, and radically reduce the requirement of fear in your life. If you are able to sow love in response to hate, you will ultimately see hate become love.  Then you know that hate is only an error created in the mind of man and animals. “(Pgs.  164-167 Dyer, Wayne, Spiritual Solution to every problem).As you reduce the adrenalin rush of fear in your body, and live in love, you reduce the creation of disease everywhere in your body and mind.

“When you choose to make the shift to sowing love in the circumstances in your life, where there is hatred, and integrate the teaching of the Divine Masters, then you will understand that “Love never fails.” (I Corinthians 13). It is imperative that for all who seek spiritual solutions to realize that only love can possibly exist.”

As Eve turned around, after touching the animals, she turned to look down the mountain and noticed that thousands of people were coming up the mountain, to rest at the healing place. The fellow practitioners had come out to help her to heal the communities. Then Eve said, “Lord make me an instrument of thy peace, where there is hatred, let me sow love. “ And so it was.


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Comparison of Energy Medicine therapies with case studies in TAT

Energy Psychology II iii: Comparison of Effects in Massage Therapy, Reflexology, Acupressure, Acupuncture and TAT as alternative methods of healing.

The “accausal orderedness” of taking these courses inspires me daily in my growth as an alternative therapist and holistic practitioner. Although I knew of many therapies in healing, comparing and contrasting their effectiveness in treatment, considering clinical trials that have been done by other scientists seems incredible to me. Twenty years of indirect and self study on quantum physics and in review of the empirical data leading to understanding this informal research as a break through in the integration of healing it offers.

This is due to the history of centuries of Eastern medicine qualitative research vs. the measurement and statistical analysis of the quantitative western model in healing. The integration of these techniques can bring break through in the care of an emerging and aging society, and in obesity of children, the emerging “next generation in society,” where trillions are spent each year in health care. Nowhere in the American health care plans are these therapies accounted or accepted, although the emergence of alternative therapies or energy medicine is far more effective, non invasive, non diagnostic addressing the cause of illness.

What surprised me about these studies was the depth and breadth of both treatment and causes that suggested a relaxation response in the body-mind. My questions remained about the root causes of the trauma, drama of the body-mind. Were these addressed here or were the treatments merely viewed as remedial in nature providing short-term relief for the patient? I had been unaware that Julius Cesar received massage for treatment of his epilepsy. Of the two types of massage, both Swedish and sports massage treat a variety of injury and illness. Massage therapy worked internally through the fascia and large muscles, and this was a fact I did not before know, either.

The Rosen Method which was designed by a physical therapist believed that forgotten memories are stored in the body, causing muscle tension, applying tension and observing the breathing patterns released both the muscle tension and the active memory that it held. I actually had the same belief many years ago, and only recently found that the active Memory release techniques in the modality Body talk are also often linked to a cellular repair in the organs, body parts and endocrine linked to the epigenome of the DNA, as well as the physical structures of bones in muscular-skeletal and biogenic systems techniques, thereby quickly healing the deep-seated causes of pain and trauma stored in the body. (Mod 1&2, pgs. 167 Veltheim/ Muizniecks)

The positive effects in the areas of emotional symptoms and disorders, such as anxiety and depression as well as pulmonary and cardiovascular disorders were addressed not only by massage, and acupressure, but also by acupuncture. The massage group showed increased frontal alpha power, suggesting enhanced alertness. Saliva cortisol levels decreased, also a factor in depression with decreased pulse rates and urinary cortisol levels. Conversely those giving massage also had lower depression scores and catecholamines scores (norinephrine and epinephrine.)

These levels also decreased with the mothers giving birth who also had fewer complications during labor and fewer premature births as well as higher dopamine and serotonin levels. Where are these statics given to new moms? Something as simple as regular massage treatments can give you an easier birth and a healthier baby? Who knew? Reduced fetal activity and better neonatal outcomes were added positive results. They also had shorter labor, shorter hospital stay and less postpartum depression. Does the general USA public support or even know about this? No. In Europe, and Canada massage and alternative health care are supported through health care in government. Long term this produces a wellness based society, considered to be a right of citizen ship paid for through the single payer system.

Using massage was also instrumental in reducing pain symptoms such as low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, fiber myalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, premenstrual syndrome, labor pain and trauma pain. “Across the course of study, only massage therapy group also reported an increase in the number of sleep hours, and they experienced more deep sleep.” Breathing patterns were also observed. The yogis knew and understood this, thousands of years ago.

I was also surprised to read the findings and empirical research studies that 10 sessions of massage lead to marked decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure on hypertension and cardiac conditions, which was also relieved by the acupressure of reflexology, releasing endorphins into the blood stream and easing the causes of pain. I had never heard that foot reflexology alleviated both anxiety and pain in women with breast and lung cancers.

The study that I am most curious about is one that has not been done before using pressure of the brain with children of autism and ADHD. There are 32 points on the brain that once accessed, ease anxiety, stress, and past traumas bringing to both hemispheres of the brain, peace and calm where regenerative, creative and restorative energies can be accessed (Access Consciousness TM), rather like giving a “defrag” to the hard drive of our own computers. Many of these points fall on the same acupuncture lines on the skull as the meridians of the body, and the synchronicity of this study will be based on changes with the kids in social, intellectual and emotional tracking through both qualitative anecdotal reviews, and measurement through thermography, a quantitative study.

I have been familiar with bloodletting since I was about 12 years old. My mother believed that our familial history of high blood pressure led back to the matriarchal line of four generations of healing intuitive in our family. I was surprised to read that bloodletting went back as early as 8000 BC., was a precursor to acupuncture. My mother spoke often of how her mother was repulsed at going into the ponds to gather leaches for the bloodletting of her great-grandfather. It was Dr. John Veltheim, D.C. who supposed that my grandfather had high blood pressure brought on by a cardio- vascular infection from a cut with a rusty farming carry out, perhaps a knife. This “disease” was then passed down to the matriarchal line through the bloodline. My mother was always deeply paranoid of having any gardening implements that my dad used in our vegetable garden to be absolutely sterile and clean. Only recently, through Body talk work, did I discover why this was such a big concern to her. My mother has been deceased for over 25 years.

I just found out about acupuncture as treatment for this hypertension. “Acupuncture works by correcting the balance of energy to the organs and organ systems, which flows through 12 channels or meridians.  Inappropriate channels of anger, grief or fear are signals to an imbalance of Chi. “So when someone wants to attack you verbally, understand it is their CHI, not yours that is out of balance. “Acupuncture releases endogenous opioid peptides that kill pain (Murray, 1995). The dominant explanation of how acupuncture might work involves the neurochemicals responses in specific portions of the brain. “Perhaps that would explain that the studies that have been done to date are largely on pain syndromes and addictions that have been most responsive to acupuncture, also recently the use of psychological and neurological disorders such as stroke and nausea, originating in the brain. Cocaine use was much reduced by using acupuncture on 4 auricular sites on the ears.

Also very interesting was the mechanism and effects of acupuncture on the increase of nitric oxide in the meridians and acupoints.  Dr.Louis Ignarro of Herbalife became famous for his studies with nitric oxide and won a Nobel Prize for this research. “Blood flow in the palmar subcutaneous tissue of the acupunctured arm increased and this related also to nitric oxide increase.”(pg. 48 Complementary and Alternative Therapies Research.)

The most impactful reading included this week, was the research abstract done by Kaiser using the TAT method. I met Tapas Fleming last year at a writing conference. She is as delightful, beautiful and non- egotistical face to face, as she is while teaching her methods on her recorded videos. She told me about the study with Kaiser and obese adults, only at that time no conclusions had been reached.  Just incredible, that synchronicity brought this back to me.

“Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death, in the United States, primarily because of the cardiovascular and cancer risk. Extensive research has documented that weight loss is achievable, at least in the short-term. The medical communities recommend weight control and increased physical activity as core components of treatment guidelines for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, type 2diabetes, and cancer prevention. A major reason in this epidemic is the weight gain after first weight loss. Disappointingly common, yet how many times have we each lost the same 20 pounds? To combat successfully the obesity epidemic, clinicians and health care system need effective and possible options to help individuals maintain weight loss. “

Acupressure and specifically the TAT method was the most effective method for combining acupressure with specific mental focuses, altering energy patterns stored in the body.

Besides identifying the belief or action that was hindering them from weight loss, they were to hold the specific pressure to acupuncture points GB21, BL1, and Yin Tang for 30 seconds. Then transition to the opposite image while using the same points for another 30 seconds. Focusing on the clearing statement that all “origins of this problem are healing now,” and the clearing statement that” all parts of me that got something out of this problem are healing now.” After this, a general clearing statement of forgiveness for everyone blamed for the problem and asking forgiveness of everyone who has been hurt because of the problem “were key points to the success of the treatment.

I had asked one of my patients, a molestation victim by his mother as a child, to use this treatment with Body talk, and Access Consciousness that were our usual protocols for clearing his painful disturbances. It cleared the molestation frequencies upon implementation, particularly the deep-seated effects of forgiving his mother, himself (he had serious masturbation issues resulting from this), and especially the effects of his guilt on his family life.

In Body talk we are instructed as practitioners that we are capable of working with all cases that seek our help. Staying completely neutral about the topic of “Molestation by a mother” which was totally incomprehensible to me, and further exploring with him, the consequences of “Male Masturbation” as a woman, as it spoke to the devastation and betrayal of his nuclear family, particularly his physical loyalty to his wife, stretched all my resources as a therapist. I prayed for answers and they came. The calmer I stayed, the faster he processed, and about 3 minutes into the TAT protocol, he seemed clear, as I remained silent.

In a later session, he revealed that this specific addiction was one, he had tried to overcome for years, and the desire for it, never came back using TAT. I understand there is a new film out now, “Diary of a Wallflower” that discusses the taboo of female molestation.

Interestingly enough, as I was studying these notes, I received a very nasty email from a member of one of my “healing” matrixes. The energy from her verbal assaults, and malicious alienation techniques stuck me, and I did not know why until today. The only thing I realized was that she had sex with the patriarchal matrix holder of the modality and I knew about it.  Could that I knew about her adulterous indiscretion be transferred to her through my thoughts, although I was silent?

I knew she had committed adultery when “interference” came up in the protocol and the interference was caused by her wedding rings.  She was not a patient, she was an auditing student who had heard of my work in Body talk and wanted to try a quick session while we practiced EMDR.  Since the body does not lie, all codes are revealed in priority. When I asked her where I should place these wedding rings while I did the cellular repair to her left breast, she responded, “The bathroom.” I had given her several options. On hearing her choice, I was clear that all the darkness of her marriage was delegated to another small, dark room, and that small, dark room may have been her bedroom, as a child.

Although she is in her 50’s, she had a very small frame of an 11 year old with underdeveloped breasts, clearly prepubescent. Every child molestation victim I have balanced has either the same frame or the look of child like innocence still on their face, with an extra 100 -150 extra pounds of obesity wondering “what the heck happened, here.”

It was not until today, doing the TAT method of acupressure that was I very clear that this woman had also been molested as a child by her father, and she abused her mother verbally for her part in allowing it.  Suddenly, instead of being upset or stuck with her hate filled energy, I was in deep compassion for her losses. There was a loss of feminine child hood and now the pain of the potential loss of a marriage where she chooses infidelity. She must be terrified that she will be found out. We are bound by an ethical code of non-disclosure in Body talk, even though she was neither a patient nor practitioner in the class.

The patriarch on the other hand has “guru syndrome”. This condition is also called “abaissement du niveau mental, “developed by a French psychologist Pierre Janet, and elaborated by Jung for the weakening of the ego due to an unconscious drainage of its psychological energy, or a lowering of attention or consciousness. This behavior is often observed before creative work or during those incubation periods when the unconscious mind is preparing for a new stage of growth. Many men: thought leaders, public figures, media types free themselves of irritable DSB (deadly sperm buildup) find relief through emptying of their scrotum by using sex as a tool to reach their creativity.   Women are confused by this, believing it to be undying love and passion.

Now knowing the truth, three minutes later, with the aid of TAT, I was at peace.  Not my stuff. How cool is that?  I can actually start to work on the rest of those 20 pounds that are my stuff.

I so love synchronicity!


Complimentary and Alternatives Therapies Research (Pp. 23-52)

RCT of Mind Body Intervention for Weight loss Maintenance

Randomized Trials of Two Mind-body Interventions for Weight loss Maintenance, journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, Abstract Vol. 13, number 1, pp. 67-68 ©Mary Ann Liebert.

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Is the media responsible for Coaching a President?

Is the media responsible to coach a President?

All media stations were a buzz this week, with the failure of the President to show up for the first episode of his biggest gig. Why would he risk it? Comments on the far side ranged from a livid Chris Matthews, yelling on air as to “ Why didn’t the President show up for his own show on national air time, worldwide viewing? “ to an inwardly seething Bill Maher who surprised me with his comment , “ Now we know what Michael Jackson looked like on Diprivan.” And further, “I gave him funding for his campaign and he spent it all on weed. “ James Carville, “what happened here?’

Although outwardly these comments seem outrageous, they were honest. I believe, not far from the truth. While Mitt Romney was preparing casually for three days in Denver acclimatizing, etc. to the air, Obama was “running a country”.  We can choose reasons or we can choose results. Once again, the American people will choose RESULTS only.

As Maher commented, “The uneducated will choose the election based on the easiest facts they can remember.”

For the Romney camp, it was a slam dunk victory, due to several key points

  1. The constant hammering of Romney on the Presidential agenda to spending. Ninety Billion on energy, this speaks to long term, not short term results. Is there something else that went up in smoke?
  2. Education, where Romney’s state is #1.  How can anyone dispute that? Speaks to short term results. They want instant results.
  3. Dismantling of the Obama care health care, for something promised which is superior, although we know not what that could not be, nor does the Romney budget tell us.  Speaks to long term, not short term results. They want instant results.
  4. Experience, experience, experience. On all fronts, Romney echoed his life- long achievement of success.( 300 Million) Assets trumps the sales of Obama’s best -selling (4 Million) book hands down. Speaks to short term results.  Instant results if you “PICK ME,”
  5. And who did Romney “short” to get his millions?  Every time a sale is made it should be a win/win. Not with the Republicans. There is a winner and a loser. Who bought the bs.?  Romney is a first class sales man. Bush made his money on war, both #41, #43 made their millions on war, Daddy and shrub, who are we paying the deficits back on?

I thought the President came off on national television looking rather like a dead fish: limp, smelly and slimy. Don Lemon’s mother (CNN) had the best words of advice, “Look the guy straight in the eye and tell the truth.”

In this time of debate, O’Reilly debating Jon Stewart had the most excellent comment yet. “Capitalism through anger is the best offense.” I rarely agree with O’Reilly. This time, this point resonated. Who do you know who is angry and makes millions? Limbaugh, T. Harv Eker, Ann Colter to name a few. Millions and millions in continuous book sales materialize. The more controversial  the anger, the further out the comments, the more books sell. Is O’Reilly right? Can this country be addicted to anger?  And is that the person  you want to hang out with?

The President fell into his self- created trap of complacency and entitlement, based on the victim mentality he continues to display. This is not about race, at all. If you believe the news in that camp, it is a complete fallacy. No one has told him how close this race is. NO one has told him about the coming disaster with hanging chads or some electrical counting problems which will skew the results. Mercury goes retrograde the day of election. No one has told him of the impending international crisis that could change all of it.  Complacency.  Entitlement  To Putin, “When I’m in the White House, let’s figure it out later. “

Romney on the other hand got a new hard drive for his brain. Sound outlandish? Oh, no. This is very, very possible.  It only takes three Access Consciousness sessions to dramatically change brain waves and neuron pathways on the worst addict cases. One of these men will continue to look, sound, and present himself as a President,   one will not. Results will confirm the performance of each. Is this a princess and the pea story? Maybe.  Results not reasons.

What pissed me off the most, was both email and texts ten minutes after the debate asking me ,” If I was proud of the President’s performance, please donate here. “  Hello?

Napoleon Hill may have been right about his theory on transmutation of sexual desires into creative work; after all it was the President’s anniversary.    Where is the warrior spirit? All football players know not to have sex the day before the game. It’s also called “abaissement du niveau mental” a term used my french psychologist, Pierre Janet, and elaborated by Jung, for a weakening of the ego due to an unconscious drainage of its psychological energy. It is also a lowering of attention or consciousness due to an energy drain. This condition is often observed  just before creative work or during those periods of incubation when the unconscious prepares a new stage of growth. Where is your energy drain, Mr. President? Reasons, not results.

Let’s push this envelope a bit further. Where is the orator? Where is the statesman? Where is the leader we saw in 2008? Fight back, Mr. President, or go home to write another book on your victim hood.  Results, not reasons.

Iran is at the ready to go to war. What will happen if an inexperienced Commander in Chief, fires the first shot? He is ready to give the Libyans weapons? Are you kidding me? Why is Iran poised to go to war if Romney becomes President? What can we not see, here?    What are we buying with a Romney Presidency?  “A bigger than Iraq war.” What is the domino effect with no ally in Egypt?

Where is the Commander in Chief? Did he abandon his people? Did he abandon his nation? What is the effect of someone who has no foreign policy running a country in these times? What do we lose, more American kids? America does not know how to live in a war torn environment.  What did you lose in the process? A country?  While the war -mongers line their pockets in cash from oil, not blood.

You are asking a nation to wait to grow spinach and eat raw carrots, when what they truly want is instant mashed potatoes, franks and beans. What did you lose in the process? Your next generation of future employees and more health reform ?

Give up on yourself, ok. Give up on the Congress, ok? Give up on the Democrats, ok?  But please, Mr President, do not give up on the American people. There are 23 Million out of work, who just cannot wait for the spinach to grow. As was clearly said by the 16,000 twitter followers of Jon Stewart, “Wake the F***, UP!” Its 28 days to go.

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Cases for Energy Healing Using Meridian System

Energy Healing through the Meridians

This week I was impressed with the contrast and comparisons of the three types of energy healing using tapping to work on energy flows in the meridians. The Diamond Method, Thought Field Therapy, and Evolving Thought Field Therapy, all spoke to the basic understanding of the nature of disease. The basis of my work as a Body talk Practitioner/ Access Consciousness Teacher is the deep respect of the body to heal itself through the wisdom of the innate, and the general principle behind this capacity being the Life Force Energy that everything is born with.  I, as practitioner, have very little, if anything to do with the healing process, except to ease the observance of stuck energy, and the movement of energy through specific channels in the highest wisdom of the patient and in the highest wisdom of my being.

The difference between the medical mechanical model and Cartesian methods of healing are based on a two-dimensional point of view. If something is not working well in the body, then you just take it out, like you would take out a part of a watch, fix it, replace it, stick it back in, and voilà it works!  We all know that this is just not so, in healing or western hospitals would not be overflowing.

In holistic practice, we view disease rather as stuck energy. This energy, once released allows the wisdom of the body to heal itself. Once the Qi or life force energy which animates the forms of the world and is the vibratory nature of phenomena, on all molecular, atomic and subatomic levels of the body is freed, the body has the wisdom to do the rest. This energy is also known in eastern culture as prana, Ki or Chi. (Veltheim /Muizniecks Pg. 25 Mod 1.)

The Diamond Method, TFT, and EvTFT all speak to the specific series of energy sequences that are blocked. How did they get blocked?  When we repress, suppressed or are paradoxically reversed, we feel emotionally this resonates within the meridians and stops the flow of energy there. Hence we create disease.  When we “link the acupuncture system as the communication link between the emotions, organs and muscles, all disease mediated through the meridian system is released. “ (Diamond, 2001). I loved Diamond’s thoughts on three sides of the triangle connecting the aspects of the emotions working through the muscles, organs and meridians.  I especially resonated with his use of sound vibrational healing through music, working on the function of the organs, muscle association and meridians. No wonder I head to the yoga mat when I’ve had a tough day. The combination of the music, large muscle association and clearing of energy heals my soul  and awakens my spirit.

Diamond’s body shell theory and its association to attention deficit disorder held particular fascination for me as priority in my practice. Meet Kenny. According to his mother, Kenny has autism. Since I do not accept this label in children or the drugs that go with it, Kenny is particularly interested in talking to me.

Using the Body talk technique of body vivaxis linked to the environment, or Chinese clock, I question, “Does Kenny sleep through the night? “ His mother bursts into tears.  Kenny has not slept through the night his entire young life of six years, NO, not one night in six years. Not sleeping can be pretty tough on a little body and his parents’ love life.  I test and find that his liver/gall bladder meridian is blocked. Then, I ask him what is happening at school or at home to make him angry? Balancing this meridian and his body chemistry allergy to red dyes, Kenny goes home smiling. The whole session takes 10 minutes.  I get a call at 8 am the next morning from his dad. “What did you do to my son? “He demands to know.” I just balanced him,” I respond calmly. “Well, he slept through the night on a first visit. “ His father, the lawyer says, “I told Martha to pay that woman whatever she wants.”  “The parents did not want to fuse with each other; therefore, they created a child that was disturbed so that they could continue to keep apart from each other, “( Diamond, 2001). Resolving this problem, created yet another problem, disclosure of the internal separation between the parents, later to the discovery of a prostate issue in the husband due to lack of sexual closeness in his marriage.

I especially related to  Diamond’s notes on working on a persons’ self worth is more exciting that working on his tensor fascia latae, or neuro lymphatic system, and learning more about them in totality. Diamond’s story is how he carried the human heart on the bus to go to the coroner’s office is also one that I resonate with. In practice, we carry the human heart. All the sorrow or joy that resides there is given to us in deep humility. I never forget the honor of overcoming their problems to the see the joy and essence of life!

“ When the sufferer cones to you with his very heart, and the soul offered openly, trustingly, courageously to you for you to help, there must be the greatest respect, the greatest humility, the highest aspiration, the highest of intention.” (Diamond). This is the essence of why I practice.

John Diamond, 1985,”Using the Meridians to Unlock the Hidden Power of your Emotions.”

“Thought Field Therapy: Carl Johnson, Mustafa Shala, Xhevdet, Robert Odell, and Kadengika Dabishevci from the Journal of Clinic Psychology, Vol. 57:1 237-1240) was shocking to say the least. The post-traumatic stress of the ethnic cleansing of the Albanian people was far more brutal than I ever imagined. I was unaware that these events were deliberate, and manipulated to invoke terror in the survivors and survivor’s guilt. The subjective units of Distress were off the charts.  To notice that 103 of the 105 patients the treatment was successful is an incredible story. The results were so significant that they cannot be ignored, although a p.s. was added that further application and observation of TFT was warranted. This objective documentation of evidence is why I am at CIHS.

The other point of fascination was the article on HRV (Task Force of European Society of Cardiology, and the North American Society of Pacing and to me Electrophysiology, 1996) and power spectral density analysis used to check a number of pathological states including predicting mortality after a myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure. If they can measure it, why can’t they balance the energies in the triple heater and pericardium to stop it? I just don’t get western medicine.

Meet Sam. He came in to see why he was not feeling well.  I asked him about his sleep patterns. Next I tested for Chinese clock (meridians) and found he was particularly agitated between 12:43 pm to 1pm, and 10:43 pm to 11 pm.  These times related to the heart and triple heater meridians.   He was emotionally resentful that he could not complete his work on time, because he was an author and these were the two times of day he was particularly up set. He could not understand why he was stuck in his failure to complete his tasks. When I reached over to see if there was constriction in the heart area, it felt like he had a stone on his heart.  The entire left side of his chest was cold and solid. He then told me he had at heart attack at 39 years of age. Tapping of the head and heart, and an icepack at the middle of his back on the pericardium cooled things down very quickly. After we discussed his anger at his father’s abandonment of him emotionally, and his resolution to be an awesome father, he left a “new man.”

Sam has now tripled his income, written 4 books in the last 6 months and has 40% more time off.

Finally, the “Evolving Thought Field Therapy” (Callahan, 1985) and its results were so astounding to me; I intend to merge it in my practice for some of those reversed paradoxes, I see in patients that come back time after time.

The Exercise

I muscle tested myself against the statement, ‘I am afraid that I will not do well at grad school.”  I was testing at a 5.  Tapping the Gamut 9, brought almost immediate relief around the statement. The first time I hummed “Old Macdonald had a farm, with a pig here, a rabbit there, “ I was at 2 then, by the time I finished the Gamut 9 and humming a second time, I was laughing so hard, I could hardly finish repeating the statement I believed to be true and was at zero. WOW!

I so agree with the statement, . “The Buddha called suffering a Holy Truth. Our suffering has the capacity of showing us the path to liberation. Embrace your suffering and let it reveal to you, the way to peace. “Thich Nhat HanAs we are humbled by our own suffering and the suffering of humanity, we are inspired to liberate Truth through healing. What else can we learn or teach and liberate others?

Whose responsibility is it to teach others what they do not yet know or understand? The  sufferer, or the healer’s way to peace?

Posted in Blogging, bottled water for Japan, digg, facebook, facebook page, hootsuite, Interlink, iPhone, Japan needs water, Network, Social Media 101, Social Media Helps, Tags: Social Media Helps, TweetDeck, twitter, Uncategorized, web.presence, where can we get water for Japan, word, WordPress | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Energy Healing Through the Meridians

Energy Healing through the Meridians

This week I was impressed with the contrast and comparisons of the three types of energy healing using tapping to work on energy flows in the meridians. The Diamond Method, Thought Field Therapy, and Evolving Thought Field Therapy, all spoke to the basic understanding of the nature of disease. The basis of my work as a Body talk Practitioner/ Access Consciousness Teacher is the deep respect of the body to heal itself through the wisdom of the innate, and the general principle behind this capacity being the Life Force Energy that everything is born with.  I, as practitioner, have very little, if anything to do with the healing process, except to facilitate the observance of stuck energy, and the movement of energy through specific channels in the highest wisdom of the patient and in the highest wisdom of my being.

The difference between the medical mechanical model and Cartesian methods of healing are based on a two dimensional point of view. If something is not working well in the body, then you just take it out, like you would take out a part of a watch, fix it, replace it, stick it back in, and voila it works!  We all know that this is just not so, in healing or western hospitals would not be overflowing.

In holistic practice, we view disease rather as stuck energy. This energy, once released allows the wisdom of the body to heal itself. Once the Qi or life force energy which animates the forms of the world and is the vibratory nature of phenomena, on all molecular, atomic and subatomic levels of the body is freed, the body has the wisdom to do the rest. This energy is also known in eastern culture as prana, Ki or Chi. (Veltheim /MuizicksPg. 25 Mod 1.)

The Diamond Method, TFT, and EvTFT all speak to the specific series of energy sequences that are blocked. How did they get blocked?  When we repress, suppressed or are paradoxically reversed, we feel emotionally this resonates within the meridians and stops the flow of energy there. Hence we create disease.  When we “link the acupuncture system as the communication link between the emotions, organs and muscles, all disease mediated through the meridian system is released. “ (Diamond, 2001). I loved Diamond’s thoughts on three sides of the triangle connecting the aspects of the emotions working through the muscles, organs and meridians.  I especially resonated with his use of sound vibrational healing through music, working on the function of the organs, muscle association and meridians. No wonder I head to the yoga mat when I’ve had a tough day. The combination of the music, large muscle association and clearing of energy heals my soul  and awakens my spirit.

Diamond’s body shell theory and its association to attention deficit disorder held particular fascination for me as priority in my practice. Meet Kenny. According to his mother, Kenny has autism. Since I do not accept this label in children or the drugs that go with it, Kenny is particularly interested in talking to me.

Using the Body talk technique of body vivaxis linked to the environment, or Chinese clock, I question, “Does Kenny sleep through the night? “ His mother bursts into tears.  Kenny has not slept through the night his entire young life of six years, NO, not one night in six years. Not sleeping can be pretty tough on a little body and his parents’ love life.  I test and find that his liver/gall bladder meridian is blocked. Then, I ask him what is happening at school or at home to make him angry? Balancing this meridian and his body chemistry allergy to red dyes, Kenny goes home smiling. The whole session takes 10 minutes.  I get a call at 8 am the next morning from his dad. “What did you do to my son? “He demands to know.” I just balanced him,” I respond calmly. “Well, he slept through the night on a first visit. “ His father, the lawyer says, “I told Martha to pay that woman whatever she wants.”  “The parents did not want to fuse with each other; therefore, they created a child that was disturbed so that they could continue to keep apart from each other, “( Diamond, 2001). Resolving this problem, created yet another problem, disclosure of the internal separation between the parents, later to the discovery of a prostate issue in the husband due to lack of sexual closeness in his marriage.

I especially related to  Diamond’s notes on working on a persons’ self worth is more exciting that working on his tensor fascia latae, or neuro lymphatic system, and learning more about them in totality. Diamond’s story is how he carried the human heart on the bus to go to the coroner’s office is also one that I resonate with. In practice, we carry the human heart. All the sorrow or joy that resides there is given to us in deep humility. I never forget the honor of overcoming their problems to the see the joy and essence of life!

“ When the sufferer cones to you with his very heart, and the soul offered openly, trustingly, courageously to you for you to help, there must be the greatest respect, the greatest humility, the highest aspiration, the highest of intention.” (Diamond). This is the essence of why I practice.

John Diamond, 1985,”Using the Meridians to Unlock the Hidden Power of your Emotions.”

“Thought Field Therapy: Carl Johnson, Mustafa Shala, Xhevdet, Robert Odell, and Kadengika Dabishevci from the Journal of Clinic Psychology, Vol. 57:1 237-1240) was shocking to say the least. The post-traumatic stress of the ethnic cleansing of the Albanian people was far more brutal than I ever imagined. I was unaware that these events were deliberate, and manipulated to invoke terror in the survivors and survivor’s guilt. The subjective units of Distress were off the charts.  To notice that 103 of the 105 patients the treatment was successful is an incredible story. The results were so significant that they cannot be ignored, although a p.s. was added that further application and observation of TFT was warranted. This objective documentation of evidence is why I am at CIHS.

The other point of fascination was the article on HRV (Task Force of European Society of Cardiology, and the North American Society of Pacing and to me Electrophysiology, 1996) and power spectral density analysis used to monitor a number of pathological states including predicting mortality after a myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure. If they can measure it, why can’t they balance the energies in the triple heater and pericardium to stop it? I just don’t get western medicine.

Meet Sam. He came in to see why he was not feeling well.  I asked him about his sleep patterns. Next I tested for Chinese clock (meridians) and found he was particularly agitated between 12:43 pm to 1pm, and 10:43 pm to 11 pm.  These times related to the heart and triple heater meridians.   He was emotionally resentful that he could not complete his work on time, because he was an author and these were the two times of day he was particularly up- set. He could not understand why he was stuck in his failure to complete his tasks. When I reached over to see if there was constriction in the heart area, it felt like he had a stone on his heart.  The entire left side of his chest was cold and solid. He then told me he had at heart attack at 39 years of age. Tapping of the head and heart, and an icepack at the middle of his back on the pericardium cooled things down very quickly. After we discussed his anger at his father’s abandonment of him emotionally, and his resolution to be an awesome father, he left a “new man.”

Sam has now tripled his income, written 4 books in the last 6 months and has 40% more time off.

Finally, the “Evolving Thought Field Therapy” (Callahan, 1985) and its results were so astounding to me; I intend to incorporate it in my practice for some of those reversed paradoxes, I see in patients that come back time after time.

The Exercise

I muscle tested myself against the statement, ‘I am afraid that I will not do well at grad school.”  I was testing at a 5.  Tapping the Gamut 9, brought almost immediate relief around the statement. The first time I hummed “Old Macdonald had a farm, with a pig here, a rabbit there, “ I was at 2 then, by the time I finished the Gamut 9 and humming a second time, I was laughing so hard, I could hardly finish repeating the statement I believed to be true and was at zero. WOW!

I so agree with the statement, “The Buddha called suffering a Holy Truth. Our suffering has the capacity of showing us the path to liberation. Embrace your suffering and let it reveal to you, the way to peace. “Thich Nhat Han. As we are humbled by our own suffering and the suffering of humanity, we are inspired to liberate Truth through healing. What else can we learn or teach and liberate others?

Angelica Wagner,

Certified Bodytalk Practitioner, Pa Rama1

Access Consciousness Teacher, Family Therapy, Addiction

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The Health Care debate RAGES on, and on , and on.

Because this blog is about corporate responsibility, and my point of view is that a government is just a very large corporation, I am sharing my points of view on the health care ruling upheld by the Supreme Court this week as discussed at “REAL TIME with Bill Maher. ”

I am fascinated by the politics of this country. In Canada, elections take 6 weeks from front to back, issues debated up and down on the floor and decisions made. We move forward based on “democracy”. IN many ways, when I listened in at the live broadcast of Bill Maher’s last episode for the season, he was right when he says, ” The Republicans are the mental patient party.” And that “THE Republican construct is the Democratic action.” That is why, it was such a surprise when Bush’s own chief justice, John Roberts, (who Obama did NOT vote for) upheld the ruling in a 65 page brief. HOW do ordinary people get their hands on these pages of briefs? Why does it take a vote by the judicial system, when there are countries that have already completed these debates, implemented and strategised the very best information of many debates and moved forward into mass implementation as rule of law.

Fareed Zakaria, from CNN, had some of the answers, making some noticeable and worthwhile comments on health care panel. Missing from the panel was Michael Moore, who has done more research on global health care systems and single payer systems than most countries. Zakaria spoke up with the numbers from Taiwan where 14 PhD’s determined that single payer system was the lowest cost, highest outcome result for health care. That country went from 49.5 million uninsured to 6.9 million uninsured. Canada, has used single payer for many more than 50 years. Although I rarely used it, even though it was free, I found the system to work well.

IN the heat of discussion, Maher stated “It is not socialism at debate here, it is capitalism. Where does the money go?” Zakaria answered, “Increased market share is increased profit. ” To which Maher replied, ” Is that why a box if Kleenex costs $44 in a hospital?” The affordable health care act, must go on, it must go further. IN sober honesty, since the 28 leading red states can challenge this ruling, we must be very clear that this political debate is far from over. ”

Hello? Even with the Supreme court ruling, this debate can actually continue? Why? ” The law is the last thing on their mind,” stated Maher. Truer words never spoken. Could it be that the Republican Party are more interested in control and domination than in ACTION?

Sarah Palin was briefly mentioned. I become very confused when this happens. Why don’t people just ask the Kardashian empire for their version of politics? Palin has become a well paid reality star while running her snow mobile across the frozen tundra still looking for Russia. YET, she actually earned almost as much of an advance for her first book, as Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, who has a track record IN POLITICS on a global level outside of her marriage to her lecherous husband.

Followed here, the debate included Planned Parenthood representative, Lizz Winstead. Although very little commentary was of note, I have much to say about it. Spewing the “F” bomb, anger, rage and sexual frustration, turned my ears off pretty fast. Deeply offensive were the “comedic comments” of MS. Weinstead about the entitlement of women to use their bodies ONLY for sexual pleasure and gratification in explicit anatomical fashion. Does she have no further vocabulary than “F” words? NO class at all. Most unbecoming behavior as a woman, I sat embarrassed.

If this is the new comedic trend in women, they can keep it. She took the sea-gull approach to her brief moments in the light, “Dump your load and run.” Maher’s sensitive questions about her abortion, were totally shut down with vehemence and vile as he repeatedly and graciously tried to promote her new book. I kept waiting for her to reach under the desk to rip his balls out, hoist them up in the air and claim victory in complete emasculation of the host. She obviously had never read, “OUR BODIES, OURSELVES” ( Simon Schuster revised 2011, collective) or heard Gloria Steinem in the 70’s when birth control and Roe vs. Wade were born, giving women choice over 40 years ago. We do not have to fight for CHOICE today. What we still have to fight for, is financial equality, VOICE and respect.

Woman’s genitals were discussed in separation from the body,as though you could just cut them up and serve them up in a dish, abusive to say the least. It was painstakingly clear that no one had ever explained to Ms. Weinstead that separation of the body parts from the SPIRIT always creates disease. So go ahead and just lie there mindlessly painting the ceiling, woman and see if that gets you “the ring”, single lady? Watch out guys, this type of woman is a manipulative controller, and means to entrap you in any way she can. Pregnancy is no accident. Guilt is no accident.

Her comments reflected an unrealistic, irresponsible, college dorm way to live life. Since the birth of the pill, women have thrown their genitals on the table as “tip money” in exchange for Mr. Right buying dinner. The guy is looking for immediate gratification, the woman marriage. If a baby is created out of this union, “Oh well, too bad, so sad, lets’ just get a quick abortion and solve this nasty little problem.”

It is a small lie that grows into a huge lie. First of all, a blastocyst has a brain at 16 cells. It is a human being. IN all cases, the woman becomes haunted by a lifetime of pain, and what if’s. This little abortion never goes away,a lifetime of shame,guilt and degradation. Many of these women end up in fertility treatments because the casual sex and its consequences complicate life, ADD HPV, AIDS or the habit of further abortions with disease consequences. Many of these women live quiet lives of desperation in total lack of trust, choosing to control the men they had sex with or op out of life by doing drugs or alcohol.

The reality is that true love never emerged through any of these casual relationships. Lizz Weinstead totally missed the point that free sex is NEVER free in any of its physical, emotional, mental or spiritual consequences. In no way, shape or form does it buy intimacy, on which the bed rock foundation of long-standing marriages are built. All shock value aside, Planned Parenthood chose a teenager as it’s representative.

Further noted was a comment evoked by the dark night of the soul crying ” I MUST FATHER, something”. This can not be misread as “to father some ONE.” To father someone means 4 am feedings, spit on your shoulder, many years later teenage backlash, and more.

This cry instead is the soul’s need for legacy and legitimacy that lasts beyond this earthly life. It is creativity in life forms shouting out its plea to create something lasting, light and beautiful : a new book, a new film, a new formula, a new system. People who have heard this cry and acted on it are the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates: all inventors whose contributions to humanity mean something beyond themselves. Why not you?

It is the soul shouting , “MY life needs to stand for something and I will use whatever means, including shock value ‘F” words to be heard. ” Ignoring this cry can mean a damaged gall bladder from lack of action, a damaged liver that is full of anger, a heart attack from life sorrow, a tumor from refusing the soul’s need for external growth, so it creates internal growth. These are the REAL TIME consequences of a lack of government action in health care.

After 651 people on my table and a lifetime of observation and study, I know that these consequences are always spiritual. The body chooses disease as a learning tool when the spirit is ignored. The body creates this disease to make the person MORE conscious, to be whole and well. The body is the temple of the spirit and as long as the spirit is abused, the body is diseased. To create health, start with the spirit and the body will follow. Will some MD tell you that? So when does a country begin to honor the spirit of it’s people?

The Forefathers of the Constitution created a document as their creative life form contribution to a country. With minor adjustments this document has stood the test of time through many decades. Ignoring the reality of health care in this most affluent country in the world, also creates generational disease. Depression will increase four times in the next four years, obesity and diabetes, heart disease and hypertension will be at 42% due to poor eating habits and more unemployment. AIDS becomes rampant as middle school children engage in sex, and a valueless society abuses their bodies via addiction to ESCAPE THE HORROR OF UNFULFILLED LIVES. Just don’t go to an US hospital to try to cure it; in this country it is the #4 cause of death.

Why is that? There is no room in this budget because the BUSH/ CHENEY administration literally “invented” through figments of their imagination, “Weapons of Mass Destruction” to line the coffers of Halliburton with billions of dollars in oil revenues. NO one coming into this presidency would have had a clear shot, or any shot to balance the budget or make changes. As long as the most affluent country in the world needs to “trade blood for oil” there will never be health care, here. Values decide where you spend both time and money. The offensiveness of Mitt Romney lies not in his religion, it lies in his purchase of the WHITE HOUSE because he has seen what can be done by his predecessor. How do you go from rich to super-rich? By lining the coffers of the lobbyists. Values have decided where he is investing his wealth. ” The Presidency of the USA.”.

As long as there are no clear decisions, conclusions, or compromise on the state of health for this country, no economy or job situation will matter.
Because it is clear, the lives of these citizens in the USA. do not matter.

Being in the audience of REAL TIME with Bill Maher is quickly becoming one of my addictions. I love to observe how TV is put together, where the moving pieces are, what parts are quietly invisible, where is the executive producer, do the writers sit in the audience, where is the green room? My mind never stop asking the questions. Suddenly I get it.. it is a mini film, every week, that is what a TV show is. Instead of lead roles, you have NEWS or opinions or guests.Because this process is so fast, this time, I brought a notebook and pen. Brilliant comments come and go in a heartbeat, I wanted to catch them all.

Angelica Wagner, CBP, CFA.
Best Selling Author, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” series
“Are you Ready for a Miracle?” series

ps. These are my points of view. I do not care if you align or agree. YOU also have your own points of view.
Please send me a comment or a criticism. As long as you do not use the “F” word on my pages, I will respond. I use this page as my tiny niche to the world.
There are no ghost writers here. I care deeply about this subject, AND I will continue to voice my concerns.

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“Real Time with Bill Maher”

Real time with Bill Maher

Exceeded expectations! Always surprising, funny & fast paced on TV, but in the studio LIVE, really quite amazing. If you have never done so, take a Friday evening and get yourself some tickets to “REAL Time with Bill Maher.” The biggest challenge was the fight with traffic to get to the studio, once there all the guests were treated like royalty. There were folks from as far away as Finland, Florida, & Canada.

The event began with Billy, the main writer of the show, warming up the audience, defining expectations on BOTH sides of the stage. When we do this… you will do this… followed by an 8 minute tape of the best and funniest moments on some of the shows. It was hysterical, and people were rolling in the aisles even before Bill Maher, himself, showed up.

I was at show #252, strangely enough my lucky number. Why I was in that particular audience I do not really know, but I knew that this space and time I was meant to be there. It started with an interview of Bill and Dr. Stiglitz, the Nobel Laureate author on Economics, with a vulnerable, moment of Bill confessing he used some of the Stiglitz’s hypothesis at cocktail parties for convivial banter.
I can understand when you show up in life with that kind of genius, acquired over years of interviewing thousands of very smart people who the local Hollywood fare of conversation devoid of both humor and intellect would cause one to blindly reach for the next libation, rather than the next book. Dr. Stiglitz‘s book, “The Price of Inequality” is worth reaching for, and his comments addressed today’s economy, were worth every moment of the traffic insanity to get there on time.

This interview was followed by a panel of speakers discussing a range of topics including an appearance by a look a-like Obama hologram. Again, fun and amazing, with the “hologram” handing out all kinds of money to the audience… are we getting ready for another stimulus that the voters will actually get? I would think this “Obama hologram” would see a lot of network mileage. When we get that all life is really holographic, we will begin to interact with each other differently.

Where my ears perked up was in the discussion of jobs and the economy, quickly followed by the comments on the adoption of legalized marijuana. As a holistic practitioner who sees 25% of her practice due to pot addiction, I found myself shaking my head, “NO!” Hello? America is viewed on the global stage as a society that is lazy, entitled and irresponsible and the government wants to get more votes by creating more of this perception? Let’s legalize marijuana so that the unemployed can just sit back, suck joints, eat bonbons and watch even more TV.

In my real life another 20 % of my clients are men who have been emasculated by becoming stay at home dads, with those numbers doubling in the last two years. The other aspect of this reality are the CEO’S who are working twice as hard for half the money. So how do we balance what we can do with “what else is possible” in this time and space?

Why would there be such an up roar over the change in immigration laws if we viewed the immigrant workers as being necessary to the economy? These are points I do not understand no matter how hard I try. With the addiction of “Entitlement” being the ground covering and basis of the false belief in the consciousness of this country, why would anyone get their hands dirty, do “menial” work such as cleaning toilets, sweep streets, do the heavy work required to build bridges, or even design bridges?

How does it get better than this, with in our society?

If the self-esteem of this society is just too high for jobs that need long-term serious effort and commitment, what else is possible? How are the immigrants succeeding?

It has been so hard, so tough and so devastating that they willingly do anything that it takes to make ends meet and put food on their tables. Surprise, this is the same attitude people in the depression had. This economy must make us real or perish.

Another shocking statistic cited by Maher is that ONLY 11% of the population who actually do go on to higher education take engineering or business, the rest take liberal arts, dance, drama or some other non-effective, easy way out of earning a living, yet getting a college degree. And, we wonder why jobs are going to China and India where the average PhD candidate can be hired to do a research project for $15,000 per year. Educated and inexpensive, the Asian economies have opted for something America refuses to discuss: work ethic.

Instead, entitled Americans would rather gather food stamps than make a real change, do something new, bitch and moan, or get their hands dirty doing an essential job required for the growth of the country in today’s economic times. There are no jobs here in America, because the immigrants are busy doing them! Asian populations don’t wait for “Poppa President” to feed or educate them. They opt instead for smaller paychecks and many of them, working harder and longer at MANY jobs, but working none the less.

Unless we actively change the consciousness of this entire country that continually pushes paper in lieu of real work fulfillment, it will not matter if the next president is black, white, yellow or blue. In every decade of economic crisis, creativity in government, creativity in intellectual property, creativity in change brought wealth. You don’t see Mark Zuckerberg crying the blues over lack of money.

Envious of and alluding to several Canadian and European health care systems, the two Canadians on the panel Allan Thicke and David Frum also made several interesting points. Perhaps the reason that the Canadian and European health care systems care for their countries better is that they have actually considered the “ALTERNATIVES” as viable alternatives to the cut, paste and toxins of western medicine. They also schedule paid vacation days to encourage better health care in their countries.

The star on the panel was Karen Finney, democratic political analyst for MSNBC and columnist for “The Hill”. In her latest post, she wrote that Democrats must recognize the ability of Republicans to rally behind their leader, raise untold amounts of Super PAC money and exploit their opponent’s every mistake.
I could have listened to her, Stiglitz and Maher all night. The last 6 minutes (not aired) were pure GOLD in richness of thought, brilliance and results.

Not discussed but definitely noticed were all the details of delivering an hour show with the precision of a symphony. Hundreds of hours in writing and rewriting, a panel of 6 guests, about a hundred audience members, a whole cast of 20 or more film crew, all moving in precise synchronization in and around the stage. Amazing, I saw right then and there, that I better up my game so I can even remotely produce a quality radio broadcast. This was very skilful harmony at its best.

Refreshing as a cold, crisp beer on a hot summer’s day, I left the famous Studio 33, hoping to be invited again, and wondering how I could get my hands on Bill Maher’s brain to release some of those negative layers from the past, and see what financial genius happens next!
I think that would be spending “REAL time with Bill Maher.”

Angelica Wagner, CBP, CFA
Master Healing Intuitive
Cranial/ Sacral Therapist
Bestselling author, “Are YOU Ready for a Miracle?” and “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” series

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What if everything you ever dreamed about was HERE, NOW? Today at CorePower Yoga,Aliso Veijo, Master healing Intuitive. Join us

Open up to every facet of yourself.
What are we walking into in the world? How can YOU open up to the greatness of YOU?

The heavy programming from the heavy veil of consciousness is getting thinner and thinner, walk into light in enlightenment. Heavier energies are washing away as you see how does it get better than this? What are the things in this time that are shifting? Why is that? People blossoming into so much more. So why  not YOU?

IF Change is really bad and really hard. And if this is our reality? If your Point of view creates your reality, what if change was easy, letting go of all your costumes to be your infinite being that is easy. Do you still fight the change or do you receive it? Ask yourself AM I fighting  the change so that it is stays HARD for me to live my life?  Are my thoughts keeping me form receiving it?

Difficult to receive the change, release the bad programming, life of ease, joy and glory and the teal you actually showing up. Played small, true light, transformation that happened in my life? If my life can be perfect, then I can receive love, receive money. Headed down path to have right perfect life, but it did not. Meant for bigger and greater things? What if you are actually here to change the world?

Avoiding showing up as me, avoiding showing up as BIG. Playing in front of 200 people. Started living in the question, be the gift so that I can deliver the gift so that others can give their gift. If you do not show up, WHO WILL?

* What if the consciousness if the universe could show up if you were to be willing to be as amazing as you are.

*what if the only person who is possible to stop the insanity of the world is YOU.

I do a renowned method of healing in a powerful way. Access Consciousness. What is it and why is it different? This is a set of tools and processes that is not working for you in your life. Only one person in your life who can set you free. THAT  IS YOU. The difference in Access Consciousness. ASKING a question is based on the question. 

NO one has your gift and contribution for the gift and consciousness of the world.

If you are already an infinite being so you can be YOU, take off your costumes, empowering yourself to know how great you really are. This method was created 25 years ago. Facilitating consciousness. So full of gratitude so that I have finally BEEN SEEN IN MY LIFE.


So think about this if no body acknowledges you, wow YOU must not exist, I must be making it up,that I am truly great.

Today from 9am -3:30 pm. I am giving 15 minutes BRAIN tuneups at Core Power YOGA in the Aliso Viejo Town Center. There is FREE HOT yoga, come and relax, and find your Miracle self!

Angelica Wagner


Master Healing Intuitive

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An evening of Amazing Music, Wed.March 7th, 2012 @Saddleback Church Worship Center @ 6:30pm.

Please join us for an amazing evening of music, with the praise and worship choirs as we resonate with the POWER of the Lord to move in our lives. Join us in this special NIGHT OF WORSHIP , Wednesday March 7th @ 6:30 pm at Saddleback Church  in The Worship Center with Pastor Rick Munchow, the Worship Choir, the Praise Choirs, the Saddleback symphony and a band.

Come and sing songs that declare God’s love, celebrate what He is doing in our lives, and encourage you and your friends in relationship with HIM. The music ministry will be getting together to celebrate Pastor Rick’s 25 th anniversary and retirement from ministry at Saddleback to move to his global mission.

You will be surprised who comes by to sing with us for this incredible, once in a lifetime event. Hang onto your hats, arrive early, stay late, as we will be talking about this night for years.  Be blessed and see YOU there!

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Are US Markets ready for a collapse?

I have a few international friends who think so. Please read on.
please check out this news before it’s news here. I would be doing some old fashioned thinking about my assets given this latest tip f the iceberg BBC video.
You will not see this here in the USA, only the Brits and the Canucks have the guts to talk about this.

show details 9:21 AM (2 hours ago)

I ran across this information this morning that I thought may be of serious consideration.
Go to:

Recorded September 26, 2011 – Alessio Rastani

Good advice.

The same advice we’ve been giving for many, many years now first through Brasscheck TV and now through Real Econ TV.

Job #1: Get out of the casino (stocks, commodities, high yield bonds (i.e. junk))

Job #2: Protect what you have: Short term US Treasuries and cash – yes cash

Job #3: Learn how to sell short (not something you can do overnight) and be prepared – eventually – to scoop up once in a century bargains.

Read: “Conquer the Crash” by Robert Prechter.

There isn’t much time left. I don’t know when the last shoe will drop, but we are definitely in the Fourth Quarter of the game.
for what it is worth, the news before it’s news, right here.

Money markets are going back to the times of the 30’s.

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EntreLeadership with Dave Ramsey , some insights…

The interesting thing about hearing a speaker live is not the well rehearsed, timed to the 7 minute patter of jokes, or the easy sequencing of those words, spoken in that rhythm for many speeches past, a perfectionist in both timing and control, Dave Ramsey brought it to the audience yesterday at Saddleback Church. Since I had seen him on video the night before, giving a similar, not exactly the same speech, it was worth the gas to get there twice.

The reality of it was his gut wrenching honesty. Not church, chirpy patter, but real honesty.In tough times, real talk not baby-talk to a willing audience of listeners who hear the best in Rick Warren week after week and are spoiled with both the content and context of the fare served. I am writing the short notes for those of you who could not attend.

I suggest you also get his book, I did with a signature. As usual, worth the wait, but orchestrated in real efficiency as an audience participation, once he did show up. The man walks the talk and lives the talk. No excuses.

Here are the cliff notes:

It is his grandmothers wisdom. No phoney- baloney , this is the cure to your financial blues, simply put, he said, ” I was stupid. I borrowed more money than I made, and my grandmother told me I would go broke doing that. She was right, I went broke”. How refreshing is that. Simple honest, refreshing!

1) People Matter:
God is inordinately pleased when we obsessively , compulsively are obsessed with the needs of others. How many times have we been told to just think of ourselves, and just make the sale? Not with this type of mentality, the consciousness of the universal intelligence actually matters. The soul of the person that you are helping matters.
2) Teams matter: Build an incredible team that is relationally talented and unified toward a common goal. These are servant leaders who bring bad news up, and good news DOWN. Do not gossip, it creates disunity and cuts you off from Source. ONLY Good news flows down.
3) Timing and Consistency Matter: Slow and steady wins the race. The Tortoise wins, doing the same job over 20-30 years creates a stunning break through. There is excellence in the ordinary. We do not shoot out over or past our supply lines in business. Going slow wins every time.
4) Business Excellence Matters: Follow God’s ways. Do not build a house without a blueprint or create a business without a business plan. Know monthly, quarterly and yearly the state of all herds, cattle and assets. The GODLY servant saves both food and oil. Act your wage. Live on less than you make. (If you are unemployed, there was no advice on this.) Be generous and give with your spirit if you cannot give with your money.
5) Higher Calling Matters
I do my work unto the Lord. If you love on your customers, they will pay you.
Step into the reason you are in ministry with you work. You can win and enhance who you are in Christ.

I can see why Dave Ramsey has collected a multimillion dollar organization. What are these cliff notes about?
Values. Values to live by… why do we forget how easy business is, when it is just as easy as this?

My clinic, ” U Wellness” for those in need of God Centered Health care is at :

1419 Superior Avenue, #4, Newport Beach, Ca, 92663
My phone number for an appointment is 949.500.2630
or email:

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Are YOU READY for a Miracle? Money Follows JOY!

Einstein said, “All Electromagnetic Frequencies Alter Matter.” If dolphins hear frequencies of music that makes them dance, and follow the musician, what can the frequencies of your brain say about you with the people, events and circumstances that YOU create?

What do your brain waves say about you? I happened to change the frequency on my radio this morning. Out of the blue, the radio broadcaster announced, “I have three tickets to a cruise leaving out of Dana Point in the next hour, if you are one of the first three callers, you can go.” Amazingly, I called, the phone actually rang, and VOILA, I was caller Number Two. Was this the beginning of an adventure? Or the beginning of a miracle?

I made it to the Oceanic Institute in Dana Point, Ca. twenty minutes early, still thinking there is a catch, I am dreaming, something is up here. I signed in, informed there was breakfast on board, and could I wait for the safety talk about the boat? I never expected what I experienced next.
VERY often when we change our frequency, we change our end results.

What frequency are you allowing your brain to project that create your results? Note to self: “Money follows JOY.”

As we pulled out of the harbor, Captain Pete said, ” If you see a splash of a wave, or a streak of white in the distance, you may be on dolphin alert.” I was happy just to be out in the ocean, no complications could change the joy of this gift, a blessing from above, at the end of a very tough week. I was not ready for what happened next.

We drove out on a northerly course headed toward San Juan Capistrano. The captain put on some music and said, “Soon, you will begin to see the dolphins feel the frequencies of the music and come follow the boat. They know where the party is, and they will come to join us and play with us. ” I thought, “Yeh that’s likely.” After fifteen minutes, a few dolphins showed up in the distance. Then another pod joined them. IN amazement, I thought this sea voyage could not possibly get any better, as one of the musicians who joined the ship took out his electric violin. My judgment and hasty jump to conclusion proved me wrong.

This amazing ethereal music soared above the waves, and out of the blue again, hundreds of dolphins joined us, playing across the bow. Jumping and diving over each other, doing flips, twining and twisting with playmates, between each other, back and forth across the bow. There were not a few, there were hundreds of them, they came from everywhere to play with the boat, to dive and twist and jump, not for minutes but for almost an hour. We were all in awe. For the first twenty minutes I snapped photo after photo trying to get them in mid-flight. Finally I just accepted the beauty of this moment and stopped just to listen and see.

As the violinist continued to play, the crescendo of dolphins cascading back and forth , up, down and through. It was a ballet composed in song and dance. The violinist said to me ” I always dreamed of having a chorus of Bolshevik ballerinas dance to my music, I never thought they would be the ballerinas of nature, the dolphins.” To say that this was a spiritual experience would be an understatement of a lifetime, and all because I changed the radio frequencies.

The violinist and I, then had a fascinating discussion about electromagnetic frequencies of his music, their effect on the brain, and their effect on the people on the boat as well as the sea mammals. With my holistic work also on my brain, I shared with him how the frequencies and neuron pathways of the brains of creative people can be changed to invite more abundance and more wealth. I have seen the changes of the frequencies of the brain can be amazing.

We know a few facts.

Disease has frequencies. For example, the frequency of lupus is 375 MEGAHERTZ. Different diseases have different frequencies.
If a person with this disease listens to the frequency of lupus, would it neutralize the disease?
Some of the Body talk practitioners that I practice with , have vibrational programs that mimic the frequencies of certain diseases.
I would love to see how these frequencies can be NEUTRALIZED in CONCERT with the holistic work that I do on the brain.

Emotions have frequencies also. The lungs store the emotion of grief. The heart stores the emotions of JOY and of sorrow. The liver stores the emotions of anger. The gall bladder houses the emotion of resentment. The kidneys house the emotions of fear. In Chinese medicine these emotions have been dealt with in healing for thousands of years.

So what do you continue to create with your thinking and with your voice? What vibrational frequencies are you emoting that are affecting your results?
How does your mindset affect your end product? How does the emotional frequency that you give out to the universe sound to others? Is your voice a place of JOY? Is your voice full of anger, sorrow, stories of resentment, guilt, grief, jealousy or hatred. How are your emotions affecting your outcomes and your vibrational frequencies to the universe?

1) You see a deal going south and you continue to give it one more shot. It has been half-dead on both sides for almost 10 days. Do you get off the dead horse?
2) You hear someone verbally abusing a 3, 4,or 5 year old using very foul language, do you have the courage to say,”This is not acceptable” to a stranger?
3) You have a friend who constantly complains about her spouse, when you suggest she seek counseling or get a divorce, she makes no changes.
4) You are called in for a consult, after asking many questions about the complexity of the project, you notice red flags coming up in your brain with the responses, do you politely get up, say, “Thank you for your time, but my services cannot help you.” Then you get up, walk out and calmly leave, or do you allow them to waste another two weeks of your time in delays, inconsequential stalling, and excuses, while you know in your gut and in your vibrational energy field that this is never going to work out because of their judgments, controls and conclusions?

There are 86,400 seconds in a day. What I am saying, is that life is way too short for you to spend one second on a relationship that does not make you dance, a deal that does not make you sing or an activity that you cannot give your heart and soul to. Google as a corporation that gives their employees the 20% time rule. All employees of Google spend at least 20% of their work time on projects that make their heart sing, their body dance, their voices laugh.

If dolphins hear the music that collects them together as a creative community in a vibrational frequency that make them laugh, dance and sing, why don’t we?
Aren’t we mammals, too? “The heights of our dreams are but the floors that angels dance on, ”

Your gift was given to you in trust to share with those who benefit from you. When giving your gift makes you laugh, dance, and sing, you have chosen a worthy recipient. The vibrational energy field of the gift is reciprocal. Joy to the receiver, JOY from the giver. Unless your recipient is worthy, or gives you EQUAL exchange, find other ballerinas in nature to share it with. “The heights of our dreams are but the floors that angels dance on, ”

ps. For the amazing violin music that summons dolphins and huge audiences ;
For amazing cruise with the DOLPHINS, contact the Oceanic Institute at Dana Point, Ca. cruises, leaves Sundays @ 10 am, Captain Pete and the crew are fantastic and there are several oceanic experts on board to answer questions.
For great music on radio :contact Donna JO Thornton at Morning Breeze Radio, San Juan Capistrano, Ca.

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Arrowhead Water will MATCH ALL Corporate Donations of Water to Japan for Crisis in Japan.. Saddleback Church to Lead Distribution Channels

Where are the corporations of the world when you need them? Not only are donations a tax deductible expense, but a collective community banding together to provide bottled water for the Japanese people, mothers ready to give birth, young families, and children needs to take a stand in a humanitarian function. Standing in the middle of the rubble and taking photos as a jounalist to pass on how bad it is, or sending prayers up as a church body IS really JUST not enough.

When do the corporations of the world get together with the NGO’s and the churches to REALLY make a differenceto thousands of homeless and destitute, waiting for WATER. We are not talking about providing dinner at the Ritz, or sending over boxed military meals, we are talking about providing plain water. The source that hydrates ALL the electromagnetic frequencies in the body. The stuff that makes the heart talk to the lungs and the lungs talk to the rest of the body for energy. Simple water, without which the body can die or at worst be severly compromised in all growth and cellular repair of bodyparts, organs, and endocrines.

The Japanese are a society who are in desperate need. Yes, we do need to sing a collective “OM” throughout the ethers, speak the name of Jesus, speak the name of JAWEH, send up prayers for several hours at a time for a Divine Intervention, ask fervently for a MIRACLE, BUT, we also need to DO something. Show up, support, listen. JUST BRING WATER for those babies. Give these mothers and their babies, a SOUL CALL. WAKE UP world, make a difference TODAY. Get out your check books!

Give these children a hope for a better future. Just SHOW up. Just as constant churning brings butter out of milk, so churnng of the ethers MUST produce something. I am praying that this blog will change SOMETHING. Please respond. Global corporations can have impact. Just bring WATER…. simple water, get with it, corporations…JUST DO IT.

I spoke this morning with the head of donations from Arrowhead water. Arrowhead Water has already donated over 20 Million Yen to Disaster relief in Japan. Arrowhead Water is preapred to match ALL corporate doantions equally with their own. They ahve already sent over 40,000 cases of water to Japan. Please call them, or Pastor Steve Rutenbar @ Saddleback Church for distribution of water. His number is 959.609.8408

Pastor Steve Rutenbar, Pastor of Disaster Relief @ Saddleback church can be reached @949.609.8408 for distribution channels of water to Japan and OTHER desperately needed supplies.

!! Angelica Wagner @coachangie1 
Best Selling Author
Certified Bodytalk Practitioner
Certified Access Technician

Anxiety Up as Tokyo Issues Warning on Its Tap WaterBy DAVID JOLLY and DENISE GRADY Published: March 23, 2011 Shimizu/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images At a shelter in Koriyama, Japan, a vice president of the Tokyo Electric Power Company, right, bowed in apology to evacuees. More Photos » Multimedia TimesCast | Radiation in Tokyo’s Water Yomiuri Shimbun, via European Pressphoto Agency Masayuki Tsuchiya, a farmer in Kawamata, dumping milk. The United States has barred some farm imports from Japan. More Photos » Readers’ Ei Yoshida, head of water purification for the Tokyo water department, said at a televised news conference that iodine 131 had been detected in water samples at a level of 210 becquerels per liter, about a quart. The recommended limit for infants is 100 becquerels per liter. For adults, the recommended limit is 300 becquerels. (The unit is named for Henri Becquerel, one of the discoverers of radioactivity.) The announcement prompted a run on bottled water at stores in Tokyo and a pledge from the authorities to distribute bottled water to families with infants. Prime Minister Naoto Kan said earlier Wednesday that the public should avoid additional farm produce from areas near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, severely damaged by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, according to the Japanese news media. The Health Ministry said that it was unlikely that there would be negative consequences for infants who were given the water, but that it should be avoided if possible and not be used to make infant formula. There was some confusion about the public health advice, with experts saying it should also apply to pregnant women, since they and fetuses were vulnerable. “It’s unfortunate, but the radiation is clearly being carried on the air from the Fukushima plant,” Yukio Edano, the chief cabinet secretary, said Wednesday. “Because it’s raining, it’s possible that a lot of places will be affected. Even if people consume the water a few times, there should be no long-term ill effects.” As authorities tried to maintain calm in Tokyo, residents were racing to buy as much bottled water as they could, clearing the shelves of the city’s stores. Mr. Edano said Thursday that officials were considering a plan to import water from overseas, to supplement the bottles they planned to begin distributing across the city. Despite the frequent rain in recent days, it was not entirely clear why the levels of iodine were so high, said a senior Western nuclear executive, noting that the prevailing breezes seemed to be pushing radiation out to sea. “The contamination levels are well beyond what you’d expect from what is in the public domain,” said the executive, who insisted on anonymity and has broad contacts in Japan. It was possible that the levels were an indirect indication that the problems at the plant were deeper than had been publicly acknowledged. The daily Asahi Shimbun cited the Health Ministry as saying that drinking the water would hurt neither a pregnant woman nor her fetus, and that it was safe for bathing and other everyday activities. But experts say that pregnant women, nursing mothers and fetuses, as well as children, face the greatest danger from radioactive iodine, which is taken in by the thyroid gland and can cause thyroid cancer. Children are at much higher risk than adults because they are growing, and their thyroid glands are more active and in need of iodine. In addition, the gland is smaller in children than in adults, so a given amount of iodine 131 will deliver a higher dose of radiation to a child’s thyroid and potentially do more harm

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A little Interfaith Humor to Lighten the Seriousness of the Day: A Talmudic Question?

A Talmudic question:

We raise the following question in the hopes that Talmudic scholars might provide an answer:

Is it okay for Jews to take Viagra on Shabbat ?

One rabbi says that Jewish law forbids the ingestion of Viagra on Shabbat,
lest one violate the infraction of erecting a structure on the Sabbath.

But another rabbi says that as a medication which adds pleasure to the
Sabbath is permissible.

However,  taking Viagra is taboo during Passover – as well as any other agent that
causes things to rise.

Which raises yet another question:

What blessing does an observant Jew say before taking the Viagra pill ?

There is a choice of three blessings:

1. Boruch Atah HaShem zokeif k’fuffim — Bless you Lord for straightening
those who are bent.

2. Boruch Atah HaShem yaaleh vyavo — Bless you Lord for causing things to arise and come.

3. Boruch Atah HaShem mechayel hameitim — Bless you Lord for raising the dead.


In light of the all the recent serious debate, concerning faith, I felt a “sensitivity”to give someone a laugh.

Hope this makes up for the dry spell….. A little humor goes a LOOOOONG way.

I have a whole new “SLANT” on the word blessing,  now.

Angelica Wagner

Life Coach, Speaker, Best Selling Author

“Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Series”

“Are You Ready for a Miracle Series”

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Presidents Show Courage in Face of Unpopular Vote; Muslim Mosque on the Move? Governor to Meet Developer

Why do Presidents make unpopular decisions in turbulent times?

Maybe, because they actually give a damn about the collective community. Maybe because they have courage. Maybe because they believe in the collective good of the entire country, not just a slice of short-lived acute popularity. It would have been so much easier to go along with the popular thoughts of fear and  segregation on the issue of the Manhattan community center.

The legal position of a constitutional lawyer will be for the constitution, and NO tea party, Sarah Palin, or political pundit will have enough arguments to denounce the root of these decisions of “Courage.” Ask a constitutional lawyer a question about the constitution of the United States of which he as hired to be the  main representative, he will answer as a constitutional lawyer, in a constitutional way.

There is no emotion, there is NO sensitivity, there will be no crocodile tears streaming from his face for the VICTIMS. We are all victims.

Why?? We need to move forward in this space and time and choose better for ALL people. if we choose to stay stuck in the past, we will always recreate the PAST. It is time to move forward with new thinking and with new actions, because this is WHAT we voted for first. NOW that we have it, everyone from the PAST thinking has a complaint.

We can only do the best with what we were left, from the time before this.

President Kennedy had only 1000 days on office, yet much was accomplished. He was fond of quoting from Dante that the “hottest place in hell is reserved for those who,  in times of great moral crisis support their neutrality.”

Thomas Carlyle wrote : ” The courage we desire and prize is not to have the courage to die manfully, but to LIVE manfully. ” Kobe Bryant would say, ” It is time to MAN UP. ” There are lessons from the life of John F. Kennedy and from his death, that in this world of ours,  none of us can afford to be onlookers , or just critics on the side lines telling others why it cannot be. This is a time and space in our history now, where we MUST choose to ask, why NOT??

Ours significantly, is a time motivated by what we do with what we have left after a crisis, to begin again, with what we have started.  President Clinton said, ” They hire us ( The Democrats) to fix the problems. ” He made unpopular decisions, the history of time shows he did balance the budget.

It was the conviction of both Kennedy and Clinton that the definition of citizenship in a democracy is participation in Government, and that as Francis Bacon put it, ” It is left only to GOD and to the angels to be on lookers,  all others MUST take part. “

It was President Kennedy’s conviction that a democracy with this effort by the people must AND CAN face it’s problems, that it must show patience, restraint, compassion, as well as wisdom and strength, and courage in the struggle for solutions which are very rarely easy to find.

It was President Kennedy’s conviction that we should do so successfully, because the courage of those who went before us exists in this land today, in the present generations of Americans.

” We dare not forget that we are heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike that the torch has been passed  to a new generation of Americans, born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, unwilling  to witness or let the slow undoing, eroding of human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today, at home and around the world. ”

“What happens to the country, to the world, depends on what we do with what others have left us.”

‘The energies and talents of all of us are needed now to meet the challenges, the internal ones of our cities, our farms, ourselves to be successful in the fight for freedom around the globe; in the battles against illiteracy, hunger and disease.  Pleasantries, self-satisfied mediocrity will serve us badly.  We need the best of many, not just of a few. We must strive for Excellence.”

” The great tragedy was,  that if we erred, it was that we erred not just for ourselves, our futures, our country, but for the lives, futures, homes and countries of those who never have been given the opportunity to play a role.

” What happens to the country, to the world, depends on what we do with what others have left us. ”

These words written by Robert F. Kennedy, December 18th, 1963 on the occasion of his brother’s death.

Thank you,  President Obama,  for courage and conviction on the freedoms that Presidents before you also expressed. Thank you for choosing not be popular when that is what the country expects you to be. Thank you for regarding the consequence of what religious freedoms means to those of the next generation, despite NOT being a popular thing to do, today.

The President is a living symbol of the people, of our past, our present and our future. If it is for the dead to inspire the living, then it is for the living to honor the dead with old, not so popular convictions, expressing BOTH Courage and Excellence.

Courage is not a temporary condition. Courage is a muscle built over years of dissonance, disagreement and negotiating for resolute change. There is nothing temporary about Courage, Honor, or Excellence.  The temporary conditions, fleeting pleasantries, and self-serving mediocrity are the consequences of being a ‘show horse, not a work horse’ of popularity.’

Courage is permanent. YOU choose to have it, display it or NOT. When the fate of future generations of a country depend on courage, we need unpopular resolutions born of courage, rather than the fleeting moments embracing the temporary pleasure of POPULARITY.

Ground Zero Mosque On The Move?

Angelica Wagner

Life Coach, Speaker, Best Selling Author

‘Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”Series

“Are You Ready for a Miracle?” Series


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How Do Excellent Corporations Innovate in Tough Economies?By Being Generous

Audio Read: Chapter 2

Despite all the lip service of people being our most valuable technology over people in a heartbeat. We outsource our people so that hard assets, capital expenses are calculated to the bottom line. If we involved and committed our people, our economy would go through the roof. Our economy on this continent is in a slump because we are so busy fighting over immigration, all the while outsourcing our daily labor to China and India. Our investment in corporate training is a national disgrace.

People can move mountains. Ross Perot once said that , “brains and wits will beat capital spending ten times out of ten. ”

The soft assets of educating our leaders follows in the foggy distance. Even more interesting is the fact that as we analyse the competition, the story gets grimmer. The Japanese, Germans, East Indians and Chinese outspend wildly on training, especially as in-house skills need refurbishing and upgrading in their corporations.

The customer prescriptions feature value added quality, service, and operations responsiveness. The innovation prescriptions are also clear in this day and time, that everyone must innovate! Everyone working together with less supervision, creates innovation, gives ideas in the normal process of the day, AND creates cash.

Only constant training provides constant adaptation.  These economic times must adapt. Training has been IBM’s secret weapon for years.  Training follows every promotion at IBM. Fed ex and Disney have thrived in similar training programs with similar rigor. Motorola has turned to training to stay competitive, as have Microsoft, and Amazon, allocating 2.5 % of payroll to training, both employees and suppliers.

When Nissan moved to Smyrna, Tennessee,  it spent $63,000,000 on training for about 2,000 workers. Not only does this insure well-trained people, it sends a very urgent “You’re important message to each person.” Whether jumping off to a good start or responding to a crisis, in today’s economy, training first revolutionizes today’s corporate innovators.

What  are the elements of great training?

  1. Extensive entry-level training that focuses on the skills that you wish to brand your company and make your message clear and compelling to the public. Disney teaches Walt’s vision of the company directly to employees, it sends a clear message in customer service skills to all employees at all levels.
  2. All employees are treats a potential career employees. Retailers  like Nordstrom takes the view that it’s employees are to stay for life, just like their customers. A friend of mine was going out-of-town for the weekend and had hours to get some sexy silk pajamas for a weekend getaway with her new crush. The  clerk not only had the pajamas pressed and hemmed, but delivered to her door before 7 am. the next morning in fine tissue wrapping. Now that is customer service!
  3. Regular training is required. IBM, Microsoft, Snapple, Apple, and Amdahl have more than just pay for knowledge programs. They also have corporate wellness programs to stimulate creativity, balance, team work. Constant skill broadening is everyone’s goal.
  4. Both time and money are generously expended.  Regular paid time off work to improve skills, teamwork is a signal of serious interest in and development of the worker’s development.Generous contributions to tuitions is a vital sign of employee care and interest. You can not over spend on training, the goal in training is quality, not measure.
  5. There are no limits to skills that can be  profitably taught to everyone. Over time almost anyone can absorb complex economics , in problem analysis and statistical process controls as well as balanced living, breathing for focus and mediation for task completion and envisioning.
  6. Training is used to welcome commitment to new strategies. Innovation demands being unreasonable with your self and others in the experimentation process. Toyota demanded more training and greater quality when their cars were called into question for reliability, their brand name revolves around quality.
  7. All training is driven by the line that implements it. The line takes the lead in developing program so that all employees have advice for change.

Training is used to teach the organization’s vision and values.  Empowering the vision of the company and the shared values of are a prime opportunity  to not only discuss but create energy in shared goals.

It is a time to be excellent. The word, ” excellence ” transforms us, not just because it bridges the gap between what is done and what must be done, when employees have just had enough, this sets up compelling values.

Meaningful work raises the standard from what we expect to what is unexpected, a standard of superior performance. Contributing to excellence every day transforms all interaction and capture the magic of our human experience and existence.

Studies of superior corporations in both Canada and the USA show that winners have  long-standing records of successful innovation in all markets  by responding to the trends in the marketplace.

How can you innovate? Incorporate? Transform in today’s trends? Adding balance in the workplace as a value added extra to your corporate  What can change the politics of today to show transformation on the world stage?

Angelica Wagner

Corporate Wellness Coach, Certified Bodytalk Practitioner,  Best selling Author

“Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Series”
“Are YOU Ready for a Miracle Series ”


949.500.2630Audio Read: Chapter 2

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Jack Dorsey, Exciting News at “Twitter”!

Twitter has become very important as a communicating tool from any device to any device. It was created so that ordinary people could send immediate posts, messages and comments about what was happening around them in their daily life, adding messages, and pictures to enhance the creative medium of the message.

Twitter was created to be a message board, a great big sending and receiving station. Twitter was a place where all ordinary people in the work place or marketplace can share thoughts, feelings, or visions of their day. Not only did the large corporations use the service to communicate with their customers, but it provided a public forum of community conversation .

It was a surprise to the creators. This network system has become an avenue of business and business services. Brands extended beyond large conglomerates, like Jet Blue, to the small business owners who used the service,  as a way to do a customer service function in real-time. This was getting real feedback from real customers and changing the public perception of those customers ALSO in real-time.

Small businesses are using this current same technology and using Twitter to keep their customers needs displayed. New products and new services can be posted as customers can get OTHER customers excited about their businesses. Twitter allows for a real-time two-way conversation back and forth, on what is going on in anyone’s life.

Twitter gave rise to the message, “What would it look like if this problem was resolved?” Solving business problems through discussion, helped everyone unlock the creativity of the team when some were stuck. Visioning draws the creative contribution into the center. The process of envisioning creates a team out of many millions of people.

Projects remain centered because the energy flows between all the members. This energy serves as a catalyst to transformation for each person’s reality into success, and  ultimately creates success for the WHOLE team. They began speaking about the success long before it happened, mentally rehearsing the reaching of the collective destination.

Mental pictures of what success meant to them were rehearsed and re rehearsed. Pictures provided them with the energy to help them stick with the million of hours of mundane  practice that helps them to make their dream a reality. Check this blog on the Laker’s success for further info on this phenomenon.

Visioning alone will not do it for you. It takes both business plans and systems. Leadership at its heart is an act of creation. Instead of seeing what is now here, leaders see a need in the marketplace and  help OTHER people to see what could be, with what is now needed in REAL TIME.  This goes viral, and bam!  you have a run away best-selling book, film , or product!

So what is the next big thing in Technology? I must say I am hooked on Twitter trends, on being up to date in the market place and the timely comments and responses that people add to the thoughts on my blog. The comparisons and sometimes opposing viewpoints is both stimulating and invigorating.  My vision always was to use this website as a community forum of debate. I urge debate.

As a child, we used to debate politics and current day affairs at the dining room table every on Sundays. This daily debate, this daily light banter of varied discussion creates amazing relationships of understanding. Not only is Twitter a great place to catch up on the news of the day, it is a great place for debate on seeing other’s deepest held viewpoints.

Jack Dorsey was asked  today “What is new at Twitter? ” Another solution to current society problem is discussed and unveiled.

It seems that NO one is carrying cash these days. They are only carrying credit cards, gift cards, bank cards, no cash to spend or be consumers with. Merchant accounts can not use a credit card. The new product at Twitter  is “Square.”

This is a credit card reader, allowing  anyone from anywhere to give and receive  payment for almost anything, in seconds not days or months. Talk a bout a stimulus plan to the economy!

As a small business owner, I’m in.

Are You?

Angelica Wagner

Life Coach, Speaker, Best Selling Author


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My radio interview with Aprylisa Snyder on Addiction, consciousness of the senses and resurrection of body, mind and spirit.

Enjoy! Please comment with your thoughts.

I would love to hear from you!

Angelica Wagner



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Bodytalk Presentation on Pathological Consciousness of the Senses, Saturday, March 2, Lake Forest , 92630

I am speaking on the “Pathological Consciousness of the Senses ” tomorrow afternoon at:

Place: “Temple of Light ”  2 Goddard Avenue, in Lake Forest, Ca, 92630.

Time: 12- 5 pm.

I am also bringing my table and will be giving 20 minute session on Bodytalk and Access Consciousness all afternoon.  Price: $20 per session

Please take advantage of this time to get a few minutes of state of the art healing, change your brain in 20 minutes and change your results in your life!








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